History: Part 5 - pp. 55 - 64: S.W. and P.A. DURANT: History of Lawrence County, PA, 1877 transcribed by Tami McConahy and Ed McClelland USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm _____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: An html version of this work with graphics and tailored search engine is available at http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/lawrence/1877/ _____________________________________________________________________________ 1770. --- 1877. HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, PA --BY-- S.W. and P.A. DURANT. L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia ------------------------------------------------------------------------ HISTORY -- OF THE -- TOWNSHIPS, BOROUGHS AND VILLAGES --OF -- LAWRENCE COUNTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOROUGH OF NEW WILMINGTON [p. 55] New Wilmington was incorporated into a borough by Act of the Legislature, April, 4, 1863, from a part of Wilmington township. The land incorporated includes an area of between three and four hundred acres, and extends to the Mercer county line. The ground on which the original town stands, was a one hundred acre tract, purchased by James Waugh, shortly before the town was laid out. New Wilmington was only made a "half borough" in 1863, and it was not until about 1872 that it became a complete borough, with all the powers pertaining to such a corporation. The present officers of the borough (December, 1876), are: Burgess, J. W. Scott; Council, John Elliott, Solomon Price, James Hunter, D. B. Seeley, William Whitley. The number of voters in the corporation is one hundred and thirty-four; at the election of November 7, 1873, one hundred and sixteen votes were cast. The town of New Wilmington was laid out by James Waugh and sons, about the year 1824, during which year the first buildings in the new town were erected. Before the town was laid out, a house had been built by James Hazlep, and his was the first one in the place. James Waugh built the second one; he had settled, in 1798, in what afterwards became Lackawannock township, Mercer county. The first house built in the newly laid-out town was erected by one Dr. Hindman, and is now standing at the southwest corner of the East Diamond; it is a log structure. Very soon after Dr. Hindman built his house, a low, one-story frame building was put up by Philip Crowl. John Galloway built a tannery either that year or the next, (1824-25). It stood at the east side of the village, on the site of another building once used for a tannery and now occupied for a wagon shop by Alexander Boyd. David Carnahan opened the first wagon shop in the place; next came J. W. R. Hazlep. The first shoe shop was kept by Robert Hamilton, where Dr. Pettit now lives. Thomas Wilson had the first saddle and harness shop, which stood at the southwest corner of the West Diamond. The first blacksmith shop was opened by Philip Crowl, who afterward removed to Eastbrook, in Hickory township, where he also had a shop. The Waughs had a small general store about the time the town was laid out, it being the first one in the place. Then next one was opened by James Hazlep, a cousin of J. W. R. Hazlep. J. & A.. Galloway bought Hazlep out and carried on the store for a time. There are now three general stores, owned by William Marshall, Samuel Elliott and J. A. Lininger; one boot and shoe store and manufactory, operated by John M. C. Anderson, who does business on a considerable scale, and employs several hands; Smith Semple has a drug store, and there are also several confectionery and grocery stores. Thomas Brown had the first tailor shop, although William McCready had done some work in that line before Brown came, but never opened a shop. There are now two tailor shops, owned by John H. Robinson and Hugh Wilson; three blacksmith shops, by Samuel Pettit, Joseph Hunter an, Wm. Boyd; one cabinet-maker and undertaker, Robert Ramsey. The first schoolhouse in the town was a frame building, still standing, and at present used as a dwelling. The first teacher in it was Robert Miller. Long before this house was built, a log school-house was put up a quarter of a mile west of town, the date of its erection being about 1810-12. The two- story brick school-house now standing, was built about 1868. It contains four rooms, two on each floor. Samuel Pettit has a carriage and wagon manufactory in connection with his blacksmith shop. Mrs. Christy, Mrs. Hope and Mary Young have millinery establishments. Thomas Wilson kept the first hotel, about 1834. It stood on the north side of the street, opposite the present "Central Hotel." Richard Hammond kept the same establishment after Wilson left it. The second hotel building was the present "Lamb House," built by Robert Hammond about 1835. The "Lawrence House," not now used for a hotel, was next built, and occupied for a while by a man named Weir. These buildings were never calculated to accommodate a very large number of guests, yet, from the number of public houses put up, the "tavern" business must have been a very respectable one. The present "Central House" occupies the site of the first tailor shop, and has been remodeled from a residence, and adapted to hotel purposes, within the past year or two. A military company was partially organized, and officers elected, in the Summer of 1876, but at that time the company was unable to secure admission to the State service, and the organization was dropped for the time being. A cornet band was organized in the Fall of 1876, with ten pieces, under the leadership of Augustus Carver, and is fast earning for itself a reputation for excellent talent and musical execution. Neshannock Lodge, No. 521, I. O. O. F., was instituted July 5th, 1855, with about twelve members. From its organization, it has been prosperous, and now has a membership of about fifty. It is the second oldest Lodge of the order in the county, its only predecessor being Shenango Lodge, at New Castle. Its present officers are J. W. Scott, N. G.; R. W. Morris, V. G.; D. P. McCready, permanent secretary; J. H. Means, treasurer. The first settler on the land where the borough of New Wilmington now stands, was James Hazlep, who came in 1798, and made the first improvernents. He afterward became the possessor of some eight hundred acres of land in the neighborhood. The oldest house in the vicinity is the one now occupied by George Dice. It was built by James Hazlep, about 1800. The old James Waugh residence, built of logs and weather-boarded, is now occupied by Mr. Moreland. Benjamin Junkin, whose people settled where Hope Mills, Mercer county, are now located, in 1805, is living in the borough at an advanced age. Thomas Pomeroy came to New Wilmington in 1834. His father, John Pomeroy, came from Derry township, Westmoreland county, Pa., and in 1815, located in Neshannock township, Lawrence county. In 1828, Thomas [p. 56] Pomeroy was married and removed to a place two miles east of New Wilmington, and in 1834 removed to the town where he is now living. In 1855, Mr. Pomeroy was elected one of the Associate Judges of Lawrence county, and has been twice elected since, having filled the office altogether for fourteen years. When he first came to the place he acted as Justice of the Peace for several years, and has also served as County Auditor, and was one year (1863) on the Internal Revenue Board of Pennsylvania, and two years, 1846-47, in the State Legislature. William M. Francis came from Baltimore, Maryland, in 1839, and located in the then small village of New Wilmington. In February, 1841, he purchased a piece of land south of town, and built a house upon it, which has since been his residence. In the Winters of 1858-59-60, Mr. Francis represented Lawrence county in the State Senate, and was Speaker of the