Newspapers: Indiana Register (Jul-Aug 1856), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania July-August, 1856 1 July 1856 MARRIED. On Thursday last by Rev. D. Blair, MR. CLIFFORD REED, of White township, to MARY ANN BELL, of Washington township. Accompanying the above notice came a handsome slice of bride's cake.... 8 July 1856 MARRIED. On the 3d inst., by Rev. C. Diehl, MR. R. HOOVER to MISS CATHERINE LUKEHART, both of Armstrong county. 15 July 1856 MARRIED. On the 3d of July, by John M'Henry, Esq., MR. ALFORD SHAFFER to MISS MARY CHAMBERS, youngest daughter of JAMES CHAMBERS, ESQ., all of North Mahoning township. --On the same day by the same, MR. J. LEWIS of Jefferson county, to MISS E. BECK of North Mahoning township. DIED. On the 8th inst., after a protracted illness, WILLIAM W. CALDWELL, ESQ., of this borough, aged 67 years. --On Sunday last, in Rayne township, MRS. MARGARET, wife of MR. ABRAHAM MOORE, JR., aged about 29 years. 22 July 1856 MARRIED. On the 13th inst., by Rev. C. Fetz( ), MR. WILLIAM HOUCK of Cherryhill, to M(ISS) DORCAS KINTER of Rayne. --On the 15th by the same, MR. BENJAMIN MYERS of Clearfield, to MISS MA( ) M. STALL, of Cambria. 5 August 1856 During the heavy thunderstorm on Saturday evening, a tree standing in the vicinity of the railroad depot was struck by lightning. On the farm of MR. ROBERT A. HAMILTON, a chestnut tree was struck on Wednesday, which being ignited by the fluid, was still burning on Saturday. 12 August 1856 MARRIED. On the 7th inst., by Rev. C. ( ), MR. JOHN McQUOWN to MISS M( ) (DE)YARMIN, both of Rayne township. 19 August 1856 DIED. On the 17th inst., MRS. HENRIETTA ELIZA, wife of WILLIAM TINTHOFF of this borough, aged 54 years and 7 months. 26 August 1856 MARRIED. On the 20th inst., by Rev. H.L. Chapman, of Indiana, MR. WILLIAM S. CONRAD to MISS LUCINDA EVANS, of Brushvalley township.