Census: Index 1830 Price, D to Spencer, Z, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Tom Nagy. tomnagy@nauticom.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 6445, Price, D to Spencer, Z Name Year Location Page Price, David 1830 GREEN TWP 259 Prons, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 236 Purnel, Mary 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 194 Purse, Joseph 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Putt, Jacob 1830 GREEN TWP 259 Pwoell, John 1830 MAHONING TWP 248 Quest, Nicholas 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Quest, Samuel 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Rafferty, Francis 1830 206 Ralston, David 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 200 Ralston, David 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 245 Ramsy, John 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 197 Randles, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 228 Rankin, Alexander 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 214 Rankin, Alexander 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 185 Rankin, Andrew 1830 CENTER TWP 180 Rankin, George 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 200 Rankin, George 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 213 Rankin, James 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Rankin, Matthew 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 203 Rankin, Rebecca 1830 CENTER TWP 177 Rankin, Thomas 1830 CENTER TWP 177 Rankin, William 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 197 Rankin, William 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 219 Rankin, William 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 185 Rapine, Daniel 1830 CENTER TWP 175 Rapine, George 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 211 Rapine, Jacob 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Rapine, James 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 204 Rapine, John 1830 208 Rapine, Joseph 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 213 Rapine, Joseph, Sr. 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Ray, Elisabeth 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 187 Ray, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 187 Ray, James 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 227 Ray, John 1830 GREEN TWP 262 Ray, Samuel 1830 CENTER TWP 177 Ray, Sarah 1830 CENTER TWP 177 Ray, William H. 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 187 Reamey, Conrad 1830 MAHONING TWP 256 Redding, Samuel 1830 MAHONING TWP 254 Reed, Alexander 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 183 Reed, Andrew 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 237 Reed, Charles 1830 CENTER TWP 182 Reed, Christena 1830 CENTER TWP 176 Reed, Christena 1830 GREEN TWP 259 Reed, David 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 204 Reed, David 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 237 Reed, Jacob 1830 CENTER TWP 176 Reed, John 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 186 Reed, Samuel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 213 Reed, Sarah 1830 208 Reed, Thomas 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 193 Reed, William 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 234 Rees, Thomas 1830 GREEN TWP 257 Reese, Robert 1830 206 Reever, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 222 Reid, James 1830 206 Reid, John 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 203 Renson, Thomas 1830 CENTER TWP 177 Rhey, Hugh 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 242 Rhoads, Mary 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 227 Rhoads, Peter 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 222 Ribson, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 213 Ricard, Peter, Sr. 1830 GREEN TWP 261 Ricart, Peter 1830 GREEN TWP 260 Rice, Cowad 1830 CENTER TWP 181 Rice, Philip 1830 CENTER TWP 181 Richards, Abraham 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 213 Richards, James 1830 CENTER TWP 182 Richards, William 1830 CENTER TWP 181 Riddle, Charles 1830 MAHONING TWP 253 Riddle, James 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Riddle, Peter 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Riddle, Robert 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 238 Riddle, William 1830 MAHONING TWP 250 Rielly, Patrick 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 233 Rielly, Thomas 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 233 Riger, George 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 195 Ringle, Matthias 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 219 Rink, George 1830 GREEN TWP 259 Ripple, Abraham 1830 GREEN TWP 258 Risinger, Daniel 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 222 Risinger, Henry 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 223 Risinger, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 222 Risinger, Michael 1830 CENTER TWP 180 Ritcheson, George 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 245 Ritcheson, William 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Ritchey, John 1830 MAHONING TWP 252 Robbins, Daniel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Robbins, Ezekiel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Robbins, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Robert, Mack, Jr. 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 221 Roberts, John 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 245 Roberts, William 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 205 Robertson, Hugh 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 221 Robertson, Susannah 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 225 Robeson, Elisabeth 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Robeson, John, Jr. 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 200 Robeson, John, Sr. 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 200 Robeson, Robert 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Robeson, William 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Robinson, Catharine 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 237 Robinson, John 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 188 Robinson, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 237 Robinson, Joseph 1830 MAHONING TWP 253 Robinson, Robert 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 187 Robinson, Robert W. 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 187 Roff, Oliver 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 233 Rogers, Henry 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 235 Rogers, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 192 Rogers, John 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 192 Rogers, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 234 Roland, Joseph 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 216 Rosborough, Alexander 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 183 Rosborough, Alexander 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 186 Rosborough, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 183 Rosborough, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 185 Rose, Aaron 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 228 Roser, George 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 231 Ross, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Ross, John 1830 CENTER TWP 179 Ross, William 1830 207 Rowe, George N. 