Newspapers: Indiana Register (Sep-Oct 1855), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. _______________________________________________________________________________ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, September-October 1855 4 September 1855 MARRIED. On the 9th ult., by Rev. P. Sahm, MR. E.A. SHRYOCK, to MISS MARY SCOTT, both of this place. --On the 29th of August, by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR. JOSEPH LOWRY of Armstrong county, to MISS ELIZA MILLER of this county. --On the 15th August, by Rev. C. Diehl, MR. JASON D. DOUGHERTY, to MISS ANGELINE BLACK, both of West Mahoning township. 11 September 1855 MARRIED. On the 30th of August, by the Rev. Jacob Wright, MAJOR WILLIAM W. WISE, to MISS EVALINE TAYLOR, all of the Borough of Brookville, Pa. (copied from the Brookville Star) DIED. On Saturday morning last, MISS SARAH, daughter of REV. DAVID BLAIR, of this place, aged 18 years, 3 months and 21 days. --On Tuesday last, M. WILSON LANG, of this borough, aged about 33 years. At a meeting of the Sons of Temperance on Saturday evening the 8th inst., the following preamble and resolutions reported by the committee were adopted. WHEREAS, An all wise Providence has removed from our social circle BRO. WILSON LANG, one of our number, who was endeared to us by many ties, amiable in disposition, honest in intentions and energetic in doing good, one, firm in the advancement of our glorious cause, and always ready at the call of duty, Therefore, Resolved, That in the death of BRO. WILSON LANG, this Division has to mourn the loss of a brother, who, in all positions, supported the character of a true Son of Temperance.... Resolved, that as a testimony of respect...the...Room be placed in mourning and the brotherhood wear for the space of thirty days the usual badge of mourning. Resolved, that we sympathize with his wife and mother in the bereavement... Resolved, that these proceedings be signed and published in the paper of the borough.... 18 September 1855 (Tuesday) DIED. On Tuesday, the 21st August, MISS JANE, daughter of NATHANIEL S. AND REBECCA CRAVEN, of Canoe township, aged 17 years and 4 months. She has left a bereaved family to mourn the loss of a dutiful daughter, a kind and affectionate sister, and society a valuable ornament. Dearest Sister, thou are gone. And thy loss we deeply mourn; But 'twas thy Savious that hath called thee, From the realms of earth and time, Up to that sweet and heavenly clime. Our dearest sister was to us, As violets fair, as Zephyr's free, Innocent and full of love, As the meek lamb and gentle dove; But her pure spirit has gone above. We regret thou hast found an early tomb; But thy Savior's [sic] power can keep thee, Through the darkness of its gloom: Farewell, Sister, we will meet thee, When we cross the narrow stream. -R.A.C. 25 September 1855 MARRIED. On the 13th, by Rev. Peter Sahm, MR. MARTIN LUTHER STEWART, to MISS SARAH ANN HILEMAN, both of Brushvalley township. --On the 19th, by the same, MR. WILLIAM VAUPEL, of Reamstown, Somerset county, to MISS ELIZABETH SCHROEDER, of Rayne township, Indiana county. DIED. On the 22nd inst., MRS. AGNES, wife of ANDREW GIALEY, of this place, aged about 24 years. --On the 20th, MARANDA, daughter of SAMUEL AND CATHERINE MYERS, of this place, aged 3 years, 5 months and 24 days. -How oft I've met her smiling face And little arms extended me to embrace; Methinks I hear her sweet and ringing voice, That said what often caused us to rejoice; But now she's gone to that eternal rest Where she will meet with those who are ever blest, And waits to meet us where we'll never die, And join in praises sweet, to Him on high. 2 October 1855 -none 9 October 1855 -none 16 October 1855 DIED. Near Cherry Tree, October 1st, WILLIAM SAMUEL, son of WILLIAM AND A.E. ARMSTRONG, aged 1 year and 3 months. His bereaved parents mourn their loss; yet they yielded with resignation the precious babe to the Kind Saviour who said, Suffer little children, to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of heaven. --On the 10th of October, MR. JOHN D. STEWART, of Centre township, aged 22 years, 9 months and 22 days. --On the night of the 7th, MARTHA JANE, daughter of ALEXANDER CLARK, of Plumcreek township, Armstrong county, aged about 21 years. 23 October 1855 MARRIED. On the 4th inst., by Rev. J.C. Telford, MR. DAVID B. WORK, of East Mahoning, to MISS SARAH ELLEN COLKIT, of South Mahoning township, Indiana county. --On the 15th, by the Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. JOHN GREEN, of Clearfield county, to MISS ISABELLA JANE HUDSON, of Indiana county. --On the 16th, by Rev. W.W. Woodend, MR. JOHN S. LONGWELL, of Rayne township, to MISS SARAH R. HENDERSON, of Canoe township.