Newspapers: Indiana Evening Gazette (January 29, 1907), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman, . USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing of this file by non-commercial libraries and individuals is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county tables of contents. Indiana Evening Gazette January 29, 1907 A very pretty wedding took place at the Lutheran parsonage, Elderton, Pa., on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 25, when Miss Mertie L. McGaughey, and Eric I. Silvis, both of Shelocta, were united in marriage by Rev. Wm. L. Price. The bride is one of the accomplished and highly respected young ladies of that place, the daughter of Mr. James M. McGaughey. The bridegroom is a very promising young man, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silvis, one of the successful farmers of Armstrong county. After the ceremony they returned to the bride's home where a sumptuous wedding supper awaited them. On Friday noon they enjoyed another reception tendered them at the bridegroom's home with a few invited guests. The happy couple left on their honeymoon Saturday morning to visit Sykesville, Dubois, and other places. April 6, 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Steele Kerr and children Eric and Fanny Ellen were the guests of Mrs. Kerr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silvis, of near South Bend, on Sabbath. May 7, 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silvis and grand-daughter, Nancy Silvis of near South Bend were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steele Kerr on Sabbath. August 25, 1917 Mrs. Emerson Allshouse, of Wilkinsburg, and Mrs. Michael Silvis, of near South Bend, visited with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Steele Kerr, on Monday. September 17, 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silvis of near South Bend were the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steele Kerr, on Sabbath. June 5, 1924 Gas has been struck on the Thompson farm. The Peoples Gas Company have located two more wells on the Michael Silvis farm. They have already drilled in two good wells. December 7, 1928 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis spent last week-end with their daughter at Vandergrift. January 12, 1929 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis attended the double funeral of Miss Mary Frants and brother John, held at the Hill Church, Wednesday morning. April 5, 1929 Mrs. Milton Silvis has returned home after having spent some time with her daughter at Apollo. April 15, 1929 Mrs. Milton Silvis spent a day last week with Susan Silvis. March 11, 1932 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis attended the funeral of Mrs. Harry Silvis at South Bend Wednesday. Indiana Messenger July 9, 1902 Marriage Licenses Issued Milton A. Silvis.....South Bend November 15, 1923 The Peoples Gas Co. had two good gas wells come in last week. One on the Michael Silvis farm, and one on the Crawford farm at Idaho. January 4, 1923 Miss May Silvis, of Saltsburg, and Milton Young, of Avonmore, were united in marriage December 20. The bride is the daughter of Robert Silvis and the groom is a telegraph operator. December 4, 1924 Marriage Licenses Milton A. Silvis, Armstrong, Ida M. Newbreast, Armstrong June 8, 1922 Mrs. Malena George, aged 78 years, a well known resident of South Bend, died suddenly on Wednesday morning while doing her household duties. She had been in her usual health and her death was a shock to the community. Funeral services were held in the Lutheran church at that place on Friday by her pastor, Rev. Woods, assisted by Rev. Kresge, and burial was made in the church cemetery. Indiana Progress May 21, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis and children were the guests of Mrs. Mary Williams, of Elderton, on Friday. June 11, 1913 Clara Silvis spent Sabbath with her uncle, Milton Silvis, and family. March 23, 1921 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis and son, Milton, Jr., who have resided in Niles, O., for the past year, and who will soon leave for Colorado, spent a few days of the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Silvis. August 15, 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Silvis and three children were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Devers. May 12, 1920 Mrs. Malena George spent a few days with relatives in Apollo. December 15, 1920 Misses Venie Townsend and Elizabeth Painter were the guests of Mrs. Malena George on Friday. March 30, 1921 Mrs. Malena George has been visiting for a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Alvie Hanna, who has been on the sick list. August 10, 1921 Arthur Hanna spent a night recently with his grandmother, Mrs. Malena George. Elwood Wherry and family, of Aspinwall, were the guests of his father, J. N. Wherry, the past week. August 17, 1921 Postmaster Charles Wherry, of Brackenridge, spent several days recently with his mother, Mrs. Malena George. October 5, 1921 Mrs. Malena George was a Friday visitor in the home of her son, Alvie Hanna. November 30, 1921 Mrs. Beighley had as her guests on Thanksgiving her sisters, Sarah and Maria Smith and Mrs. Malena George.