Senate in 1860. James A. McLaugry came to New Wilmington from Mercer county, Pa., in 1835, and for two years taught school in the village. He was originally from Delaware county, New York, and from Wayne county, Pa., when he came to Mercer. Has lived on the place he now occupies since 1860. But two or three men are now living in the town who were there in 1834. CHURCHES. The First United Presbyterian Church was organized as an Associate Reformed congregation somewhere in the neighborhood of 1810-12. Its first church building was a rude log structure, never finished, and stood a short distance east of the subsequent location of the village. This church was originally called "Neshannock," but that name was finally dropped, and the present "Neshannock" U. P. Church is situated in the southern part of Hickory township. The congregation for sometime used the brick building now occupied by the post-office. Their present church is a substantial and commodious brick edifice, located in the north part of town. The first preaching to the First United Presbyterian congregation was by Rev. Alexander Murray, who served while they occupied the old log church. Other ministers supplied the church for a number of years, and it was not until about 1832 that their first regular pastor was settled. This was Rev. Alexander Boyd, who ministered about six years. About 1840, Rev. David R. Imbrie was settled over the congregation and continued to serve for twenty-five years. Revs. J. R. Miller, and J. M. Donaldson preached after Mr. Imbrie, and in December, 1876, the present pastor, Rev. John H. Gibson, was installed. While Mr. Murray preached here he had four charges--Neshannock (New Wilmington), New Castle, Prospect (in Neshannock township), and Wolf Creek (in Butler county). The Second United Presbyterian Church was organized as an Associate Reformed congregation by the Presbytery of the Lakes, February 27, 1850. Rev. Wm. Mehard was its first pastor, and still continues to serve. The original congregation consisted of thirty-two members. A church was built in 1852 and was used until 1862, since which time their meetings have been held in the college building. A Sabbath-school was organized in 1852, and has since been continued. The Methodist Episcopal Society was organized about 1839, and the next year the present frame church was built. The building was enlarged and repaired in 1858. The first pastor of this congregation was probably Rev. Mr. Benn. Following him came Rev. Mr. Parker; then the appointment was made a double one, and Revs. Leslie and Lane were appointed. The present pastor is Rev. J. B. Wright. When the church was first organized the circuit was very large, and included New Wilmington, Mercer, Middlesex and other places. At present there are but two appointments on the circuit--New Wilmington and Eastbrook, the latter congregation in Hickory township. In the Spring of 1843, a Sabbath-school was organized at New Wilmington in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church, with Robert Ramsey as its first superintendent. It has been kept up most of the time since its organization. Westminster College is located here, and does much to enliven the place and render it prosperous. For a description of this interesting institution see another part of this volume. What is remarkable for a town the size of New Wilmington, is the excellence of its sidewalks or pavements. Between six and seven thousand feet of fine stone pavement have been laid in the borough since the Summer of 1874. The work was done by O. J. Loutzenhiser, and its quality attests to his capability, and adds largely to the general improvement of the place. The following is the history of the post-office at New Wilmington, taken directly from the Department at Washington, D. C., furnished through the efforts of Hon. Thomas Pomeroy, of New Wilmington, to whom we are much indebted for this and other valuable information. The office was established January 14th, 1828, and was known as New Wilmington P. O., Mercer county, Pa., in which county it was then located, it being before Lawrence county was erected. The post masters have been as follows: John Carnahan, appointed January 14, 1828. John Galloway, appointed May 8, 1828. Joseph Cowden, appointed March 6, 1830. Thomas Willson, appointed February 16, 1831. Alexander Galloway, appointed April 20, 1835. William D. Clark, appointed April 6, 1839. James S. Hunter, appointed July 23, 1845. In 1850, after Lawrence county was erected, the office was transferred to it, and the following is a list of the post masters since: David McCombs, appointed April 12, 1850. Hugh H. Means, appointed August 8, 1853. James S. Hunter, appointed December 29, 1855. John Balph, appointed April 12, 1858. William Scott, appointed November 18, 1858. Nelson P. Chambers, appointed April 30, 1861. Mrs. Ellen M. Black, appointed January 12, 1866. Henry H. Dinsmore, appointed September 22, 1873. The last named is the present incumbent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WAMPUM BOROUGH. [p. 56] The first actual settlers within what is now the borough of Wampum, were Robert and John Davidson, brothers, who came from Ireland, in 1791, and landed at Philadelphia. From there Robert went to Cincinnati, where he purchased property. From Cincinnati he returned to Pittsburgh, and from thence he and his brother John came to the tract covering the site of Wampum borough, in March, 1796. Their mother, with the rest of the family, left Ireland in 1793, and remained in the eastern part of Pennsylvania until the boys had made a settlement at Wampum, when they joined them. Thomas Davidson, a half brother, came out a year or two later, and joined the settlement. They settled on a two hundred acre tract, of which they received half for settling, and afterwards purchased the balance for one hundred dollars. There were seven sons in the family, and they all settled in the vicinity, along the Beaver river. Robert Davidson erected a gristmill on the site of the present mill owned by Edward Kay, about the year 1830. It was run by water from springs, and contained two run of stones. Mr. Davidson operated the mill until his death, in 1846. It was repaired and run by his heirs about four years, when it was sold to Captain Archibald Reed about 1850. Reed operated it for a number of years, and sold to Mr. Lewis Zeigler, who owned it until about 1870, when it was purchased by Messrs. Lowrie & Mellon, who commenced rebuilding it, and expended a large sum of money, but before it was completed they sold to Edward Kay the same year (1870). When completely rebuilt and repaired, the mill was three stories in height, with a basement 32 by 40 feet in dimensions, and contained four run of stone. The water-power proving insufficient, a powerful steam-engine was put in 1871. The total cost of the mill, to Mr. Kay, as it now stands, including original cost and subsequent repairs and improvements, has been about fourteen thousand dollars ($14,000). The people of the borough of Wampum are extensively engaged in mining and manufacturing. BLAST FURNACE. The first furnace was built by Porter R. Friend & Co., of Pittsburgh, in 1856. (The firm consisted of P. R. Friend, Harvey Childs, and G. W. Richardson.) This firm operated it for a number of years, but the business was so unprofitable that the property was finally sold at assignee's sale, August 1, 1866. Samuel Kimberly purchased the establishment on behalf of the "Eagle Iron Company," of Cleveland, Ohio, though the latter company never really owned it. The name was changed to "Wampum Furnace Company." In 1868-69, Edward Kay purchased an interest in the property. The company originally consisted of five members--George Worthington, Wm. Bingham, and S. S. Mather, of Cleveland, Ohio; Samuel Kimberly, of Sharon, Pa., and Edward