Newspapers: Indiana Evening Gazette (August 19, 1921), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman, . USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing of this file by non-commercial libraries and individuals is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county tables of contents. Indiana Evening Gazette August 19, 1921 Mrs. Silas PROTHERO, who has been visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence MCCORMICK, of Johnstown, has returned home. September 21, 1921 C. G. PROTHERO of Lansing, Mich., spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas PROTHERO. His brother, Dale, accompanied him as far as Cleveland on his way home. October 31, 1921 After an extended illness from a complication of diseases, Mrs. Elizabeth A. LAUGHLIN, widow of Joseph M. LAUGHLIN, passed away at the family home on North Sixth street on Sabbath morning at a quarter before eight o'clock. The daughter of the late John and Sarah Clark PROTHERO, the deceased was born and reared in Indiana. She was united in marriage with Joseph M. LAUGHLIN and they enjoyed a married life of nearly fifty years. Essentially a home maker, Mrs. LAUGHLIN lived a quiet life, but was ever aware of current happenings and when her health permitted took an active part in the affairs of the church and its various societies. She leaves these children: Olive, the wife of Judge D. M. MILLER of Pittsburgh; Dr. John P. LAUGHLIN and Dr. Edward J. LAUGHLIN, both of Pittsburgh; Harry J. LAUGHLIN of Indiana, and Miss Anna E. LAUGHLIN, at home. She also leaves these brothers and sisters: Silas PROTHERO of Home; James PROTHERO of Punxsutawney; Mrs. Adda P. ELKIN, Mrs. Emma P. SLOAN and Mrs. R. D. HETRICK, all of Indiana. The funeral services will be conducted at her late residence on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, by the Rev. Dr. F. W. Hinitt, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Interment will be made in Oakland cemetery. February 6, 1929 Silas Clark PROTHERO, aged 79 years, life-time resident of Indiana County, prominent in the rural life of the community in which he lived and admired and respected by everyone with whom he was associated, either personally or in community affairs, passed away at his home in Kellysburg Tuesday afternoon at 1:25 o'clock. Death was due to a complication of diseases after a short illness. Mr. PROTHERO was born May 11, 1850, a son of John PROTHERO and Sarah (Clark) PROTHERO. He had always resided on the home farm where death occurred, devoting his time and talents to the betterment of his inheritance and for the well-being of his family. He was a member of the Washington Presbyterian Church since young boyhood and was a leader in congregational activities. The deceased leaves a widow, Mrs. Anna Margaret (KINTER) PROTHERO; two sons, Charles G. PROTHERO of Cleveland, and Dale PROTHERO, at home, and three sisters: Mrs. B. Shields SLOAN, Mrs. R. D. HETRICK and Mrs. Adda P. ELKIN, all of Indiana. Funeral services will be conducted in his late residence Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock by the Rev. Mr. Boston. Interment will be made in Oakland Cemetery, Indiana. February 15, 1929 We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of husband and father, Silas Clark PROTHERO, also for the beautiful flowers and use of cars. Mrs. Emma PROTHERO H. Dale PROTHERO C. G. PROTHERO March 19, 1929, April 9, 1929, April 16, 1929 Letters of administration on the estate of Silas C. PROTHERO, late of Rayne township, deceased, having been granted the undersigned, those having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and those knowing themselves to be indebted are requested to make prompt payment. Emma M. PROTHERO, Home, Pa., R. 2 Executrix 12-19-26-2-9-16 May 11, 1929 First and Final Account of Emma M. PROTHERO, Executrix of the estate of Silas C. PROTHERO, late of Rayne Township, Dec'd.