Cemetery Listings: Vets Cemetery Listings for each cemetery - Letter Sa - Sm , Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Vernon Cook. vernon9323@aol.com USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information here is listed in the following format: Name War Period of Service Unit Served Birth-Death Plot Cemetery Township This listing is compiled from the files of the Historical and Genealogical Society of Indiana County, Pa., Veterans Grave Registers. The members here participated in the wars up to World War I. There may be some instances where there are no dates shown for birth/death. Others may be shown in multiple entries. It is possible that some had purchased stones and plots then later were buried at another spot. Also in some cases there are multiple listings of the same cemetery under a different name. I have attempted to consolidate those. Vernon C. Cook -------------------------------------- Sadler, Jacob CW 1Aug61-1Aug64 Co G, 63 Reg 23Jan1839-6Jul1923 16d Oakland White Salsgiver, Frank M. WWI 29Apr1918-23Sep1919 ? 20May1899-20Jun1943 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Sample, John J. CW 1May61-4May63 Co A, 38 Reg, 9 Res 6Apr1838-11Jan1880 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Sandles, Marshall G. CW 2Sep64-26Jun65 Co G, 206 Reg 1841-4Mar1907 Clarksburg Presby Conemaugh Sanson, James B. CW 3Jul63-17Aug63 Co C, 57 Reg 2Sep1826-3Sep1885 41b Oakland White Sawyer, William R. WWI 28May1918-17Jun1919 Co C, 318th Engineers 1889-2Feb1934 20d Oakland White Saxton, Christian I. B. CW 15Feb64-30Jul65 Co M. 12 Cav, 113 Reg 1May1843-1Mar1908 Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Schneider\Snyder, George CW 1Nov62-5Aug63 Co E, 177 Reg 1828-24Jun1908 Greenwood White Schnetberg, Henry " " Mexican 1849- American Highlanders 16Aug1802-21May1901 Schnetberger, Henry CW 21Sep62-30Sep62 Co B, 2 Reg & Co B, 23 Reg Mil 1862 16Aug1802-21May1901 St.Bernard Catholic White Schrecengost, Christopher CW 27Feb64-11Sep65 Co A, 78 Reg 7Aug1842-5Oct1905 Clarksburg Presby Conemaugh Schreckengost, Martin CW 21Sep64-3May65 Infantry Detach 101 Reg 1823-1901 e95 Rowley Montgomery Scott, M. John CW 1861-3Feb64 Co A, 61 St none-none Old Cherrytree Cherrytree Seanor, Noah CW 15Feb65-18Jul65 Co F, 28 Reg 1844-13Oct1916 w176 Plumville Presbyterian S. Mahoning Sebring, John J. CW 2Sep64-30?65 Co F, 5th Art, 204 Reg 16Aug1947-9Feb1936 IOOF,Citizens,Cherrytree Montgomery Sedwick, Charles CW 1861-1865 Infantry, U. S. Army 1844-1864 103b Oakland White Segar, Norman J. WWI 1917-14Oct1918 KIA Co K, 320 Inf, 80 Div 14Oct1895-14Oct1918 n73 Union\Rossiter Canoe Segrist, Isaac CW 2Sep64-30Jun65 Artillery,Bty M, 5 Art, 204 Reg 6Feb1844-16Sep1893 Dunkard Rayne Senez, Liboire WWI 1917-1919 French Inf, 59th Reg 29Mar1897-22Feb1922 Catholic White Senez, Liborie WWI Infantry, 59 Reg French 29Mar1897-22Feb1922 St.Bernard Catholic Indiana Sensabaugh, George