Cemetery Listings: Vets Cemetery Listings for each cemetery - Letter B , Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Vernon Cook. vernon9323@aol.com USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information here is listed in the following format: Name War Period of Service Unit Served Birth-Death Plot Cemetery Township This listing is compiled from the files of the Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County, Pa., Veterans Grave Registers. The members here participated in the wars up to World War I. There may be some instances where there are no dates shown for birth/death. Others may be shown in multiple entries. It is possible that some had purchased stones and plots then later were buried at another spot. Also in some cases there are multiple listings of the same cemetery under a different name. I have attempted to consolidate those. Vernon C. Cook -------------------------------------- Bain, Robert Wood CW 1861-1864 Co C, 6th Artillery 14Oct1828-2Nov1864 Bethlehem W.Wheatfield Bair, David CW 1Sep62-21Jun65 Co E, 139 Reg 1833-1915 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Baker, Walter, WWI 25Jun1918-11Apr1919 Co H, 118 Inf, 30 Div none-2May1927 Nowrytown Conemaugh Baker, William Harvey WWI 1917-6Oct1918 KIA Army-Overseas Casual Co 410 11Mar1896-6Oct1918 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Balentine, Alexander CW 23Feb64-24Aug65 Co K, 14th Cavalary, 159 Reg 1829-9Dec1913 105I Oakland White Banks, Guy Arnold WWI 6Feb1918-1Apr1919 1st Cons, Air Service 7Mar1898-11Feb1937 459I Oakland White Banks, John N. CW 13Aug62-20May63 Co I, 126 Reg 3May1839-20Dec1921 Greenwood White Barbar, John W1812 1812-1814 Militia, 2Bg, 2 Div, Abraham Shafer's Reg none-30Nov1856 w241 Wakefield W. Wheatfield Barber, John CW 1864-28Feb67 Co D, U. S, Engineers 1841-20Dec1893 n60 Wakefield W. Wheatfield Barbor, Linus L. CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co A, 54 REg Mil 1863 1846-1931 w110 Taylorsville Green Barclay, Alexander M. CW 22Mar65-28Jun65 Co E, 103 Reg, 2nd Co 1842-23Jan1920 368h Oakland White Barkey, Henry CW 2Sep64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 23Aug1845-1Aug1928 s54 Rowley Montgomery Barkey, Robert A. CW 12Oct61-27Apr64 Co D, 78 Reg 1842-27Apr1864 Old Fairview Grant Barkey, William CW 23Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 23Aug64-26Jun65 c121 Rowley Montgomery Barkey\Burkey, John CW 13Jul63-16Jul65 Co I, 46 Reg none-none w3 PineVale Grant Barkley, Archie S. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 17May1845-13Nov1911 Gilgal E. Mahoning Barnett, Samuel CW 25Feb64- Co A, 61 Reg 15Jun1844-28Sep1915 Sample Run\Clymer Cherryhill Barnett, William CW 14Aug62-24Jun63 Co A, 135 Reg 25Oct1841-14Nov1905 Sample Run\Clymer Cherryhill Barr, James T. CW 1861-1865 Co M, 29 Reg, Calvary 1837-17Jun1916 West Union Armstrong Barr, John G. CW 4Mar65-23May65 Co F, 74 Reg 1820-24Apr1904 393h Oakland White Barr, Robert, Dr., CW 8Nov61-8Nov64 Staff, 3rd Div, 6th Army Corps, 67 Reg 