Newspapers: Indiana Register (July-Dec 1853), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, July-December, 1853. 6 July 1853 FATAL ACCIDENT. --On last Thursday, MR. AARON GRIFFITH, son of MR. JOSEPH GRIFFITH of White township, about four miles south of the place, lost his life whilst assisting at the raising of a frame barn for MR. JOHN RISINGER. The timbers for the roof were being put up, when a slender square piece, reaching the whole length of the building, bent downward in the middle so as to come against the plate, and in attempting to raise it by means of pike poles, it was thrown out of the forks used for that purpose, but which were too short, and it slid down the skates. All the persons engaged at the work made their escape except MR. GRIFFITH, who was struck by the piece of timber on the back of the head and between the shoulders, crushing the skull and breaking the shoulder blade, causing instantaneous death. 13 July 1853 -none 20 July 1853 DIED. At Johnstown, Cambria county, Pa., on July 13th, 1853, FINETTA JANE, infant daughter of JOHN AND JANE A. AMSBAUGH, aged 10 months and 26 days. Alas! how changed that lovely flower, Who bloomed and cheered my heart; Fair fleeting comfort of an hour, How soon we're called to part. 27 July 1853 MARRIED. On the 7th of July, 1853, by Rev. G. Morton, MR. A.W. WILSON, of Indiana Borough, to MISS ANNA G. DICK, of Blacklick township. DIED. On Friday morning, the 22nd inst., MRS. MARY TAYLOR, relict of the late HON. JOHN TAYLOR, of this borough, aged 63 years, 3 months and 12 days. 3 August 1853 On last Friday morning SAMUEL YOUNGBLOOD, a lad of about 15 or 16 years of age, living with MR. LONG in Blacklick township, this county, had his leg broken by a bull, belonging to MR. EBERHART, who made an attack on the horse when the boy was riding. The horse was a grey, and it appears that the bull has an aversion to horses of that color, of which the boy was not aware, and whilst the latter was engaged in driving some calves out of the field, the beast made the attack. One of the horns passed through his leg about half-way below the knee, breaking both of the principle bones, and into the horse's side some two or three inches, the other horn penetrating deeper into the horse. The boy's leg was dressed, and hopes are entertained that it may be saved from amputation. The horse is not expected to recover. DIED. On the 30th July, 1853, at the residence of her brother LEONARD SHRYOCK, in the borough, MARY SHRYOCK, aged 54 years and 5 months. 10 August 1853 DIED. In East Mahoning township, during the night of the 30th ult., MRS. ELIZABETH BROWN, in the 76th year of her age. On the evening preceeding her death, she retired to rest, in usual health, and on the next morning it was found that her spirit had left its earthly tenement. Peace to her ashes. DIED. July 22nd, JOHN McADOO at his residence on Blacklegs, near West Lebanon, in the 75th year of his age. That solemn bell has tolled again Its solemn doleful call; And solemn faces gather round The solemn, sable pall. This life, at best's a fleeting hour That hasteth fast away; And when decay doth seize the frame 'Tis vain to ask it stay. But who would ask to dwell in Time, Where all is care and strife; Then fare thee well, to all below, And come, celestial life! -Shelocta, R.H. 17 August 1853 DIED. On Sunday night, an infant son of C. and E. McCOY, of this borough, aged 8 months and 5 days. 24 August 1853 -only two pages on the film of this issue. 31 August 1853 ACCIDENT. On Sunday, a little daughter of MR. JOHN CALDWELL, of White township, was seriously internally injured, by a heavy rail of fence falling upon it. MARRIED. On the 16th August by Rev. A. Foster, MR. CLARK BUTTERFIELD, of Saltsburg borough, Indiana county, pa., to MISS MARIA COATS, of the City of Pittsburgh. DIED. August 22nd, MRS. MATILDA ALLISON, consort of DR. D.R. ALLISON, late of the borough of Saltsburg. --On the 16th ult., MRS. NANCY AGEY, consort of MR. JOHN AGEY, of White township, at an advanced age. 7 September 1853 CAUTION. Whereas my wife JANE has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation, I hereby caution all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contraction. South Mahoning township, ROBERT R. BAXTER MARRIED. On the 31st August, by Rev. C. Englbrecht, MR. FRANCIS PAUL CROSSBERGER, of Carrolltown, Cambria county, to MISS MARGARET CARROL, of this borough. With the above notice came the wedding cake--an unmistakeable evidence of the happy couple's good judgement in the selection of objects worthy of such a favor, and the whole fraternity joining us, in wishing them happiness, health and prosperity, and a lasting honey-moon-- How lonely were this world-- How cheerless