Newspapers: Indiana Register (Oct-Nov 1857), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB). USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to state and county table of contents. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Extracts October-November 1857 6 October 1857 -none 17 October 1857 MARRIED. At Bayler's Hotel in Kellysburg, on the 14th of September, last, by Andrew Shields, Esq., MR. WILLIAM STIVESON to MISS EMILY ROGERS, both of Rayne township. DIED. --At his residence in Rayne township on last Tuesday night, MR. JOHN FULLERTON LOOPER, aged about 47 years. --In this borough on last Friday morning, HENRY, son of LAWRENCE KESLAR, aged 15 years, 5 months and 6 days. --In this borough, on Tuesday last, WILLIAM MACKEY, aged 6 months, --and on Friday last, KATE B., aged 4 years, children of GEORGE W. AND MARGARET P. SEDGWICK. --At Indiana Iron Works, on the morning of the 8th of October, LITTLE ELLA, daughter of ELIAS B. AND SARAH McCLELLAND, aged 2 years and 10 months. 20 October 1857 ACCIDENT. On last Friday a week, JAMES WALLS of North Mahoning township was killed while engaged in plowing a field. A large stump of a tree around which he was plowing fell and struck him with great force to the ground. His head struck against the beam of the plow and his scull [sic] was fractured causing almost instant death. MARRIED. On the 8th inst., by Rev. A. McElwain, MR. JONATHAN SHAIFFER [sic] to MISS CATHERINE ANN CRAIG, both of White township. DIED. On Laturday [sic], 3d inst., MRS. ELIZABEAH [sic] MEANS, wife of CAPTAIN WILLIAM MEANS, of Wheatfield township, Indiana county, in the 78th year of her age. 27 October 1857 MARRIED. At the Glade Run Boarding House, on the 14th inst., by Rev. Duff, MR. WILLIAM W. EWING, of North Mahoning township, to MISS REBECCA J. HINEMAN, of Glade Run. --On Thursday, October 22d, at (Scott's Exchange) by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. ABRAHAM KAUFFMAN to MISS ELIZA MENTSH, both of Indiana County, Pa. DIED. On Friday the 9th inst., at the residence of his father, MOSES T. WORK, ESQ., East Mahoning township, THADDEUS C. WORK, aged 22 years, 8 months and 16 days. --In Cherryhill township, on the 25th of September, MR. LEVI FYOCK, aged 35 years. --At Greenville, Cherryhill township, on the 18th inst., DAVID, son of the late DAVID FULTON, aged 21 years, 6 months and 25 days. --Same place and day, MARY, wife of JAMES SIMPSON, aged 75 years. 3 November 1857 COLONEL WILLIAM H. KINTER AND DR. J.G. CALDWELL, of this borough, started en route for Kansas, on Wednesday, last. MR. DAVID M. KINTER, also of this place, left for New Orleans yesterday. MR. BENTON has so far recovered from his late illness as to be able to go out in the open air in front of his dwelling. He is still quite weak, however, and seriously emaciated. He is but the wreck of what he was. MRS. CUNNINGHAM appeared in Court on Friday morning to show that she had not run away, as was supposed--It seems she had been sick for some time. DIED. On last night, at his residence in the borough, of inflammation of the h( ), MR. R.P. REED, in the 32d year of his age. --At Blairsville, on Sunday, October ( ), SOFIA SUSANNAH, youngest child of T.J. AND ANNIE C. CANTWELL, aged ( ) years, 1 month and 15 days. --On the 12th inst., at the residence of DAVID L. THOMPSON, in Rayne township, ( ) RACHEL WILLIAMS, aged 69 years. --Very suddenly, at the residence of his father, in Mechanicsburg, Brushvalley township, this county, on Tuesday night the 27th inst., JAMES, son of THOMPSON McCREA, aged about ( ) years. 10 November 1857 -none 17 November 1857 MARRIED. On the 12th inst., at Homer, by Rev. J.S. Bracken, MR. S. MOCK, to MISS LETITIA JANE CARSON, both of Centre township, this county. DIED. On the 7th inst., MR. JOHN HOWARD, of Centre township, aged about 50 years. --At his residence in White township, on the 2d of November, MR. ROBERT W. ALLISON, in the 78th year of his age. --In this borough, on Sunday morning MRS. LEVINA, consort of JAMES ROBINSON. (Colored people.) 24 November 1857 One day last week, MR. HAZLETT, of Jacksonville, whilst engaged in loading oats at the Indiana depot, was somewhat bruised by being struck by a car that was being moved by hand. He was able to be taken to his residence, and it is to be hoped will by this time have recovered. MR. SIMON CONNOR, of Montgomery township, about a week ago, shot a bear and two cubs, the former weighing 468 pounds. MARRIED. On Thursday evening last, by the Rev. P. Sahm, COL. EDMUND PAIGE to MISS EMMA PEGG, all of this borough.