Lackawanna County PA Archives Obituaries.....PHILLIPS, Louise Carter March 29, 1892 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Judy Klee March 21, 2006, 2:31 am news paper clipping date unknown OBITUARY- LOUISE (CARTER) PHILLIPS Louise Phillips, the wife of Hosea Phillips, died at her residence on March 29, 1892, after an illness of about two months. She was born in Great Barington, Connecticut, in 1812. While she was yet very young her father, Nathaniel Carter, moved to Pennsylvania and settled at Capouse, in the limits of Scranton, and at is now, where he built a log house and struggled with wild beasts and primitive forests for his daily bread. A few years after this he moved to Abington, on the place his wife died leaving the subject of this sketch without a motherís care in a wilderness. He found a home for his little girl at Esquire Drinkerís at a place then called Drinkerís Beech. Here at the age of about fifteen years, she taught a district school in a little cabin. Shortly after this she came to Abington with her Uncle and hired out to Jeremiah Clark and stayed there until married to Hosea Phillips, which took place in 1830. She was the mother of fourteen children, thirty-eight grandchildren and twenty-three great-grandchildren. She joined the Baptist Church about 1843, and was baptized by Elder John Miller, and has lived a consistent Christian life up to the day of her death. She has been a mother to the fatherless and motherless and helped in every time of need. She leaves a large number of relatives and friends that mourn on account of their loss, but their loss, we trust, will be her gain. But her aged husband, now 82 years old, although surrounded by many sympathizing friends, his bereavement is almost unbearable. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb