Newspapers: Indiana Register (Jan-Feb 1857), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extracts January-February 1857 6 January 1857 MARRIED. On the 1st inst., by Rev. P (Sahm?), MR. JAMES REESEMAN, of Armst(rong) county, to MISS ANN KERR of Shelocta. --On the 24th ult., by Rev. David ( ), MR. JOHN BARR, of Washington county, to MISS MARGARET PATTISON, of Indiana county. DIED. On the 31st ult., MR. JOSEPH DOD( ), of Washington township, aged 90. 13 January 1857 DIED. In this Borough, on Friday morning last, JAMES MOORHEAD, ESQ., SR., editor of the "Independent," aged 76 years. The deceased was a worthy citizen and a sincere Christian, and exerted in this community an influence for good, unsurpassed by that of any other individual. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." --At his residence in Young township, on the 3rd inst., JOHN REED, SR., in the 80th year of his age, leaving a large connection of descendants and friends to lament his decease. -H. MARRIED. On December 25th, by Rev. C. Diehl, MR. JACOB T. HOOVER, of Smicksburg, to MISS REBECCA FLECK, of West Mahoning township, Indiana county, Pa. 20 January 1857 MARRIED. On the 8th inst., by Rev. W.W. Woodend, HON. GEORGE V. LAWRENCE, of Washington county, to MISS MA(RY) REED, youngest daughter of REV JO(HN) REED, deceased, of Saltsburg, Indiana county. --On the 8th inst., by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. SAMUEL MUNSHOWER, to MISS SUSANNA KINARD, of White township. DIED. On last Sabbath evening, at the residence of A.W. Wilson, in this borough, MISS ELEANOR WILKINS, aged about ( ) years. 27 January 1857 -none 3 February 1857 MARRIED. On January 20th, by Rev. R. Ca(rt)wright, MR. JOHN GRIFFITH to M(ISS) AGNES Y. CRAIG, eldest daughter of ( ) CRAIG, ESQ., all of this county. --On Tuesday, the 20th inst., by Rev. S. Anderson, MR. WILLIAM W(IL)SON, of Armstrong county, to MISS ( )NA ANN ARMSTRONG, of Indiana county. --On Thursday, the 22nd inst., by the Rev. D. Blair, MR. ANDREW CRISWELL to MISS ELIZE JANE SIMPSON, both of Brushvalley. 10 February 1857 MARRIED. On the 29th of January, by the Rev. A. M'Elwaine, MR. ROBERT LOUGHRY to MISS __________ FLICKINGER, both of this county. --On the 29th of January, by the Rev. A.B. Runyan, MR. JOSEPH GALBRIATH of New Bethleham, Clarion county, to MISS MARY CRESWELL, of Brushvalley, Indiana county. DIED. On January 5th ult., JOSEPH WHITE, of Centre township, aged about 37 years. (Kittanning papers please copy.) 17 February 1857 DIED. On January 5th, JOSEPH WHITE of Centre township, aged about *87* years. (Kittanning papers please copy.) 24 February 1857 MARRIED. On the 17th inst., by Rev. ( ) Rockwell, MR. JOHN REED, of ( )burg, to MISS R.M. VAY, of Washington county.