were man's life-- Had he to spend his days alone, Without a loving wife! 14 September 1853 -none 21 September 1853 LARGE BEET. --Our townsman, JOHN WEAMER, SR., sent us the other day one of the biggest specimens of red beet that we have ever seen. It is 2 feet 3 inches long, 14 inches in circumference, and weighes 6 1/2 pounds. It was raised in a garden in this borough. Can anybody beat that beet? MARRIED. On the 1st inst., by the Rev. Thomas Wilson, REV. A.B. RUNYAN, to MISS LUCINDA EVANS, all of Brushvalley, Indiana county. --On the 4th August, by the Rev. D. Blair, MR. BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, of West Lebanon, to MISS NANCY McCARTNEY, daughter of SAMUEL McCARTNEY of Young township. --On the 15th September, by the same, MR. THOMAS McGUFF to MISS EVELINE PATTISON, both of West Lebanon. --On the same day, by the same, MR. THOMAS ADAIR, of West Lebanon, to MISS ISABELLA McCARTNEY. --On 20th, by same, MR. E.C. JAMISON, of Saltsburg, to MISS RACHAEL C. McGEE, of Indiana borough. DIED. On the 13th July, of Lung fever, in Allegheny county, WILLIAM D. FLEMING, aged about 46 years. --On the 14th September, at the residence of her father in Rayne township, MISS LUCETTA THOMPSON, daughter of ROBERT AND MARY THOMPSON, aged 15 years, 1 months and 5 days. 28 September 1853 MARRIED. On the 15th inst., by G.P. Reed, Esq., MR. ABRAHAM WALLACE of Wheatfield township to MISS ELIZABETH FAITH of Rayne township. DIED. On the 24th, MR. WILLIAM TAYLOR, of this borough, aged 58 years, 6 months and 17 days. --On the 20th inst., at the residence of JAMES TODD, ESQ., DR. SAMUEL S. LANDIS, aged 32 years. 5 October 1853 ANOTHER BEET TO BEAT. MRS. STANARD has presented us with a red beet which measures 23 inches in circumference and weighs 7 1/2 pounds. LARGE APPLE. MR. JOHN B. ALLISON has handed us an apple taken from one of his trees which weighs a pound. It is a beautiful fruit and keeps good till July. --MR. A. mentioned to us that he has a plum-graft, which was set last spring and now measures 7 1/2 feet in length. We are gratified to see that some of our citizens are turning their attention to the raising of good fruit, and hope others will follow the example. REV. H.S. KOONS, principal of the Indiana Academy, has been chosen to take charge of a department in Gettysburg College, and will enter upon the duties thereof in a few weeks. We regret to lose from our midst a gentleman of so much worth and usefulness, who during his brief residence here has endeared himself to us, not less by his social virtues than by his learning and piety. Our best wishes accompany him. MARRIED. --On September 2d, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. JACOB CLOUSE to MISS MARY WEIMER, all of Indiana county. --On September 13th by the same, ALEXANDER BLUE, to MISS MARY MEHAFFEY, both of Rayne township, Indiana county, Pa. --On the 28th by Rev. Mr. Brown, REV. W.W. WOODEND to MISS JUDITH McCONNELL, both of Saltsburg. --On the 5th, by Rev. G. Morton, MR. W.R. ROYERS of Lancaster county, to MISS A. McCURDY, of Indiana county. DIED. On the 3rd October, SAMUEL MOORHEAD, of this borough, aged about 37 years. --On the 20th September, JOHN, infant son of A.W. AND E. TAYLOR, of this borough, aged 2 years and a few months. --On the 30th September 1853, at the residence of her son, MR. ISAAC KINTER of Rayne township, MRS. ISABELLA KINTER, relict of JOHN KINTER, dec'd, at the advanced age of 88 years. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian church upwards of twenty years, was a kind and affectionate Mother, a peaceful and agreeable neighbor, lived a consistent christian life and died a peaceful death. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord; they do not rest from their labors and their works do follow them. 12 October 1853 AHEAD OF ALL! --MR. ANDREW W. KIMMEL has left at out office a red beet grown by him in White township, which weighs 8 pounds and measures 27 inches in circumference. MR. K. tells us he has a number more "of the same sort." WILLIAM BANKS, ESQ., has erected a neat brick office on Philadelphia street and JOHN WOLF, a two-story frame house on Church street. MR. C. PFEIFFER, near Marion, this county, was awarded the 2d premium for prunes at the fair in Pittsburgh. INFORMATION WANTED, on the whereabouts of PETER HOHNADEL, a native of Hessian Darmstadt, Germany. He came to this country some three years ago, and when last heard from was in Bithania, New York. --Any information respecting him will be gratefully received by his sister, BARBARA HOHNADEL, residing in Indiana, Indiana county, Pa. MARRIED. On the 5th October, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ELIJAH NASH to MISS ESTHER TRUSAL, all of Indiana county, Pa. 19 October 1853 MARRIED. On the 13th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. WILSON MARSHALL to MISS MARY L. KERR, both of this county. 