Indiana County PA Archives Anniversaries.....Bothel Reunion ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rosalie Sommer January 9, 2007 8:52 PM The BOTHELL reunion of descendants of John and Sarah BOTHELL, held on Saturday, October 6th, at the home town of Creekside, was attended by about 115 relatives and friends. After a sumptuous dinner, which was enjoyed by all, a business meeting was held, followed by entertainment for young and old. A hearty welcome was extended to Mr. Thomas Hunt and her daughter, Mrs. Louis POST, who traveled from their home in Portland, Oregon, to be present. Other attending out-of-state relatives and friends were: Mr. and Mrs. T. C. BOTHELL and daughter, Ruth Ann, and Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest JONES from Ravenna, Ohio; Mrs. and Mrs. Earl WIGGINS and family Dunwirk, N.Y.; Mrs. Zelma BYERS and family and Mrs. Victor BOTHELL from Virginia, and Mrs. Frances CARNATHAN, New York, N.Y. Mrs. Victor JENKINS from Philadelphia was present. The gathering paid honor to the memory of Torrance CARNATHAN of Punxsutawney, who was killed in action. he was one of twenty-two grandsons who served their country in the war. Source: Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania October 9, 1945