Indiana County PA Archives Anniversaries.....Bothel, David and wife ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rosalie Sommer July 12, 2008 GOLDEN WEDDING IN DAVID P. BOTHELL HOME A most enjoyable event occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David P. Bothell, of Washington township, Monday, September 7th, 1931, when friends and neighbors from far and near, to the number of nearly three hundred, gathered) to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their mariage. The weather was ideal, the spirit of good will and friendliness which revailed was evident, the tables were loaded) to their capacity with good things to eat. all had good apetities and certainly enjoyed the occasion. There was fine music, baseball, pitching horse shoes and all those things which belong to a gathering of this kind. The bride and groom of fifty years ago, were the recipients of many beautlful and useful presents. A brief hIstory of the family was given by Mrs. Bertha Campbell of Indiana, one of the daughters, which was very interestlng. Fifty years ago Matthew and Rebecca Long announced the marriage of their daughter Sara Ann, to David Platt Williams Bothel, son of John and Sara Dixon Bothel, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Day Brownlee, at his residence, Indiana, Pa,, on September 8, 1881, Maid of honor was the sister of the bride, Miss Belle Long, Mr. John Dixon of Creekside, was Mr. Bothel's best man, Following the marriage a dinner was served at the home of the bride, to the immediate families. After the dinner the couple departed to the home of the groom, where the immediate families and their guests were served with a bountiful meal. The couple later in the evening departed for an extended trip on foot to the (Continued on Pago 9) Golden Wedding (Continued from Page 1) farm to begin their married life, which has continued for fifty years. The following July the first child was born and named Mary Bertha Bothel. Twenty three years later she was united In marriage to Lawrence Campbell, of which three children were born: Anna Evelyn, Mary Belle, and Leon Burnell, living in Indiana. The second child was Mont Clair, married to Hester Kelly to which union two children were born, William and Margaret. Mont Clair was remarried to Jesse Shank, two children were born, Betty and Mary Louise of Creekside. Thomas Carlisle, third child born, was married to Jennie Lee Jeffress, to which union two children, Richard Lee and Ruth Ann of Ravena, Ohio, were born. Fourth child, Jennie, married to Wehren Myers, deceased, had three children, James Eber, Anna Eleanor, deceased, and Helen Elizabeth. Jennie married again to David E. Watkins and one child, David Herbert, living in Ernest, was born. Fifth child, Jay Leon, died at the age of three years. Sixth child, Ira Lloyd, married Nellie Klingensmith, two children, Ann Berneice and Delores Jean, living in Leechburg. Seventh child, Sara Agnes, married to: Clements Clark, two children, Kathryn Lucille and Martha Louise, living in Leechburg. Eighth child, David Floyd, of New York City. Ninth child, William Maurice, at home. Tenth child, Martha Evelyn, at home. Ten children, nine living, and seventeen grand children, sixteen living. After the last child was born, being thirty-one years after their marriage, an extended wed'dng trip was taken to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Canada, and other places of interest. ------- Now this is the tale, Thru life we must sail, 'Thru thick and thru thin Let us all dig in To help mother and father, For we think it's no bother, To do something worth while, When, it's answered' with a smile; We may travel this wide world o'er; ". No matter where ere we may roam, The dearest spot on eaith to us, Is our dear old Home Sweet Home. --------- Speeches were made by Rev. .BosIon, .Rev. Kearns, Rev. Copeland, David P. Bothel. Mrs. Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Stahl and A. L. Stuchell. Pictures were taken by Mr. Douglass of Indiana, and all in all it was a fine demonstration of the esteem and regard in which this splendid couple are held-by all who' know them. It would have been difficult for a stranger to have picked out the bride and groom, as they were among the young looking ones of the crowd and no one would think they had been wedded fifty years. The following were some of those present at the wedding fifty years ago: Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Stahl, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stuchell, Mrs. William Fairman and Miss Clara Bothel. This celebrated event was ended about 9:00," P. M., by an old,-fash.ioned serenade. Florence Schrader, Jennie Lee Bothell, Ruth Bothell, Richard Bothell, Ravena, Ohio; Floyd D. Bothell, New York City, N. Y.; Kathryn Clark, Louise Clark, Agnes Clark, Clements Clark, Leechburg, Pa.; Martha Bothell, James Eber Myers, James B. Crawford, Mrs. Lottie M. Crawford, Creekside, Pa.; Mrs. Gertrude Curry, Cheswick, Pa.; Herbert Watkins, Bryner D. Watkins, Ernest, Pa., Mrs. Ira Bothell, Anna Kakach, Dolores Jean Bothell, Leechburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Watkins, Ernest, Pa. Mr. Dorsey