CHURCH: REGISTERS- Curry Run Presbyterian Church, Armstrong Township Session Notes 1842-1853 Contributed for use in the USGENWEB archives by Donald Beatty ( USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and Libraries is encouraged as long as all notices and submitter informatio is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites./ We encourage links to the State and County Table of Contents. _______________________________________________________________________ Curry Run Selected Session Notes-1842-1853 Originals in archives Shelocta Church Page 26- September 23, 1842- Session met.Members present-Alexander Donaldson, moderator, Joseph Henderson,Robert Walker, William Anthony, James Speedy. Opened with prayer by the moderator. Members received by examination- Eliza Lucas, Mary Ann Beaty, Sarah Beaty, Pauline Clarke, Ann Kelly. Concluded with prayer by the moderator. 24th -. Session met. Members present- as above.Members received on examination- July Ann Woodward, Susannah McElhose, CatherineMatson, Members received on certificate-Margaret Anthony of Indiana, George Ballentine and Nancy his wife, Amos Thomas and Eliza, his wife,William Hall, and Sarah his wife, Sarah Hall Page 27- Richard Shields, and Nancy, his wife are now dismissed from this church at their own request. Polly Robison, now Polly Sharp is now dismissed at her own request. Concluded with prayer by the moderator. James Lewis, Clerk Names of adults baptised Pauline Clarke, Ann Kelly, Catherine Matson Names of baptised children and parents Alexander Donaldson, of Alexander Beaty and Debora his wife Sarah of Hannah Streams Nancy Jane of Catherine Matson John of John Boreland and Rebecca his wife John of Robert Campell and Naomi his wife Thomas Trimble of Daniel Hill and Eliza his wife Sarah of Nancy McElhose Spencer September 11th Nancy Ellen of John Anthony and Eliza his wife More Curry Run Church records Page 75 Line 108 William Beaty-Descd 13th September, 1848 Elizabeth his wife Decd 24 Jan. 1843 Line 228 Daniel McCoy- Dis Line 229 Elizabeth, his wife-Dis. Line 237-May 1, 1848John Fleming and 238 Nancy, his wife 251 Joshua Balantine and 252 Lucinda, his wife -left- gone to Methodist 264 Susannah Fleming-dism. Sept. 1850 128-Sept, 24- 1841 Thos. Fleming-dism. July 4, 49 135 Robt. Campbell -dism. May 1st, 47 139 Mary A. Beatty dism. 140 Sarah Beatty dism. May 1st ,47 147 George Balantine and 148 Nancy, his wife dism. /53 September 23, 1842 Church Members Line 143 Mary Ann Beatty- disnissed at her request- no date 144 Sarah Beatty dismissed at her request -May, 1847 151 George Balantine and 152 Nancy, his wife Elders at the time of Organization-- Mr William Anthony and Mr Robert Walker