Cemetery Listings: Evans Cemetery, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Coleen Chambers. cchamber@microserve.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Evans Cemetery Rt. 56 & Hiner Road, Brush Valley Brushvalley Twp., BROWN, John, Co. D., 102 PA Inf. (GAR marker) EVANS, Bertie E., 7/4/1888, 28 y. ? m. 11 d. EVANS, Hugh, 6/1/1849, 16 y. 8 m. Esther, w/o Hugh, "who departed this life" 3/21/186(1), 75 y. 5 m. 2 d., "The . . . . and spirit gently fled, sustained by . . . . . devine. O may . . . . . on his be shed and make . . . . and like thirst." Rebecca, 9/15/1887, 58 y. 2 m. 9 d. Ellen, 11/2/1827-10/16/1897, 70 y. Anna I., w/o Hugh, 6/1/1825, 51 y. EVANS, Evan, 11/5/1899, 83 y. 11 m. 9 d. Sarah, w/o Evan, 2/28/1892, 67 y. 11 m. 10 d., (same marker as Evan) Rebecca, w/o John, 10/13/1878, 60th year John, 10/28/1873, 70 y. 7 m. 2 d. Eliza, w/o John E., 7/24/1858, 58 y. Gladys, 1920-1923 (same marker as Ben) Ben, 1924-1929, "children of Geo. & Mary Evans", (same marker as Gladys) Margaret, w/o    ?     R. Evans, 12/4/1900, 74 y. 11 m. 7 d. Benjamin, 6/?/18(84?), EVANS, Christmas, 4/9/1851, (1?) Y. 2 m. 9 d. Samuel M., 18(49?), 1 m. EVANS, Margaret E., d/o BF & CE Evans, 10/13/1894, 1 y. 1 m. 14 d. Marion, d/o Mr. & Mrs. BF Evans, 4/19/1896-12/31/1911 EVANS, Margaret J., 7/27/1894, 23 y. 11 m. (4) d. FINDLEY, John, 1/24/1886, 63 y. 10 m. 3 d. (Gar marker) Eliza A., d/o JA & BF Findley, (3?)/21/18(76?) ICKES, Mary E., 4/1/1890-2/5/1909, "At rest" KELLEY, Mary F., d/o ? & S Kelley, 9/29/1882 William A., s/o JE & BE Kelley, 8/3/1873, 11 m. 7 d. Zorie, L. J., d/o JE & BE Kelley, 11/23/187?, 5 y. 11 m. 19 d. MCNUTT, Catharine, w/o J. E. McNutt, 11/14/1832-1/25/1913 J. E., 9/6/1894, 63 y. 2 m. 11 d., Co. H, 206 Reg. PA VOL (GAR marker) (same marker) RISINGER, Eveline, 5/18/1819, 21 y. 2 m. 25 d., "Friend . . . . . ." (unreadable) RUNYAN, Hugh Carey, s/o AB & LE Runyan, 9/23/1865, 7 y. 4 m. 19 d., "He died . . . . .  his expanding soul, and ever burn . . . .  wrong desire had ever spurned Heaven's control of ever quenched . . . sacred fire." Mary E., d/o AB & LE Runyan, 12/28/186(2?), 54 y. 8 m., "Peaceful but silent slumber, peaceful in the grave so long, Thou no more will join our number, thou no more our songs shall know." Carmi, s/o AB & LE Runyan, 9/29/1885, 24 y. 29 d., "Sleep our sweet babe and take thy rest.  God called thou home, he thought it best." RUNYAN, Lucinda E., w/o Rev. A.B. Runyan, 3/9/1831-2/15/1902, "For her to live was Christ           to die" SANDERSON, Thomas, 2/11/1879, 75 y. 1 m. Elizabeth, 11/18(57), 81 y. Thomas S., 3/20/1830, 53 y. ? m. ? d. STAKE, Charles E., 3/13/1879-3/5/1903 STAKE, Margaret J., 6/11/1892, 40 y. 25 d. Frank, 9/25/1895, 45 y. 2 m. 4 d. STEWART, Sarah(a), 8/8/1894, 81 y. 11 m. 5 d., "our mother" Martin, 1/13/1881, 48 y. 4 m. 21 d. "Asleep in Jesus peaceful . . . . .whose will is supreme . . . . ." James, 12/24/18(73?), 73 y. 10 m. STEWART, Martha, w/o James Stewart, 1/2/1849 STEWART, Gideon Moon, s/o H . . . .& Esther Stewart, 4/26/1862, 2 y. 1 m. Mollie (E?), 5/10/1883, 23 y. 1 m. 4 d., "Why do ye mourn departing friends . . . " Ann, w/o James, 10/16/18(70?), 70 y. 10 m. (13?) d. (Clarinda?), w/o W.W. Stewart, 6/18/18?, (28?) y.