Cemetery Listings: Robertson Cemetery, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Coleen Chambers. cchamber@microserve.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Robertson Cemetery Hiner Road & Rt. 56, Brush Valley, Brushvalley Twp. CRESWELL, Margaret J., "Consort of" A.C. Creswell, 1/19/1867, 23 y. 4 m. 9 d. EWING, Mary E., w/o C.M. Ewing, M.D., 12/15/1871, 23 y. ? m. 23 d. Jessie J., s/o ? & M.E. Ewing, 11/20/1872 JACOBS, Maud ROBERTSON, 1886-1968 RHOADES, Caroline, 10/17/1879, 32 y., "Gone but not forgotten" ROBERTSON, Elizabeth, 1892-1926 (same stone as Eva) Eva, 1891-1981 (same stone as Elizabeth) ROBERTSON, James C., s/o W.H.H. & N.J. Robertson, 12/21/1894, 29 y. 6 d. BOYD, Margaret J., w/o J.C. Robertson, 11/5/1898, 36 y. 2 m. 14 d. ROBERTSON, Mabel C., w/o W.S. Robertson, 1890-1920 ROBERTSON, Hugh F., 1877-1934, Sgt. Co. C, 8 Cav., S.A.W. Mildred, d/o H.F. & C.N. Robertson, 1911-1913 ROBERTSON, Thomas S., 1/12/1872, 37 y. 5 m. 2 d. (GAR marker) Nancy J., w/o W.H.W. Robertson, 2/17/1873, 31 y. 1 m. 28 d. (Frances?), w/o W.H.H. Robertson, 18(7?), 23 y. 6 m. ? d. James C., s/o W.H.H. & N.J. Robertson, 12/21/1894, 29 y. 6 d. Cicero, s/o W.H.H. & N.J. Robertson, 10/16/1894, 23 y. 25 d. William H. H., 1841-1902 (GAR marker) Mary FUNK, w/o W.H.H., 1841-1911 ROBERTSON, infant s/o G.S. & L.B. Robertson, 12/11/1886 Harry B., 1896-1913 William G.S., 1864-1915 Laura B., w/o W.G.S.,    ?  (same stone as Roberta) Roberta, 1863-1922 (same stone as Laura B.) ROBERTSON, Cecil (Birt), "Beloved" s/o J. & J. Robertson, 4/13/1860, (3?) y. 3 m. (20?) d. ROBERTSON, M.C., 5/5/1808-10/27/1861 ROBERTSON, John Rice, 1862-1922 John T.,    ? Eleanor L., 1837-1914 James Lapsley, 1864-1935 ROBERTSON, Wm, Dr., 1876-1942 (Spanish War, United Army/Navy, 1888-1902, marker) ROBERTSON, Linnie, w/o G.W. Robertson, 8/23/1841-5/17/1901 George W., 1/20/1838-12/4/1906 (GAR marker) ROWLAND, Ruth, d/o T. & F. Rowland