Kay of Wampum. Mr. Worthington died about 1871, and his interest was purchased by the surviving partners. The present capacity of the works is about twenty tons of metal, daily, or about seven thousand tons per annum. The works are employed in the manufacture of pig-iron exclusively, using Lake Superior ores mostly. A small proportion of the red limestone ore [p. 57] found in Shenango and Wayne townships, is used in connection with the lake ores. The company own, in connection with their furnace, extensive limestone deposits, and are, therefore, able to supply themselves at the minimum cost with these very necessary materials. The amount of coal taken out of their mines annually is from 40,000 to 50,000 tons, a large share of which is shipped. The capital invested in the furnace property, in coal mines, stone quarries, cars, coal-shutes, &c., equals fully $250,000. In busy times, they employ over two hundred men; at present, the number is about one hundred and fifty. The pig-iron is mostly sold in Pittsburgh, though considerable quantities are shipped to New York, Chicago, and other points. The company have eighteen coking-ovens in connection with their works, and do their own coking, thereby saving a large expense in the handling of this important fuel. The average yield of iron from the Shenango and Wayne ores, is about thirty-five per cent. The bulk of this ore is at present being shipped at the rate of about ten car loads daily, from Wampum Station to various points--New Castle, Youngstown, &c. The coal business at this point is quite extensive. The firm of Davidson, Green & Co. work about sixty miners, and handle annually thirty to forty thousand tons. Captain O. H. P. Green, of this firm, claims to have been the first man to export the Beaver Valley gas coal to Erie, which was in 1852. In the Spring of that year he commenced the coal-mining business near Homewood Junction, on his own land, in North Sewickly township, Beaver county, and shipped one thousand tons of the coal to Erie, at a very low price, in order to introduce it in that market. The captain invested several thousand dollars in the business, in which he continued some two years by himself, when he took in, as partners, Abner C. Fenton and Henry Manning, of Youngstown, Ohio. In 1854 he sold his interest in the business to Jonathan Warner, of Youngstown, Ohio. Captain Green had previously been connected with the canal business, commencing by working as a common laborer when fifteen years of age, near Greenville, Mercer county. When the canal was completed, he had gone into the boating business, in which he continued until he engaged in coal-mining and shipping. After he sold out his interest in the coal business, he returned to his old occupation on the canal. He owned and operated several boats in his own name, and also had a partner, Captain M. S. Marquis, and together they owned and operated as many as twelve boats at one time. In 1857 he removed to the vicinity of Edenburg, where he purchased at various times several farms, on one of which is situated the famous prehistoric mound, near the site of the old Indian town of Kush-kush-kee.* He continued to do business on the canal until about 1866. The bulk of his transactions was on the "Cross-cut" canal, which ran from Mahoningtown to Cleveland, Ohio, though he did business on the Pennsvlvania branches more or less. In 1867 he removed to New Castle, where he still resides. He is at present a member of the firm of Green, Marquis & Johnson, at New Castle, extensively engaged in the limestone business, and also of the firm of Davidson, Green & Co., at Wampum, where they are engaged exclusively in the business of mining and shipping coal. *See History of Mahoning township. In addition to the coal business at this point, there are three firms engaged in quarrying and burning limestone. These are John K. Shinn, Williams & Co., and the Wampum Cement and Lime Company, the latter of whom manufacture large quantities of cement, which is made from the lower stratum of limestone, familiarly known as the "blue stone." This company are also engaged in coal-mining. The coal of this valley is bituminous, somewhat similar to the celebrated Pittsburgh coal, and excellent for coke and gas- producing qualities. R. D. Davidson does a large business in lumber, having a planing-mill in connection. His mill was recently burned, but will be soon rebuilt and in operation. He is also a manufacturer of brick, and an extensive breeder of poultry. Wampum was erected into a borough by the Court of Quarter Sessions, February 19, 1876. Edward Kay was the first burgess, and is also the present incumbent. The first post-office was established at Wampum about 1832, by the name of "Irish Ripple," from the rapids in the Beaver river. It was moved back and forth between Wampum and Newport until the people of the former place had the name changed to "Wampum," since which it has remained there. This was about the year 1868. The name "Wampum," is said to have been derived from a tribe of Indians who formerly dwelt there, and who wore the wampum belt. The town is picturesquely situated on the Beaver river, nine miles below New Castle, and about forty miles from Pittsburgh, at the foot of the precipitous bluffs which inclose the narrow valley of the Beaver. Including its mining population, the borough contains, according to the estimate of its best informed citizens, about twelve hundred inhabitants. There are two religious societies, Methodist Episcopal and United Presbyterian. The borough schools are at present using the basement of the M. E. Church, the school building having been burned in the Fall of 1875. A fine new building will be erected during the season of 1877. According to the school superintendent's report for 1875, there was one school with one teacher, and one hundred and fifty scholars. There are one very convenient hotel, five stores of various kinds, two blacksmith shops, one wagon shop, one harness shop, two shoemakers, several milliners, &c. Of secret orders, there are a lodge of Odd Fellows, which meets in Chewton; one lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen; one lodge Order of United American Mechanics; one grange Patrons of Husbandry, and a lodge of those who are in favor of the withdrawal of the national bank currency and the substitution of "greenbacks" by the government. Prominent among other improvements is the fine iron bridge spanning the Beaver river at this point, built by T. B. White and Sons, of Beaver Falls. It is about four hundred feet in length, and cost some $30,000. The Pittsburgh and Erie railway passes through the place. A narrow- guage railway is in process of construction from Wampum to the iron ore beds, in Wayne and Shenango townships, extending a distance of about four miles. At present the ore is hauled to Wampum with teams. Large quantities of it are exported to various points in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and if the demand continues to increase, the railway will become a necessity, and will no doubt be pushed to an early completion. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Wampum was organized May 15, 1871, with six members, who formed a class. A Sabbath-school was put in operation by Wm. Thompson in 1869, with about ten scholars which soon increased to twenty-two. The first meetings of the society were held in what is now a cooper shop at the foot of the hill south of town, which was originally erected for a school house. The Rev. J. E. Johnston was the first pastor and preached for about six months. The Rev. N. Morris succeeded him in 1872, and Rev. J. E. Johnston followed him and continued for two years. After him came Rev. C. F. Edmonds who also remained two years, and was succeeded by Rev. George H. Brown, and he by Rev. John Perry in October, 1876, who is the present pastor. A church was erected in 1871 at a cost of about $4,000, of which Mr. Edward Kay contributed about $3,000. The present membership numbers about 120. A portion of the congregation reside in Chewton, on the opposite side of the river. The society supports a Sabbath-school with ten officers and teachers, and sixty-five or seventy scholars. The school has a library of some three hundred volumes. The present Trustees are: Edward Kay, Joseph Grandy, Alex. Lowrie, Joseph Thompson and James Wise. The Stewards are: Joseph Frazier, Joseph Butler, Joseph Grandy, James Wise, Theodore D. Froi de Veaux and John Shuler. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The United Presbyterians of Wampum asked the Beaver Valley Presbytery to grant an organization at Wampum. The Presbytery considered the matter favorably, the only difficulty being the want of a suitable house of worship. Accordingly, about the latter part of August 1875, a party of six men selected a lot on Beaver street, and on the first day of September work was commenced on the foundation, and on the second Sabbath of November following, there was preaching in the new house. The building is of brick, and 40 by 60 feet in size, and 18 feet in height to the ceiling. It is well finished throughout and will comfortably seat 300 people. The total cost was $3,140. On the 8th of October, 1875, the session appointed by the Beaver Valley Presbytery to organize a congregation at Wampum, met at the house of W. H. Witherspoon. The members present were: Rev. J. I. Frazier (Moderator), Robert Mehard, A. M. Barbour and A. D. Gililand. A sermon was delivered by Rev. J. I. Frazier, from Matthew 16-18, after which the following persons presented certificates of membership: Mrs. Margaret Davidson, Wm. McMillen, Mrs. Eleanor McMillen, W. H. Witherspoon, Mrs. Christine Witherspoon, W. W. Davidson, Mrs. Nancy Davidson, Mr. Asa Eckles, Mrs. [p. 58] Elizabeth Eckles, Alice Minor, Mrs. Mary Whan, Miss Bell Whan, Mrs. Matilda Davidson, Wm. Witherspoon, Mrs. Emily Witherspoon. An election for Elders, by ballot, was then held, resulting in the choice of Asa Eckles and Wm. Witherspoon. On the lst of July, 1876, an invitation was extended to Rev. J. J. Imbrie, to become pastor of this congregation, which was accepted, and Mr. Imbrie took charge and has been since laboring with a good degree of success. The congregation at this writing (January, 1877), numbers forty persons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIG BEAVER TOWNSHIP [p. 58] This was also one of the original townships of Lawrence county. In area it is about ten thousand acres, being one of the smaller townships of the county. Big Beaver river forms its eastern boundary, and receives numerous small branches, which have their sources in the township. The Erie and Pittsburgh (formerly the New Castle and Beaver) railway, traverses the township in a north and south direction, keeping close along the river. The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway crosses the southwest corner; and beside these there are numerous tracks running to the limestone quaries and coal banks in the eastern part of the township. The old route of the New Castle and Darlington railway also passes from north to south across the centre. This road was never completed. The P. F. W. & C. R. W. follows the valley of the Little Beaver creek, and cuts off a small portion of the township. Where it crosses the creek the company has erected a fine iron bridge, built to accommodate a double track, although but one track has been laid. The township contains the villages of Newport and Clinton, and the borough of Wampum, which latter was incorporated on the 19th of February, 1876. Wampum and Clinton contain a large proportion of miners and men who work in the limestone quarries. The western part of the township was settled late, and is but thinly populated. EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first settlers in what is now Big Beaver township, were the Davidsons, who located on the eastern border, along the river. John and Robert Davidson left Ireland in the year 1791, and came to America, landing at Philadelphia. Robert went West as far as Cincinnati, Ohio, where he bought some property, and afterwards came back to Pittsburgh. In the early part of the year 1796, the two men came to the spot where Wampum now stands, and settled a two-hundred acre tract. Their mother, with four other boys, left Ireland in 1793, and for three years after they landed in the United States, staid in the eastern part of Pennsylvania. In March, 1796, they came to Lawrence county. The land in the vicinity of where they settled was surveyed into tracts of two hundred acres each, and any person locating on one of these tracts was entitled to one-half for settling, and by paying one hundred dollars could get the other hundred acres. Thomas Davidson came out a year or two after the rest arrived. The seven boys were John, Isaac, Robert, Charles, James, Andrew and Thomas. They settled from one hundred to three hundred acres each, along the Big Beaver river, and part of the farms are still occupied by their descendants. Their lands extended into what is now Beaver county, the farm of James Davidson reaching a short distance across the line. The Andrew Davidson farm was the one which is now owned by Thomas Whan and the heirs of John Whan, and is farther back from the river than the others. At that time the Indians was still plenty in the neighborhood, and it is said that the town of Wampum takes its name from the fact that the Indians who made the spot their camping-ground wore the wampum belt. One or two of their chiefs are buried near the place. Robert Davidson was, for a short time, agent for Benjamin Chew, who controlled a large quantity of land in Big Beaver, Wayne, Shenango, Perry and Slippery Rock townships. He was also the first postmaster when the office at Wampum (called Irish Ripple P. O., from the rapids in the river), was established. The farm now owned by John Davidson, Esq., was probably settled by John Somerville, and included two hundred acres. This was about 1798 to 1800. Andrew Davidson traded his one hundred acres to Somerville for the farm. The first house built on the place was a small log-cabin, which stood in the orchard, on the east side of the road, opposite John Davidson's present residence. This orchard was planted in the neighborhood of 1800, by James Crawford, who was merely a squatter, and occupied the vacant cabin for a short time only. John Somerville, who settled this farm, was cousin to the John Somerville who afterwards became a Methodist preacher. To distinguish them apart, when mentioning them, they were nicknamed "Big" and "Little" John. James Davidson was married to Elizabeth Somerville, about 1805, and his was the first marriage in the Davidson family after they settled. Alexander Wright came, not long after 1800, to the same neighborhood, and purchased one hundred acres south of the Somerville or Andrew Davidson farm. This tract was Population Company's land, and extended north to the Chew land. Jesse Lightner bought the hundred acres next east of Wright's, and running to the river. None of the Lightners became actual settlers, but merely "squatted" for a while. The Lightner and Wright land composed the north two hundred acres of the four-hundred acre tract on which James Davidson originally settled. Most of the Davidsons became extensive landholders, it being among the best in the township, and afterwards valuable owing to its location on a well-traveled highway and the coal it contains. James Davidson finally went to Jennings county, Indiana, where he purchased twenty-eight hundred acres of land in about the poorest part of the State. James Cochran owns a farm originally belonging