Newspapers: Indiana Register (Apr-June 1854), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indiana Register, April 1854-June 1854, Indiana, PA Extracts 4 April 1854 MARRIED. On the 28th March by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. GEORGE HILEMAN, to MISS MARY CATHERINE STEWART, both of Brushvalley township. --On the 30th, by the same, MR. JOSHUA SNYDER, of Rayne township, to MRS. CATHERINE MARGARET COULTER, of this place. DIED. On the 21st of March, at his residence in Livermore, Westmoreland county, DR. DAVID LEWIS, aged 29 years, 8 months and 4 days. 11 April 1854 MARRIED. On the 4th inst., by A. Wiggins, Esq., MR. DANIEL DITCH, of Armstrong county, to MISS MARY RELLOR, of Pine township, Indiana county. --On the 2nd inst., by Rev. W.H. Shimp, MR. JOHN LOWMAN, to MRS. LESINGER, all of Rayne township. --On the 6th, by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. JOHN MARKS, to MISS EVE KELLER, both of Mechanicsburg, Indiana county. DIED. On the 10th inst., MRS. ISABEL HIGHLANDS, aged about 95 years. 18 April 1854 MARRIED. On the 13th inst., by the Rev. D. Blair, THOMAS ABY to MISS SARAH JANE BRYAN, both of White township. --On the 13th inst., by the Rev. P.A. Barnitz, MR. ISRAEL MOORE of Rayne township, to MISS SUSANNAH FETTERHOFF, of West Mahoning township. --On the 11th inst., by the Rev. S.G. Smutz, MR. ISAIAH M'CULLOUGH, to MISS ADALINE SWANK, both of Marion, Indiana county. --On the 6th April, by Rev. S.M. Coon, MR. JOHN DUNCAN to MISS ELIZABETH ANN DAVIDSON, both of Pine township. --On the same day, by the same, MR. ALEXANDER GETTY to MISS MARTHA M. DOUTHETT, both of Pine township. DIED. April the 5th of scarlet fever and congestion of the lungs, WILLIAM F. HART, aged 19 months and 26 days. 25 April 1854 MARRIED. On the 6th of April, by James Y. Brady, Esq., JAMES RIDDLE, ESQ., to MISS CATHERINE JEFFRIES, both of Montgomery township, Indiana county. --On the same day, by the same, MR. DANIEL McMAHAN, of Beaver county, Pa., to MISS RACHEL JEFFRIES, of Montgomery township. --On the 20th by Rev. D. Blair, MR. WILLIAM LONG to MISS MARTHA MAHAN, both of White township. --On the 20th April, by Rev. J. Carothers, MR. ROBERT SNYDER to MISS HANNAH HENDERSON, both of East Mahoning. --On the same day, by Rev. J.C. Telford, MR. JOHN B. WORK, of East Mahoning, to MISS NANCY THOMAS, of West Mahoning township. --April 24th, by Rev. Samuel Anderson, MR. WILLIAM HAMIL to MISS KESIAH BECK, both of White township. 2 May 1854 ACCIDENT. On last Tuesday, a horse which Mr. CHARLES B. CAMPBELL, of this borough, was driving in a small wagon, in consequence of the harness being too large which permitted the wagon to run against his heels, became unmanageable and ran away. In making a short turn, MR. CAMPBELL was with much violence thrown out, and was severely though we think not dangerously injured. BARN BURNED. On the evening of the 23rd ultimo, during the prevalence of a storrm which passed over this county, the barn of MR. GEORGE LOWMAN, of Armstrong township, was struck by lightning, and the barn, together with 90 bushels of wheat, a wagon, horse gears and three calves was consumed by fire. MARRIED. On the 20th April by Rev. Alexander Donaldson, MR. SAMUEL C. SLOAN, of Plumcreek township, Armstrong county, to MISS ELIZABETH C. LEWIS, of Young township, Indiana county. DIED. On the 30th April, MRS. SARAH, consort of GEORGE SHRYOCK, of this borough, in the 35th year of her age. 9 May 1854 FATAL ACCIDENT. --On last Tuesday, MR. JAMES BOTHEL, of Armstrong township, this county, lost his life in the following manner. He had gone to the Pines for a load of boards with which he was returning home. He had another man driving and he was sitting on the wagon. In passing down the hill a little over a mile west of this town, the road being rough, he was jolted off the wagon, and falling immediately in its track, the wheel passed diagonally over his back, from the right shoulder to the left side, causing instant death. MARRIED. On Thursday, the 4th of May, by Rev. David Blair, MR. DAVID FINDLEY to MISS MARY ANN McFEETERS, both of Brushvalley township, Indiana county. --On the 6th April, by Jacob Shaffer, Esq., MR. JOHN HANMAKER, of Armstrong county, to MISS MARY JANE SINK, of North Mahoning township. --On the 25th April, by the same, MR. SMITH COVERT, of North Mahoning township, to MISS MARGARET SHIELDS, of Canoe township. 