Indiana County PA Archives Wills.....Lafferty, Robert March 4, 1828 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marian Ryall March 13, 2005, 10:43 am Source: Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Will Book 1, Pg. 161, 162 Lds Film #863903 Written: March 4, 1828 Recorded: April 4, 1828 No. 259 Robert Lafferty decd, fees $3.50 recd of Jno Lafferty three Dol. + fifty cts. A. Taylor Decd fee Sapt recpt given 8th Nov. 1831 D. Johnston Do Ju. ?. Taylor Exts The last will and testament of Robert Lafferty In the name of God Amen. I Robert Lafferty of Conemaugh Township, Indiana County and State of Pennsylvania being sick and weak of body but of sound mind memory and understanding (Praised be God for it) and considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and to the end I may be better prepared to leave this world when ever it may please God to call me hence do therefore make and declare this my last will and testament in the manner following, that is to say, first and principally I command my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping for free pardon and remission of all my sins and to enjoy everlasting happiness in the heavenly kingdom through Jesus Christ my Savior, my body I commit to the earth at the discretion of my Executors herein after mentioned. First I will and bequeath that all my just debts be paid as shall be me owing at my decease together with my funeral expenses and all charges touching the proving of or otherwise concerning this my last will Shall in the first place out of my personal estate and effects be fully paid and satisfied and from and after payment thereof. Then my will is that all the residue of my goods, stocks chattles merchandise and household furniture shall be impartially appraised and after such appraisement made that the same shall be divided and bequeathed in the manner following. I do will and bequeath unto my wife Prisilla a decent and comfortable living or support off my real and personal estate as follows (during her life time). She shall have the use and control of the kitchen with the choice of all the other rooms, also the clock + clock case Bureau beds and bedding chairs kitchen furniture with all other articles of household furniture that that she may consider necessary to make her comfortable during her natural lifetime further more I bequeath unto her one horse one cow and six sheep of each her choice to have and to hold the same during her life time and after wards to be divided amongst my children in the manner and form as shall be herein after mentioned. To my two sons John and Jonathan I will and bequeath unto each the necessary farming utensils ant to John I further bequeath the use of the South East part of my farm, Barn and Stabling with all other housing on the same part of the dwelling not divided to any other in this my will and testament. To Jonathan also I furthermore will that he occupy the South West half of my cleared land (the meadow next the Barn excepted) with the privilege of clearing four acres of meadow ground also the use and benefit of the buildings on the same. I also will that John and Jonathan be each equally bound to contribute to their Mothers support + the keeping of her stock and providing her with fuel. (The increase of cow + sheep) I devise shall be the property - John which shall be his reward for keeping the same during the life time of his mother, and after her death I do further will that the said farm be sold and the money equally divided between my two sons John and Jonathan share and share alike. And to my son Samuel I will and bequeath his boarding for two years, Lodging and the use of his shop room for that time should he remain single so long and to his boarding John + Jonathan shall contribute equally. To the rest of my children James + William Mary ?ichey and Sarah Martane(or Martain) I will and bequeath unto them all the residue of my personal estate (except so much as may go to the payment of my debts and the before mentioned bequests) to them each share and share alike which dividend shall not take place until after my wife decease. I do farther will and devise that in case either John or Jonathan should fail or refuse to comply with the various requisitions of this my last will and testament so far as it respects their Mother than in such case the delinquent shall surrender his or their part and the same be rented and go to their Mothers support. And my will and meaning is that in case any of my children die or depart this life before such time as the part or portion of on them so dying shall become payable then in such case the part or portion of him her or them so dying shall go and be equally divided among the survivors of them share and share alike. And I make and ordain John and Jonathan Lafferty (my sons) executors of this my last will and testament (contained in one sheet of paper and sealed with my own seal) have on the last sheet and page set my hand and seal desiring this to be my last will and testament. Dated this fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty eight. Robt (his mark) Lafferty [Seal] Bequest sealed and acknowledged by the Testator in the presence of Alexr Templeton, John (his mark) Lafferty Codicil to this my last will and testament. I do further will and bequeath to my son William one cow to be given him after my wife's decease. given under my hand as above in presence of Alex Templeton, John (his mark) Lafferty. Robt (his mark) Lafferty ( Seal) Be it remembered that on the fourth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight the above last will and testament of Robert Lafferty was duly proved by the subscribing witnesses (vig) Alexander Templeton + John Lafferty Additional Comments: Transcribed by Marian Ryall, October 2, 2003 This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.2 Kb