to the Pennsylvania Population Company, and sold afterward to David Crawford. It is part of a tract originally surveyed in pursuance of a warrant issued April 14, 1792, and granted by the Commonwealth to Charles Massey, whose patent was issued March 12, 1799. The Population Company became possessed of this tract among others which they held in the county, and it was transferred to the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank by William Griffith and wife, and John B. Wallace and wife, December 1, 1818. William Grimshaw was the banking company's attorney, and sold it to David Crawford, September l9, 1833. Mr. Cochran purchased it of Crawford in 1837. On the dissolution of the Pennsylvania Population Company, considerable of the lands in the neighborhood became the property of William Griffith and John B. Wallace. The title was vested in Griffith, in trust for an undivided moiety for Wallace. Maurice and William Wurtz, of Philadelphia, also had a claim, and their attorney was H. J. Huidekoper, who sold a portion of the land to James Davidson. The first improvements on the place now owned by Mr. Cochran, which includes portions of the Davidson and Crawford land, were made by a squatter, who staid only a short time on the farm. Mr. Crawford was, however, the first actual settler. James Patterson came from County Armagh, Ireland, and in 1822 located on a farm now owned by his son, Robert Patterson. The tract originally included four hundred acres, and was patented by George Leslie, in 1795 or 1796. The place where Robert Patterson now lives was first improved by William McKim, about 1832. David and Robert Ramsey came, originally, from Ireland with their father, who settled first near the site of Youngstown, Ohio, sometime previous to 1812. They afterward removed to Little Beaver township, Lawrence county, Pennsylvania. David Ramsey's son, John, is now living in Big Beaver township. He was born on the place in Little Beaver to which his father removed subsequent to the war of 1812. William Whan came from Westmoreland County, Pa., about 1808-9, with his wife and two children--a son and a daughter--and settled on the farm now occupied by the heirs of John Whan. Mr. Whan settled two hundred acres. Samuel Noggle settled at an early day, probably about 1800, near the site of the village of Newport. His grandson, Samuel Noggle, is living in the same locality at present. Robert Paden came to the township in the neighborhood of 1800, and made a settlement in the northwest part, where members of the family are still living. James McCandless was an early settler in the same neighborhood, but, probably, came subsequent to the settlement of Mr. Paden. The New Castle and Darlington railway was intended to intersect the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago road at New Galilee, Beaver county, and was graded from New Castle to within a mile and a half or two miles of that point. Much of the grading was paid for in calico, hence the road was called the "Calico road." This was about 1858-59. The road was never completed. The Beaver Valley railway was opened for travel in the Fall of 1863, and now forms a part of the Erie and Pittsburgh railway. It was built from New Castle to Homewood, Beaver county, where it connected with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway, and, for four or five miles out from New Castle, used the old grade of the New Castle and Darlington railway. The stations on the Erie and Pittsburgh road, in Big Beaver, are [p. 59] Newport, Wampum, Thompson's Siding, and Rocky Point, the latter nearly opposite the mouth of Conoquenessing creek. The Beaver and New Castle wagon-road was laid out by the State--was sixty-six feet wide, and called the State road. It was surveyed first somewhere in the neighborhood of the year 1800. In 1839, it was re-surveyed, its location changed in some places, and the route graded through. MILITARY. A number of the early settlers of Big Beaver served in the war of 1812. Among them were the following, of whom all but one resided in the township at the time: Andrew Davidson, who came in 1796, was out a short time at Erie. David Ramsey went to Erie from Youngstown, Ohio, where he was living at the time. He afterward removed to Little Beaver township, Lawrence county, Pa., where he has a son now living. Another son, John, is living in Big Beaver. John Whan was married in the Fall or Winter of 1813, and was out two months at Erie, immediately afterward. He served in Captain Wilson Kildoo's company. James Paden went to Erie, and probably his brother Hugh, also. The Padens lived in the western part of the township. Militia organizations were kept up after the war was over, and held regular drills and musters under the militia law of the State. The annual review days were looked upon as grand holidays, and "every one was there to see." Whisky flowed in unlimited quantities, and "the song and merry shout resounded" on every such occasion. During the war of the rebellion, Big Beaver was represented by many a gallant son who fought in the ranks of the splendid Union army, against the country's traitorous offspring who had dared to fire upon the flag beneath which they had been nurtured--the flag of all flags, whose colors are the same as heaven's own--the "banner of stars." "Columbia, the gem of the ocean; The home of the brave and the free; The shrine of each patriot's devotion;-- A world offers homage to thee. Thy mandates make the heroes assemble, When Liberty's form stands in view; Thy banner makes tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white and blue." SCHOOLS. The early schools in the township were kept in vacant cabins. The first one in the neighborbood was taught in a vacated log-cabin, which stood on the Baker farm, just in the edge of what is now Beaver county. Richard Johnston was the teacher. The first building erected specially for school purposes, stood about twenty rods north of where the Methodist Church at Clinton now stands. It was built of very large, round logs, about the year 1820. A one-eyed, cross old man, named Robert Creighton, taught first in it. Before this school house was built, Creighton taught in James Davidson's old log weaving shop, the loom having been removed to make room. Just below the old log school house was a spring, where the pupils went to drink. MANUFACTORY. The Wampum Cement and Lime Company built an establishment in the Spring of 1876, on the hill just south of the limits of Wampum borough, for the manufacture of cement. The business is carried on quite extensively, and the article manufactured is said to be superior to any other cement known. It took the first prize at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. The man employed to make it is a German, named William Pucall. The company was organized about 1869-70, as the "Wampum Mining and Manufacturing Company." The present members are William P., John K. and Joseph A. Shinn. William Shinn is president, John, secretary and treasurer, and Joseph, superintendent. The principal ingredients used in the manufacture of this cement are limestone and blue clay. The limestone is quarried in the hill above the works, and the clay is taken out in the valley below. In the process of making, the limestone is first ground to flour and bolted, after which it is mixed in certain proportions with the clay and put into a "dry-kiln" and dried. It is then baked in another kiln, and finally crushed, ground and bolted, when it becomes ready for use. The works are in a frame building, just below the Beaver and New Castle State road. The limestone is brought down from the quarries on cars, a track having been built from the factory to them for that purpose. The stone is the bluish-gray limestone found throughout the county. The coal taken out of the hill near the