MARRIAGE: Ira Alvin HOUCK to Anna Mary FRY, 1918, Warriorsmark, Huntingdon County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. _______________________________________________ HOUCK - FRY. Miss Anna Mary Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Fry, of Warriorsmark, and Mr. Ira Alvin Houck, also of that place, were married at Hempstead, Long Island, N.Y., last week. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. S. O. Curtis, of the Methodist Episcopal church, the ring ceremony being used. The bride was attended by Miss Mary Fry, of Pittsburg. The wedding was held at Hempstead because the groom, who is stationed at Camp Mills, could not secure leave of absence to come home before sailing. The bridegroom is a member of Battery D, One Hundred and Ninth field artillery, and until recently was stationed at Camp Hancock, Ga. A brother of the bride, Corporal Jesse Elias Fry, of Company F, One Hundred and Third engineers, is leaving for overseas duty at the same time. Another brother, Carl L. Fry, of the headquarters troop, Keystone division, is already in France. Altoona Tribune, Monday morning, May 20, 1918, page 14