Newspapers: Indiana Register (July-Sept 1854), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INDIANA REGISTER, July-September, 1854. 4 July 1854 RETURNED CALIFORNIANS. Mr. JOHN EWING, of this Borough, who had been absent in California for some four years, returned home on last Wednesday. MR. SAMUEL HOWE, JR., of White township also returned Saturday last. Both gentlemen are in fine spirits and good health. MARRIED. On the 15th June, by C. Lowe, Esq., MR. HEZEKIAH SMILEY to MISS CATHERINE LEWIS, both of West Mahoning township. DIED. On the 3rd June, SUSANNAH L., consort of JOSEPH GALBRAITH, of West Lebanon, aged 28 years, 8 months and 20 days. --On the 26th, MR. SAMUEL COOK, of West Lebanon, aged 32 years, 7 months and 4 days. --On the 18th June, MR. ROBERT MACK, of Wheatfield township, aged about 58 yeras. --On the 27th June, MR. DAVID BLACK, of Conemaugh township, aged 75 years. --On the 26th June, MR. JOSEPH METZ, of Centre township, aged about 63 years. 11 July 1854 MARRIED. On the 29th June, by Robert Craig, Esq., MR. JAMES McKELVEY, of Marion, to MISS MARY MILLER, of Montgomery township. --On the 29th June, by Cornelius Lowe, Esq., MR. GRIFFITH CONDRON to MISS HANNAH KERR, all of West Mahoning township. --On the 4th inst., by Rev. John Walker, MR. ROBERT ADAMS, of White township, Indiana county, to MISS JANE ELIZABETH MEKELVY, of Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland county. --On the 6th inst., by Rev. A. McElwain, MR. SAMUEL MOORHEAD, of Green township, to MISS MARY CHURCHILL, of White township, Indiana, county. DIED. On the 5th, of inflammation of the brain, JOHN C., son of JOHN AND ELIZA J. SWITZER, of this borough, aged 6 years and 13 days. 18 July 1854 MARRIED. On the 11th July, by Rev. S. Jones, JOHN HARTGNETT, ESQ., of Westmoreland county, to MISS EUPHEMIA B. M'DONALD, of Brushvalley township. 25 July 1854 DEATH FROM LOCKJAW. --Last Friday a little son of MR. CONRAD WHISSEL in this Borough died of lockjaw, caused by a wound received in the sole of the foot from a piece of glass, a few days previous. The usual remedies were resorted to, but proved unavailing. HARD TO BEAT. MR. JACOB FAITH of Rayne township, has left our office a cluster of rye stalks, numbering one hundred and four, produced from a single grain of seed. all the stalks except two bore heads. ACCIDENT. --On the evening while MR. WALKER was starting for home from Indiana, with a two-horse wagon, the horses for some cause or other took fright and became unmanageable. When near McCracken's Hotel, MRS. RALSTON, wife of MR. WILLIAM RALSTON, who was in the wagon, leaped out and was considerably stunned and bruised by the concussion. She was taken to MR. McCRACKEN'S and medical aid procured, and we are happy to state was on Friday so far recovered as to be able to proceed to her home. DIED. On the night of the 20th, BENNED, son of MR. CONRAD WHISSEL, of this Borough, aged 6 yeras, 5 months and 3 days. 1 August 1854 MARRIED. On the 25th ult., by Samuel Rice, Esq., MR. ROBERT LYDICK, to Miss _______ ISENBERG, both of White township. 8 August 1854 MARRIED. On the 1st inst., by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. CONRAD EIKENBERG, to MISS JOANNA UHLELL, both of this borough. --On Thursday, the 3rd ult., by Rev. John J. Kirkpatrick, MR. ARCHIBALD BORLAND, to MISS JANE SHORT, both of Rayne township. 15 August 1854 -none 22 August 1854 FATAL ACCIDENT. --On last Saturday a child about two years of age, of MR. JACOB FINK, of Green township, was killed in the following manner: --some logs were being burned in a stubble fire, and efforts were made to extinguist it. Among others, MRS. FINK went to the field, carrying on her arm the child. As she was about passing a tree which had also taken fire, the tree fell and struck the child on the head, causing almost instantaneous death. MRS. FINK, strange to tell, was not seriously injured, her shoulder and arm receiving but comparitively slight bruises. MARRIED. On the 15th August, at the residence of DR. E.D. GAZZAM, by Rev. W.A. Passavant, COL. A.M. WHITE, of Cambria county, to MISS MARIE L. PARKER, of Allegheny county. --On the 17th August, by Rev. D. Blair, MR. WILLIAM WIGGINS to MISS REBECCA BORLAND, both of Armstrong county. 29th August 1854 LARGE RADISH. --SAMUEL W. DRENNING, residing on the farm of JONATHAN PHILLIPS, in Centre township, left at our office a radish raised in his garden, which weighed when pulled, 7 1/2 pounds, and measured 19 inches in circumference, and 23 inches in length. --Who can beat it? Great country this for vegetables! SHOCKING HOMICIDE. -On last Sunday afternoon, while a party that had been to a camp meeting in the vicinity were stopping at the tavern of MR. JAMES DUMM about two miles from Blairsville, a difficulty arose between WILLIAM BROWN, of Blairsville, and DANIEL C. SMITH, of Centre township. A scuffle ensued and before the parties could be separated, SMITH received severe wounds from a knife in the hands of BROWN, from which he died about fifteen minutes later. BROWN was lodged in our county jail on Sunday night, to await his trial at the next court. MARRIED. --On the 24th, by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. DAVID COY, to MISS MARY DICK, both of Green township. --On the same day, by the same, MR. JOHN A. COULTER, to MISS SARAH ORTZ, both of this place. 5 September 1854 --We regret to learn that COL. JAMES MOORHEAD, JR., had his arm broken one day last week, at Irwin's station while sitting in a car, resting the arm on a window bench, and extending out far enough to come in contact with a wooden post. Mr. M. is at home and doing well. MARRIED. On the 23rd August, 1854, by S.R. Brandon, Esq., MR. JACOB POTTS, SR., to MISS SARAH CROOKS, all of Washington township, Indiana county. 12 September 1854 MARRIED. On the 31st August, by C. Lowe, Esq., MR. AMOS KERR to MISS MALINDA LANHAM, both of West Mahoning township. 19 September 1854 MARRIED. On the 8th inst., by Robert Craig, Esq., MR. JOHN HOWE, to MISS SUSAN LEWIS, all of Green township. --On the 13th inst., by the same, MR. ROBERT HAMERSLY SADDLER, of Bolivar, Westmoreland county, to MISS RUTH RICHARDS, of East Mahoning, Indiana county. DIED. --On the 14th, JACOB ALTMAN, of Blacklick township, aged 71 years. --On the evening of the 14th inst., AUGUSTUS MILTEN, son of JOSEPH R. AND MARY A. SMITH, of this borough, aged 2 years, 3 months and 2 days. while the child was alive, I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live; But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast, can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. --On the 13th September, of typhoid fever, PETER K. WARDEN, son of MARGARET AND ROBERT WARDEN, of South Mahoning township, aged 18 years, 9 months and 2 days. Why should I vex my heart or fast; No more he'll visit me; My soul will mount to him at last, And there my child I'll see. 26 September 1854 MARRIED. On the 18th inst., by Samuel Rice, Esq., MR. DAVID AMEND, to MRS. ANNE CADDICK, all of this borough. --On the 15th, by Samuel Wilson, Esq., MR. JOHN PEDDICORD, to MISS MARY BRANDON, both of Centre township. --On the 20th September, by Joseph Gilbert, Esq., MR. DAVID RISINGER, of Centre township, to MISS JANE JOHNSTON, of Blacklick township, Indiana county. --On the 20th September, by Rev. D. Blair, MR. JOHN W. BARKLEY, to MISS MARY P. ELGIN, both of White township. DIED. In Saltsburg, Indiana county, Pennsylvania. On the 20th inst., ANDREW JACKSON ELLIOTT, assistant professor in Saltsburg Academy. The deceased was a member of the Associate Reformed Church. His true piety was manifested in his daily walk and Godly conversation; and he was preparing to enter the ministry. A special meeting of the Union Literary Society was called; and opened with prayer by F.W. MERRIN. On motion: Messrs. S.J. BERLIN, H.H. WHITE, AND A.J. BOLAR were appointed a committee to draft resolutions relative to the death of Professor A.J. ELLIOTT. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, we, in the mysterious Providence of God, are called to mourn the departure of a much loved, and highly esteemed Teacher. Resolved: that we recognize the hand of God in this severe affliction; and bow submissively to his will. Resolved: That in MR. ELLIOTT the cause of education has lost an able advocate, and experienced teacher; and the Church of Christ a talented and promising candidate for the ministry. Resolved: that in testimony of our unfeigned respect for the deceased, we wear the usual badge of mourning for ten days. Resolved: that the Union Literary Hall be clothed in the hebiliments of mourning for the remainder of this session. Resolved: That we deeply sympathiz [sic] with the bereaved relatives and friends of the deceased in their sore affliction. Resolved: that all the members of society follow his remains to the grave-yard of his fathers, at Bethel Church, in Allegheny county. On Motion: MESSRS. F.W. MERRIN, S.J. BERLIN, J.D. WALKINSHAW, and J.H. NESBIT were designated pall bearers. On Motion: Society resolved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in The Preacher, Presbyterian Advocate, the Westmoreland Republic, Westmoreland Intelligencer, Indiana Register and the Appalachian; and also a copy of these proceedings be forwarded to the relatives of the deceased. On Motion: Society adjourned. S.J. BERLIN, H.H. WHITE, A.J. BOLAR, Committee. --On the 15th inst., after a lingering illness at her residence in Armstrong township, Indiana county, MRS. ELIZABETH CALHOUN, in the 85th year of her age. --On the 22nd, ALMONZO POTTER, son of WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH SCOTT, of this Borough, aged 21 months.