quarry. VILLAGE OF NEWPORT. About the year 1800 the tract of land occupied by Newport was settled by Conrad Coon, who came, with his wife and three children--two girls and a boy--from Lancaster county, Pa., and located on the place. Forty acres of land were laid out into lots by John Coon, in 1833. A number of small houses were built soon afterward, James Morrison probably erecting the first one. These were all log houses, put up for temporary use until frame buildings could be constructed. James Morrison and John Noggle built the first frame houses, and they are still standing, in the upper part of town, near the bank of the river. The first store was a general stock, opened in a frame building by Cyrus Savers, very soon after the town was laid out. Samuel Smith opened the second store. A store owned by Joseph Aley was burned down in 1876, and at present there is but one in the place--a grocery, owned by Thomas Tindall. Aaron Reed opened the first blacksmith shop. He finally removed to Wampum and started a shop there. At present the town of Newport is without a shop of that kind. Joshua Pierce built the first wagon shop. Mr. Pierce died, and Edward Yoho afterward opened one. His is the second one in the place, and is now running. William McCloskey opened a tailor shop, which he carried on for a number of years. At present the town is without one. THE NEWPORT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Was organized in 1846 or 1847 by Rev. Samuel Henderson, who became its first pastor. The church was mainly organized through the efforts of Benoni Wilkinson, who lived on a farm just west of town. Mr. Wilkinson deemed it necessary that Newport should have a Presbyterian church, and he, being an elder of that denomination, went to work to establish one, his efforts proving successful. The original congregation had in the neighborhood of thirty members, and in a comparatively short time the number increased to about eighty. The membership at present is about ninety. The first meetings of this congregation were held in a large house which was built by John Jackson, and afterward left vacant by him. Jackson went to the State of Iowa. A portion of the time, meetings were held in the school-house. The present commodious frame church was built about 1848, on land donated for that purpose by Robert Davidson. As before stated, Rev. Samuel Henderson was the first pastor. The second pastor was Rev. James S. Henderson, who stayed two years. Following him came Rev. Amos S. Billingsley. The next pastor was Rev. J. Johnston, who continued in charge four or five years. Rev. Boyd came next, and was followed by Rev. R. S. Morton. The present pastor, Rev. George S. Rice, came next after Mr. Morton, and was installed in 1874. He has charge of this and "Slippery Rock" congregations, the latter in Wayne township, which is the larger organization. Mr. Rice lives near the church in a fine parsonage, lately built. A Sabbath-school has been held in connection with the Newport Church from the time it was organized, and generally has a large attendance. Its first superintendent was David S. Pollock. The post-office at Newport was originally established at Wampum, and took its name "Irish Ripple," from the rapids in the Beaver river at that place, and the nationality of the settlers who located there. The office was established through the efforts of Benjamin Chew, Jr., of Philadelphia, who was out attending to his business in the neighborhood, and at that time there was no post-office nearer than New Castle, nine miles away. "Irish Ripple" post-office was established about 1832-34, with Robert Davidson as first postmaster. It was afterward removed to Newport, where it was kept until 1856, when it was again taken to Wampum. From that time it went back and forth between the two places until the name was changed to Wampum, and the office located permanently at that place. After this, Newport petitioned for an office, and finally secured one, giving it the old name of "Irish Ripple." COAL, LIMESTONE, &C. Limestone is abundant in the township, and besides that manufactured into cement, large quantities are quarried for use at the iron furnaces in different places, the one at Wampum requiring a considerable portion. Sandstone is also quarried in various places. It was extensively worked at and below Thompson's Siding, along the railroad, but those quarries are not at present in operation. [p. 60] Thompson's Siding is just above Rock Point station, and is merely used as a passing point for trains. Coal is worked more extensively in this township than in any other in the county. The old Beaver Valley Coal Company, now the Wampum Furnace Company, are mining on a six-feet vein, on the farm of John Davidson, Esq., and numerous smaller banks are also worked in the neighborhood. The principal mines are at Clinton, in the southern part of the township. Coal was discovered in the township by John Stockman, as early as 1810. Stockman was a blacksmith, and settled in what is now Beaver county, in 1804. He and an Irishman named McMullen, had a blacksmith shop a mile and a half south of the present line between Lawrence and Beaver counties. Previous to Stockman's discovery of coal, their fuel had been charcoal. When Mr. Stockman discovered the coal, he dug along the hill and took off the outcrop only, carrying it down on a horse in a sack. This discovery was made in "Possum Hollow," on the James Davidson farm, just within the present limits of Lawrence county. CLINTON Was laid out by James Davidson about 1829-30. The original number of lots was small. Mr. Davidson's house was the first one in the place. A crockery manufactory was established by Sanger & Nesbit, and afterward became the property of Andrew Davidson. There was also a store and a blacksmith shop. The crockery establishment was only carried on two years. The store was continued for a number of years, and finally closed, and there is now none at the place. A Methodist Episcopal Church was organized about 1823-24, by Rev. John Somerville, who became its first pastor. Mr. Somerville had previously been an itinerant preacher, and located afterward in the neighborhood. Some of the original members of this church were Mrs. James Davidson (sister to Mr. Somerville), Andrew Davidson and wife, John Davidson and wife, and Charles Wilson and wife. This John Davidson was a distant relative of the other Davidsons. At the time the church was organized, it was a missionary station called the "Beaver Creek Mission," and was afterward changed to the Petersburg, Ohio, circuit, and finally to the Enon Valley circuit, to which it now belongs. Mr. Somerville preached until age and disability obliged him to stop, and afterward, although the church had regular pastors, the size of the circuit was such that they would be able to get around but few times during the year, and Mr. Somerville occasionally filled the pulpit in their places. Meetings were at first held in Mr. Somerville's, and, possibly, in Robert Davidson's house, also often in barns and groves during warm weather. The frame church now standing was built about 1834, on land taken from the James Davidson farm. The graveyard was laid out about the same time and at the same place. It was enlarged about 1872. The present membership of the church is about seventy. When the Enon valley circuit was established two ministers were placed in charge. Afterward some of the appointments were discontinued and but one minister appointed. The pastors since Mr. Somerville have been: Revs. Blackburn, G. D. Kinnear, J. K. Miller, Samuel Crouse, David R. Hawkins, John White, Robert Hopkins, Charles Thorn, John Murray, W. H. Tibbals and F. D. Fast, H. L. Chapman and J. S. Lemmon, G. D. Kinnear and Albert Baker, R. Cunningham and N. P. Kerr, R. Cunningham and J. C. Castle, A. Huston