16 May 1854 MARRIED. On the 4th May, by William Thompson, Esq., MR. JACOB R. WARNER, of Rayne township, to MISS MARTHA PHILIPS, of Green township. --On the 11th, by Rev. Mr. Shepley, MR. JOHN D. PATTON, of this Borough, to MISS EMILY CAMPBELL, of Blacklick township. --On the 4th inst., by Rev. S. Browne, MR. STUTCHELL LYDICK, of East Mahoning township, to MISS JANE ELIZABETH VANHORN, of South Mahoning. DIED. On the 5th inst., MISS ELIZA KINTER, daughter of P. AND AGNES KINTER, of Rayne township, of Consumption, about 24 yeras of age, an amiable and interesting young woman. She left a large circle of sorrowing friends and acquaintances. She was a member of the Presbyterian church. "Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb Take this new treasure to thy trust, And give these sacred relics room, To slumber in the silent dust. Nor pain nor grief nor anxious fear, Invade thy bonds--no mortal woes, Can reach the peaceful sleeper here, While angels watch the soft repose." 23 May 1854 --On one of the stormy days last week, an accident occurred near Rural Village [sic], Armstrong county, by which two human beings lost their lives. A MR. SCHRECKENGAST was riding along on horseback, having two of his children with him, when a tree fell upon them, killing Mr. S., one of the children and the horse--the other child escaped unhurt. 30 May 1854 DIED. At her residence in Armstrong county on the 24th of May, MRS. ESTHER MAHAN, wife of WILLIAM R. MAHAN, in the 24th year of her age. --On Friday, the 24th inst., MR. JOSEPH H. ADAIR, of White township, after a painful spinal illness, of ten or twelve years' duration, aged 44 years and 1 month. MARRIED. On the 20th May, by William Martin, Esq., JOHN L. SMITH, to MRS. MARY ANN CURTS, all of Canoe township. 6 June 1854 --MARY LEWIS, an aged lady residing in Rayne township, committed suicide by hanging herself in her own house, on the 22nd ult. Esq. Brandon held an Inquest. Verdict of Inquest, "Came to her death by hanging herself--caused by temporary insanity." ACCIDENT. On last Thursday, a man named MULLER, employed at the Steam Saw Mil of Messrs. Shryock and Johnston, had the thumb of his left hand accidentally cut off by one of the circular saws. --Smicksburg, May 30, 1854. Beat this who can! --MR. SAMUEL GOOD, near this place, owns a horse colt, who was one year old on yesterday, 29th inst., and was weighed here today and weighed 979 pounds. MARRIED. On Tuesday, the 30th ult., by J.C. Telford, MR. WILLIAM NICHOLS, of Green township, to MISS MARGART HAMILTON, of East Mahoning. SIX CENTS REWARD. Run away from the subscriber, an indentured apprentice to the Blacksmithing business, named REUBEN GASPAR. All persons are cautioned against employing him or harboring or trusting him on my account. ANDREW CROFT, Indiana, June 6, 1854. 13 June 1854 MARRIED. 6th June, by Rev. J. Horner, MISS ALICE, daughter of JOHN MULLEN, ESQ., of Indiana, to MR. JOSEPH GRIFFITH of White township, Indiana county. [Note the reversed order of the couple.] 20 June 1854 A FATAL ACCIDENT occurred last Thursday at Duncan's sawmill, a few miles east of Strongstown, in this county. A man in the employ of MR. DUNCAN was endeavoring to shift a long piece of timber which was being sawed, when by some means he was struck under the chin by the machinery with so much force that it dislocated his neck, causing instant death. MARRIED. On the 13th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. JOSHUA E. EWING, of White township, to MISS SARAH E. HILL, of this borough. --On the same day, by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. WILLIAM McELHANY, to MISS MARGARET MARTIN, both of this borough. 27 June 1854 FATAL ACCIDENT. --On last Thursday, the 22nd inst., an accident occurred at Philips' Mill, in Centre township, some five miles south of this borough, by which MR. DANIEL HESS, the miller, lost his life, in the most shocking manner. It would seemt hat he was engaged in placing a belt upon an upright shaft at the smut machine, when his right arm was caught by the belt and wound about the shaft, which was making from 40 to 60 revolutions in a minute. In this situation he was whirled around until his legs struck a post close by, whereby both his feet were torn off, one at the ankle and the other about three inches above, and his arm torn off at the shoulder. He struck with such great force that the dismembered feet were thrown to a distance of 12 or 15 feet from the body, and the arm, which was literally crushed up, some three or four. He died in about an hour and a half after the occurrence of the accident. Mr. Hess was a worthy, industrious man, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. SEVERE KICK. --On last Wednesday evening, a boy named GEORGE GASPAR, in the employ of MR. SAMUEL HILANDS, residing about two miles northwest of this place, whilst putting some horses into pasture, was kicked in the forehead by one of them. His skull immediately above the left eye was fractured, and two detached pieces were taken out. No serious results, we are pleased to learn, are likely to ensue.