20Aug1828-2Mar1882 Greenwood White Barr, William N. CW 16Sep61-11Mar63 Co C, 103 Reg 1834-1911 145d Oakland White Barrett, Harry M. Spanish 23Jun1898-7Nov1898 Co F, 5 Reg 3May1868-19Apr1899 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Barrett, John I.A. CW 2Feb64-3Jun65 KIA Co K, 155 Reg 1841-3Jun1864 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Bartholomew, Hartman CW 13Aug62-18May63 Co F, 129 Reg 1799-8Dec1883 s2 Zion Luthern\Covode N. Mahoning Bartlebaugh, Isaiah CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co I, 206 Reg 1839-16Oct1922 e159 Rowley Montgomery Bartlebaugh, James CW 10Nov62-5Aug63 Co K, 177 Reg 4Feb1839-16Mar1919 w135 Spruce Cherryhill Bartlebaugh, Mathias CW 12Oct61-29Apr63 Co D, 78 Reg none-none w67 Uniontown Green Bash, Robert CW 16Sep61-25Jun65 Co C 193 Reg 1830-25Feb1898 Georgeville Methodist E. Mahoning Bash, William D. CW 1861-1865 Co B, 10 Reg, W, Va 22Jan1846-2Feb1926 164b Oakland White Bates, David CW 23Apr61- Jul61 Co K, 8 Reg 27Jan1840-21Jun1900 n94 Pine Grove Canoe Bates, Leonard CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1846-4Apr1911 s83 Pine Grove Canoe Bath, Walter C. WWI 23Jun1916-23May1919 Supply Co, 110th Inf, 28 Div 25May1893-1924 85d Oakland White Battistig, Valentino WWI 5Mar1918-6May1919 Co G, 112 Inf, 28 Div 13Feb1897-13Dec1936 Iselin Union Young Baum, Clair V. WWI 1917-1918 Co A, 57th Art 1901-1925 IOOF,Citizens,Cherrytree Montgomery Baun, Homer Ward WWI 1917-16Oct1918 Army Med Corps, N.C.O.S. 1894-16Oct1918 e104 Pine Canoe Baun, Joseph G. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 6Jun1846-2Dec1919 e186 Pine Canoe Baylor, Daniel T. CW 26Aug64-25Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1844-19May1898 345g Oakland White Baylor, Leander V. CW 12Oct61-1Jan62 Co A, 78 Reg 1Jan62-2Dec65 Co K, 4th U. S. Calvary 1841-none 264g Oakland White Bear, James CW 2Sep62-30Jun63 Co E, 148 none-none Georgeville Methodist E. Mahoning Bearce, Benjamin S CW 8Mar64-11Jul65 CoA, 3rd Art, 152 Reg 1844-7Apr1915 n3 Plumville Presbyterian S. Mahoning Beatty, Donald Caldwell WWI 17Aug1918-6Sep1919 USMC- 90 Co 7 Reg 23Jan1899-1Apr1937 n237 Marion Center E. Mahoning Beatty, James M. CW 12Sep62-24Sep62 Co H, 8 Reg Mil none-none Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Beatty, Robert M. CW 3Jul63-17Aug63 Co C, 57 Reg Mil none-Jul1889 Curry Run Armstrong Beatty, William W1812 2Oct1812-4Jan1815 Army Militia, 1St Bat, 17 Reg, 16 Div. 1779-10Nov1857 w145 Plumville Presbyterian S. Mahoning Beatty, William CW 2Sep64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 1818-1Jul1865 United Presby,Creekside Washington Beatty, William CW 2Oct1812-4Jan1815 5 Bn under Capt Matthew Dawson 1st Reg under Capt. Thomas Donaldson Mifflin Guards, 1st Reg, Capt Sam Anderson w145 Plumville Presbyterian S. Mahoning Beatty, William G. CW 14Aug62-24May63 Co D, 135 Reg 29Jan1841-5Dec1870 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Beck, Harry McKinley WWI 21Apr1918-3Jul1919 Co E, 403 Telegraph Bg, Signal Corps 28Sep1896-9Aug1940 Greenwood White Beck, Isaac CW 20Mar65-14Jul65 Co B, 67 Reg 1849-23Feb1918 Greenwood White Beck, Samuel S. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 1826-16Jun1906 w99 Round Top N. Mahoning Beck, William E. WWI 27May1918-9May1919 109th Field Sig Btn, Radio Sect. 18Mar1900-29Jan1930 Greenwood White Bee, Daniel H. CW 22Aug61-12Jul64 Co A, 61 Reg 1839-25Jul1913 s179 Marion Center E. Mahoning Bee, William H. CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg none-none Brethern Rochester Mills Bell, A. T., Rev. CW 15Feb65-18Jul65 Co G, 28 Reg 1845-16Nov1917 71e Oakland White Bell, John Wilson CW 21Sep62-27Sep62 Co K, 23 Reg Mil 1862 14Apr1834-15Apr1901 w103 Wakefield W. Wheatfield Bell, Joseph M. CW 11Mar65-14Jul65 Co B, 67 Reg 1845-13Feb1892 w113 Washington Rayne Bell, William C. CW 10Jan62-26Jun65 Co G, 103 Reg 1840-29Oct1886 w234 Washington Rayne BELL,John Wilson CW 21Sep62-27Sep62 Co K, 23 Mil 14Apr1834-15Apr1901 w103 Washington Rayne Bellanca, Paulo WWI 1918-1919 Co B, 320 Reg, 80th Div none-22Mar1922 Iselin Union Young Beltz, Andrew J. CW 12Oct61-4Nov64 Co A 78 Reg 1Apr1841-18Nov1915 Baracha S. Mahoning Bence, James CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 1Jan1844-14Feb1924 Bethel Luthern Rayne, Dixonville Bender, Isaac CW 1861-1865 Co D, 54 Reg none-none Pierce Canoe Beninger, John R. CW 19Sep62-5Jan64 Co A, 40 Reg, 11 Res none-none s72 Uniontown Green Bennett, Abraham B. CW 30Jul64-30Jun65 Co E, 67 Reg 1835-1Nov1915 a10 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Bennett, Henry A. WWI 17May1917-30Dec1917 48 Inf, 20 Div none-15May1934 Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Bennett, Hiram J. CW 1861-1864 Co I, 38 Reg, Wisconsin Vol none-9Aug1893 6b West Lebanon Young Bennett, Isaac S. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg Dec1844-19Oct1891 Fry Banks Bennett, James CW 30Jul64-30Jun65 Co E, 67 Reg 1838-25Mar1916 a35 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Bennett, John CW 30Jul64-20Jun65 Co E, 67 Reg 25May1828-6Oct1905 c74 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Bennett, John A. CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co I, 206 Reg 1840-17Aug1920 47e Oakland White Bennett, Peter CW 16Mar64-1Jul65 Co G, 11 Reg 16Apr1844-16Aug1902 s60 Mt. Union, Alverda Pine Twp Bennett, Peter CW 1861-1865 Co K, 35 Reg, 6 Res none-none e107 Strongstown Pine Berringer, Thomas CW 6Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 64 Reg 29Sep1834-6Mar191 w169 Uniontown Green Berry, David CW 17Aug61-13Jun64 Co I, 40 Reg, 11 Res 1819-23Jul1893 Coral Luthern Center Best, Jefferson CW 17Mar64-1Jul65 Co D, 11 Reg 1843-none w8 Union\Rossiter Canoe Best, Robert L. CW ? Infantry 1832-1903 Blacklick Buffington Beyer, Thomas Stewart CW 31Mar65-25Jun65 Co H, 103 Reg, 2 Co 5Apr1848-29May1926 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Bhe, Jacob L. CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1842-1924 s123 Marion Center E. Mahoning Bigelow, Lorenzo D. CW 12Oct61-12Oct64 