Kunkle, Mrs. B. B. Kunkle, Carl Kunkle, B. B. Kunkle, C. M. Fairman, Mrs. Charles Fairman; Creekside, Pa.; W. W. Fairman, Oil City, Pa.; Mrs. George Cravener, Mr. George Cravener, Mrs. Clair Bothel, Clair Bothell, Mary Louise Bothel, Mrs. Annie Bothel, Mrs. Edna M. Shields, Mary Ellen Shields, Clarence Shields, Robert Shields, Creekside, Pa.; Mary Belle Campbell, Mrs. Lawrence Campbell, Indiana, Pa. Mr. Norman Spence, Joseph S. Stuchell, Mrs. Norman Spence, Master Reed Spence, Mrs. Jessie E. Johnston, Elizabeth Johnston, Creekside, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. Stuchell, Ellis and Marguerite Stuchell, Jennie Brewer, Claorton, Pa.; Helen Myers, Ernest, Pa; Lawrence Campbell, Leon, Campbell, Indiana, Pa.; Ira Bothel, Leechburg, Pa.; Isabel Nesbit, Raymond Nesbit, Creekside, Pa. Anna Campbell, Ella M. Fleming, Roxie P. McFarland, Indiana, Pa.; Belle M. Stuchell,, A. L. Stuchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stuchell and Toky Lou, Laura Frye, Edna Frye, LaRue Long, Robert Lee Long, Elaine Long, Ruth Extrom, Mrs. George Nesbit, Sarah Nesbit, Mrs. Sadie E. Kunkle; Mrs. C. B. Sloan, C. B. Sloan, Ellen Fairman, Gayle McLaughlin, Winifred Fairman, J..F. Wilson, Margaret Wilson Fairman, Mrs. J. F. Wilson, Mrs. D. D. Cummins, Mrs. Jay W. Cummins, Miss Lulu Cummins, Louise Fairman, Mrs. Sara Bothell Fairman, Creekside, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Altman and family, Vandergrift, Pa. Mrs. Belle McHenry, Rocile Mc- Henry, Mildred McHenry, Gladys McHenry, Knowlton C. Fairman, D. A. McKee, George Bothell, Lawrence Bothell, Lloyd Bothell, Creekside, Pa.; Wilbur Schrecengost, Vandergrift, Pa.; D. B. Uncapher, J. W. Fairman, Creekside, 'Pa.; Avonel Fairman, Indiana, Pa.; Richard Bothel, Robert Bothel, Creekside, Pa.;, Mrs. Homer Fairman, Sagamore, Pa.; Mrs. W. L. Bothel, Mrs. Elkin Bothell, Bobbie Bothell, Elkin Bothell, S. M. Fleming, Mary Fleming, Creekside, Pa. Peg Degitz, Flora Belle Dejritz, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Degitz, Oakmont, :Pa.; Wilford M. Schrecengost, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Harry Schrecengost,,. Vandergrift, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Daer, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; Mr.; and Mrs. Wallace Shaffer, Jason W Shaffer, John Fairman, Indiana, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John Lingerifelter and family, Sagamore, Pa.; Helen Winger, Indiana, Pa.; Earl Long, Creekside, Pa.; Day Wilson, Indiana, Pa.; Jay Cummins, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bothel and family, Wilkinsburgr,; Pa.; Rev. Boston and family, Creekside, Pa.; Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Copeland, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; Louise .Copeland, Wallace Copeland, Cuyahoga Falls, 0.; John E, Frye, Willett. Martha Grace Duffman, Vandergrift;, PA,; W. Earl Long, Mrs. W. Earl Long, Indiana, Pa,; Mrs, Maria Sheesley, Ilia Mae Frye, Creekside, Pa.; Jimmie James Duffman, Vandergrift, Pa.; Emma Lytlre, Indiana, Pa.; Mrs, H. F. Duffman, Vandergrift, Pa.; Ethel Lucille Orr, Maurice Bothell, Creekside, Pa.; Naomi Ramsey, Sara Jean Bothell, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; Dean Bothell, Sagamore, Pa.; Ethelda Frye, Virginia Nesbit, Ruth Browne, Clarence Browne, .Ruby Browne, Creekside, Pa,; Mrs, D. E. Watkins, Ernest, Pa. Mrs. W, P. Fairman, George Nesbitt, Betty Long, Mrs. John Frye, Creekside, Pa. H. F, S. Duffman, John H, Duffman, Vandevgrift, Pa.; Dick Cummins, Kittanning, Pa,; Mary Duncan, Creekside, Pa.: H. R. Fairman, Sagamore, Pa.; Ida B Mahan, Indiana, Pa.; Effa M, Duncan, Creekside, Pa,; Milo Weaver, Smicksburg, Pa,; Victor Bothell, Hagel Fairman, Ronald Johnston, Burleston Johnston, Creekside; J. U, Stahl, Sara R. Stahl, Oakmont, H. B Strickland, Indiana, Pa.; Mr, and Mrs H S. Kepner and family, Mrs, J, L. Hudson; Butler, Pa-; Fred Kunkle, Wilkinsburg, Pa Joe Nesbit, Earl Carnahan, Dwight Byers, Zelma Byers, Mrs. A. G. Johnston, Inis Johnston A. G. Johnston, Jennie Fairman, .Creekside, Pa.; Richard Sloan, James Jenkins, Washington, Pa.; J. A. McCurdy, Mrs. J. A. McCurdy, Francis Fairman, Mrs. Francis Fairman, Rev. R. E. Keirn, Mrs. R. E. Keirn, Philip Keirn, Alice M. Keirn, A. R. Altman, Vahdergrift, Pa. James Stahl, Robert H. Stahl, Charles L. Stahl, Mrs. Carl H. Stahl, Helen M. Stahl, Latrobe, Pa.; Leonard Kunkle, Creekside,, Pa.; DeWitt Ray, Indiana, Pa.; J. I. Henderson, Indiana, Pa.; Mazie Lingenfelter, Bill Lingenfelter, Marion Center, Pa.; Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Gertrude Wilson, Ann Wilson, Indiana, Pa. Belle Duncan, Clara E. Bothell, A. C. Bothell, Mrs.F. E. Byers, Burleson Johnston, Ronald Johnston Creekside, Pa. Mrs. W. O. H. Carman, Rev. W. O. H. Garman, Mrs. B. R. Carman, Altoona, Pa.; John L. Frye, Creekside, Pa.; Rev. William C. Shane, Mrs. W. C. Shane, East McKeesport, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Beryl L, Seanor, Indiana, Pa. (Continued on Page 12) POEMS to the couple Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania; page 2; Sept 14, 1931