CHURCH: REGISTERS: United Presbyterian Church, Indiana, PA USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. The Mahoning Congregation of the United Presbyterian Church, East Mahoning Township was first occupied in 1809 as a preaching station. It was organized as a congregation in 1828, first elected officers being William McCreery and Hugh Hamilton. The 50 charter members were: William McCreery, Margaret McCreery, Jane McCreery, Margaret McCreery, James McCreery, S.F. McCreery, John Hopkins, Margaret Hopkins, Rosanna Hopkins, Robert Hopkins, Robert Hamilton, Jane Hamilton, Robert Hamilton, Jr., Rachel Hamilton, Hugh Hamilton, Nancy Hamilton, Miriam Work, Aaron Woork, Mary Work, Miriam Work, James Work, Mary Work, A.S. Work, Margaret Work, John Work, Martha Work, William Work, Nancy Work, Robert Lytle, Catharine Lytle, William Lytle, John Lytle, Elizabeth Lytle, Sarah Lytle, James Mabon, Jane Mabon, Matthew Steele, Sarah Steele, Robert Craig, Agnes Craig, Samuel Simpson, Phoebe Simpson, Andrew Gibson and wife, John Thompson, Jane Thompson, John Coon, Nancy Coon, Nancy Smith, Martha Hopkins, and Margaret Hopkins. This information came from History of Indiana Co., and I'm not sure it's still copyrighted information. Sheri Gray