Newspapers: Indiana Register (Sept-Dec 1852), Indiana Co., PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb's Archives by Sonya M. Barclay (SMB) USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indiana Register, Indiana, Pennsylvania, September-December, 1852 3 September 1852 -Chapter 3 of the Early History of Indiana County, to be extracted later. MARRIED. On Thursday, August 26, by Rev. S.P. Bollman, MR. GEORGE MUNSHOWER of Shelocta to MISS MARGARET DETAR of Armstrong township, Indiana county. --On the 22nd ult., by William McIntire, Esq., MR. ISAAC MASON of Conemaugh township, Indiana county, to MISS ANNA BELLA McMEANS of Loyalhanna township, Westmoreland county. 8 September 1852 -none 15 September 1852 -Chapter 4 of the Early History of Indiana County, to be extracted later. MARRIED. On Tuesday, the 7th inst., by Rev. D. Blair, DR. JAMES M. TAYLOR, to MISS MARGARET BLAIR, all of this Borough. DIED. In Saltsburg, September 8, THOMAS FLEMING, youngest son of DR. J. AND SARAH L. McFARLAND, aged 2 years and 2 months. 22 September 1852 MARRIED. On the 14th inst., by Rev. C.J. Deininger, MR. JOHN DODSON, to MISS MAGDALENA ADAM, both of Rayne township. --On the 16th inst., by Rev. George Hill, MR. J.M. M'GUIRE, of Lockport, Westmoreland county, to MISS MARY B. MORTON, of Blairsville, Indiana county. --On the 26th August, by the Rev. F.A. Barnitz, MR. WILLIAM M. MIKESELL of Armstrong county, to MISS SARAH ANN LUKEHART of Armstrong township, Indiana county. --On the 31st August, by Rev. H. Baker, DR. JAMES H. BELL of Westmoreland county, to MISS MARY DOTY of Indiana county. --On the same day, by Rev. H.M. Wilson, MR. DAVID HOSICK, of Armstrong county, to MISS JANE HENDERSON, of Indiana county. --On the 1st inst., by Rev. David Anderson, MR. THOMAS WIGGINS to MISS SARAH JANE McCOLLUM of Armstrong township. 29 September 1852 MARRIED. On the 16th inst., at Washington City, by Rev. Mr. Stanley, E.B. CAMP, of Cherrytree, to FANNY E. WALLER, daughter of A.B. WALLER, ESQ. Accompanying the above, we received a slice of excellent cake, for which we tender out grateful acknowledgements and our best wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the happy couple. --On the 16th, by Samuel W. Douds, Esq., MR. DORSEY DODSON, to MISS EMILY SHOUP, both of Armstrong township, Indiana, county. --On the 2nd, by Rev. George Morton, MR. SAMUEL P. MARSHALL to MIS [sic] EMILY McPHILEMY, both of Conemaugh township, Indiana county. --On the 21st ult., by Rev. John H. Kirkpatrick, MR. JOHN MOORHEAD, to MISS MARGARET ANN CLARK, all of Green township. --On the 7th inst., by same, MR. GEORGE RINK, of Cambria county, to MISS NANCY CAMERON, of Indiana county. --On the 23rd inst., by A. Wiggins, Esq., MR. PETER BOWERS, to MISS RACHAEL MARKER, both of Green township. 6 October 1852 DIED. On Wednesday the 30th September, MISS MARTHA, daughter of MR. WILLIAM RANKIN of Centre township, in the 17th year of her age. --On Sunday evening, 3rd inst., MRS. ELIZA, consort of the late MAJOR MORLAND, of Indiana, aged about 57 years. 13 October 1852 MARRIED. On the 6th of October, by Samuel Rice, Esq., MR. CHRISTLY DICK of Green township, to MISS SUSAN OVERDORFF, of White township. 20 October 1852 -none 27 October 1852 MAMMOTH RADISH. We were shown the other day a radish raised in the garden of MR. JOHN H. SHRYOCK, in our borough, which measures 23 inches in circumference and weighs 14 pounds 13 ounces. Who can beat it? 3 November 1852 MARRIED. On the 28th ult., by G.P. Reed, Esq., MR. JOHN DODSON, to MISS MARGARET, daughter of JOHN FAITH, all of White township. 