26 October 1853 DIED. On Friday the 14th inst., at the residence of his father in South Mahoning township, DR. WILLIAM M. ELDER, in the 26th year of his age. 2 November 1853 FINE APPLE. MR. JOSEPH KENNING presented us with an apple the other day, taken from a tree in his orchard, which for beauty and solidity can hardly be surpassed. It weighed 13 1/2 oz. DIED. At the residence of her son-in-law, J.R. SMITH, in the Borough of Indiana, of Pulmonary Consumption, on the evening of the 27th ult., MARGARET HART, consort of WILLIAM HART, ESQ., of Saltsburg, in the 53rd year of her age. For the Mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the Covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord, that hath mercy on thee. O thou afflicted, tossed with tempests and not comforted, behold I will lay thy stones with fair colours and lay thy foundations with sapphires. 9 November 1853 JOHN LOUGHREY, formerly of Greene township, this county, we regret to learn, died at McKeesport, Allegheny county, on the 5th inst., from injuries received by a piece of timber falling upon him. MARRIED. On the 3rd inst. at the house of MR. ANDREW GROFT, by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. WILLIAM F. FRANK, of Rayne township, to MISS ROSANNA FETTERMAN, of Green township. --On the 6th October by Rev. William Hammer, MR. PETER H. RUMMEL, of Armstrong county, to MISS SARAH JANE BORING, of Green township, Indiana county. 16 November 1853 MARRIED. On 3d of November by the Rev. D. Blair, MR. WILLIAM LEWIS, to MISS MARY GORICH, both of the vicinity of Rural Village, Armstrong county. --On Thursday, the 10th, at the house of B. WHISSELL, by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. JOHN NOLFF to MISS JULIA CARBAUGH, both of Strongstown. DIED. On the 9th November 1853, MARTHA ANN, daughter of JOHN AND MARGARET MORROW, of Plumville, aged 5 years 11 months and 19 days. She died of the disease of the throat after an illness of four days. She was a kind and affectionate child. "Blessed are the deaad that die in the Lord; they do rest from their labors and their works do follow them." According as the days have been Wherein we grief have had, And years wherein we ill have seen, So do them make us glad. O let thy work and power appear Thy servants face before, And show unto their children dear Thy glory evermore; And let the beauty of the Lord Our God be us upon, Our handiworks establish them, Establish them each one. 23 November 1853 -none 30 November 1853 ACCIDENT. On last Tuesday as MESSRS. WILLIAM AND SAMUEL STUTCHELL came into town with a four-horse wagon, the horses were frightened and took to running, when the saddle horse, on which SAMUEL was mounted, fell and was draffed some distance. MR. S. receiving some injuries thereby. DIED. At St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 12th inst., JAMES, only son of SAMUEL AND CATHERINE COULTER, of this borough. 7 December 1853 -none 14 December 1853 FIRES. --We regret to learn that the saw-mill of GEORGE McLAUGHLIN, of Green township, was destroyed by fire on the night of the 28th ult., and a few nights after the dwelling house of JOHN McDOWELL, of the same township, with all its contents. On the night of the 29th, the Pine Flat school house was also burned down. The origination of the fires is unknown. JAMES WALLS, was on Friday last brough before Justice Reed, of this borough, charged with breach of the peace, and after a hearing, committed to the county prison. MARRIED. On the 6th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. SAMUEL ADAMS, to MISS SUSANNA BOTHEL, both of Rayne township. CAUTION. Whereas my wife LETITIA, has left my bed and board, without any just cause, all persons are hereby forbid trusting her on my account, or any member of my family as I will be responsible for no such debts after this date. Canoe township, Indiana county, WILLIAM CRAWFORD. 21 December 1853 -none 28 December 1853 MARRIED. On the 10th November by Rev. F. Orry, MR. SAMUEL BARR, of Derry township, Westmoreland county, to MISS MARY ANN LEWIS, of Young township, Indiana county. --On the 15th December by same, MR. VELENTINE KERR, of Plumcreek township, Armstrong county, to MISS NANCY LEWIS, of Young township, Indiana county. --On the 21st by Rev. J. Martin, DR. WILLIAM CALDWELL, of this borough, to MISS SUSAN, daughter of JACOB LEVERGOOD, of Johnstown, Pa. DIED. On the 9th inst. at his residence in East Mahoning township, MR. JOHN R. ALLISON, in the 45th year of his age. --On the 15th inst., MR. WILLIAM CALHOUN, of Armstrong township, in his 82nd year.