Newspapers: Indiana Register (Nov 1855-Apr 1856), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay, (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register Extracts, November 1855-April 1856 6 November 1855 MARRIED. On the 25th October, by Rev. Mr. Walls, MR. GEORGE S. CAMPBELL to MISS MARTHA J. ST. CLAIR, both of Punxsutawney, Jefferson county. DIED. On Monday, October 27th, of typhoid pneumonia, ANNA VIOLA, only daughter of SAMUEL W. AND ELIZABETH K. DRIPS, of Armagh, aged 9 years and 9 months. (Huntingdon and Lewistown papers please copy.) --On the 29th October, at the residence of his father in Rayne township, of a protracted illness, SAMUEL R. SMITH, in the 24th year of his age, leaving an aged father and mother to mourn the loss of an obedient and dutiful son. --On the 30th October, MARGARET J. COULTER, of this borough, aged about 55 years. --On the 31st October, MR. JOHN MCCOY, of this borough, aged about 35 years. 13 November 1855 FATAL ACCIDENT. On last Friday a young child of a German, named XAVIER EGGERDINGERL in the upper part of town, was scalded so badly that it died on Saturday morning. It seems that Mrs. E. was engaged in washing clothes and for this purpose had some scalding water in a vessel, when the child in playing with another child of the family spilled over itself, with the above fatal result. MARRIED. On the 30th October last, by the Rev. Peter Sahm, MR. WILLIAM KUHN to MISS SARAH ORTZ, both of this borough. --On Tuesday November [sic] 30th, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. PRESSLEY BRANDON, to MISS SARAH E. LITTLE all of Washington township, Indiana county. 20 November 1855 MARRIED. On the 8th November by Rev. Mr. Dean, MR. JAMES M. DEVER, of this borough, to MISS ELIZABETH ELLIS, of Blacklick township. 27 November 1855 MARRIED. On the 21st inst., by the Rev. A. M'Elwaine, MR. VALENTINE BROWN to MISS MARGARET STUNKARD, both of White township. DIED. On the 15th inst., of Croup, JAMES WILSON, only son of WILLIAM AND SARAH McGINITY, aged 1 year, 5 months and 20 days. --On the 20th inst., in Montgomery township, MARY, wife of WILLIAM HOUK, aged about 30 years. 4 December 1855 MARRIED. On the 29th of November, by the Rev. A. M'Elwain, MR. A.B. McLAIN, of Brookville, to MISS ELIZA C., eldest daughter of HON. I.M. WATT, of this Borough. DIED. On last Tuesday, MRS. CARNAHAN, wife of MR. D.R. CARNAHAN, of White township. 11 December 1855 DIED. On the 26th November, MR. JOHN MORE, of Plumville, aged about 45 years. MARRIED. On the 28th of November, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ISAAC CLOWES, to MISS ELIZABETH J. PATTERSON, all of Washington township, Indiana county. --On the 29th of November, by the same, MR. SAMUEL KRIBBLE, of Armstrong county, to MISS MARGARET SPENSE of Indiana county. 18 December 1855 -none 25 December 1855 (Tuesday) MARRIED. October 16th, by T. Allison, Esq., MR. MILTON LOWMAN, of East Maghoning township, to MISS JANE BARR, of Cherryhill township. --December 6th, by Rev. J. Carothers, MR. GEORGE RIDDLE to MISS MARGARET SILVERS, both of Montgomery township. --December 15th, by Rev. John Thomas, MR. PHILIP SMYRES, to MISS NANCY TITTERINGTON, all of Montgomery township. --December 17th, by Rev. Samuel Firman, MR. ABRAHAM LOWMAN, SR., to MISS NANCY ANN BEATTY, all of East Mahoning township. 1 January 1856. MARRIED. On the 27th of December, by Rev. A. McElwaine, MR. WILLIAM BORELAND, to MISS MARY ANN McWRIGHT, both Indiana county residents. 8 January 1856 MARRIED. On the 8th inst., by the Rev. T.J. Higgins, MR. JAMES FENTON, to MISS MARY WIER, all of this borough. On the 1st inst., by Jacob Shaffer, Esq., MR. JAMES SIMPSON, to MISS MARY JENKENS, all of Canoe township. 