Church Registers: Brush Valley Evangelical Lutheran Church A-H, Indiana Co. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by George Ames. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Index of names contained in the book "History of The Brush Valley Evangelical Lutheran Church, Indiana County PA." By Rev J. Milton Snyder, 1901 NAME Page Number(s) ABERLY Rev. J. 25, ADAMS Rev. David 11, 31, ALTEMUS Adam 16, Cora N. 23, 27, Daniel 24, Evaline 14, Family 2, Fannie E. 22, 27, (Married McFeaters) Mary 12, Mary Ann 14, Matthias 25, 27, Nicholas Sr. 12, Nicholas 12, Sarah 14, Susanna 14, AMON Mary Rebecca 14, BABB Rev A. 11, BEARD Rev. J. R. 19 BELL Rev. P. G. 19, BISHOP Rev Henry 12, 13, 26, 31, BOWER (also, BOWERS) Adam 6, Arabella 23, Catherine 6, 8, 27, 28, David 6, 28, Elizabeth 6, 28, Ellen 14, Eva 8, Family 2, Frances 14, George 8, Henry 6, 28, Isaac 14, 15, John 6, 7, 8, 14, Magdalena 7, Margaret 8, Maria 6, Mary 11, 14, Mary Ann 11, Mrs. Isaac 15, Nancy 14, Nancy Elizabeth 23, Peter 6, Polly 6, Rachel 14, Sallie 6, Sally 27, Sarah 9, 10, Susan 9, Veronica 7, 28, BROWN Catherine 10, Elizabeth 7, 10, George 6, Henry 6, Jacob 6, John 7, Magdalena 6, Rev. J 11, 31, BURKHART Henry A. 24, Jesse Wilmer 24, Nora (Rhodes) 24, Sara A. 24, CAMPBELL Celia 23, Elmer 23, Martha 28, Viola G. 23, CARBAUGH Andrew 29, COUPCatherine 14, Charlotte 22, Jennie 22, 25, John 13, 23, 29, Maria 15 Philip 11, COURTNEY Rev. G. L. 24, COY Abraham 29, Barbara 5, 6, 9, Caroline 14, Elizabeth 5, 9, 10, 15, 28, Family 2, Henry 5, 6, John 5, 6, 9, 10, John Sr. 28, John (Of Henry) 28, John B. 13, Ludwig 9, 28, Magdalena 5, Maria 5, 8, Mary 28, Michael 5, 8, 28, Nancy 14, Sallie 6, Susanna 5, 13, Veronica 9, CRAMER Annie Belle 24, Daniel 9, 11, 28, Ephriam 29, Family 2, Jacob 27, Nicholas 29, Philip 29, Rachel (Shuman) 5, 9, CREBS Rev. W. E. 22, 31, CRESWILL Family 2, CRIST Rev. Isaiah B. 17, 31 CROFT Daniel S. 29, DeARMY (Also, DeARMOND, and DeARMEN) Adam 10 Elizabeth 7, 8, 9, 14, 28, Family 2, Henry 8, 28, Isaac 10, 28, Jacob 8, 11, 12, 28, John 9, 14 Nancy 9, Sarah 9, 28, Simon 14, Susanna 8, Susan 28, William 6, Veronica 6, DeHAVENS Mary 28, DEININGER Rev. C. J. 13, 31, DIAS James 30, DICK George W. 30, Jacob 10, 28, James 30, DICKEY John 15, DIEHL Barbara 28, DUNKEL Henry 21, John 5, 7, 21, Maria 5, Susan 5, 7, Susanna 20, DUNWOODIE Robert 28, DYERev. S. V. 23, 24, 31, EHRENFELD Rev. George F. 16, 31, Rev. K. C. 35, EMERY Rev. William S. 1 4, 15, 31, EMPFIELD Alta Z. 23, (Married Hoover) Catherine 9, Family 2, George 11, Jacob 5, Jemina 14, Jennie B. 23, (Married Murdick) Peter 5, Margaret 27, Maria 5, 6 Martha Matilda 23, Mary Ann 14, Mrs. --- 15, Nancy 28, Sally 11, William 20, ENDERS Susanna 27, EVANS Catherine 17, John, J.P. 3, EVERETT Joseph 24, 29, FETTERMAN Andreas (Andrew) 8, 28, Catherine 7, 9, 10, Christiana 28, Daniel 7, 9, Elizabeth 6, 27, 28, Findley 29, Gideon 11, Jacob 9, John 8, 28, John C. 11, Maria 6, Michael 7, 8, 28, 29, Lydia 7 Philip 7, Rosanna 7, Rosina 10, Samuel 9, Sophia 9, 28, Susan 11, FISHER Catherine 17, Jacob 7, Polly 7, FOLKOMER Barbara 15, Martha 15, Susanna 15, FORNWALL (Also, FORNWALT) Isaac 30, John 14, FOWLER William 28, FREY Catherine 21, Peter 21, FRY Family 1, Catherine 3, Daniel 4, John 4, Peter 2, 3, GARMAN Daniel 18, 27, David 18, GATHERS Rev. Henry 15, 16, 31, GEORGE Adam 12, 13, 25, Elizabeth 11, Getterman 9, GILHOUSEN Benjamin 9, GLASSFORD George 27, GRAW Adam 20, Barbara 20, Elizabeth 20, GRAY Isaac 4, GRESSLEY Nancy Malissa 24, Samuel Shem 24, GUIDEIN Daniel 13 GULDEN Elizabeth 14, Maria 14, Samuel 12 HANKEY Rev. Jacob M. 24, 31, HART Anna Maria 27, John 20, HARTZ Maria 7, HAY Rev. Lewis 24, HEINE Family 2, HELMAN Barbara 21, Michael 28, Peter 21, Susanna 21 HELMUTH/DR. --- 33, HENRY Andreas 7, Daniel 7, John 10, HERLINGER Francis K. 29, Fredrick 12, HESS Catherine 9, Elizabeth 5, HEYER Rev. C. F. 34, HILL Benjamin Daniel 23, George B. 23, Lillie Belle 23, (married Buterbaugh) Mrs. George B. 23., HIRSCHINGER Catherine 21, HITE Paul 16, Mr. --- 15, Mrs. --- 15, William 16, HOLLINGER Francis 14, Margaret 14, HOLMES Mary A. 14, HOOVER Margaret 24, HOWARD Catherine 6, Family 2, John 6, 29, Lucinda 18, Magdalena 7, Peter 7, 18,