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 246 Rowe, Sophia 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 246 Royer, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 216 Rugh, Christian 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 214 Rugh, Michael 1830 207 Russel, Samuel 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 186 Ryan, William 1830 GREEN TWP 259 Sabin, Nathaniel M. 1830 206 Sadler, Robert 1830 MAHONING TWP 256 Saltsgiver, Ames 1830 MAHONING TWP 256 Saltsgiver, George 1830 MAHONING TWP 254 Sample, James 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Sample, John 1830 CENTER TWP 178 Sanderson, Elisabeth 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 221 Sanderson, Matthew D. 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 223 Sauger, David 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 215 Sawyer, Jacob 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 230 Sclerrgenberger, Barbara 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Sclerrgenberger, Samuel 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Scott, Alexander 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Scott, Georte A. 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 246 Scully, John 1830 206 Seebring, William 1830 GREEN TWP 262 Shank, Charles 1830 GREEN TWP 257 Shank, Jacob 1830 GREEN TWP 261 Shankle, Henry 1830 MAHONING TWP 254 Sharar, Samuel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 215 Sharp, Joseph 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 200 Sharp, Joseph 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 194 Sharp, Thomas 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 225 Sharp, William 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 188 Sharrotts, Nicholas 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Sharrow, Jacob 1830 MAHONING TWP 251 Sharrow, John 1830 MAHONING TWP 250 Sharrow, Ludwick 1830 MAHONING TWP 251 Shaw, Elisabeth 1830 CENTER TWP 176 Shedrick, Mary 1830 GREEN TWP 262 Shelly, Mary 1830 GREEN TWP 258 Shelton, Matilda 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 234 Shelton, Matthew 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 198 Sheridan, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 214 Shields, Irabella 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 240 Shields, James 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Shields, John 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 242 Shields, Robert 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Shields, William 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Shilds, John 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Shirley, Thomas 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 188 Shott, Daniel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 219 Shoup, Henry 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 228 Shrock, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Shrum, Joseph 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Shryock, Leanord 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 202 Shults, Henry 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 229 Shuman, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 222 Shuman, William 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 231 Shyles, Ephraim 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 224 Sides, Jacob 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 236 Sides, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 224 Sides, Joseph 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 236 Sifford, Leanord 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 230 Silber, George 1830 INDIANA BOROUGH 201 Simmons, Barbara 1830 CENTER TWP 176 Simox, Hugh 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 183 Simpson, Andrew 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 214 Simpson, David 1830 MAHONING TWP 251 Simpson, James 1830 GREEN TWP 258 Simpson, John 1830 GREEN TWP 257 Simpson, John 1830 MAHONING TWP 247 Simpson, Nathaniel 1830 MAHONING TWP 253 Simpson, Samuel 1830 MAHONING TWP 247 Simpson, Solomon 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 231 Sinclair, John 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 210 Singly, Peter C. 1830 206 Sinsebaugh, Jacob 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 229 Skewright, Isaac 1830 CENTER TWP 182 Slayman, Mary 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Sleppy, Abraham 1830 GREEN TWP 257 Sloan, Martha 1830 208 Sloan, Samuel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 219 Sloan, Sarah Anne 1830 CENTER TWP 179 Sloan, Thomas 1830 206 Slonaker, Daniel 1830 MAHONING TWP 254 Sloneger, Ratchel 1830 MAHONING TWP 247 Slowy, Hugh 1830 GREEN TWP 258 Smiley, David 1830 MAHONING TWP 248 Smith, Daniel, Jr. 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 212 Smith, Daniel, Sr. 1830 206 Smith, Jacob 1830 MAHONING TWP 250 Smith, James 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 198 Smith, James 1830 CENTER TWP 179 Smith, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 186 Smith, James 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 190 Smith, Jesse 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 195 Smith, John 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Smith, John 1830 GREEN TWP 262 Smith, John 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Smith, John 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 232 Smith, Joseph 1830 CENTER TWP 181 Smith, Peter 1830 MAHONING TWP 255 Smith, Richard W. 1830 GREEN TWP 261 Smith, Robert 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 204 Smith, Samuel 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 216 Smith, William 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 196 Smith, William 1830 ARMSTRONG TWP 198 Smith, William 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 190 Smith, William 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Smith, William 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 244 Smitton, Archiabld 1830 MAHONING TWP 250 Smouse, George 1830 MAHONING TWP 251 Snyder, Abraham 1830 BLACKLICK TWP 217 Snyder, Conrad 1830 CENTER TWP 175 Solsgiver, Jacob 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 192 Sowers, Daniel 1830 WHEATFIELD TWP 224 Speedy, Ames 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Speedy, Hugh 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 246 Speedy, Thomas 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 241 Speers, Alexander 1830 CONEMAUGH TWP 189 Spence, George 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Spence, James 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Spence, James, Sr. 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 240 Spence, John 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 243 Spence, Robert 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 240 Spence, William 1830 WASHINGTON TWP 240 Spencer, Daniel 1830 MAHONING TWP 253 Spencer, William 1830 MAHONING TWP 256 Spencer, Zechariah 1830 MAHONING TWP 256 Page 6445, Price, D to Spencer, Z