Indiana County PA Archives Obituaries.....Kinter, Helen Gretta February 11, 1901 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Clare Tuohy December 7, 2007, 10:11 am Indiana Messenger Feb 20 1901 Helen Kinter Miss Helen "Gretta" Kinter died in the McKeesport hospital on Monday morinig February 11,1901 of inflammation of the bowels aged 25 years. Her illness began three or four days previous to her death at the National Hotel, where she had made her home for a year previous. Physicians regarded her case as very critical and advised her removal to the hospital at once where special treatment and care could be given. A telegram was sent to Miss Kinter's father at his home in Grant township and he made all efforts to reach his daughter's bedside, but did not arrive in McKeesport until the day following her death. At the inquest held by the coroner the hospital physicians testified as to the cause of her death as above stated and the jury so found in its verdict. The remains were brought here on Wednesday evening and the following morning taken home. The funeral took place on Friday, services being held by the Rev. Cogley of Marion Center, interment following at Gilgal. During her residence in McKeesport, Gretta made many friends and they were most solicitous and administered every care and attention during her brief illness. They provided a handsome and costly casket and rare gifts of flowers. During Mr Kinter's brief stay at McKeesport he was treated with the greatest care and kindness and aided in every way possible, and for those attentions bestowed he asks us to return his most sincere thanks. The McKeesport News in speaking of the deceased says: " Helen M Kinter daughter of Mr and Mrs W H Kinter of Decker's Point Indiana county, Pa, died last night in the McKeesport hospital. The cause of death was peritonitis. the young lady has been employed at the National Hotel as a waiter for a year past and was respected by a large number of acquaintances. On Saturday February 3, she became ill and was later taken to hospital where she received every possible attention, but her case defied the skill of mortal. Her father arrived in the city this morning and will take the remains to the old home for interment." This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.6 Kb