Co A, 78 Reg 10Sep1834-23Feb1892 w205 Plumville Presbyterian S. Mahoning Bishop, John CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 1842-7Jun1917 e4 Pine Canoe Biss, Benjamin B. CW 1861-1864 U.S. Signal Corps 12Feb1843-28Sep1922 s68 Rowley Montgomery Black, Adam CW 15Aug62-24May63 1Mar65-29Aug65 Co I, 135 Reg Co B, 74 Reg 1842-19Jul1922 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Black, Alexander W1812 1812-1814 30 Reg, 2Bg,15 Div Pa.Mil. 1788-2Jul1850 w111 Washington Rayne Black, Barnabas B. CW 20Feb64-30Aug65 Co F, 55 Reg none-17Jan1893 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Black, James A. CW 23Nov62-5Apr64 KIA Co D, 14 Cav, 159 Reg 1833-5Apr1864 Clarksburg Presby Conemaugh Black, Miller CW 1864-1865 Co D, 74 Reg 1Feb1826-29Apr1902 Dunkard Ruffner, Crooked Creek Rayne Black, Soloman CW 14Feb65-Jun65 Co F, 78 Reg, 2 Co 1830-20Jul1912 141d Oakland White Blair, Johnn Pringle, Honorable CW 1861-1865 Co F, 12 Reg Co I & G, 100 Reg 1833-18Jan1913 85b Oakland White Blakely, James W. CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co H, 54 Reg, Mil 1863 16Nov1824-3Sep1883 w94 West Union Armstrong Blakely, Joseph A., Sr CW 25Sep61-14Oct62 Co B, 56 Reg 1838-23Mar1922 29e Oakland White Blakley, Joseph A., Jr. Spanish 11May1898-22Aug1898 KIA Co F, 5 Reg 1875-22Aug1898 29e Oakland White Bleakney, John C. CW 1Oct61-8Sep64 Co K, 11 Reg 1842-31Dec1892 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Blose, Edward CW 31Dec63-31May65 Co D,54 Reg 1838-21Sep1926 Armaugh Presby East Wheatfield Blose, Michael CW 1862-Nov62 Co M, 14 Pa Cav. 159 Reg 4May1822-15Sep1910 e119 Rowley Montgomery Blose, Murray R. WWI 1917-1919 Artillery, 3rd Reg Art, F.A.R.D. 1897-1930 e118 Rowley Montgomery Blose, William CW 10Mar65-14Jul85? Co B, 67 Reg 25Jan1825-7Feb1907 Covode Presbyterian N. Mahoning Blue, Alexander CW 4Mar6529Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1826-4Dec1887 s41 Washington Rayne Blue, David CW 12Oct61-4Nov64 Co A, 78 Reg 1831-30Apr1915 w132 Washington Rayne Blystone, George CW 18Jan64- Co G, 105 Reg Nov1829-Mar1895 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Blystone, John CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co E, 54 Reg, Mil 1832-1926 United Presby,Creekside Washington Boden, James B. CW 23Feb64-24Aug65 Co D, 14 Calvary, 159 Reg 1837-27Jan1913 e96 Ridgeview Young Boden, John C. CW ? ? Sep1824-21Apr1876 n183 Ridgeview Young Boden, William W. CW 7Mar65-27May65 Co D, 78 Reg, 2 Co. 1840-1916 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Boer, Claudius CW 5Aug61-16Sep64 Co B, 82 Reg 3Dec1832-29Dec1903 Bethel Luthern Rayne, Dixonville Bolar, Andrew J. W1812 ? 24Jul1816- Staff, 12 Pa Res, 41 Reg 18Apr1830-8Feb1886 Greenwood White Bolar, George R. CW 15Aug62-24May63 Co I, 135 Reg 1838-28Jan1870 Armaugh Presby East Wheatfield Bolar[Bouler], George Rev War Pa Militia 1767-22May1846 Armaugh Presby East Wheatfield Bolvin, Marlin WWI 30Jun1915-3Jun1919 Co F, 110th Inf, 28th Div, Cook 1888-5Apr1925 Greenwood White Bonarrigo, Dominico WWI 22Sep1917-15May1919 Hq Co 320 F.A., 82 Div 21Jan1894-24Dec1938 St.Bernard Catholic Indiana Bond, William CW 17Jul61-11May64 Co F, 38 Reg, 9 Res 1839-24Jul1891 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Bonner, David CW 24Mar64- Co A, 101 Reg none-none Cresswell Brushvalley Books, John W. CW 1Jul63-19Aug63 Co K, 46 Reg 1846-7Mar1900 350g Oakland White Boring, Edward H. CW 16Feb64-29Jun65 Co G, 1st Art, 43 Reg 1847-1928 w42 Uniontown Green Boring, Ephram CW 16Mar64-5Nov64 Co G, 11 Reg none-none e70 Strongstown Pine Boring, Ephram J. CW 16Mar64-1Jul65 Co G, 11 Reg 3Mar1842-15Jul1914 b42 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Boring, George CW 6Dec64-13Jul65 Co I, 82 Reg 1845-1920 d9 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Boring, Jacob S. CW 11Jul61-15May65 Co A, 40 Reg, 11 Res & 190 Reg 1844-1865 s87 Uniontown Green Boring, Reuben S. CW 3Jul63-1865 Art Co C, 57 Mil & Bty G, 1 Reg, 41 Art none-none w128 Uniontown Green Boring, Robert CW 1861-1865 Co D, 115 Reg 1845-29Jan1901 Old Luthern White Boring, Ruben CW 24Oct62-3Sep63 Co D, 115 Reg 1845-29Jan1901 Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Boring, Steele R. WWI 1917-1919 155 Depot Brig 1895-7Nov1925 Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Borys, Piatr WWI ? ? 1885-1Jan1929 St.Bernard Catholic Indiana Bothel, James CW 15Aug62-24May63 Co I, 135 Reg 22Oct1822-12Jul1916 Greenwood White Bothell, Samuel CW 4Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 25Jun1824-7May1897 Curry Run Armstrong Bothell, William A. CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co D, 54 Reg none-24May1906 Curry Run Armstrong Botherl, John CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 8Apr1820-5Jun1898 United Presby,Creekside Washington Boucher, Alexander CW 1861- Co E, 148 Reg none-5May1875 150se Memorial Park Indiana Boughamer, Harvey WWI 1917- Co D, 6th Div 1891-1918 Sample Run\Clymer Cherryhill Bowder, Elam CW 20Jul64-21Jun65 Co C, 195 Reg 1848-19Aug1923 s52 Thompson\Hillsdale Montgomery Bowder, Jacob CW 20Jun64-21Jun65 Co G, 195 Reg none-none s144 Thompson\Hillsdale Montgomery Bower, Joseph W1812 1812-1814 Army Militia, 1st Reg Pa 1793-19Mar1874 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Bowers, George W. CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1832-18Jul1873 n97 Pine Grove Canoe Bowers, John H CW 29Aug64-23May65 Co H, 206 Reg 1821-16Jan1898 Armaugh East Wheatfield Bowers, John S. CW Infantry none-none w78 Spruce Cherryhill Bowers, Peter CW 13Jul63-3May65 Infantry Det, 101 Reg 8Mar1833-22Mar1903 s30 Spruce Cherryhill Bowers, Samuel CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co I, 206 Reg 25Jun1832-21Oct1901 Luthern Brushvalley Bowers, William CW 22Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1846-1929 w182 Pine Grove Canoe Bowman, Abraham CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co B, 206 Reg 1834-14Sep1914 99g Oakland White Bowser, John S. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co E, 2nd Bn, Mil 3Jan1842-14Jun1925 Greenwood White Boyd, James A. CW 14Jul63-15May65 Co C, 61 Reg none-none Homer City Center Boyer, Frederick CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co I, 206 Reg 1832-1924 Armaugh East Wheatfield Boyer, George M. CW 14Apr164-1Jul65 Co C, 4th Cav, 64 Reg 22Apr1830-24Apr1902 Barr W. Wheatfield Bracken, John F. CW 1861-1865 Co H, 41 Reg, 12 Res 3Feb1829-9Sep1887 Blacklick Buffington Bracken\Brocken, Henderson CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co I, 206 Reg 1843-1930 c95 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Brady, David CW 7Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1844-1929 n85 Marion Center E. Mahoning Brady, George R. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co B, 2nd Ind Bn, Mil 1863 9Jun1844-2Oct1868 s132 Pine Grove/Urey Banks Brady, George W. CW 1Aug61-30Jul62 Co A, 61 Reg 17Jul1833-18Nov1916 Gilgal E. Mahoning Brady, Hugh CW 27Aug64-21Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 1842-28Nov1904 Chambersville,Baptist Rayne Brady, Isreal O. CW 29Jul61-13Jul64 Co I, 62 Reg none-none Gilgal E. Mahoning Brady, James RevWar 1780-1783 5 & 6 Co, Cumberland Co Militia 1753-1818 Gilgal E. Mahoning Brady, John W1812 1812-1814 115 Reg, 2 Bg, 15 Div 1774-1855 Gilgal E. Mahoning Brady, John W1812 1812-1814 2 Det, 1st Reg Mil 1776-1850 Gilgal E. Mahoning Brady, Samuel RevWar 7May1779- Northumberland Co, Rangers 1734-1811 Gilgal E. Mahoning Brallier, Emanuel, Dr. CW 20Sep62-31May65 Co D, 110 Reg 20Mar1841-20Mar1889 118b Oakland White Brandon, John RevWar 1775-1775 Capt James Chambers Co/Col. Wm Thompson 5 dec 1753-27Nov1823 Washington Presbyterian Rayne Brandon, Presley N.G. CW 31Mar65-25Aug65 Co K, 104 Reg 1834-3Jul1909 w267 Washington Rayne Brantlinger, Jacob J. CW 1864-1865 Co C, 206 Reg none-1908 German Luthern W.Wheatfield Brantlinger, Joseph S. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co F, 2nd Ind Bn, Mil 1824-1904 Luthern W. Wheatfield Bratlinger\Branslinger, Joseph S. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co F, 2nd Bn, Mil 1824-1904 German Luthern W.Wheatfield Bratton, Robert Allison CW 1861-1865 Co E, 104 Reg, Illinois Vols 1840-13Nov1868 104e Oakland White Braughler, Adam C. CW 1Oct61-4Nov64 Co D, 78 Reg 1838-1923 72c Oakland White Braughler, David J. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 1840-25Mar1920 w90 Pine Grove Canoe Brazosky, Joseph A. WWI 22Jul1918-29Jul1918 Unassigned, Army 1894-2Mar1935 Iselin Union Young Brendlinger, Isaiah CW 30Aug64-13Jun65 Co L, 6th Reg, Heavy Art 212 Reg 17Apr1832-17May1921 German Luthern W.Wheatfield Brendlinger, Joseph T CW 29Aug64-29Jun65 CoH, 206 Reg 1841-3May1919 Armaugh East Wheatfield Brickell, Howard Austin WWI 1917-1919 USN- Co 14 Reg O.D. 1894-1918 Fry Banks Brickley, John K. CW 14Aug62-24May63 Co D, 135 none-none s38 Marion Center E. Mahoning Brilhart, William H. CW 10Feb64-11Jul65 Co F, 105 Reg 1846-26Dec1915 Greenwood White Brillhart, Jacob Clark CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1844-1927 