and G. A. Sheets, J. Z. Moore and M. J. Ingram, Robert Hamilton, J. J. Jackson, J. G. Gogley, J. W. Kessler and the present pastor, S. G. Miller. A Sabbath-school was organized about the time the church was built, by Rev. J. K. Miller, with John Somerville as first superintendent. The present superintendent is R. J. Davidson, who has held the position about ten years. The Clinton Coal Company was organized and a track commenced in 1865, and in 1866 mining was began on an extensive scale. The company has a shipping station on the railroad called Point Rock station. They have an excellent lot of miners, and can run out with them about one hundred and eighty tons of coal per day. The total number of men employed is about eighty. The greatest amount of coal taken out in one year by this company was 37,000 tons. Their coal is principally purchased by the Pennsylvania Railway Company. The Clinton Coal Company established its present store in June, 1866. A store had been kept here before by Pierce, Somerville & Co., who were finally merged into the Clinton Coal Company. Scott, Tait & Co. commenced mining on a large scale in "Possum Hollow," in 1853. They had begun work in 1851 in "Beaver Hollow," but afterward sold out that mine to William Fruit, who began to work it in 1853. Scott, Tait & Co. built a train road from their mine to the river, where the coal was loaded into canal boats and shipped. William Fruit, the Reeds of Erie, and others afterward bought the "Possum Hollow" mine and worked it for some time, finally disposing of it to John Wilson. Wilson in turn sold to Wilson, Lee & Co. The present firm is Lee & Co., or Lee & Patterson. The vein in which they are working is called a "three-feet" vein, and runs from two feet ten inches to three feet in thickness. It is of the best quality known for making gas, excelling the Pittsburgh coal in that respect, and the only coal that can compete with it for that purpose is the Youghiogheny coal. The old tram-railway, built by Scott, Tait & Co., was finally abandoned, and the present track laid in 1865. It is about one mile in length, and is owned jointly by Lee & Patterson and the Clinton Coal Company. Mssrs. Lee & Patterson employ about eighty men, and ship their coal in the Winter principally to Bradley, Reis & Co., at New Castle, and in the Summer to W. L. Scott, at the docks at Erie, Pa. Both companies have considerable transient trade. The number of schools in Big Beaver township in 1875, outside the borough of Wampum, was five. The number of school children enrolled was two hundred and sixty-six, of whom one hundred and thirty-seven were males, and one hundred and twenty-nine females. The average attendance for the year was one hundred and seventy. Eight teachers received, for an average term of seven months taught, the sum of $1,264.20. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LITTLE BEAVER TOWNSHIP. This is one of the thirteen original townships of Lawrence county. It contains an area of about eleven thousand four hundred acres, and is one of the best townships in the county. Its improvements are everywhere excellent, and evidences of prosperity among its inhabitants are apparent on every hand. For agricultural purposes the soil is well adapted, being fertile and productive, while the mineral resources of the township are extensive, and as yet but comparatively developed. Numerous streams flow through the the township, affording abundant water-power. The principal ones are the Little Beaver creek, with a considerable branch joining it just above old Enon village and Beaver Dam run, which flows through the northeastern portion of the township, and joins the Little Beaver near the line of Big Beaver township. The power on the Little Beaver is quite extensive, and mills were built upon it very soon after the first settlements. Little Beaver contains the two villages of Enon valley (old and new) and the old town of Newburg. Old Enon and Newburg were at one time thriving and prosperous villages, but this was during the days of stage-coach travel, before the iron track was laid and the puffing locomotive showered its streams of sparks across the land. Those days were distinct, in their relations to the present, as an era of advancement, but the progress was too slow for the average inhabitants and it was necessary that something which should transport citizens and their valuables across the country faster than a slow stagecoach or slower canalboat should be invented, and the railroad, as if having long waited close at hand for this very opportunity, stepped in, and at once answered the need. The early railways were but little better than the stage lines, as long as the strap-rails and weak-lunged, hump-backed locomotives were used, but, as necessity required them, improvements were constantly made, and the steel rails, beautifully proportioned locomotives, and luxurious cars, with every comfort for the traveler, are the result. How long the advancing power of mechanical intellect shall continue to introduce new improvements, none can say, but each change that is made will undoubtedly be for the better. The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway was completed to Enon valley, about 1850-51, and is now one of the great arteries of the country, the throbbings of its pulsations echoing with thunderous tones for nearly five hundred miles; with the trailing smoke of its hundreds of locomotives, the swift rush of its trains, filled with precious human freight, and the ponderous trains of ruder cars, filled with the necessities which shall supply the people of a vast territory, it sends life and energy "all along the line," and forms a well-spring of eager activity and bustle conducive to the prosperity of every city, town, village, and humble hamlet through which it passes, and through which the fiery monster rolls with mighty speed along. [p. 61] EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The land in this township had become the property of the Penusylvania Population Company, and each settler was entitled to one-half the tract which he settled. The first actual settlement by whites in the township was made early in the year 1796, by a company of men who had been out the year previous (1795) and made improvements, helping each other build cabins and make clearings which none of them could have done alone. These men all came back in 1796 and settled, and some of them have children yet living on the old homesteads. They chose the finest sites in the township, generally in the valley of the Little Beaver creek. They called themselves the "Settlers of '96." Among the men forming this company were John and Samuel Sprott, John Beer, James McCowin and William Robison, and possibly Philip Aughenbaugh, Andrew Moore and others. The party consisted of twelve or fifteen men. Samuel Sprott settled on a farm in the northwest part of the township, where some of his heirs are yet living. The Sprotts were from Allegheny county, Pa. John Sprott settled on the farm where Robert and Thomas Sprott now live, on the 17th day of February, 1796. They had made improvements on the place the year before Mr. Sprott brought his wife with him, and their son Robert, now living, was born on the place on the 18th of July, 1796. He was the first white child born in the township, and some go so far as to say he was the first born in Pennsylvania north of the Ohio river; but that is altogether improbable. He has lived on the old farm all his life, and has never been farther away from home than Pittsburgh. Did not serve in the war of 1812, owing to his youth. His father, John Sprott, was a military officer of Western Pennsylvania during the Indian troubles after the Revolution. His principal duty was to supply the different military stations on the Ohio, from Logstown down, with