Land: Deed from George G. Ross to O.W. Ross, Indiana Co Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Jean Hudson Masco. USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "The following described piece parcel or tract of land situated in Montgomery Township, Indiana County and State of Pennsylvania bordered and described as follows to wit. Beginning at a post on the public road thence along said road by part of the farm tract sold and conveyed to John O. Creary south seventy five and a half degrees west eighty ____ and a half perches to _____ thence south eighty four degrees west twe nty seven perches and three tenths to ______other land of the said O.W. ROSS north eighty eight degrees west twenty five and fourteenth perches to stone fence by land of John F. NEELY North two degrees east one hundred and fifteen perches to a post thence by land of David HARRISON south eighty eight degrees east one hundred and thirty four perches to a post thence by land of A.B. WALLIS ninety perches to post in the road, the place of Beginning containing eighty eight Acres and thirty seven perches strict measure it being the same tract of land sold and conveyed by Nathan ROSS and Barbara his wife to the said George G. ROSS by this deed dated the 28th day of September AD 1881 the _____ grantor to the Records of Indiana County will more fully show."Purchased land from his brother, George G. 31 Mar 1882 eighty eight acres, thirtyseven perches, previously sold to George by Nathan and Barbara ROSS 28 Sep 1881" "The following described piece parcel or tract of land situated in Montgomery Township, Indiana County and State of Pennsylvania bordered and described as follows to wit. Beginning at a post on the public road thence along said road by part of the farm tract sold and conveyed to John O. Creary south seventy five and a half degrees west eighty ____ and a half perches to _____ thence south eighty four degrees west twe nty seven perches and three tenths to ______other land of the said O.W. ROSS north eighty eight degrees west twenty five and fourteenth perches to stone fence by land of John F. NEELY North two degrees east one hundred and fifteen perches to a post thence by land of David HARRISON south eighty eight degrees east one hundred and thirty four perches to a post thence by land of A.B. WALLIS ninety perches to post in the road, the place of Beginning containing eighty eight Acres and thirty seven perches strict measure it being the same tract of land sold and conveyed by Nathan ROSS and Barbara his wife to the said George G. ROSS by this deed dated the 28th day of September AD 1881 the _____ grantor to the Records of Indiana County will more fully show."