s45 Montgomery Grant Brindle, Jonathan CW 25Oct61-18Jun64 Co F, 105 30Mar1830-30Mar1871 Georgeville Methodist E. Mahoning Brink, Andrew CW 21Oct61-4Nov64 Co B, 78 Reg none-6Aug1891 Greenwood White Brink, John M. CW 31Mar65-15May65 Co H, 103 Reg 1833-13Dec1899 Clarksburg Presby Conemaugh Bronson, L. J. CW 1861-1865 Co B, 5th Mass, Vol, Cav none-none Blairsville Blairsville Brooks, Zachria CW 8Nov62-27Jul63 Co H, 179 Reg P.D.M. 5Oct1824-23Aug1901 IOOF,Citizens,Cherrytree Montgomery Brown, Charles S. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co B, 2 Ind Bn, Mil 1813-24Oct1891 Dunkard Rayne Brown, Daniel CW 9Sep62-28Jun65 Co K, 123 & K 102 Reg 1845-1923 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Brown, David T. CW 1Jun64-3May65 Co ?, Det 101 1841-22Nov1899 s126 Pine Grove Canoe Brown, David W. WWI 1917-1918 Army 1892-6May1920 Greenwood White Brown, Jacob CW ? ? 26Sep1828-12May1903 c83 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Brown, John CW ?-28Jul65 Co D, 102 Reg none-3Mar1908 Evans Brushvalley Brown, John CW 23Nov62- Co K, 159 Reg, 14 Cav none-none Evans Brushvalley Brown, John A. CW 23Nov63- Co C. (sick) none-none Evans Brushvalley Brown, John A. CW 23Nov62- Co K. N.A.F. none-none Evans Brushvalley Brown, John A. CW 14Nov62-24Aug65 Co L, 14 Cav, 159 Reg 1842-1922 Greenwood White Brown, John C. CW ?-? Co E, ? none-none Evans Brushvalley Brown, John C. CW 10Sep64-31Jun65 Co M, 2nd Calvary, 59 Reg 1822-22Oct1897 n15 Wesleyan Methodist Green Brown, John D. CW 25Feb64-28Jun65 Co A, 61 Reg 16Aug1829-16Sep1893 n218 Manor Cherryhill Brown, John F. CW 19Sep1864 Co H. Sheridans Cavalry none-none Evans Brushvalley Brown, John M. CW 12Oct61-30Jan64 Co A, 78 Reg 1834-1924 Five Points Luthern Washington Brown, Jonathan W. CW 3Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1841-5Nov1894 e59 Rayne Rayne Brown, Joseph R. CW 30Aug64-26Jun65 Co D, 206 Reg 1833-24Oct1892 Salem Methodist Green Brown, Solomon J. CW 24Oct62-14Jul65 Co K, 67 Reg 5Mar1843-23Sep1904 Greenwood White Brown, William J. CW 1Nov61-29Jun65 Co E, 57 Reg 1837-15Dec1920 238I Oakland White Brownlee, James Day, Rev., CW 4Jun61-Jan63 Co K, 37 Reg, 8th Res 1842-1918 Greenwood White Brubaker, David CW 18Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 203 Reg none-none e88 Pine Grove/Urey Banks Bruce, John Milton CW 23Oct61-11Jul65 Co K, 105 Reg 1842-1Nov1914 40c Oakland White Bruner, Henry CW 1863-1864 Co D, 46 Reg 26Feb1831-3Mar1901 Devers Banks Bruner, Peter CW 26Aug64-26Jun64 Co B, 206 Reg 1844-1930 Pierce Canoe Bryan, George W. CW 21May61-2Jul64 Co B, 1 Reg. California Vol none-none Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Buchanan, George S. CW 9Feb64-29Jun65 Co G, 43 Reg, 14 Res 1844-1910 Mechanicsburg Brushvalley Buchanan, Jackson CW 25Jan63-25May63 Co D 135 Reg 1843-1885 Baracha S. Mahoning Buchanan, James S. CW 12Oct61-4Nov64 Co A, 78 Reg 1842-1926 s2 Twolick Baptist-Dixonvle Green Buchanan, John I., Dr. CW 20Sep64- Co C, 48 Reg 23Apr1847-4May1876 n53 Taylorsville Green Buchanan, Walter B. WWI 26Feb1918-9Jul1919 341 Fld Resn't Sqdn Vetn Det 21Apr1892-30Sep1936 Greenwood White Buchanan, William J. CW 22Jul61-7Dec63 Co K, 62 Reg 2 Dec1820-19Jun1893 w40 Washington Rayne Buchanan, William L. CW 22Aug61- Co A, 61 Reg 8Feb1839-26Nov1913 68b Oakland White Buchanan, William Paul WWI 7Jun1918-26Dec1918 U.S.M.C.