History: Part 00 - Table of Centents, Index, Explanation and Abbreviations : S.W. and P.A. DURANT: History of Lawrence County, PA, 1877 transcribed by Tami McConahy and Ed McClelland USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm _____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: An html version of this work with graphics and tailored search engine is available at http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/lawrence/1877/ _____________________________________________________________________________ 1770. --- 1877. HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, PA --BY-- S.W. and P.A. DURANT. L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents CHAPTER TITLE PAGES HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY 5-17 HISTORY OF NEW CASTLE 17-54 TOWNSHIPS, BOROUGHS AND VILLAGES 55-138 EDUCATION 139-143 RELIGIOUS 143-159 MEDICAL AND LEGAL 160-164 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 165-194 MILITARY RECORDS 201-214 HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY 5-17 Introductory 5-6 Geographical and Geological 7-10 Organization of Lawrence County 11, 12 Population--First County Election 12, 13 First Courts--Original Townships 13 Members of Assembly 13 Ancient Traditions--Indian Purchases 13, 14 Donation and Warrant Lands 14 Land Companies 14 Formation of Counties prior to 1849 14 Legislation and Early Settlements 14, 15 Early Roads--War of 1812 15, 16 Canals and Railways 16 Agricultural 16, 17 HISTORY OF NEW CASTLE 17-54 First Settlers 17-20 First Death--First Post-Office--Early Physicians 20, 21 Early Churches 21, 22 Additions and Early Bridges 22, 23 Personal Sketches of Early Settlers 23, 24 Amusements--War of 1812 24 Old Fortification--Military Companies 24, 25 Borough of New Castle 25-27 Mail Facilities and Early Newspapers 27 First Directory of New Castle, 1841 28 Improvements and Progress from 1841 to 1847 29 The New County--First Courts 30 First Court-House--Visit of President Taylor 31 Cemeteries--Juvenile Military Companies--First Railway Meetings 31 Agricultural Societies--Incidents, Improvements, and Business of 1852 and 1853 32 Frank Jackson sold into slavery 33 Extreme Heat and great Drouth of 1854 33 County Fair--Colored Immigrants 33 Incidents in 1855--First Gas-Light Company 34 Colonel Forney's Description of New Castle in 1858 35 Accidents and Incidents of 1859 and 1860 36 War of the Rebellion--Patriotic feeling, Meetings 36, 37 First Railway 37 Summary of the Borough 38 City Charter and first City Election 38 Fire Department 38-40 Police Department--Societies and Orders--Public Buildings 40 Postmasters from 1812 to 1877 40, 41 Banking Institutions--The Gas-Light Company--Military Organizations 41, 42 New Castle Railroad and Mining Company--Additions to New Castle 42 General Description of the City 42, 43 The Press 43-45 Early Manufactures 45, 46 The Great Industries and Present Manufactures 47-51 Croton Gardens and Nurseries 51, 52 New Castle Nursery 52 Cemeteries 52, 53 Village of Croton 53, 54 TOWNSHIPS, BOROUGHS AND VILLAGES 55-138 Borough of New Wilmington 55, 56 Borough of Wampum 56-58 Big Beaver Township 58-60 Little Beaver Township 60-64 North Beaver Township 64-73 Hickory Township 73-76 Mahoning Township 77-82 Neshannock Township 82-89 Perry Township 89-93 Plain Grove Township 93-97 Pulaski Township 97-104 Scott Township 104-109 Shenango Township 109-114 Slippery Rock Township 115-119 Taylor Township 119-123 Union Township 123-126 Washington Township 126-128 Wayne Township 128-133 Wilmington Township 133-138 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES 165-200 Presented in three files: [Pages 165-174] -- [Pages 174-187] -- [Pages 187-200] Aiken, Major Alexander 195 Aiken, Judge James P. 195 Aiken, Professor W. N. 195, 196 Alcorn, W. P. 196 Allen, R. M. 196-197 Alexander, Ann Maria 180 Armstrong, Captain John H. 179, 180 Browne, D.D., Robert Audley 170, 171 Bench and Bar, Members of 162-164 Calkins, Rev. M. H. 191 Carlon, Joseph Jr. 176, 177 Cotton, Sr., William 180, 181 Cotton, Jr., William 181 Cotton, Alexander 181 Cotton, James 181-182 Cunningham, Hon. Joseph 174 Du Shane, Joseph T. 187-188 Durban, E. S. 193 Drake, W. W. 198, 199 Davidson, Andrew 199 Davidson, John, Esq. 199 Davidson, W. W. 199 Davidson, Robert James 199 Eichbaum, William 197 Falls, Henry 183 Falls, John 183 Falls, Samuel D. 183, 184 Falls, Thomas 184 Falls, Henry C. 184, 185 Falls, Thomas H. 186 Falls, Sr., Joseph C. 186 Falls, Captain Henry F. 186, 187 Falls, Jr., Joseph C. 187 Gruber, Jacob 154 Hatch, Willis M. 200 Henderson, Rev. Ebenezer 185, 186 Hayes, Rev. William F. 191, 192 Henderson, James 194 Hezlep, McKee J. 177, 178 Hezlep, Bruce 178 Junkin, D.D., David X. 168-170 Justice, Joseph 187 Jackson, Colonel Oscar L. 190, 191 Kay, Edward 192, 193 Leasure, Colonel Daniel 194 Lock, J. P. 195 Lininger, J. A. 198 Members of the Medical Profession 160-162 Members of the Bench and Bar 162-164 McComb, Colonel R. B. 189, 190 McGuffin, Judge L. L. 191 McCracken, Hon. G. W. 192 McKee, Hugh 196 McDowell, Captain Samuel 178 McDowell, Alexander 178 Marquis, Sr., Samuel 182 Marquis, Sr., Andrew 182 Marquis, William 182, 183 Marquis, John 183 Morgan, Hon. E. S. N. 171-178 Morgan, George C. 173 Neal, John 199 O'Brien, Colonel Edward 188, 189 Peebles, Dr. J. H. M. 191 Penn, G. W. 193 Phillips, Samuel 179 Phillips, William 179 Penn & Stone, Messrs. 193 Raney, Leander 196 Rigby, Thomas 197, 198 Rigby, Sr., Seth 198 Richardson, Mayor J. R. 193 Roberts, Bishop 153, 154 Sankey, Sr., Major Ezekiel 165 Sankey, Jr., Major Ezekiel 165, 166 Sankey, Eben B. 166 Sankey, Henry C. 166, 167 Sankey, Hon. David 167, 168 Salisbury, Samuel R. 180 Stone, Ervin E. 193 Smith, Rev. J. Calvin 194 Smith, Sarah A. 194 Tidball, David 192 Van Orsdel, Cornelius 198 Van Orsdel, R. L. 198 Walker, James 194, 195 Walker, W. W. 195 Wallace, John 185 Wallace, Robert 185 Wallace, Davies 185 White, M.D., Newell 198 Wilson, Adam 174, 175 Wilson, Adam Q. 176 Wilson, Deacon Adam 178, 179 Wilson, Deacon Benton R. 178, 179 Wilson, E. Baxter 178 Wilson, Hiram H. 175, 176 Wilson, Judge Thomas 175 Wilson, James 176 Wilson, John 177 Wilson, John D. 177 Wilson, John Calvin 177 Wilson, Josiah 178 Young, Captain John 193, 194 MILITARY RECORDS 201-214 Revolutionary Soldiers 201 Soldiers of the War of 1812-15, and Mexican War. 201 War Of The Rebellion - Regiments 201-208 Roll of Honor 209-213 Roster of Soldiers from Lawrence County (214-228) New Castle Washington Big Beaver Wilmington Little Beaver Perry North Beaver Pulaski Hickory Mahoning Neshannock Shenango Plain Grove Slippery Rock Scott Wayne Union with West New Castle Supplement PORTRAITS INDEX PORTRAITS Between or Facing Page(s) Alcorn, W. P. 56, 57 Alcorn, Mrs. M. L. 56, 57 Aiken, W. N. 170 Begel, Rev. John 101 Browne, Rev. Robert A. 170 Brown, William 185 Brown, Latsa 185 Barber, John 94, 95 Barber, Mrs. Mary 94, 95 Book, M. H. 111 Book, Melissa E. 111 Clarke, Hon. Samuel D. 64 Clarke, Mrs. Jane 64 Cochran, T. K. 88 Cochran, Mrs. H. J. 88 Courtney, D. M. 113 Cunningham, Hon. Joseph 130, 131 Cunningham, Eliza 130, 131 Cunningham, Jennette 130, 131 Cunningham, Benjamin 130, 131 Cunningham, Martha 130, 131 Davidson, John 58, 59 Davidson, W. W. 58, 59 Davidson, Mrs. W. W. 58, 59 Drake, William W. 136 Drake, Mrs. W. W. 136 Gantz, M. (M.D., Ph.D.) 170 Genkinger, C. 36 Genkinger, Mrs. C. 36 Green, Alexander M. 87 Green, Mrs. A. M. 87 Hayes, Rev. W. T. 156 Jackson, Col. Oscar L. 188 Kay, Edward 170 Lawrence, James M. 97 Lawrence, Sarah 97 Locke, J. P. 128 Locke, Mrs. J. P. 128 Locke, Mrs. Susannah 128 McCracken, G. W. 170 McConnell, John 185 McConnell, Mary 185 McKee, Hugh 170 McCollum, Joseph W. 170 McCollum, Mrs. Sarah 170 McConahy, Alexander 109 McConahy, Miss Deborah 109 Moore, Joseph 94, 95 Moore, Mrs. Margaret 94, 95 Morgan, Hon. E. S. N. 170 Martin, Thomas 185 Martin, Mrs. Thomas 185 Nesbit, Allen (M.D.) 185 Nisbet, James 66 Nisbet, Mrs. Nancy 66 O'Brien, Col. Edward 188 Patton, J. H. 74, 75 Patton, Mrs. J. H. 74, 75 Phillips, I. N. 165 Phillips, C. M. 165 Phillips, J. T. 165 Phillips, J. W. 165 Roberts, Bishop R. R. 153 Robison, James 185 Robison, Johnson 77 Robison, Sarah 77 Robison, Charley 77 Reynolds, John F. 34, 35 Reynolds, Mrs, J. F. 34, 35 Reynolds, A. W. 34, 35 Reynolds, Mrs. A. W. 34, 35 Reynolds, Robert 34, 35 Reynolds, Mrs. Elizabeth N. 34, 35 Reynolds, George W. 82 Reynolds, Mrs. G. W. 82 Sankey, Major Ezekiel 165 Sankey, David 165 Smith, Rev. J. C. 115 Smith, Mrs. J. C. 115 Tidball, David 170 Van Gorder, Jacob 185 Van Gorder, Nancy 185 Vance, S. R. 68, 69 Vance, Martha A. 68, 69 Wallace, William R. 185 Wallace, Mrs. Elizabeth 185 Wallace, John 185 Wallace, Rebecca 185 Waddington, Wilkes G. 170 White, Dr. N. 162 Wells, John 60 Wells, Mrs. John 60 Wilson, E. B. 72, 73 Wilson, Mrs. H. M. 72, 73 Young, Henry 74, 75 Young, Mrs. Henry 74, 75 Explanation and Caution 1770 - 1877 History of Lawrence County by S. W. and P. A. DURANT. TRANSCRIPTION: While the transcribers have attempted to faithfully reproduce the original text, be aware that any transcription may include errors. If you find a typographical error, please send an e-mail to the transcriber, if known, or to the Lawrence County Pennsylvania USGenWeb Coordinator. SURNAME SEARCH: Use your browser's "search" or "find" capability to search for surnames in the text. FOOTNOTES: The original 1877 History includes footnotes that were indicated with an asterisk and printed at the bottom of the column and page on which they occurred. In this web version, they have been indicated with an asterisk [*] immediately after the paragraph to which they refer. ABBREVIATIONS: These old histories include many abbreviations that are no longer familiar. Go to this page to see a list of abbreviations, some of which are still not defined. ADDITIONS AND ERRORS: The rare additions to the original text are clearly indicated by being enclosed in square brackets. These include pages numbers, such as [p. 163] to indicate where a new page begins in the printed version. Where it seems that there is a typo in the original text, [sic] has been added immediately afterward to indicate that the suspected error is in the original text. Occasionally, correction of known errors may be shown in brackets. ILLUSTRATIONS: The book contains many illustrations--some of people and some of residences or hotels. The illustration pages are not numbered but have been given a file number such as "p. 132a" indicating that the illustration is on the unnumbered page before or after page 132. GENEALOGICAL ACCURACY: Please remember that these old histories, while an invaluable resource, are secondary sources and are known to include many mistakes. Information in them should always be confirmed by checking primary sources (wills, deeds, censuses, etc.) if possible. Transcribers: Pages 5-54: Ed McClelland These pages have been prepared for the web by: Ed McClelland Associations and Groups Abbreviations Abbreviations of social/religious/military groups found in late 19th century county histories in western Pennsylvania. A.A.O.N.M.S. -- Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine A.L.H. -- American Legion of Honor A.O.H. -- Ancient Order of Hibernians A.O.U.W. -- Ancient Order of United Workmen A.P.A. -- American Protective Association (?) A.P.C. -- Associate Presbyterain Church (different from above two, later U.P.C. above) A.R.C. -- Associate Reformed Church (same as above) A.R.P.C. -- Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (later U.P.C. above) A.Y.M. -- ??? B.P.O.E. -- Benevolent Protective Order of Elks C.B.A. -- Catholic Benefit Association C.M.B.A. -- Catholic Mutual Benefit Association C.P.C. -- Cumerland Presbyterian Church E.A.U. -- Equitable Aid Union E.L.C. -- Evangelical Lutheran Church (part of modern Evangelical Lutheran Church in America?) F.& A. M. -- (Ancient) Free and Accepted Masons (lodges and temples) G.A.R. -- Grand Army of the Republic (civil war veteran's association) G.E.C. -- German Evangelical Church (? later E.U.B., then United Methodist?) G.E.P.C. -- German Evangelical Protestant church (? same as above) G.M.C. -- German Methodist Church (same as above) G.R.C. -- German Reformed Church (part of modern United Church of Christ) H.R.A. (Delta) -- ?? I.O.of G.T. -- Independent Order of Good Templars I.O.O.F. -- Independent Order of Odd Fellows. (lodges and encampments) J.of A. -- ?? J.P. -- Justice of the Peace K.of H. -- Knights of Honor K.of M. -- Knights of Malta (Knights of the Maccabees) K.of P. -- Knights of Pythias K.O.T.M. -- Knights of the Maccabees of the World K.T. -- Knights Templars. (Commandery) (Grand Encampment) L.C.B.A. -- Loyal Christian Benefit Association M.E.C. -- Methodist Episcopal Church (modern United Methodist Church) M.O.L.L.U.S. - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. (Civil War Officers N.G.P. -- ?? O.R.T. -- Order of Railway Conductors O.R.T. -- Order of Railway Trainmen O.T.W. -- ?? O.U.A.M. -- Order of United American Mechanics O.U.W. -- Order of United Workman P.C. -- Presbyterian Church (modern Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) P.E.C. -- Protestant Episcopal (eventually became the Episcopal Church) P.of H. -- Patrons of Husbandry (Grange) P.H.C. -- Protected Home Circle (Excelsior Lodge) P.M.C. -- Protestant Methodist Church (later?) P.O.S.of A. -- Patriotic Order of Sons of America P.V.C. -- Pennsylvania Volunteer Calvary P.V.I. -- Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry R.A. -- Royal Arcanum R.A.M. -- Royal Arch Masons R.L.C. -- Reformed Lutheran Church (later ?) R.P.C. of N.A. -- Reformed Presbyterain Church of North America, also 'Covenanters' R.T.T. -- Royal Templars of Temperance S.P.C. -- Seceder Presbyterian Church 'Seceders' (same as Associate Presbyterian Church) S.U.V. -- Sons of Union Veterans (of Civil War) U.A.M. -- United American Mechanics U.C.V. -- United Confederate Veterans U.P.C. -- United Presbyterian Church (part of modern Presbyterian Church, U.S.A.) U.V.L. -- Union Veterans Legion V.R.C. -- Veteran's Reserve Corps W.of W. -- Woodmen of the World More Abbreviations And More ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Updated: 5 Mar 2002 Please send comments to ed.mcclelland@erols.com