Newspapers: Indiana County Gazette (November 1899), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman, . USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing of this file by non-commercial libraries and individuals is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county tables of contents. Indiana County Gazette, Indiana PA, July 22, 1891 MARRIAGE LICENSES William R. GROW and Lizzie A. CROFT, both of Buffington twp. D. C. TAYLOR, of New Avonmore, PA, and Sadie H. ROSBOROUGH, of Saltsburg, PA. Charles KELLEY, of Loyalhanna twp., Westmoreland Co., and Susana E. SERENA, of Bell twp., Westmoreland Co. C. D. MORTON, of Graceton, and N. Lizzie LONG, of Homer City. H. L. SPENCER, of Flora, and Elizabeth GRIFFITH, of Gilpin. MARRIED Benjamin M. LONG, of Indiana, to Agness MCCREARY, of Marion Center, PA, on July 15, 1891, at the M. E. parsonage in Marion Center, PA, by Rev. James Altman. William R. GROW, of Indiana county, to Lizzie A. CROFT, of Croft Postoffice, Indiana county, on July 16, 1891, by Rev. A. C. EHRENFELD. DEATHS Sarah Francis BARRETT, daughter of Thomas and Kate BARRETT, of Grant twp., died on July 10, 1891, of spinal disease, at the age of 9 years, 7 months, and 21 days. Flora Mabel PALMER, daughter of D. T. and Mary PALMER, of Blacklick, died on July 20, 1891, at the age of 6 months and 14 days. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Martha DICKEY, of Saltsburg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. William HOSACK. Mrs. John HOFFMAN and daughter Florence of Allegheny are visiting Mrs. HOFFMAN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George GROFT of East Water street. Samuel THOMPSON, who has been visiting his father, A. S. THOMPSON of Railroad avenue, returned to Wilkinsburg last night, where he is a book-keeper in a large grocery store. Miss Mary MCFADDEN, who has been teaching school in Portland, Oregon, for two years, returned home to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Eliza MCFADDEN, of Church street.