Newspapers: Indiana Register (Feb-Mar 1858), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission of the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county table of contents. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extracts February-March, 1858 2 February 1858 MARRIED. On the 11th ult., by Rev. J.S. Bracken, DR. ________ ARTER, of Greensburg, to MRS. AMANDA MOORHEAD, of this borough. DIED. On the 27th ult., at the residence of H.KOSTERCAMP, in this borough, MRS. SMITH, aged about 55 years. --On the 12th January, of pleuresy, MR. DAVID M'COMB, of Young township, aged about 65 years. --At his residence, in Montgomery township. on Saturday the 9th ult., of Consumption, MR. JAMES LYDICK, aged about 55 years. --On Thursday evening, last, MRS. JANE MOORHEAD, wife of THOMPSON MOORHEAD, ESQ., of White township, aged 42 years, 5 months and 28 days. [note--nothing in there, anywhere, referring to a groundhog! 8-)] 9 February 1858 -none 16 February 1858 FATAL ACCIDENT. --On Tuesday evening, last week, when a wood train was backing out from the lower depot at Blairsville, a man named GEORGE CRAMER, who was lying on the track, was ran over, cutting off one leg below the knee and crushing the other between the knee and hip joint. The unfortunate man survived the accident but a few hours. He leaves a wife and children. Another sad warning is this to the lovers of "fire-water." DIED. On the 6th inst., of Scarlet fever, EDWIN, son of JOHN R. AND JANE CARNAHAN, of White township, aged 2 years and 2 months. --On the 11th inst., of the same disease, MARTHA AGNES, daughter of the same parents, aged 5 years and 7 months. They are gone to the land of nightless day To the clime of the winterless year, Where no cloud ever hangs on the evergreen spray, And the smile never turns to tears. (Isabel--) 23 February 1858 MARRIED. On the 16th inst., by the Rev. M. Connor, CAPT. CHARLES SLAYMAN, of this borough, to MISS REBECCA McMASTERS, of Blairsville. --On the 4th inst., by Rev. J.S. Bracken, CAPT. WILLIAM EARL, to MISS JANE McNEEL, all of this borough. DIED. In Washington township, on the 13th inst., ELIZABETH McKEE, wife of THOMPSON McKEE, aged 49 years, 9 months and ( ) days. --On the 8th February 1858, NANCY, infant daughter of JAMES AND JANE SWAN, aged 2 years, 10 months and (2 ) days. --Our dear sister Nancy's gone before us; She'll cheer our home no more. The joy her presence always gave Is now forever o'er. With anxious hearts, around her couch Friends warch'd for health's return; But fierce disease made sure work-- Her love we're left to mourn. In the family circle is left a void, Which never can be fill'd; Her footsteps there no more are heard, Her soothing voice is still'd. O! May we try all so to live That when this life is done, We then that happy home may have Where sorrows never come. -E.S. 2 March 1858 A BRISK DAY. --On Tuesday last week three hundred sleds, laden with lumber, passed one point on Philadelphia Street, and the whole number in our borough on that day was variously estimated at from five to six hundred. If any other town in the state can beat this in the way of sledding, to say nothing of a smart sprinkling of sleighs that kept "bobbing around," we should like to see an account of it. SERIOUS CHARGE. A man named ELI KUHNS was arrested last Saturday, at Homer, on a charge of bigamy, and lodged in our county jail. The person who made the information alleges that KUHNS, who married a woman in this county not long since, has a wife and children living in Westmoreland. [poor original, hard to read] 9 March 1858 MARRIED. On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. J.( ) Morris, MR. G.W. FREET, to MISS SUSAN MILLIRON, all of Saltsburg. DIED. On the evening of the 6th inst., LIZZIE RAMSEY, infant daughter of JOHN R. AND AGNES J. CAMPBELL, of this borough, aged 11 months and 12 days. 16 March 1858 -none 23 March 1858 FIRE! --About eight o'clock, on Friday morning, the smoke-house of MR. SAMUEL MYERS, in the eastern part of our borough, together with an attached wood-house, was consumed by fire. --A quantity of bacon, partly owned by MR. MYERS, and partly by MRS. McLANAHAN, was also destroyed. The building being of wood, burnt furiously, and it was only by the prompt and active exertions of our citizens, among them a number of ladies, (God bless them!) that MR. MYERS' dwelling house and shop were saved. The loss to the sufferers is considerable. 30 March 1858 MR. WILLIAM HAMILTON presented us, the other day, with half a bushel of potatoes--fine, large, mealy fellows--for which he has our thanks. May he raise many more of the "same sort." KUHNS, who was convicted of bigamy last week, was taken to the Western Penitentiary on Friday, by Sheriff Smith. MARRIED. On the 25th inst., by Rev. J.S. Bracken, MR. GEORGE F. DICK to MISS ANGELINE HERLINGER, of Brushvalley township. --Same day by the same, at the residence of MR. CHARLES GOMPERS, MR. DANIEL MILLER, to MISS DINAH CRAMER. DIED. On Saturday night, the 20th inst., MR. FRANCIS GOMPERS, of this Borough, aged 73 years. --On Friday, the 18th inst., in Cherryhill township, MRS. MARY, wife of MR. JOHN SWEENY, aged about 39 years. --At the residence of his father, in White township, on the 23rd inst., MR. WILLIAM BROWN, aged 20 years, 6 months and 19 days. The deceased was a young man remarkable for his good moral character and kind disposition. As a son, he was most obedient, as a gentleman, he was courteous and noble, as a companion, he was kind and generous. His loss is mourned by a large circle of friends. -A Companion.