NEWS: Ellwood GARMAN Shoots William MURRAY, 1904, Mifflintown, Juniata County, PA Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Banja Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. __________________________________________________________ A SHOOTING AFFAIR AT MIFFLINTOWN! In Mifflintown, Pa., on Friday evening, about 9 o'clock, Dec. 23rd, Ellwood Garman shot and fatally injured William Murray, aged 38, of that place. The shooting occurred in front of the First National Bank, after a short altercation, Garman pulled a revolver and shot Murray through the abdomen and ran down the street. After a futile search all evening, he was seen in a stable last Saturday afternoon. The authorities were notified and James Murray the brother of the injured man went with the posse. When the officers went into the stable Murray was left to guard the outside. As the officers entered Garman jumped out the rear end of the building, Murray started in pursuit, firing at him a couple of times, when Garman stopped and gave himself up to the officers. He was put in jail, without bail awaiting the result of Murray's injuries. The injured man was examined by two local physicians, and it was thought advisable to send him to the German Hospital, of Philadelphia. Murray had named Garman as correspondent in a suit for divorce, and at the time of the shooting Mrs. Murray was with Garman, when Murray came up and began to argue with Garman, Murray reached for a stone when Garman opened fire on him. Murray died from the effects of the wound soon after the occurrence. New Era Journal, Wednesday, January 4, 1905