Bios: H. G. HILBERT, 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland An html version of this volume may be found at ************************************************ H. G. HILBERT, [p. 618] proprietor of the American Hotel, at Enon Valley, and president of the Ohio Oil and Gas Company, is a man of recognized business ability and high standing. He was born in Clarion County, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1866, and is a son of J. M. and Sarah (Stallman) Hilbert, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. Hilbert was reared in his native county, and there received a good education in the public schools. When a young man he began working in the hardware store of Klahr Brothers, at Clarion, continuing for five years, then went to Pittsburg, where he conducted a cigar store on Fifth Avenue with great success. At the end of five years, he embarked in the brokerage business with Mr. John T. Shirley, under the name and style of Hilbert & Shirley. They dealt in New York stocks and Chicago grain, maintaining an office on Fourth Avenue, and they continued that business some six years. In November, 1903, Mr. Hilbert removed to Enon Valley, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, and purchased the American Hotel, of Philip Fisher. It is an old and well established hotel, and under Mr. Hilbert's capable and judicious management has added largely to its prestige in recent years. In 1906 Mr. Hilbert became interested in the oil fields in partnership with J. A. Leightner, who later sold out his interests. They first drilled on the J. R. Lantham farm, and struck a good flow of oil and gas. In 1908, in association with others, he organized and incorporated the Ohio Oil and Gas Company, of which he was elected president. The indications for the future success of this company are flattering. In 1893 Mr. Hilbert was united in marriage with Alberta Weaver, a daughter of Samuel and Clara (Snyder) Weaver. During their residence in Enon Valley they have made many friends and acquaintances, among whom they enjoy great popularity. Fraternally, Mr. Hilbert is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908 Updated: 16 Nov 2001