CW 17Mar64-1Jul65 Co D, 11 Reg 2May1846-25Jul1921 Cookport Methodist Green Serene, William B. CW 14Jul63-28Jun65 Co E, 191-Co K, 62-Co B, 155 Regs 1838-19Feb1916 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Shaffer, Alfred CW 15Aug62-24May63 Co I, 135 Reg 1835-25Mar1921 s34 Round Top N. Mahoning Shaffer, John CW 29Aug64-26Jun65 Co H, 206 Reg Aug1824-Jan1899 Luthern Brushvalley Shaffer, Joseph CW 16Jul64-14Nov64 Co A, 1st Ind Bn Mil 1864 1832-21May1920 w83 Round Top N. Mahoning Shaffer, S.S. (Solomon S. ?) CW 21Sep61-27Sep62 Co B, none-23Dec1902 w139 Mahoning Union N. Mahoning Shall, Jacob CW 21Feb65-28Jun65 Co H, 2 Co, 83 Reg 4Mar1830-4Nov1898 Bethel, Armaugh W.Wheatfield Shank, Daniel CW 19Sep61-30Aug65 Co F, 55 Reg 1839-23Jun1980 Sample Run\Clymer Cherryhill Shank, Jacob CW 19Sep61-30Aug65 Infantry 22Oct1843-1Aug1921 Greenwood White Shank, Jacob L. CW 9Sep61-30Aug65 Co F, 55 Reg 1839-25Nov1910 United Brethern Cherryhill Shank, Joseph CW " Calvary Co, 6th U.S. Calvary " " d38 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Shank, Joseph CW " Co F, 9 Reg Cav, Greensburg, Pa " " d38 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Shank, Joseph (note) CW 14Aug62-16May63 Co D, 133 Reg 15Dec1833-11May1922 d38 Pineland@Strongstown Pine Shank, Levi CW 13Sep62-11Jun65 Co F, 55 Reg 14Sep1832-23Sep1909 Sample Run\Clymer Cherryhill Shank, Lewis CW 29Feb64- Infantry 54 Reg 1825-1905 75g Oakland White Shank, Samuel CW 7Oct62-30Aug65 Co F, 55 Reg 1837-14Jul1900 Greenwood White Shankell, John B. CW 7Dec61-26Mar65 KIA Co K, 84 Reg & 57 Reg 1844-26Mar1865 n36 Shilo, Deckers Point Grant Shankle, John A. CW 31Mar64-6Jun64 KIA Co K, 84 Reg 1845-6Jun1864 n39 Shilo, Deckers Point Grant Shankle\Shankel, Henry CW 1Jun64-3May65 Infantry Det, 101 Reg 1844-1916 s91 Thompson\Hillsdale Montgomery Shannon, Wesley M. Spanish 22Jun1898-7Nov1898 Co F, 5th Reg 1874-1928 Greenwood White Sharp, Andrew CW 31Aug64-26Jun65 Co H, 206 Reg 3Aug1816-31May1901 United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Sharp, James Steele WWI 1918-22Oct1918 KIA ? Infantry, S.A.T.C. Carneigie Institute 1896-22Oct1918 United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Sharp, Joseph A. CW 14Aug62-24May63 Co A, 135 Reg 6Aug1842-10Jul1912 United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Sharp, Wilmer A. Spanish 11May1898-7Nov1898 Co F, 5 Reg 1875-1916 66h Oakland White Shearer, Daniel A. CW 2Nov62-5Aug65 Co E, 177 Reg 1837-21Aug1863 Covenenter Young Shearer, George W. CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co H, 54 Reg, Mil 1863 none-none e159 Ridgeview Young Shearer, William M. CW 8Sep61-27Aug62 Co D, 40 Reg, 11 Res none-4Sep1862 n337 Ridgeview Young Sheerer, Arthur W. WWI 08Nov1971-8Feb1919 Bat B, 59th Coast Art none-none Greenwood White Sheilds, James R. CW 13Mar65-29Aug65 Co B, 74 Reg 1Jan1828-23Jan1909 w9 Mahoning Union N. Mahoning Sherman, Johnathan Christopher CW 9Jan62-22Feb64 Co D & Co G, 54 Reg Infantry 1821-1896 Sherman Park Banks Sherman, Jonathan Christopher CW 9Jan62-22Feb64 Co D & G, 54 Reg 1821-1896 Dunlap/Sherman Farm Banks Shesley, Canada CW 3Oct64-15Oct65 Co F, 58 Reg 22Oct1828-24Mar1892 Tanoma Rayne Shettler\Shiffler, Samuel CW 10Feb64-30Aug65 Co F, 55 Reg 27Dec1844-10Feb1937 Greenwood White Shields, Adam CW 13Mar65-29Aug1885??? Co B, 74 Reg 1834-17Jul1918 Covode Presbyterian N. Mahoning Shields, George CW 8Sep62-11Jul65 Co F, 105 Reg 1837-1867 Covode Methodist N. Mahoning Shields, Henry K. CW 4Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1823-12Aug1903 s98 Washington Rayne Shields, James C. CW 16Mar64-28Jun65 Co I, 155 Reg 1845-1899 Ebenezer Presbyterian Conemaugh Shields, James G. CW 25Aug64-30Jun65 Co G, 206 Reg 10Oct1820-20Mar1907 Ebenezer Presbyterian Conemaugh Shields, James Jack CW 23Aug61-30Jun62 KIA Co K, 105 Reg 1843-30Jun1862 Ebenezer Presbyterian Conemaugh Shields, John P. H. CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg, Musician 1848-31May1925 Greenwood White Shields, John Wilson CW 3Apr65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1835-15Jun1915 s214 Washington Rayne Shields, John, Sr. RevWar 1778-1781 1, 2, & 6Bn, Cumberland Co Mil 22Aug1759-26Oct1840 s51 Washington Rayne Shields, Joseph CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co C, 206 Reg 1826-18Nov1893 Covode Presbyterian N. Mahoning Shields, Lisle H. WWI 1917-KIA Co L 320 Inf 9Jul1893-26Sep1918 Baracha S. Mahoning Shields, Marshall CW 23Oct61-9Aug62 Co K, 105 Reg none-none U.P. Jacksonville\Kent Young Shields, William CW 2Sep64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 1818-26Jan1903 Greenwood White Shields,Harrison H. CW 4Mar65-29Aug65 Co F 74 Reg 1839-9Feb1898 Baracha S. Mahoning Shirley, Thomas L. WWI 1917-1919 Co L, 146 REg, 37 Div none-6Mar1931 Edgewood, Saltsburg Conemaugh Short, Benjamin N. CW 6Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1831-16Jun1915 Greenwood White Short, David Alexander CW 6Mar65-29Aug65 Co F, 74 Reg 1833-Aug1905 Greenwood White Short, James C., Dr. CW 22Aug61-7Sep64 Co A, 61 Reg 5Oct1840-9Oct1894 Greenwood White Shoup, Rufus CW 9Sep64- Co H, 211 Reg 15Jan1829-4Jul1911 e236 Mount Tabor W. Wheatfield Shrock, James J. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co F, 2Ind Bn 1821-18Jan1901 Armaugh East Wheatfield Sickenberger, Lisle WWI 28May1918-12Jun1919 Co K, 141 Inf, 36th Div 28Aug?-20Feb1922 Diamondville Cherryhill Sickenberger, Michael German 1846-1852 Bavarian Army, Germany 6Feb1824-23Jul1896 Diamondville Cherryhill Sickenberger, Sebastian CW 28Aug62-20Jun65 Co F, 67 Reg none-4Feb1899 Diamondville Cherryhill Sides, Charles M. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co F, 2nd Ind Bn, Mil 1844-24Jan1864 German Luthern W.Wheatfield Sides, Charles M. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co F, 2nd Bn Mil 1842-24Jan1864 Luthern W. Wheatfield Sieb, Peter CW 27Aug64-13Jun65 Art Bat C, 6Art 212 Reg 28Jan1835-28Sep1903 Armaugh East Wheatfield Silvers, John CW 1862-1865 Co A, 17 U.S.A. none-1867 St.Bernard Catholic Indiana Silvers\Silvis, John\Jonas CW 1861-1865 Co A, 17 U.S. Inf none-none Catholic White Simpson, Charles W. WWI 15Jul1917-8Oct1918 KIA Co F, 110th Inf, 28th Div 1893-8Oct1918 Greenwood White Simpson, David CW 14Feb64-27Jun65 Co F, 105 Reg 29Oct1819-7Jul1890 Georgeville Methodist E. Mahoning Simpson, Elias S. CW 9Sep61-9Feb62 Co A, 105 Reg died Camp Jamison, Va none-9Feb62 moved Old UP\Presbyterian White Simpson, James RevWar 1794- Army Militia under William Hutchinson 1776-1May1866 e97 Harmony Penn Run Cherryhill Simpson, James " " W1812 ? ? " " Harmony Penn Run Cherryhill Simpson, James L. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co G, 2Bn, Mil 25Jul1839-4May1902 Covode Methodist N. Mahoning Simpson, James L. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co G, 2 Ind Bn Mil 25Jul1839-4May1902 Covode Presbyterian N. Mahoning Simpson, Joseph CW 6Nov61-65 Thompson's Ind Pa Bat, C. Pa Art none-26Aug1897 s88 Marion Center E. Mahoning Sims, Jacob CW Jul63-Dec63 Co A, 2nd Ind Cav none-none Catholic (old) Blairsville Simson, Levi W1812 1812-1814 Messenger & Mail Carrier 1792-29Oct1877 Covode Presbyterian N. Mahoning Skiles, Isaac R. CW 4Nov62-14Jul65 Co K, 67 Reg 7Sep1827-13Nov1904 Blacklick Buffington Slaughterbeck, Ellsworth V. WWI 1917-23Oct1918 KIA Recruit Camp 4, 12 Co 27Jul1891-23Oct1918 Armaugh East Wheatfield Slawson, Georgian W. CW 19Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg none-none s111 Uniontown Green Slaysman, George S. CW 24Oct61-1Aug64 Co H, 23 Reg 30Jan1838-6May1903 439h Oakland White Sleppey, John E. CW 23Jul63-21Jan64 Co E, 2nd Ind Bn, Mil 1816-27May1894 Harmony Penn Run Cherryhill Sleppy, Isaac CW 19Sep61- Co F, 55 Reg 1828-26May1920 n92 Spruce Cherryhill Sloan, Albert V. CW 14Sep61-23Feb64 Co G, 2n Pa Calvary, 59 Reg 1845-1913 Greenwood White Smail, Henry CW 13Apr64-24Aug65 Co B, 159 Reg, 14th Calvary 2Oct1835-2Sep1905 136i Oakland White Smail, Peter CW 10Sep62-16Jun65 Co A, 78 Reg none-none St. Johns Lutheran S. Mahoning Smail, Robert CW 27Aug64-26Jun65 Co F, 206 Reg 3Mar1833-22Jan1902 St. Johns Lutheran S. Mahoning Smiley, David CW 13Jul61-9Feb64 KIA? Co F, 38 Reg, 9 Res none-9Feb1864 Union\Smicksburg W. Mahoning Smiley, Taylor"Charles T" CW 12Aug64-14Nov64 Co B, 1st Bn, Mil 1864 none-7Mar1912 n87 PineVale Grant Smith, A. Madison CW 21Mar65-14Jul65 Co B, 67 Reg, 2nd Co 1843-28Jul1887 81i Oakland White Smith, Andrew J. CW 26Aug64-26Jun65 Co A, 206 Reg 1846-13Oct1916 Greenwood White Smith, Archiblad CW 1Sep64-31May65 Co C, 206 Reg 1840-1921 e77 Rowley Montgomery Smith, Daniel D. CW 24Feb64-20Jun65 KIA Co G, 1st Art, 43 Reg died-Harpers Ferry 1837-20Jun1865 United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Smith, Donald R. WWI 