15 January 1856 MARRIED. On January 2d, by the Rev. John Moore, MR. J.T. SEBRING, to MISS SARAH RUMMEL, all of Cherry Tree. DIED. On the 27th of December last, at Marion, ACTETA LAURA, infant daughter of JAMES AND ANNA PARK, aged 3 months. 22 January 1856 MARRIED. January 1st, 1856, by Rev C. Fe(____), MR. BANKS WOODFORD, of Cherry Tree, Indiana county, to MISS MARTHA BONEW(____), of Burnside township, Clearfield county. DIED. On the 13th inst., in South Mahoning township, MRS. ELIZABETH WEMER, aged 81 years, 2 months and 27 days. 29 January 1856 MARRIED. On Thursday, January 22nd, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ANDREW UNCAFER, to MISS MARY J. BEATY, of Indiana county. --On the 22nd inst., by Jacob Gamble, Esq., MR. ROBERT M'CUNE to MISS MARGARET FOSTER, both of Wheatfield township. DIED. In this borough, at the residence of her brother-in-law, E.P. HILDEBRAND, on Tuesday, the 22nd inst., MISS MARY JANE, daughter of JOSEPH AND SARAH WOODS, of East Berlin, Adams county, Pennsylvania, aged 17 years, 7 months and 11 days. (Gettysburg and Hanover papers please copy.) 5 February 1856 DIED. In this borough, on yesterday, JAMES CAMPBELL, aged about 92 years. MR. C was the oldest citizen of our borough. 12 February 1856 -none 19 February 1856 DIED. On the 14th inst., in this borough, JAMES, the son of JAMES MITCHELL, aged about 2 years. 26 February 1856 MARRIED. At the house of MR. JACOB BRO(WN), near Strongstown, on the 21st inst., by the Rev. P. Sahm, MR. DANIEL GROF(___) to MISS MARY M. BROWN, both of Pine township. 4 March 1856 -none 11 March 1856 DIED. At Clearfield, on the 23rd ult., GEORGE PILE, aged 7 months and 7 days and on the 1st inst., LAREW, aged about 3 years, both children of SAMUEL J. AND AMELIA PIKE. --In Washington township, on Tuesday the 4th inst., MRS. MARY, consort of JOSEPH DODSON, aged about 86 years. Her surviving husband is aged 93 years. 18 March 1856 DIED. Of Consumption, on Sunday, March 16th, SUSANNA, wife of WILLIAM R. MAHAN, aged 20 years, 10 months and 22 days. --At his residence, in Westmoreland county, on the 8th inst., MR. GEORGE MINIAM, aged about 84 years. --On Saturday monring, the 8th inst., REBECCA, infant daughter of JAMES AND SARAH SUTTON, aged 7 months and 18 days. Sweet bud, thou art gone from winter storms, to yield thy fragrance in the breeze of Heaven. --On this, the 6th inst., in Cherryhill township, AMANDA, infant daughter od SAMUEL AND NANCY RALSTON, aged 9 days. 25 March 1856 MARRIED. On the 18th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwaine, MR. JAMES NICKLE, of Green township. to MISS MARY KENDRICK, of Cherry Hill township. --On the 11th inst., by the Rev. P. Sahm, MR. JOHN LOWMAN, to MISS SUSANNA CREBBS, both of Rayne township. 1 April 1856 -none 8 April 1856 -none 15 April 1856 DIED. In this borough, on last Tuesday evening, MRS. CAROLINE YOUNG, wife of J.J. YOUNG, ESQ., aged 39 years, 1 month and 27 days. --On the 5th inst., near Shelocta, MISS NANCY WALKER, in the 17th year of her age. 22 April 1856 MARRIED. At Indiana, on April 15th, by the Rev. A. M'Elwain, MR. WILLIAM CARNAHAN, of Washington township, to MISS REBECCA GALBRAITH, of Chambersville. 29 April 1856 MARRIED. On the 24th inst., by the Rev. A. McElwain, DAVID MARSHALL, M.D., to MISS MARGARET S. LAUGHRY, both of Indiana county. DIED. At Shelocta, on the 7th inst., of hemorrhage of the lungs, MR. GEORGE MUNSHOWER, aged about 34 years. --At the residence of her father, in Plumcreek township, Armstrong county, Pa., on the 18th inst., MISS FLORA ANN CLARK, aged 23 years, 1 month and 16 days.