Newspapers: Indiana Register (Nov-Dec 1858), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay, (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing of this file by non-commercial libraries and individuals is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying the file to any other site requires permission of the submitters PRIOR to uploading files to any other site. We encourage links to state and county table of contents. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extracts November-December 1858 2 November 1858 RELEASED ON BAIL. THOMAS CRAIG, of White township, some time ago, became a little unruly in his family, and his wife, thinking she could dispense with his society, made information charging him with some minor offense and had him lodged in jail where he remained until last Tuesday, when he was discharged by Judge Watt, on a habeus corpus, by giving bail for his appearance at court, and in the mean time kept the peace towards his affectionate wife, ELIZABETH CRAIG. BARN BURNT. The barn of MR. JOHN WALKER, in Rayne township, was entirely consumed by fire last Tuesday after MR. W. had his entire crop and his wagon and farming utensils in his barn. --They were all destroyed. The barn was new--built last Spring. The loss falls heavily on MR. WALKER. 9 November 1858 MARRIED. On the 28th inst., by Samuel Rice, Esq., MR. MICHAEL O. REEF, to MISS SUSANNA CLAWSON, both of Green township. --On the same day, by the same, MR. JOSIAH CLAWSON to MISS PHOEBE BLACK, of the above township. DIED. In this borough, on Friday evening, last, MR. WILLIAM HOUSTON, in the 68th year of his age. The deceased was one of our oldest, most worthy and esteemed citizens; and in his death the community has sustained a loss that will be long and sensibly felt. 16 November 1858 DIED. On last Thursday, a week, in Green township, MRS. REBECCA, relict of MR. WILLIAM ASKIN, and daughter of MR. JOHN DUNCAN, of White township. --On Monday night, last, 8th inst., at the American Hotel, in this borough, MR. FRANKLIN WILSON, aged about 29. The deceased had come here several weeks previous, being in the last stages of consumption; and though medical aid was called in and every attention paid to the stranger by MR. KINTER and his family, the fate that awaited him could not be averted. On Tuesday his remains were taken to their resting place and decently interred. 28 November 1858 A RICH SCENE. A surveying party one day last week, got themselves into a beautiful scrape, in the southeastern part of this county, while engaged in running a line which a spunky old lady in that region supposed was intended or calculated to interfere with her "vested rights." When seen approaching her domain, the party were commanded to halt, which command was promptly obeyed. After a short parley, they dame's ginger began to boil, threatening an explosion. Then came a scene. With a stout cudgel in hand, she "pitched into" two of the men, dealing her blows scientifically and causing a sudden development of their "bumps." But this did not complete the job. While the wounded were being removed from the scene of action by their unharmed companion, she seized their hats and tore out the linings, and then finished out her "mad" by casting one of the hats in a brook and trampling the other in the mud. Not relishing the performance, and apprehensive lest the lady should eventually "surround them," as Paddy did the soldiers, the party, now minus several hats, beat a precipitate retreat, leaving her, "alone in her glory," with her victorious banner proudly waving o'er the battle-field. About ten days ago, a son of MR. JAMES WALKER, of Armstrong township, had one leg caught in a threshing machine and was badly injured. At latest account he was improving. MR ARCHIBALD COLEMAN, an aged citizen of Blacklick township, was badly injured on the 9th inst., by falling down a flight of stairs. He is recovering and able to walk about. MARRIED. On Monday evening, the 15th inst., by Rev. A. McElwain, JOHN McCLARAN, ESQ., to MISS ANN MARY PORTER, both of this borough. --On Thursday, the 11th inst., by Rev. J.S. Bracken, MR. J.K. McCONNAUGHEY, to MISS JULIA HENRY, both of this borough. --On the 9th inst., by Rev. J. Douglas, A.T. MOORHEAD, ESQ., of Indiana county, to MRS. NANCY WILLS, of East Liberty, Allegheny county, Pa. --On the 18th inst., by John B. Allison, Esq., MR. SAMUEL McMULLEN, to MISS ELIZA JANE McCARRA, all of White township. DIED. On the 2d November, SUSANNA EVANGELINE, infant daughter of REV. PETER AND SUSANNAH SAHM, of Friedensburg, Somerset county, aged 22 days. --On Sunday, last, at the residence of JOS. B. SMITH, ESQ., in this borough, MISS SARAH LEWIS. 30 November 1858 HISTORICAL SOCIETY. --We have on several occasions suggested the forming of county historical societies. No action was taken on the subject anywhere that we know of. But the recent centennial celebration waked up our Pittsburgh brethren, who have resolved to form such a society in that city. OLD BIBLES. MR. A.W. KIMMELL, the Agent for the Bible Society, informs us that MR. WILLIAM GILMOUR, of Armstrong township, and MR. ROBERT McKISSON, of Centre, have each a Bible in their possesssion printed in 1764. They are printed in ancient style and are in a good state of preservation. MARRIED. On the 20th ult., by REv. S. Anderson, MR. H.E. McCOLLOM, to MISS L(IZZIE) ARMSTRONG, both of Indiana county. --On the 27th ult., by the same, MR. ROBERT GREY to MISS MARGARET WATSON, both of Indiana county. --On the 22nd inst., by the same, MR JAMES STOOPE to MISS