-Barracks, Quantico, Va 1896-1919 68b Oakland White Buchannan, William I CW 23Feb65-14Jul65 Co K, 67 Reg 1821-none E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Buckley, Thomas CW 31Aug64-15May65 Co C, 4 Calvary, 64 Reg none-none United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Burkhart, Henry A. CW 1Nov62-5Nov63 Co E, 177 Reg 15Apr1839-11Mar1907 Harmony Penn Run Cherryhill Burnheimer, Aaron CW 12Oct61-4Nov64 Co D, 78 Reg 1844-1916 Dunkard Rayne Burns, Thomas RevWar USN,Under Capt J.P.Jones 1750-2Oct1833 Bethel Center Burns, William CW 1861-1865 Co D, 105 Reg 17Feb1818-27Mar1900 Bethel Center Buterbaugh, Elias L. CW 23Feb61-15Jul65 U. S. Signal Corps 11May1846-17Jan1899 Greenwood White Buterbaugh, G.W. CW ? ? none-none s53 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Buterbaugh, George M. CW 4Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 23May1831-none E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Buterbaugh, Jonathan CW 4Mar64-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 5Jul1840-9Oct1902 E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Buterbaugh, Lewis CW 3Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg none-none E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Buterbaugh, Solomon CW 6Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1837-19Apr1922 E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Buterbaugh, Ward H. WWI 28May1918-26Sep1919 Infantry M.G. Co. 16 Inf 1st Div 16Mar1895-31Mar1933 w197 Shilo, Deckers Point Grant Butler, Jonathan CW 16Sep62-3May65 Co D, 2 Art, 112 Reg 22Dec1840-4Mar1934 Armaugh East Wheatfield Butterbaugh, G. W. (is this Buterbaugh, GW) CW 15Aug61-23Oct63 Co G, 49 Reg none-none Cookport Methodist Green Butterbaugh, William Dean WWI 5Sep1918-24Mar1919 Med Corps Ambulance Det 1897-29Oct1931 E.Mahoning Baptist Grant Byerly, John W1812 1812-1814 2nd Reg, 1 Brig, 13 Div 25Sep1787-24Jan1871 St. Johns Lutheran S. Mahoning Byers, Abraham CW 1861-1865 Co F, 51 Reg Jan1821-30Oct1898 IOOF,Citizens,Cherrytree Montgomery Byers, David WWI 18Apr1918-8Jul1918 Army Medical Detachment 12Mar1897-20Nov1923 12b Oakland White Byers, David A. CW 23Nov62-28May65 Co B, 159 Reg, 14th Cavalary none-11Apr1883 Grove Chapel Rayne Byers, John CW 23Feb64-24Aug65 Co K, 159 Reg. 14th Cavalary 30Jul1836-13Jul1909 Grove Chapel Rayne Byers, John M. CW 15May62- Co I, 35 Reg, 6 Res none-none Gilgal E. Mahoning Byers, Samuel CW 2Feb64- Co I, 14th Pa Cav, 159 Reg none-none Fry Brushvalley Byers, William CW 2Sep62-1865 Co E, 148 Reg 1829-12Jul1912 149d Oakland White Byrne, Robert D. WWI 8Nov1917-6Jun1919 Co F, 115th Engineers 13MAr1890-6Jan1933 Greenwood White