Church Registers: Brush Valley Evangelical Lutheran Church K-Y, Indiana Co. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by George Ames. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Index of names contained in the book "History of The Brush Valley Evangelical Lutheran Church, Indiana County PA." By Rev J. Milton Snyder, 1901 NAME Page Number(s) KELLER Abendigo 14, 30, Alomina 14, Christian 7, 8, 27, 28, Christian W. 22, 26, 27, Christopher 21, David 29, Elizabeth 11, Family 2, George 6, 11, 27, Hannah 14, Henry 29, John 30, Margaret 19, 20, Nicholas 14, Rachel Ann 14, Rev. Benjamin 34, Tillie J. 22, 27, Valentine 4, 8, 19, 20, KENNEDY John P. 18, 19, KEPPLE Isaiah 24, I. S. 26, 27, Mary J. 24, KOWAN Catherine 8, KRAMER Catherine 6, David 20, Jacob 6, John 6, 7, 20, Maria 20, LAMBRECHT Rev. John Gottfried 2, 3, 30, LEARN H. W. 26, LEININGER Catherine 10 Family 2, John 9, 28, Lydia 11, 28, Mary 9, W. H. 26, LLOYD Marie 27, LOWER Adam 29, Barbara Ellen 14, Elizabeth Catherine 14, Margaret 15, Martha E. 15, Wm. H 25, LOWMAN Andreas 7, Maria 6 LYDICK Simon 15, MARDUSElizabeth 6, Davie 8, Samuel 8, MARKS John Sigmond 22, MASON Rev. Dr. 34, McCRACKEN Eleanor 12, McCULLOUGH --- Elmer 23, D. E. 26, George G. 23, Lewis D. 23, Mary Margaret 23, Rev. A. W. 17, 31, McFEATERS Bessie T. 23 Gertie J. 23, James C. 15, John 28, McILHENNY John 9 MEDTART Rev. Jacob 11, 21, 31, MEISNER (Also, MISNER) David 28, Henry 13, Lucinda 13, Samuel 28, Veronica 8, MEYERS Benjamin 29, MILLERCatherine 10, Family 2, Daniel 4, 29, Herman 28, William H. 11, MOEHLER Rev. --- 2, 3, 30, MOOSE James 29, MURDICK Andrew Curtin 24, Chambers 25, Gertie 23, 25, Jennie M. 17 MURPHY Anna 27, NAST Elizabeth 6, George 6 NEVINS Wm W. 25, 27, NOBLE A. C. 13, Martha 12, OVERDORFF Family 2, PAIGE Edmund 10, 11, Elizabeth 10, 12, John 11, John D. 13, 18, 25, 26, 27, Susanna 13, PALMER Elizabeth 7, PATTERSON Alexander 28 PAUL Alice 27, Andrew 16, Gertie V. 23, Israel 22, 26, Jacob I. 22, 26, Zachariah 16 PEDDICORD John 29, RAND George B. . 23, Stephen H 22, 25, 26, REESE Rev. John W. 22, 31, REICHART (Also REICHARD) Rev. Gabriel Adam 3, 5, 7, 8, 19, 20, 30, 35, REISINGER David 27, Maria 8, Mary 28, RHODES (Also, RHOADS) Charles J, 25, Daniel A. 13 George W 13, Henry Luther 14, Jessie M. 22, Nora 24, (Married Burkhart) Rebecca 13, RICE John Conrad 2, 7 Maria 7, RISER Rev. 12, ROSER Benjamin 14, Catherine 11, Christiana 10, Edmund 30, Elizabeth 14, Family 2, George 6, 7, 28, Kesiah(?) 9, Peter 11, 14, Polly 6, Samuel 9, Samuel Sr. 12, SAHM Rev. M. O. T. 17, 19, 21, 31, Rev. Peter, D.D. 13, 14, 31, Sarah 19, SAMSON Susanna 28, SAMPLE Rev. J. R. 23, SCHAFFER John 18, 26, Lloyd 18, SCHMUCKER J. G. D.D. 34, SETTLEMYER Rev. George W. 16, 31, SERGUS Margaret 28, SHAFFER (Also, SHAEFFER) Alice 27, George H. 30, Harriet 27, John 29, Rev. J. W. 22, 23, 31, SHARRETTS Catherine 34, Major F. 34 Rev. Nicholas G 3, 9, 10, 21, 28, 31, 34, (Also listed as Rev. A. G. SHARRETTS) SHAULIS Rev. Samuel A. 24, 31, SHIRELY Susan 28, SHULTZ (Also SCHULTZ) Jacob 12, Rev. William 3, 30, Samuel 12, SHUMAN William 9, Rachel 28, Susan 9, SILHOUSEN Levi 9 SIMONS Emma 20, SLIPPY Margaret 28, SLOANAKER Rev. W. G. 23, 31, SMITH Obadiah 4, SNYDER Rev. J. Milton 1, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,35, 36, Rev. P. 16, 17, Rev Simon P. 31, 36, SORGUSCatherine 28, John 28, Sarah 28, SORYER (Also SORYEN) Jacob 3, 7, SPOTTSWOOD Louisa H. 34, STAHL Rachel Ann 24, (Married Coy) STAKE John 28, STECK John 9, Rev. John Michael 2, 30, 33, Sophia 10, Susanna 9, STEINMAN Family 2, Sarah 9, 28, STEPHEN (Also, STEPHENS,) Jacob 8, John 5, 8, 20, 27, Jonas 5, Margaret 7, Maria 8, Peter 7, 20, Philip 20, Susan 5, Susanna 7, STEPHY (Also STEFFEY) Catherine 10, David 9, John 28, Peter 29, William 9, STEVENS Mary 28, STEWART George R. 23, 26, 27, Joshua 29, M. S. 18, STOLL Catherine 28, STORY John 4, STRONG Catherine 6, 7, James 7, Johanna 6, SYSTER Addie 23, THOMPSON John 28, TOMLINSON Rev. Benjamin W. 17, 31, TRUBY Family 2, TYSON Family 2, Herman 27, John 3, 7, Lydia 6, Magdalena 7, WAGELY Samuel 11 WALTEMYER (Also, WALTERMIRE) Daniel 30, David 30, Henry 30, Margaret 10, William 30, WEAVER ---- 17, Christian R. 14, 18, C. R. 25, 26, Christiann 15, Elizabeth 14, John 15, John E. 23, Mr. --- 15, Mrs. --- 15, WIKE (Also,WEIK) Abraham B. 29, Christiana 6, 28, David 10, Elizabeth 8, 28, George 10, 13, Henry, Sr. 7, Henry 8, 28, John 6, Nancy 7, Peter 8, WOHLFART George 27, WOLF Elizabeth 27, YANEY Matthias 18, YOUNKIN Uriah 25,