JANE FARRON, both of Indiana county. DIED. On Wednesday last, in this borough, infant daughter of T.M. AND E.A. McCANDLESS, aged 1 year, 2 months and 17 days. 7 December 1858 DIED. On November 24th, in this borough, JANE NEWMAN, only daughter of T.M. AND E.A. McCANDLESS, aged 1 year, 2 months and 17 days. They laid her little body down, the vital spark had fled; I gazed again upon my child, the lovely and the dead; And that dear little face was there, so peaceful and so mild; I could not wish her back again; but, ah! she was my child! Ah, could I mourn, her little heart no longer heaved with pain; That sickness could no more distress, not fever parch again; That she now drank from that pure stream whence living fountains flow, Escaped from life's dread buffeting, its sorrow and it's wo! No! though a bud of promise, then, my bright and precious one, And though my heart had well nigh burst, when death his work had done; And though full many a weary hour thy infant smiles beguiled, I would not wish them back again, my child, my lovely child! No! to thy mother's fostering arm thou was but lent not given; And thou hast early found thy way into thy native heaven; Nor in the bosom of thy God from every sorrow free, I would not wish thee back again, but I would go to thee. -Comm. 14 December 1858 ACCIDENT. On Thursday evening, last, MR. JOHN SWAN, met with an accident, at the railroad engine house, by which his face was badly burned. He had thrown a quantity of coal into the stove, thereby smothering the fire. Shortly afterward he approached, and opening the stove door, with a large poker commenced stirring the fire, when on a sudden, the gas which for a time had been confined burst out, enveloping him in a sheet of flame. ACCIDENT. On Monday morning, a little son of MR. W.H. KERR was riding a horse to water, and while going at a rapid pace, the animal stumbled and fell, bringing the lad between it and the stones and bruising him badly. EAGLE SHOT. On Friday a week, MR. JOHN B. RIDDLE, of East Mahoning, shot a large grey eagle, which weighed 12 pounds and measured 8 feet between the tips of the wings. MARRIED. On the 2d of November, by the Rev. J. Kirkpatrick, MR. DAVID M'LAUGHLIN to MISS A. MAGGIE KINTER, both of Rayne township. --On November 25th, by Joseph Gilbert, Esq., MR. ROBERT TILL, to MIS SMARY ARMSTRONG, both of this county. --On November 25th, by Rev. H.Q. Graham, MR. CHARLES T. KILLEN to MISS MARY O. TOMB, both of this county. --On December 2d, by Rev. Alex. Donaldson, MR. E.M. IRWIN, of Lewisville, to MISS SARAH JANE SHEARER, of Eldersridge, this county. DIED. In Brookville, on the 27th November, of Inflammation of the bowels, REV. ABRAHAM LOWMAN, aged about 23 years. --On the November 17th, at Fillmore, JAMES HOMER, son of A.D. AND M. FERGUSON, aged 5 months and 6 days. --On the 6th inst., at the residence of his father, in South Mahoning township, EDWARD T. LYDIC, aged 21 years, 10 months and 14 days. --On the 11th inst., SAMUEL HOWE, SR., an aged citizen of Cherryhill township. 21 December 1858 IMMIGRATION. We learn that there has been a considerable immigration to Indiaan county during the past fall, and that a good deal of property in the north of the county, and also in Jefferson and Clarion, will change hands in the spring, the purchasers being chiefly from other counties. MARRIED. On December 2d, by Rev. Alex. Donaldson, MR. E.M. IRWIN, of Lewisville, to MISS SARAH J. SHEARER, of Eldersridge, this county. [sic] --On December 9th, by Rev. R. Cunningham, MR. R. RUTHERFORD, to MISS MARGARET OAKES, both of this county. DIED. On Saturday, the 11th inst., in Cheryyhill township, MR. SAMUEL HOWE, SR., in the 70th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Cumberland county and had resided in this county upwards of forty years. He leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his departure. 28 December 1858 MARRIED. At the Center Parsonage, on the 16th inst., by Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. WILLIAM ROBINSON to MISS MARY ELIZA, daughter of JOHN FLEMING, ESQ., all of Armstrog township, Indiana county. --In Blairsville, on the 16th inst., by Rev. S.P. Shepley, MR. R.M. SIMPSON, of Illinois, to MISS CATHERINE LANG, of Blairsville. --On the 21st inst., by Rev. J. Davis, MR. J.C. ADAMS, of Burrell township, Indiana county, to MISS E. GRAHAM, of Westmoreland county. DIED. In this borough, on Friday, last, after a protracted illness, JOHN MYERS, ESQ., aged 50. The deceased was a native of Somerset county--was long engaged in the practice of the law, and served three years as Prothonotary of this county. --was an amiable man in all the relations of life, and leaves an interesting family and many warm friends to mourn his expiration. --On Sunday, last, at his residence in Mechanicsburg, ROBERT R. MOORHEAD, ESQ., in the 44th year of his age. The deceased was for several years editor of the Register, and recently served two years in the State Legislature as Representative from this county. He was a high-minded honorable man, a kind husband, affectionate parents, and exemplary christian. His funeral will take place this day (Thursday), the hour for interment being (set) at one o'clock, P>M>, when a sermon appropriate to the occasion will be delivered in the United Presbyterian Church in this place. --On the 14th inst., in this borough, at the residence of BENJAMIN DO(RACY), ESQ., MR. THOMAS BENSON, aged (88) years. --On Saturday monring, (15)th inst., at his residence in this borough, MR. MATHIAS (WIMMER) in the 41st year of his age.