Newspapers: Indiana Register (Jan-Feb 1855), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, 1855 2 January 1855 DIED. On the 31st, MRS. CATHERINE, wife of ANDREW GROFT, of this borough, aged 42 years, 6 months and 14 days. 9 January 1855 THE OLD GRAVEYARD at the south end of Clymer Street, presents to the eye of an individual in whom the finer and purer attributes predominate, a truly lamentable appearance, the fence is very much dilapidated, in some places the boards being entirely off, in others partly, and the gates removed, thus allowing cows, hogs, sheep or any other animals running at large, free ingress and egress to the "narrow house of the dead." We hope that, for the honor of humanity, if for nothing else, some measures by immediately adopted to have a good substantial fence erected around "the old grave yard." Our citizens are almost daily asked for contributions, and we must say their liberality is highly commendable, and we know, if called upon, they will cheerfully give their aid to so desireable and praiseworthy an object, as the one we have mentioned. MARRIED. On the 2d instant, by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. THOMAS B. LLOYD, of Pittsburgh, to MISS MARY C. PATTEN, of this borough. --On Thursday, January 4th, by Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. R.M. FLEMING, to MISS MARGARET, only daughter of DUBRE THOMAS, ESQ. DIED. At Cherry Tree, Indiana county, of Erysipelas, SAMUEL E., son of JAMES AND MARGARET McCARTY, in the 10th year of his age. --On the 26th December, 1854, MRS. ELIZABETH DONALDSON, wife of WILLIAM DONALDSON, ESQ., of this place, aged 61 years, 5 months and 25 days. (copied from the Hollidaysburgh Register.) 16 January 1855 A VICTIM. --On the 24th December, as JOSEPH BENNET, of Montgomery township, was returning home from hauling timber, he was met by four men, who asked him to convey them in his sled to a doggery kept in the neighborhood by a man named VATTER. On their return, in attempting to drive into the Susquehanna at Atchison's bridge, which was broken down, the sled was precipitated from the bank into the river. MR. BENNET and three of the men were thrown into the water; the fourth one having got out of the sled. The three succeeding in reaching the shore, but when they looked around, they found BENNET was missing, and upon making search found him in the water a corpse. The whole party, it is said, was intoxicated. An inquest was held on the body, when the above facts were elicited. --A week after the remains of BENNET were exhumed at the instance [sic] of relatives, who were suspicious that foul play had been practiced, but upon examination, no traces of violence were found. A warrant for the arrest of VATTER was issued, but he has succeeded in eluding the officers. Our informant further states that when the house of VATTER was searched, that the persons in attendance seized the liquor barrels in the house, broke in the heads, and emptied out their contents. DIED. On Tuesday, the 9th inst., THEODORE, son of ADAM AND SUSANNA ROWE, aged 9 years, 2 months and 6 days. --On the 7th inst., NANCY, daughter of NATHANIEL AND HANNAH BRYAN, of Glade Run, Armstrong county, formerly of Pine township, Indiana county, in the 16th year of her age. --On the 15th, MRS. CATHERINE ANN, wife of GEORGE W. DUNCAN, of White township, aged 31 years, 4 months and 23 days. 23 January 1855 MARRIED. On the 16th inst., by Rev. Thomas Gillerson, MR. ALEXANDER K. LOWRY, to MISS SARAH E., daughter of SAMUEL McCARTNEY, both of South Bend, Armstrong county. --At the same time, by the same, MR. JOHN LOWRY, to MISS NANCY, daughter of JOHN McCARTNEY, both of Clarksburg, Indiana county. --On the 18th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. JAMES G. MORTON, to NANCY LEWIS, both of Armstrong county. --On the same day, by the same, MR. DAVID KEELY, to MISS ELIZA McNEEL, both of this borough. DIED. On the 16th inst., ISABELLA ANN, daughter of THOMAS C. AND ELIZABETH HOOD, of White township, aged 4 years, 4 months and 16 days. --On the 15th, JOHN WARD, son of J.E. AND MARY A. COULTER, of this Borough, aged 3 years, 8 months and 5 days. 30 January 1855 ACCIDENTS. We learn that on Wednesday last a week, WILLIAM MARTIN, ESQ., of Canoe township, had one of his legs badly fractured, whilst he and his sons were engaged in felling timber, by a tree falling against a sapling, and the latter flying around and striking him on the leg with force sufficient to break it. --On last Tuesday, MR. JOHN G. SHRYOCK, of this place, was thrown from his horse, whereby he had his right arm broken above the wrist. --JOHN SUTOR, JR., who had one of his arms broken at the paper mill a short time since, had it re-broken on last Sunday by a fall he received whilst walking along the street. MARRIED. On the 24th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. ALEXANDER M'CULLOUGH, of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, to MISS ESTHER ALTMAN, of this borough. 6 February 1855 DIED. On the 3rd inst., of pulmonary consumption, MRS. MIRIAM, wife of THOMAS REED, of Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland county, and daughter of JOHN EWING, ESQ., of Mahoning township, Indiana county, aged 32 years, 8 months and 20 days. 13 February 1855 -none 20 February 1855 MARRIED. On the evening of Tuesday, the 13th inst., by Rev. Dr. Lyman, at the residence of the late ANDREW KERR of Pittsburgh, TITIAN J. COFFEY, ESQ., of this borough, to MISS MARY KERR. 27 February 1855 BLOWN UP. --On last Saturday morning the person engaged in excavating the cellar under the house of T.J. COFFEY, ESQ., of this place, attempted to blast the rocky bed with powder. The charge was manifestly too large and when it was ignited an explosion resulted which tore up the flooring above, burst open the doors, shattered the chimney, plastering and windows, and broke a quantity of Queensware belonging to MR. WILLIAM CRAWFORD who resides in the house. A small child was in one of the rooms at the time, and a piece of flooring was blown up immediately at her feet. Strange as it may seen, no one in the house sustained any personal injury. MARRIED. On Monday the 19th inst., by Rev. Father Valentine Felder, O.S.B. JOSEPH CLEMENS HASINGER, of this borough, to MISS SUSANNA REISING, of Green township, and MR. JOHN SEIVERT, to MISS ANNA MARY YOUNG, both of Johnstown, Cambria county. --On the 17th February, by A. Wiggins, Esq., MR. DANIEL FETTERMAN, to MISS RACHEL BOWERS, both of Cherryhill township. DIED. In Rayne township, Indiana county, February 12, 1855, of lung fever, LAURA BELL, daughter of JOSEPH AND JEMIMA SHIELDS, aged 6 months and 7 days. That same kind savior who once said, "Suffer little children to come unto me," has come into this family and carried the darling of her parents in his own bosom, home to heaven. and although it seems hard for parents to lose such a precious treasure, yet there is great comfort in the thought, that one of their little children has been transplanted from this wilderness of sin and sorrow to the paradise of God. --What a blessed tie these parents have to bind their affections to the heavenly world. -J.M.S.