Cemetery Listings: Williams Cemetery, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by John Williams. John_Williams-P03466@email.mot.com USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following Cemetary Listing was found in Pine Flats in Green Township, Indiana County. Williams Cemetary Located in Green Township, Indiana County, Pa. Williams - Sarah, wife of Richard     Died May 12, 1872 78 yrs. Williams - John G., son of  R D. & Martha     Jan 28, 1861 - May 17, 1896 Whitaker - Alice, dau of James & Dinah     July 21, 1913 - Sept. 22, 1919 Morris  - Jennie, dau. Of R.H. & G.     Jan. 3, 1876  aged 18 mo. Morris  - Robert died July 2, 1876 83 yr. (or 88), 6 mo. Morris  - Mary, wife of Robert     Died Oct. 5, 1875 80 yr. Mother Morris  - William, son of R. & M.  died June 22, 1857  19 yr.     Ellen, dau. of R.M. & E. died Nov. 16, 1883  10 mo. 13 da.     Thomas, son of R.M. & E. died May 11, 1871  1 yr. 7 mo. 9 da. Williams - Ann Elizabeth died 1913  aged 80 yrs.    Margaret C.  died Mar. 10, 1867  34 yr. 5 mo.    Evan G.  died Mar. 26, 1887  1 mo.    Thomas  died Apr. 26, 1878  84 yr (or 64) 4 mo. 8 da. Griffith - Sarah A., wife of S.M.      died Jan. 22, 1882  24yr. 3 mo. 3 da.   S.M.   1850 - 1929 Kelly  - Willie E., son of H. & M.      died Sept. 14, 1876  2 yr. 7 mo. 23 da. Williams - Elizabeth E., wife of Thomas R.      died Mar. 20, 1896  25th yr. Williams - Delroy, son of Thos. & R.D.      Died Feb. 20, 1896  11 mo. 12 da. Williams - Infant child of John & Maggie  no dates Copied October 12, 1963 by Carolouise Robertson, Graceton, Pa Rewritten October 23, 1997 by John Williams Mesa, AZ.