Newspapers: Indiana Register (Jan-Mar 1854), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Sonya Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 January 1854 MARRIED. On the 28th December by Elder S.A. Marshall, MR. ISRAEL CONRATH, formerly of Kittanning, to MISS ELIZA LYDICK of Montgomery township. 11 January 1854 -none 18 January 1854 -none 25 January 1854 -none 4 February 1854 MARRIED. On the 29th December 1853, by Rev. P. Sahm, HENRY B. WOODS, ESQ., of Somerset, to MISS KATE L. ROW, of Indiana. --On the 26th, by Rev. H. Bollman, MR. JOHN WEAMER, SR., of Indiana, to MISS MARY GETTY, of White township. --On the 29th December 1853, by Rev. J. Carothers, MR. JOHN CRAWFORD to MISS JANE BLACK, all of North Mahoning township. --On the 5th January, 1854, by the same, MR. JAMES POUNDS,to MISS HANNAH KIMPLE, all of East Mahoning township. --On the 12th January, 1854, by a [sic] Wiggins, Esq., MR. JOHN J. GRUMBLY, to MISS ELIZABETH NUTT, all of Green township. DIED. On the 23rd January, at the residence of his father, JOHN BARR, in Centre township, of Consumption, after an illness of fifteen months, CHARLES BARR, aged 19 years, 2 months and 9 days. 8 February 1854 FOR CALIFORNIA. Our young townsman, ALFRED BELL, in company with several from Johnstown, contemplates starting on the 14th inst., for California. Success attend him. MARRIED. On the 2nd inst., by Samuel Rice, Esq., MR. JOHN HAYS, of Armstrong township, to MISS CHARLOTTE J. HOFFMAN, of White township. DIED. On the 18th January, SARAH, wife of GEORGE S. MITHELL [sic, probably Mitchell], of Armstrong township, in the 34th year of her age. --On the 30th January, at his residence in Armstrong township, ROBERT MITCHELL, aged 71 years. --On the 30th January, MICHAEL McANULTY, of Greene township, in the 73rd year of his age. 15 February 1854 MARRIED. On the 9th by Rev. Mr. Orr, MR. HIRAM ST. CLAIR, to MISS MARGARET, daughter of ADAM JOHNSTON, ESQ., all of Centre township. DIED. On the 30th January, in Blacklick township, MRS. HANNAH S. FAIR, wife of MARK FAIR, and daughter of JOHN AND MARIA ADAIR, in the 27th year of her age. --On the 8th February, WILLIAM S. SMITH, of Blairsville, aged 63 years. --On the 8th inst., in Clarksburg, of inflammation of the lungs, JOHN, son of SAMUEL TAYLOR, aged 4 years, 9 months and 6 days. "Death, oh! relentless death! He comes, he comes, when least we ever do suspect our race we've nearly run. Fair youth be warned by this: The subject of our theme was joyous and in health a few short weeks ago; but now he is no more. Although but young in years, He spoke of Jesus dear. He never spoke of pain, but calmly lay until his Master bade him come. He's left a sister dear, and one has gone to Heaven; three brothers kind to him, and a loving father, to follow after soon. No more, indeed, has he to follow after him, for his mother went before. The Christian father say: O God! as is in Heaven, so be thy will on Earth. Fidus." 22 February 1854 MARRIED. On the 9th inst., by Elder W.B. Bingham, MR. WILLIAM ROBERTS, to MISS ELIZABETH DUNKLE, both of Green township. 28 February 1854 MARRIED. On the 9th, by E.E. Lewis, Esq., J.G. KERN to MRS. ELIZA PILSON, both of Plumville. --On Thursday, February 7th, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. LEVI ADAMS to MISS CATHERINE, eldest daughter of BOLSER WALTERS, ESQ., all of Washington township, Indiana county. DIED. At her residence with DR. R. M'CHESNEY in the Borough of Shelocta, on the 2d inst., MRS. MARY CARSON, in the 76th year of her age. MRS. CARSON was formerly a resident of Cumberland county, Pa., and removed to her present residence in 1844. --On the 16th January, of whooping cough, NANCY CHARLOTTE, daughter of ROBERT AND MARTHA ARMSTRONG, of Armstrong township, aged 8 months and 10 days. And Jesus said: Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. --On the 16th, POLLY, wife of JACOB ALTMAN, of Blacklick township, aged about 58 years. 7 March 1854 DIED. At Indiana, on Wednesday morning, 1st inst., of pulmonary consumption, WILLIAM M. COULTER, ESQ., in the 26th year of his age. The deceased had recently been admitted to the Bar, and had just commenced the duties of his profession, when disease arrested his career. He lingered for a few months and died, thus leaving another example of blighted human hopes. When young men are thus cut down in the morning of their days, Providence speaks to the living in language too plain to be misunderstood: "Be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh; now is the accepted time, and now is the day of salvation; today whilst you hear his voice harden not your hearts." -S.M. 14 March 1854. MARRIED. On the 8th of March, by the Rev. J. Horner, MR. ELIAS D. FREET, of Saltsburg, to MISS SARAH S. LUCAS, of Armstrong township. --On the 9th inst., by the same, MR. JAMES A. M'CARTNEY, to MISS MARGARET ELLIS, both of White township. --On the 7th inst., by A.P. Thompson, Esq., J. M'ELHANEY of Johnstown, Cambria county, to MISS REBECCA J., daughter of A.C. DAVIS, of Armagh, Indiana county. 21 March 1854. DEATH OF ROBERT S. EWING. We are sorry to learn that ROBERT S. EWING, who some twenty months ago went from this place to California, died at Whipple's Mills, come fifteen miles from San Francisco, on the 5th of February last, of dysentary, taken after an attack of typhoid fever. He was in the 28th year of his age. MARRIED. On Thursday, march 16th, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ISRAEL GIBSON, to MISS MARY ELLEN CARNAHAN, all of Washington township, Indiana county, Pa. 28 March 1854. -none