Indiana County PA Archives History .....Henry S. Hopkins, Commitment To Reform School August 2, 1899 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara W. Brown July 25, 2008, 4:24 pm Complaint brought before J.H. Ruger, Justice of the Peace of Indiana County, by Margaret Hopkins, mother of Henry S. Hopkins, a minor born July 12, 1890. I am about 40 years of age, live and have a settlement in Banks, Indiana Co., Pa. Am married but my husband has deserted me last spring, and my family and I are a charge upon the Poor District of said Township. I have eight living children, aged respectively 19-16-15-13-9-6-3 years and one 18 months, of which six are at my home. I am unable to properly care for my children and they are growing up to be bad boys. This son is addicted to the use of profane language, irreverent, and of a naturally vicious nature and highly incorrigible, not obeying me. (signed by mark) Mrs. Irvin Neal deposes that she is 27 years of age and is a neighbor of the Hugh Hopkins family, of which Henry S. Hopkins is a son. The family is entirely unfit to rear their children and they are all growing up to be bad, worthless persons, a menace to the community. Henry is incorrigible, of a vicious nature, not obeying his mother or any other person. Uses profane and vulgar language. He is continually fighting with the children and is a menace to them. He often stones the persons going to and from church calling them names, etc. Mrs. Norris Cameron deposes that she is 32 years of age, married, and lives in Banks Township, a neighbor of the Hopkins family. I have known Henry since his infancy. He is a bad little boy and appears to have a vicious nature, attacking children on the public highway, stoning the buildings of the neighbors....a menace to the proper rearing of young children where he lives. (signed) Serena Cameron; Mrs. Mosas Cameron Additional Comments: Notes made upon the boy's arrival at the Pennsylvania Reform School, Morganza: Henry S. Hopkins, No. 5739, Division A. See brother's statement $5741. Will not make any admissions. Description: Height 4' 3"; weight 65 pounds. Brown hair, brown eyes, medium complexion. Age: 9 on July 12, 1899; received Aug. 15, 1899. Born: Penna., American parentage. Baptist. Neither parent intemperate; parents do not own property. 5 older brothers, 2 younger brothers; 1 younger sister. Illiterate. Swears. Does not lie, steal or use tobacco. Is not intemperate. Has not been arrested before, This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb