Newspapers: Indiana Register (Jul-Sep 1857), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya Marie Barclay (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extracts July-September, 1857 7 July 1857 ACCIDENT. On last Saturday a week, while on her way to church on horseback, MRS. PARK, an aged lady, residing in Marion, met with serious accident. The saddle-girth happening to break, MRS. P. was thrown to the ground and had one leg badly fractured, between the knee and the ankle. Dr. Anthony dressed the fractured limb, and at last accounts the old lady was doing well. MARRIED. On the 2d inst., by _________, MR. ( ) ROBINSON, of Smicksburg, to MIS(S REB)BECCA GOOD, of West Mahoning (township.) DIED. On the 25th June, MERCY, the daughter of T.H. AND MERCY B. SP(ENCE), aged 2 years, 2 months and 23 days. --On the same day, ALEXIS BIR( ), (son) of T.H. AND MERCY B. SPENCE, (aged) 6 years, 6 months and 25 (days). --from the Raftsman's Journal. --In Punxsutawney, Jefferson county, on the morning of the 3d inst., MARY, wife of JAMES TORRENCE, in the 42d year of her age. The deceased after a brief illness of about one week, which she bore with christian patience and resignation (has) thus been removed by death from (her) family and a circle of friends, (in the) very midst of her days. She had (been) a professor of religion for many (years) and adorned that profession by an (up)right and consistent course of life. (She) was devoted and faithful as a wife (and) mother to the interests of her family. In her death they sustain an irrepar(able) earthly loss; but under this said be(reave)ment, they are sustained and comforted by that crowning consolation of christian faith, that their earthly (loss) is her heavenly and eternal gain. (On) her death-bed she was peculiarly (sus)tained by the hopes and consola(tion) of religion, and left cheering evide(nces) to her surviving friends that her (reward) was peace. -Co 14 July 1857 -none 21 July 1857 MARRIED. On the 16th inst., by the Rev. (A.) McElwain, MR. DANIEL C. WEIR, (of) Blacklick township, to MISS CLARES(SA) DODSON, of White township. 28 July 1857 -none 4 August 1857 MARRIED. On the 27th ultima, by Rev. J. Carothers, MR. SAMUEL WOLF to MISS R.J. GRIFFITH, both of Marion. 11 August 1857 MARRIED. On Thursday last, by Watson Thompson, Esq., MR. PETER EMPFIELD, aged 68 years, to MRS. MARY BENNETT, aged 80 years, both of Pine township. [yup--it said she was 80 years! --SMB] 18 August 1857 One day last week, a MR. SNYDER, of our borough, employed to attend the brick laters, at the new Presbyterian church, while ascending a scaffold with a load of brick, the scaffolding gave way precipitating him about 20 feet below. He was considerably injured. DIED. At his residence in Conemaugh township, on the 10th inst., MR. THOMAS CUNNINGHAM in the 73rd year of his age. --At the residence of his father in Blacklick township, on the 12th inst., DR. JOSEPH H. LAUGHLIN, a graduate of Jefferson Medical Colledge [sic], aged about 25 years. The deceased, by his amiable disposition and correct deportment, had gained numerous friends, and by his assiduity in his profession gave great promise of tising to eminence therein; but during last winter, while attending to professional duties in Ohio, he contracted a severe cold, which settling on his lungs led to consumption and terminated his earthly career in the midst of his usefulness. 25 August 1857 MARRIED. On the 18th, by Rev. Ulrich, O.S.B., MR. JOHN A. ORDNER, of Westmoreland county, to MISS BARBARA HOFFMAN, of this county. DIED. August 17th, 1857, of Typhoid Fever--ALEXANDER MABON, of South Mahoning township, Indiana, county, in the 24th year of his age. 1 September 1857 -none 8 September 1857 ACCIDENT. --A little son of MR. ADAM LOWRY was accidentally hurt on Saturday evening, by a horse which was being rode past where the lad was playing, unobserved to the rider. The horse struck with of his feet the back of the lad's head, cutting it severely, but the wound is not considered dangerous. HOME. COL. W.W. KINTER AND DR. J.G. CALDWELL have come home, and give a favorable account of Kansas. 15 September 1857 MARRIED. --On the 10th inst., by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. SAMUEL SHIELDS to MISS SUSANNAH MYERS, of this Borough. DIED. On Saturday 5th inst., of Scarlett Fever, JAMES ROSS, infant son of REV. A. McELWAN [SIC], of this borough, aged 2 years and 6 months. 22 September 1857 MARRIED. At the American Hotel, in Indiana, on September 16th by Rev. M.J. Mont(gomer)y, MR. LEWIS MILLER of Conem(augh) township, to MISS MARTHA M. WHIT(E of) Montgomery township. DIED. On the 4th inst., at her residence in Rayne township, MARGARETTA, wife of R.M. THOMPSON, in the 26th year of her age. --In this borough on the 14th (inst.), JAMES, infant son of DR. ENDRESS, (aged) 7 months and 4 days. --In this borough on the 14th inst., (of) Typhoid Fever, MR. JAMES ALEXAN(DER), aged 21 years. --In this borough, on the 12th (inst., of) Consumption, MISS NANCY JANE M(cEL)HOSE, aged 29 years, 7 months and ( ) days. 29 September 1857 MARRIED. At Greenville, on Tuesday, 22nd in(st) by Rev. John Rice, MR. JOSIAH LYDI(CK) to MISS BELINDA TODD, both of Cherryhill township. DIED. On the 20th inst., in this borough, EVE, wife of LAWRENCE KESLAR, aged 43 years, 6 months and 15 days. --On the 25th inst., LEVINE, wife of JAMES TODD, ESQ., of this borough, aged about 51 years. --On the 22nd inst., LEONORA ADELAIDE, daughter of J.J. AND MARGARET ANTHON(Y), aged 5 months and 14 days.