10 November 1852 BEAR SHOT. On the 31st ult., a black bear paid a visit to the farm of MR. JOHN GROFF, about three miles north of this place. Bruin very prudently kept his intentions to himself, but being only about a year of age, it was evident that he was running about without the knowledge of his maternal parent. As his conduct was not "above suspicion" either, MR. GROFF and MR. WALTEMIER pursued him, and after a short chase, they overtook and shot him. MARRIED. On the 28th October by George Robertson, Esq., MR. MILTON MEFFORD, of Michigan, to MISS CHARITY O'DONNEL of Brushvalley township, Indiana county. --On the 3rd inst., by Rev. D. Blair, MR. ROBERT WILSON of Mechanicsburg, to MISS FLORINDA POTTER, of Clarion. 17 November 1852 -none 24 November 1852 MARRIED. On the 16th by S. Rice, Esq., MR. SAMUEL DONAHEY of Greene township, to MISS MARTHA CARNEY of White township. 1 December 1852 MARRIED. On the 16th ult., at Indiana, by the Rev. A. McElwain, MR.DAVID SHARP to MISS CLARISSA FOX, both of Cambria county. --On the 13th November by Rev. D. Blair, MR. WILLIAM CALHOUN to MISS RACHAEL GILLILAND, both of Armstrong township. --On the 28th October by R. Doty, Esq., MR. DAVID LIVINGSTON to MISS SARAH BATES, both of Blacklick township. --On same day by same, MR. DAVID LEWIS, to MISS MARGARET KELLY, both of Blacklick township. --On the 11th November by Rev. W.W. Woodend, MR. JACOB WILSON of Washington township, to MISS MARY J. McDIVITT, of Saltsburg. 8 December 1852 FIRE-ALMOST. On last Friday night our usually quiet town was thrown into sudden commotion by the cry of "fire." In a few minutes the streets were filled with people, and hastening along with the crowd to the quarter from whence the alarm proceeded, it was discovered that the chimney of MR. CARPENTER'S house was emitting a large bright flame, caused by the burning of soot, which had accumulated in it. Fortunately there was no wind stirring at the time, else considerable damage might have been done by the fire. As it was, nothing was injured. MARRIED. On the 18th November, by Rev. F.A. Barnitz, MR. ISAAC HOOVER, of Washington township to MISS CATHERINE BYERLY, of Mahoning township. 15 December 1852 MARRIED. On the 7th inst., by Rev. S. Furman, MR. SAMUEL MILLER to MISS FRANCES NOCK, both of Greene township. --On the 7th inst., by Rev. S. Anderson, MR. THOMAS HOOD to MISS MARTHA JANE HART, both of Young township. --On the 8th, by Rev. James C. March, MR. ANDREW GRAHAM to MISS MARGARET MARTIN, all of Canoe township. --On the 9th by Rev. D. Blair, MR. NATHAN HILANDS to MISS ESTHER TRIMBLE, both of White township. --On the 14th inst., by the Rev. Anderson B. Quay, MR. CHARLES HOGE, to MISS MARY ANN HOUSTON, of Indiana Borough. 22 December 1852 -none 29 December 1852 A MAN DROWNED. --We regret to learn that MR. JOSEPH FITZGERALD was on Friday drowned, at the mouth of Anthony's Run, near Shelocta, eight miles west of this place. Finding the planks on the bridge afloat, he attempted to ford the stream below it when his horse, taking fright, reared and plunged till he threw MR. FITZGERALD, and before assistance could be rendered, the unfortunate man sunk and was taken from the water a corpse. MARRIED. On December 21, by A. Wiggins, Esq., MR. JOHN GREEN, of Greene township, to MISS MARTHA EMPFIELD, of Brushvalley township. --On the 8th inst., by W. Martin, Esq., MR. GEORGE W. PEARCE, to MISS CATHERINE SPENCER, both of Canoe township. --On the 16th inst., by Rev. S.P. Boleman, MR. ROBERT McQUILKIN, of Washington township, to MISS CATHERINE WEAVER, of South Mahoning township. --On the 9th inst., by Rev. G. Morton, MR. JAMES HENDERSON, to MISS MARY JANE HAZLETT, of Young township. --On the 24th November, by same, MR. JAMES Y. BARCLAY, of Conemaugh township, to MISS ELIZABETH COLLEASURE, of Livermore, Westmoreland county. --On the 9th December, by R.J. Hopkins, Esq., MR. MICHAEL WIMER, to MISS NANCY DONAHEY, both of Rayne township.