Indiana County PA Archives Wills.....Beatty, Jacob Alexander May 25, 1858 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Michael Beatty February 19, 2005, 3:18 am Source: Indiana Co. Will Book - Petition No. 1873 Written: May 25, 1858 Recorded: December 24, 1858 Petition No. 1873 - Alexander Beatty, dec'd Indiana County, SS. Be it remembered, that on the twenty-fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, Letters of Administration in common form, were granted to Christopher Borland upon the estate of Alexander Beatty, late of White Township, deceased. He, the said Christopher Borland, having first given bond to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the sum of six hundred dollars, lawful money of said commonwealth, on condition that he, the said Cristopher Borland, administrator as aforesaid, do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said deceased and file the same in the Register's office, at Indiana, within thirty days from the date thereof: And further do make or cause to be made a just and true account of his administration upon the estate of said deceased and settle the same in the Register's office aforesaid, within one year from the date thereof: with; William A. Stuart and James Miller as secretaries. Same day, Administrator duly sworn according to law. John Lichteberger Register December Term 1858 At an Orphans' Court held at Indiana, in and for the county of Indiana, on the Fourth Monday (24th day) of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty eight, before the honorable Joseph Buffington, Esquier, President and Isaac M Natt and John Thompson, Esquier, Associate Judges of the same Court, the following processings were had to wit. The Petition of Christopher Borland, Administrator of the Estate of Alexander Beatty, late of Armstrong township, in the said county of Indiana, deceased, was presented to said Court, in all humble manner showing: That the said Alexander Beatty, lately died witestate, umarried and without issue, leaving neither father nor mother living, but five brothers and sisters, req: William Beatty, Mary Ann, whom married with Abraham Lowman, Sarah Beatty, Nancy Beatty and Robert M Beatty, a minor under the age of twenty-one years; seized and in possession of a certain Tract of Land, purchased by articles of Agreement from James Miller, containing one hundred acres, be the same more or less, situate in the said township of Armstrong, of Indiana aforesaid, adjoining lands of James Miller, Joseph Peelor, the Home of Cornelius Campbell and others, with two log houses and a cabin. Barn thereon with sixty acres thereof cleared, six of which are meadow and an Apple Orchard thereon growing; And that the personal Estate of said decedent is insufficient in the payment of his debts, as by the account herewith produced appears; And therefore humbly praying the court to grant him an order to make sale of the said Tract of Land, for the payment of the debts of said decedent. C. Borland (Affidavit and Statement filed) And now, to wit, 24 December 1858, on due consideration had of the premises, the Court award an order for the sale of the premises within described, on the second Tuesday in March 1859, on the premises, on the foregoing Terms to wit: Cash on confirmation of sale: To give Bond in $2000.00 J Miller approved as secretary. (Bond filed) To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphans' Court of Indiana County. The understood Adm. Of Alexander Beatty, dec'd, respectfully reports that in pursuance of the within aforegoing order he did on the premises on the second Tuesday (8th day) of March1859 expose to sale by public render and outcry, the Real Estate in said order mentioned directed to be sold, having first given due legal and timely notice of the time and place of sale according to law and then and there sold the same to James Miller for the sum of Seventy dollars ($70.00) he being the highest and best bidder and that and best price bidden for the same, which he prays may be confirmed, by the Court and he will pray. C. Borland And now, to wit, 28 March 1859, on due consideration of the premises, the within Report confirmed and it is considered and adjudged a sale made be and remain firm and stable forever, and that the Administrator execute and deliver a Deed to the purchaser for the premises within described on the Terms of sale being complied with. Per Court J.H. Lichteberger The Final Administration Account of Christopher Borland, Administrator The Accountant charges himself with amt of Inventory 247.72 Also with amount of Sale of Land under order of the O.C. 70.00 Also with Rent rec'd of James Miller 50.00 __________ $367.72 Exhibited unto the Register's Office, 14 May 1859 by C. Borland, Admin Examined, allowed and passed Register, on the oath of Accountant this 4th day of May 1859. John H. Lichteberger, Register This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb