Bios: JOHN B. HAZEN, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland An html version of this volume may be found at ************************************************ JOHN B. HAZEN, [p. 894] a well known and respected citizen of Ellwood City, and one of the original owners of the land on which the city is located, was born in North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, February 13, 1835. His parents were John and Elizabeth (Cadwell) Hazen, and his paternal grandparents Joseph and Martha (Vurdick) Hazen. The grandfather, Joseph, whose occupation was that of a farmer, served in the War of 1812, at Erie, Pa. He and his wife had a family of eight children, namely: Benjamin, Daniel, Lewis, Peter, John, Polly, Eunice and Sarah. John Hazen, father of the subject of this sketch, was born in North Sewickley, Beaver County, on the paternal homestead, and he was a resident of that township all his life, being engaged in agricultural pursuits. He looked after his parents until their death, and on coming into possession of the homestead he added to it until it contained 300 acres. Besides farming, he devoted a part of his time to stock raising, and was known as a man of up-to-date and progressive methods. At the comparatively early age of fifty-five he was attacked by quick consumption, and fell a victim to that usually fatal disease, to which his wife also succumbed at the age of fifty-eight. His death occurred February 28, 1853. The children of John and Elizabeth (Cadwell) Hazen were as follows: Joseph, born February 27, who died March 28, 1842, at the age of seventeen years; James B., born May 25, 1827, who removed to Iowa, where he became a prominent citizen, representing Lee County in the State Senate; Nathaniel, born January 14, 1830, now a resident of Beaver County, Pennsylvania; Andrew, born March 28, 1831, who remained on the homestead and died there in 1904; Theodore, born October 21, 1833, who died November 23, 1853; John B., the subject of this sketch, whose nativity has been already given; Mary Ann, born March 22, 1838, who is the widow of Thomas Gillespie; Martha, born March 19, 1823, who married John Young, of Prospect; and Samuel, who died in childhood. John B. Hazen acquired his educational training in the common schools of his native county. He was brought up to agricultural life, and when, at the age of seventeen, the care of the farm devolved upon him, he proved himself quite equal to the responsibility, achieving a remarkable degree of success for one of his years. His abilities were recognized by his fellow citizens, and he as called upon at various times to serve in public office, always discharging the duties of such position with conscientious fidelity. His buildings were twice destroyed by fire, but each time he rebuilt them and continued his operations along agricultural lines with renewed energy. In 1862 he enlisted in Company B, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and during his military career had many narrow escapes from death and capture. He received a severe wound at the battle of Chambersburg, and at Rock Gap his horse was shot from under him and he only escaped capture by the enemy by taking refuge in a dense thicket. In 1881, years after the smoke of battle had died away, Mr. Hazen came to what is now the site of Ellwood City, purchasing the McGregor farm of seventy-five acres and eight years later he was the first man to sell land to the Pittsburg Company for the founding of the city. In this transaction he exhibited a reasonable moderation and good business foresight, asking only a moderate price and persuading others to follow his example. On the land he once owned a part of Ellwood City now stands. After disposing of his property he purchased 100 acres more, which now forms part of Hazel Dell. He later added to this tract ten acres purchased from J. C. Johnston, and subsequently another purchase of twenty-five acres from Samuel Parker. He also owned a farm of 135 acres in Butler County. In all respects Mr. Hazen has been an active, enterprising citizen, who has not only carved out a successful career for himself, but had contributed to the advancement and prosperity of his adopted city, where he is widely respected. Mr. Hazen was married April 22, 1857, to Miss Sarah M. Beatty, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Mehard) Beatty, of Beaver City, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Hazen's father was a carpenter and boat builder, who, after the death of his wife, moved to Clinton, Iowa, where he subsequently died at the age of sixty years. Of their children, two?William and Mary?died in infancy, Sarah, Mrs. Hazen, being the only one to attain maturity. Mrs. Hazen is the owner of property in Ellwood City, thus being an active sharer in its general prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen have been the parents of a good sized family, the different members of which have done credit to the family name. They are: Alice J., Francis J., Elmer E., James B., Mary O., Judith Belle, Nora O., Nathan Madison, Homer C. H., and Jessie Novilla. Their record in brief is as follows: Alice J., born January 8, 1858, died at the age of thirty-three years. She was the wife of John Dempsey, and left two children, both of whom are now deceased. Francis J., born March 19, 1861, died in infancy. Elmer E., born February 28, 1862, married Miss Orpha Boyer, of Princeton, and they are the parents of five children?Lafayette, Eva M., Margaret, Alice and John Hazen. James B., born July 1, 1865, married Sadie Boyer, of Princeton, and they have a son, Herbert. Mary O., born July 17, 1868, is the wife of Addison Newton, and they reside at Hazel Dell. Their children are Holiday and Harold. Judith Belle, born January 2, 1871, is the wife of Lafayette Wilson, and the mother of eight children?Laura B., Jeane, Nellie L., Louise, John, Mabel, Lillian and Dorothy Wilson. Nora O. is the wife of George Moon, but has no children. Nathan Madison, born December 4, 1879, married Nellie Smiley, daughter of James Smiley, and they have a daughter, Isabelle. Homer C. H. Hazen, born April 30, 1879,in North Sewickley Township, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, is unmarried and resides with his parents. He is a prominent member of several of the leading fraternal orders, belonging to Alma Lodge No. 420, Refuge Lodge No. 142, I.O.O.F., of Ellwood City; Roundhead Camp No. 73, Sons of Veterans; and the Uniformed Rank No. 32, Knights of Pythias. Jessie Novilla Hazen, born January 21, 1881, died on August 29th following, at the age of little more than five weeks. Mr. Hazen is politically a believer in the principles of Democracy, and a member of the Baptist Church. He belongs to Post No. 164, G.A.R., at Beaver Falls, Pa., being a worthy member of that noble but rapidly diminishing host of heroes of 1861- 1865. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908 Updated: 24 Jan 2002