Wills: Harris, Isabella: Schedule of Distribution 1916: Indiana Co, PA Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Aileen Fulcomer. remocluf@pennswoods.net USGENWEB NOTICE: Printing this file by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE ORPHAN’S COURT OF INDIANA COUNTY, PENNA. In re Estate of ) : ISABELL HARRIS, or ISABELLA HARRIS, ) No. ____ __________________ : Deceased. ) Term, 191_/ SCHEDULE OF DISTRIBUTION MADE BY JOHN G. HARRIS, ADMINISTRATOR The accountant having paid all of the debts of this Estate which have come to his notice, and having files his final account as Administrator in the Orphans’ court of Indiana county, and the same having been confirmed absolutely, and the heirs at law of said decedent being her children, who are six in number, including the accountant, who are of full age, and there being a balance for distribution under said accountant of $4941.03: Now, therefore, the accountant makes distribution of the balance shown upon his said account, together with certain other funds belonging to said Estate that have since come into his hands, as follows: Balance for distribution shown by account, $4941.03 Royalty paid on coal lease by Climax Coal Co., 294.13 Interest on balance in the hands of account- 50.25 ant, paid by depository banks, $5285.41 Accountant claims credit for the fol- lowing expenditures made by him since the filing of said account: To Register and Recorder, fee for filing account, in excess of the sum of $5.00 es- timated in the account, $2.00 To fee for filing inventory which was not Paid and credit for which was not claimed In the account, 1.50 To certificate of confirmation of account, Required by surety on bond, .50 4.00 NET BALANCE FOR DISTRIBUTION, $5281.41 Which is hereby distributed as follows to the following children of decedent: To Sarah J. Fulcomer, 1/6, $880.24 To Clara B. Shomo, 1/6, $880.24 To David M. Harris, 1/6, $880.24 To Williams S. Harris, 1/6, $880.23 To Thomas H. Harris, 1/6, $880.23 To John G. Harris, accountant, 1/6, $880.23 $5281.41 ______________________________ Administrator State of Pennsylvania, ) : ss: County of Allegheny, ) Before me personally came John G. Harris, who after being duly sworn, according to law, deposes and says that he is the accountant above names; that the persons mentioned in the above schedule of distribution as distributes are all the children and heirs at law of the said decedent. Sworn to and subscribed before ) : me this ____ day April, 1916. ) _______________________________ ____________________________________ Notary Public. My Commission Expires ____________________________ .