29Aug1918-23Nov1919 Inf Replacement Troops Co C. 12May1897-8Dec1934 Greenwood White Smith, Francis CW 14Aug62-24May64 Co F, 135 Reg 1838-5Mar1887 n42 Wakefield W. Wheatfield Smith, Francis M. CW 27Feb64-24Aug65 Co E, 14th Pa Cavalary, 159 Reg 28Oct1846-15May1901 396h Oakland White Smith, George E. CW 3Jul63-17Aug63 Co F, 57 Reg Mil 2Sep1821-21Nov1883 Greenwood White Smith, James RevWar 1778- 3 Bn, Westmoreland Co Mil none-none Bethel Center Smith, James Thobum WWI 7Feb1918-9Oct1918 Aero Sqdn, 683 Signal Corps. 23Sep1896-9Oct1918 Greenwood White Smith, John CW 13Jul63-28Jun65 Co L, 102 Reg 17May1839-20Oct1934 w242 Round Top N. Mahoning Smith, John A. CW 11Jul61-28Jun65 Co A, 190 Reg 13Dec1841-14Jun1901 United Brethern Cherryhill Smith, John C. CW 29Feb64-30Aug65 55 Reg P.V Band 29Feb64-30Aug65 347g Oakland White Smith, John D. CW 23Jul63-3Nov63 KIA Co G, 2nd Ind Bn Mil 1863-Oldtown Hosp,MD 1843-3Nov1863 United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Smith, John E. CW 2Mar65-11Sep65 Co A, 78 Reg none-none United Presby-Shelocta Armstrong Smith, John I. CW 23Oct61-20Jun65 Co K, 105 Reg 7May18??-26Jan1921 n36 Wakefield W. Wheatfield Smith, John L. CW 1861-1863 Co B, 40Reg, 11th Ges 11Mar1798-11Jan1870 Fry Banks Smith, John W. CW 9Sep61-7Feb63 Co E, 11th Pa Res, 40 Reg none-23Feb1883 430h, Oakland, White Smith, Joseph C. WWI 1917- KIA Co L, 110 Inf, 28 Div. none-30Jul1918 Edgewood, Saltsburg, Conemaugh Smith, Marshall S. CW 10Jun61-13Jun64 Co B, 40 Reg, 11th Res none-14Oct1879 Greenwood, White Smith, Martin T. CW 23Feb64-24Aug64 Co K & B, 14 Calvary, 159 Reg 21May1835-20Feb1922 United Presby-Shelocta, Armstrong Smith, Matthew A. CW 24Jul61-9Nov61 KIA Co D, 62nd Reg May1844-9Nov1861 n386, Ridgeview, Young Smith, Michael CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co H, 54 Reg 1819-1888 Conemaugh, Conemaugh Smith, Robert CW 30Jun63-17Aug63 Co H, 54 Reg, Mil 1863 27Jan1810-5Apr1891 e36, Ridgeview, Young Smith, Samuel CW 3Sep63-11Sep65 Co A, 78 Reg & 11 Res, 40 Reg 1845-1915 w162, Marion Center, E. Mahoning Smith, Samuel CD 13Jul63-16Jul65 Co G, 46 Reg none-24Mar1888 Armaugh Presby, East Wheatfield Smith, Samuel T. CW 18Sep61-1Aug62 Co D, 40 Reg, 11 Res none-none Crete, Center Smith, William CW 13Feb64- Co A, 61 Reg- wounded at Wilderness none-none e53, Rayne, Rayne Smith, William H.H. CW 7Sep62-18Jan65 Co I, 148 Reg none-none Pierce, Canoe Smith, William R. WWI 28May1918-27Oct1919 Co H, 7 Inf, 3 Div 30Mar1895-19May1934 Edgewood, Saltsburg, Conemaugh Smith, William T. CW 13Jul63-17Jul65 Co I, 46 Reg 1834-27Apr1910 United Presby,Creekside, Washington Smith, Willliam CW 22Aug64-26Jun65 Co D, 206 Reg 1843-29Dec1925 Edgewood, Saltsburg, Conemaugh Smitten, Archibald T. Spanish 14Jul1898-28Dec1898 Co L. 16 Reg 19Apr1854-1Dec1939 Mahoning Union, N. Mahoning Smyers, Philip S. CW 19Sep62-1Jun65 Co A, 11 Reg 24May1835-13Feb1907 IOOF,Citizens,Cherrytree, Montgomery