Newspapers: Indiana Register (May-Jun 1856), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) US GENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indiana Register, May-June 1856 Extracts 6 May 1856 (Tuesday) MARRIED. On the 1st inst., by John Chambers, Esq., MR. JACOB L. COON,of North Mahoning township, to MISS CATHERINE VAN HORN, of West Mahoning township. --On April 17th, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ALEXANDER BLACK to MISS ELIZABETH GASPER. --On April 24th, by the same, MR. DAVID CALHOUN, to MISS SARAH J. SPENCE. 13 May 1856 HER SPHERE. --"A man discovered America, but a woman equipped the voyage." So everywhere, man executes the performances, but woman trains the man. Every effectual person leaving his mark on the world, is another Columbus, for whose furnishing some Isabella, in the form of his mother, lays down her jewelry, her vanities, her comfort. 20 May 1856 DIED. In this borough, on Tuesday evening last, MRS. NANCY MOORHEAD, aged 76 years, 7 months and 8 days. --On Thursday last, in this borough, MR. ROBERT McLANAHAN, aged about 56 years, leaving a large family and circle of friends to mourn his sudden and unexpected death. --On Thursday, 15th inst., MRS. HANNAH M'DONALD, wife of WILSON M'DONALD, of White township, in the 51st year of her age. 27 May 1856 FIRE. On Friday last, the dwelling house of MR. SOLOMON SHAFFER, in Rayne township, was destroyed by fire. The family was absent at the time. Several persons in the vicinity seeing an unusual quantity of smoke escaping from the house hastened to it and succeeded in removing a portion of the furniture before it was destroyed. 3 June 1856 A lad, named SMITH, in the employ of MR. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, while trying one day last week to bridle a horse in the pasture field approached the animal in the rear and caught it by the tail, when animal, evidently not liking to be caught in that way, let fly and knocked the lad over, severely bruising his breast and side. We are happy to state that he is recovering. 10 June 1856 MARRIED. On the 3rd inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, the REV. M.J. MONTGOMERY of the Pittsburgh Conference, to MISS ANNA LOUISA KINTER, of this Borough. --On the 28th April last, by Rev. Telford, MR. JOHN A. KESLAR, of Indiana, to MISS ELLIE E. M'EWEN, of Plumville, South Mahoning, Indiana county. --On Tuesday, 3rd inst., by Rev. P. Sahm, the REV. CHRISTIAN DIEHL, of Clearfield, to MISS ANNA MARIA GOOD, of Indiana. 17 June 1856 ACCIDENT. On Wednesday morning last, a few minutes before the cars left the depot, JOHN LEWIS, a brakeman on the railroad, was severely injured by being caught between two cars whilst attending to the coupling. He is now able to be about. MARRIED. On the 10th inst., by the Rev. A.B. Runyan, MR. PHINEAS RUNYAN (formerly of Columbia, but latterly a resident of Indiana county), to MRS. LEVINA (WOOD)RUFF, of ( ) Mahoning, Indiana county, Pa., --On the 22nd ult., by A. Wiggins, Esq., MR. WILLIAM HAM, to MISS ELIZA(BETH) SHANK, both of Cherryhill township. DIED. On the morning of the 9th inst., (at his/her) residence, in Rayne township SA( ) bell, AGED 83 YEARS, AND 4 MONTHS. 24 June 1856 DIED. On Sunday night a week, MR. (J ) DENNING, of White township, in the ( ) year of his age.