Census: Index 1820 Spyers, J to Young, S, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Tom Nagy. tomnagy@nauticom.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4463, Spyers, J to Young, S Name Year Location Page Spyers, John 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Spyers, Lawson 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 St. Clair, Hugh 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 St. Clair, John 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 St. Clair, Samuel 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stanard, Daniel 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Steel, Adam 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Steel, Matthew 1820 CENTRE TWP 015 Stenhard, William 1820 CENTRE TWP 015 Stephens, Samuel 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stephens, Shederick 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stephens, William 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stevens, Daniel 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Stewart, Alexander 1820 CENTRE TWP 015 Stewart, Archibald 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Stewart, Archibald 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Stewart, David 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stewart, Elizabeth 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stewart, James 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stewart, James M. 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Stewart, John 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Stewart, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stewart, John, Sr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stewart, Mary 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Stewart, Michael 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Stewart, William 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stiffy, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stineman, Christopher 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stitt, David 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Stone, Martin 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Stoneman, Margaret 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stout, Joel 1820 MAHONING TWP 018 Strawbridge, Benjamin 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Strong, James 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Strong, Michael 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Stuchell, Barbara 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stuchell, Christopher 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stuckell, Jacob 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stump, Adam 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stump, George 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Stunhard, James 1820 CENTRE TWP 015 Sutton, Garvwin 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Sutton, Malachia 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Sutton, Peter 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Sutton, Robert 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Sutton, Thomas 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Sweeny, George 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Taylor, Henry 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Taylor, John 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Taylor, John 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Taylor, William 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Templeton, Alexander 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Templeton, Alexander, Sr. 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Templeton, James 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Templeton, Samuel 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Thomas, Catherine 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Thomas, Israel 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Thomas, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Thompson, Adam 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Thompson, George 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Thompson, Hannah 1820 MAHONING TWP 018 Thompson, Hannah 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Thompson, Hugh 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Thompson, James 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Thompson, James 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Thompson, John 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Thompson, John 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Thompson, John 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Thompson, John 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Thompson, John, Sr. 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Thompson, Joseph 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Thompson, Moses 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Thompson, Nancy 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Thompson, Ohn 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Thompson, Robert 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Thompson, Robert 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Thompson, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 018 Thorn, James 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Tincum, Daniel 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Todd, James 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Travis, George 1820 MAHONING TWP 018 Travis, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Trimble, Elizabeth 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Trimble, George 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Trimble, John 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Trimble, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Trimble, Samuel 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Trimble, William 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Trucks, George 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Tubbs, Samuel 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Tucker, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Turner, George 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Tyson, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Unhafere, Adam 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Unkafer, Andrew 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Vanegmond, --- 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Vanhorn, Alexander 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Vanhorn, Henry 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Vanhorn, Isaiah 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Vanhorn, Joshua 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Virtue, Robert 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 012 Virtue, Samuel 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wading, James 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Waggoner, Michael 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wakefield, David 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wakefield, James 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wakefield, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wakefield, John, Jr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wakefield, Robert 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Wakefield, Thomas, Jr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Walker, Alexander 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Walker, Benjamin 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Walker, Robert 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Walker, Thomas 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wallace, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Wallce, Samuel 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Waller, Willam 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Walls, James 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wardon, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Watkins, Robert, Jr. 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 023 Watson, David 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Watson, Matthew 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Weakfield, David W. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Weakfield, James, Jr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Weakfield, Thomas, Sr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wear, George 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Wear, Joseph 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Wear, Robert 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Wear, Thomas 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Weekland, John 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Weeler, Jacob 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Weimers, Andrew 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wells, Ann 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wells, Edward 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wells, Peter 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Whebby, Rebecca 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wherry, James 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 White, John 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 White, Joseph 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 White, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wickland, Michael 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wickland, Zephaniah 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wiggins, Jane 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Wiggons, Andrew 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Wiggons, Elizabeth 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Wiggons, James 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Wiggons, John 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 023 Wike, Henry 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wiley, John 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Wilkins, Andrew 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wilkins, William 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Wilkinson, Mott 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Williams, Benoni 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Williams, James 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Williams, William 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Williamson, David 1820 INDIANA BOROUGH 030 Williamson, Eli 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Willimason, Hiram 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wilson, Alexander 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wilson, George 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Wilson, James 1820 ARMSTRONG TWP 003 Wilson, James 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wilson, John 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Wilson, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wilson, John, Sr. 1820 CENTRE TWP 016 Wilson, Joseph 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wilson, Joseph 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 028 Wilson, Robert 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wilson, William 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wilson, William, Jr. 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Wolf, Catherine 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Wolf, John 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Wolf, John 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Woodanon, John 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Woods, Fullerton 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Woodside, Robert 1820 WHEATFIELD TWP 029 Woolheater, Adam 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 023 Work, Rebecca 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Work, William 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wray, Daniel 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wray, John 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Wray, Joseph 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wrestler, Michael 1820 WASHINGTON TWP 022 Wright, John 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Wynekoop, Matthew B. 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Wynekoop, Tamazin 1820 MAHONING TWP 019 Yankle, Joseph 1820 CONEMAUGH TWP 013 Young, Samuel 1820 BLACKLICK TWP 007 Page 4463, Spyers, J to Young, S