Newspapers: Indiana County Gazette (November 1899), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Abby Bowman, . USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing of this file by non-commercial libraries and individuals is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county tables of contents. Indiana County Gazette, Indiana PA, November 1, 1899 MARRIED On Thursday, October 26, at the home of the bride, No. 483, Maple street, Sadie ALTER to Miller AKEY, of West Philadelphia street, by Rev. J. Day Brownlee of the First U. P. church. Sadie WYKE and Dr. BUTERBAUGH were attendants. Samuel M. NICHOLSON, of Johnstown, and Annie M. GILBERT were married last Wednesday evening, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Martha Gilbert, of East Philadelphia street, by Dr. David Hall. Mr. Nicholson is employed by the Pennsylvania Railroad company and until recently was a resident of Indiana. A. W. FAY, of Williamsburg, to Sue SHANNON, who resides with her aunt, Mrs. Sue WILLIARD, of West Philadelphia street. Married at Pittsburg on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Barry, a relative of the groom. The couple will reside in Altoona. Carl M. HASTINGS, of East Mahoning twp., to Mary L. KINTER, the daughter of Captain and Mrs. J. A. KINTER, of Marion Center. Married at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday at noon, by Rev. J. M. Cogley. Edward H. GIBSON and Hattie EDDY, both of Penn Run, on Thursday afternoon, by Rev. J. M. Cogley at the M. E. parsonage in Marion Center. M. L. LOWER and Myrtle M. BRIDGE, both of Indiana, were married last Wednesday by Squire James Crossman at the home of John CONWAY. DEATHS Eliza SHIELDS, wife of John P.H. Shields, died at home on S. Seventh Street last Wednesday night, at about age 57. She had suffered from a lingering illness of cancer. A native of Allegheny County, she married at Parker's Landing in 1873. She is survived by her husband, daughters Misses Mabel and Carrie, and a son William, all at home, as well as five sisters. Funeral service by Rev. J. Day Brownlee of the First U. P. church. Interment in Greenwood cemetery. Peter FYOCK died on Saturday at his home. He was about 84 years of age and one of the oldest residents of that area. He was born in Somerset County and came to this county in 1852. Father of 18 children, 16 of which survive, as does his wife. Funeral service by Rev. Joseph Holsopple on Monday. Interment in the Dunkard graveyard near Greenville. Kate ROSER died at her home in Mechanicsburg on Friday. She was about 78 years of age. She suffered for a long time from a complication of diseases. Funeral service held at the Mechanicsburg Lutheran church on Saturday, by Rev. Mr. Hunt. Interment made in the graveyard next to the church. William P. BARTLETT died of typhoid fever at his home in Wilkinsburg. He was about 30 years of age. Survived by his wife, nee Elizabeth ORR, formerly of this place, and two children. Remains brought to Indiana on Thursday. Interment in Greenwood Cemetery. Catherine HUDSON died last Wednesday of general debility. She was about 80 years of age and resided in Cookport. Survived by six children. Funeral service by Rev. Mr. Fish, Friday afternoon at 1. Interment in Beringer cemetery. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry KAUFFMAN, of Crete, died Saturday. Buried at Bethel on Sabbath at 2 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS The residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Young, on North Ninth street, was the scene of a jolly Halloween party. One of the features of the evening was that each person present had to afford some amusement for the crowd. All the old Halloween jokes and games were resurrected and a right merry time was had until a late hour. Mr. Ralph WIGGINS, of Pittsburg, is spending this week with his mother, Mrs. M. J. WIGGINS, of the Third Ward. Mr. Simmons CUNNINGHAM, employed in Pittsburgh, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. CUNNINGHAM. Miss Annie LUCAS, of Kent, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. G. H. TAYLOR, of West Church street, on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. James FENTON, of Water street, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Simon DRENNING of near Homer City. Mrs. and Mrs. John MALCOLM, Jr., of Apollo, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MALCOLM, of North Sixth street. Mrs. Esther CAMPBELL, of White township, has spent the past four weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. HERR, of Butler.