Indiana County PA Archives Anniversaries.....Folkemer Reunion ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rosalie Sommer April 13, 2008 Folkemer Reunion 1936 One hundred and twenty seven attended the Folkemer reunion last Saturday. Reverend Arthur Rickey of the United Brethern Church was the guest speaker of the day. His talk was inspiring and helpful. The two oldest members of the clan present were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fetterman. Mr. Fetterman was 87 years of age last July 25, Sara Fetterman is 91 years "young. She is, oldest of the Jacob Folkemer children living. Her sister is the only other member of the living and she is 85 years old and lives at Johnstown. She was unable to attend the family gathering. The next reunion date has been set for the.last Saturday in July, 1937. Clan members present were: Mrs. A. H. Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Folckemer, Alberta Folckemer. Wynne C. Folckemer, Henry D. Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Folckmer, Charles Folckmer, Francis Folckemer. Carl Folckemer, Martha Folckemer, Frank Folckemer, Juionr Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Folckemer, William Folckemer, Jr., Robert Folckemer, Betty Folckemer, Harold Folckemer, Erma Folckemer, Lolo Folckemer, Elsie Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Folckemer, Russell Folckemer, James Folckemer, Joseph Folckemer, Deltun Folckemer, Dore Grace Folckemer, Alice Folckemer, Harry Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. Roy J, Folckemer, Mary Jane Folckemer, Nancy Folckemer, Ernest Buterbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folckemer, Ray Folckemer Wilfred Folchemer, Mildred Folckemer, Mr. and Mrs. Alex J. Roger [Rager] Adam H. Roger [Rager] Delia Roger [Rager] Harmon Roger [Rager] Alfred Roger [Rager] Dorothy Roger [Rager] Enelin Roger [Rager] Geraldine Roger [Rager] Samuel Roger [Rager] Michael Roger [Rager] Daniel Roger [Rager] George Roger [Rager] Sammy Roger [Rager] Henry Roger [Rager] James Roger [Rager] Mrs. Grace Roger [Rager] Sammie Roger [Rager] Ora Roger [Rager] Mrs. Martha Moore, Mrs. Della Walker, Miss Jennie Walker, William Lytle, Mr. Daniel Fetterman, 87 years old, and Mrs. Sarah Fetterman, 90 years of age, Mrs. May Chapman, Mr. D. T. Roger [Rager] Chester Roger [Rager] Elia Coleman, William Finley, Mrs. Francis Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Holtzman, Clora Holtzman; Thomas Holtzman Thomas Holtzman, Francis Holtzman, Robert Holtzman, Marty Cameron, Sadie Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chery, Ralph Chery, Claudia Chery, Gary Shephard, Frank Shephard, Mr. Victor Miller, Mrs. May Miler, Florence Miller, Robert Miller, Henry Miller, Harry Miller, Mr. Wm. Miller, Mr. Mellroy Brown, Mrs. Lucetta Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roger [Rager] Mrs. Ester Custer, Edward Custer, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Culbert, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McEnoy, Robert McEnoy, Charles. Envoy, John McEnoy, Leroy McEnoy, Leroy Fletcher, Carl Anderson, Nello Manxiccia, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reffner, Olinette Reffner, Dorothy Reffner, George Johnson, Frank S. Obrine, W. J. Obrine, Wm. S. Obrine. Jennie Obrine, Mary Michels, May Michels, Lerrie Hill, Rev. Bob Ashman, Bernice Miller. SOURCE: Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, page 3; 29 July 1936 NOTE: All those names ROGER were RAGER