men. At the first militia muster at which he ever served, he was elected major, and afterward lieutenant-colonel, and served until he was beyond the regulation military age. He died in the Fall of 1839, aged seventy-nine years and ten months. In 1798, Mr. Sprott built a grist-mill on his place on Little Beaver creek. This was the first mill in the township, and was a structure of round logs and contained one run of stone. He procured a number of pine boards on Brady's Run, several miles away, and with them made a bolting chest. Mr. Sprott was not able to keep up his dam, and the old mill was run but a comparatively short time. It has long been torn away. While it was running the principal grain ground in it was corn, and people came all the way from Rochester, Beaver county, to this mill. After it was abandoned, no other was ever built upon the site and nothing now remains of the "Sprott Mill." In John Sprott's family twelve children were born, and seven of them are now living. Samuel Sprott also raised twelve. John and Samuel Sprott were old hunters, and had hunted all over the country some ten years before they settled in it. They made yearly excursions and extended them into Ohio also, and kept them up until the Indian troubles broke out, and General Anthony Wayne went through with his army. Wild turkeys were so thick they could kill them with clubs, and deer were also extremely plenty. Of the latter, John Sprott killed as many as sixty during one Autumn hunt. John Beer settled the farm adjoining John Sprott's on the north, and lived and died upon it. He was one of the "settlers of '96." William Robison, one of the same party, settled in the eastern part of the township. David Clark, John Savers, James Stevenson and Robert Johnston came to the township about 1797-98; and settled in the neighborhood in which George Aughenbaugh now lives. John Wilson came in 1796, and settled in the neighborhood on the farm now owned by John Taylor. These men all came to the same neighborhood and settled within a year or two of each other, from 1796 to 1798. Philip Aughenbaugh came from Westmoreland county, Pa., and in the Spring of 1796, settled on the farm where his son George now lives. He brought with him his wife and five children--three boys and two girls. He raised eleven children altogether, the only one now living being his son George, who was the youngest of the five he brought out with him from Westmoreland county. The first child born after the family settled, was in the latter part of the year 1797. None of the children born after they settled, lived to maturity, except the youngest child, Mary Ann, who was born in March, 1805. Mr. Aughenbaugh died in 1844, aged eighty-four years. His wife died a number of years before. The stream called Beaver Dam Run was so named because the beavers had built dams across it. These animals were plenty when the first settlements were made, and the Indians and whites trapped large numbers of them. They soon disappeared before the advance of the pioneers, seemingly unwilling to hear the sound of the woodman's axe felling the trees of the grand forest which then covered the country. Little Beaver township was originally timbered with a magnificent growth of oak, hickory, maple, poplar, and various kinds of valuable forest trees. Much of it has been destroyed, and seemingly in a wanton and careless manner, as if the supply were supposed to be inexhaustible. The need of it is now felt in many portions, although the township contains a large acreage of timber, at present most valuable to its inhabitants. Thomas and Joseph Smith were among the early settlers of the township, and located in the northeastern portion. Thomas Smith, while one day going through the forest, was chased by a huge bear. To escape, he climbed a tree, but the bear, thinking the game was one at which two could play, followed, and bit off Smith's big toe. This was a cool proceeding, Smith undoubtedly thought, and probably wondered what it would lead to. It is certain the bear would have finally killed him had it not been for his dog, who would take the bear by the haunches and pull him back every time it started to climb the tree. It is not related how Smith was finally released from his predicament, but the dog was probably the means of his escape, by turning the bear's attention upon himself. The settlers passed through many such exciting adventures, and had many hair-breadth escapes from the wild beasts of the forest, but no instance is given of any person ever losing his life by them. The greatest pests were the gray wolves, which roamed in packs through the woods, and ever and anon made descents on the sheep folds and pig pens of the settlers, and deprived them of their woolly and porcine inhabitants, without the least scruple. Close watch was kept over the children, lest they might fall a prey to their ravenous appetites and it was also necessary for the men themselves to keep their rifles in order, and always with them, carrying them even to church. John Marshall was originally from Ireland, and located in Washington county, Pa. From there he came in 1796 or '97, with his wife and one son, to Little Beaver township, and settled north of the old village of Enon Valley, on the farm adjoining the present Thomas G. Dalzell place. He was the first settler upon it. Mr. Marshall was the father of eight children, four of whom are now living--two sons in Little Beaver township, a daughter in Mercer county, and another daughter in Crawford county. The two sons are Joseph and John. Mr. Marshall had been out the year before he settled, and made improvements. He died about 1853 or '54, aged eighty-seven or eighty-eight years. James Marshall came out in 1818, and located on the farm where William Porter now lives. He bought the land of James Stevenson, who had settled it in 1797-98. Mr. Marshall's daughter was afterward married to William Porter, who came from Ireland and located on the place in 1824. Thomas Silliman came to the township in the neighborhood of 1820, and settled in the eastern part of it, where numbers of the Silliman family are yet living. William Madden came from Columbia county, Pa., about 1815, and located on the farm where ___ Neal now lives. George McKean came about 1800, and settled on the farm a mile southwest of old Enon Valley, where his son, Porter McKean now lives. Daniel McCarter and Patrick Wallace also came early. In early days, rattlesnakes were so plenty that the settlers were obliged to wear leggings, in order to protect their limbs from their fangs. Instances are related where large numbers of them were killed in one locality in a single day. Among the loose rocks they found their best hiding-places, and in getting out stone for chimneys, or working among the rocks in any way, the hideous reptiles were very often found. Charles Long came from Rockbridge county, Virginia, about 1804-05, bringing two children with him to a place in Columbiana county, Ohio, just across the line from the present residence of Israel Long, in Little Beaver township. A child was born somewhere in the mountains while Mr. Long was on his way with his family, and his wife was left behind, he subsequently going[sic] back after her. He had been here about 1801-02, and entered the land on which he settled, paying two dollars per acre, and purchasing an entire section. His son Charles lives on a portion of the old farm. The farm now owned by Israel Long, in Little Beaver, was purchased by his father, of the Pennsylvania Population Company's agent, Enoch Marvin, that is, one hundred acres of it. The other hundred Mr. Long purchased of a man named Andrew Johnston, who had probably settled it. The location is [p. 62] exceedingly fine, being on a gradually-sloping hill, and commanding a fine view of the territory around, in every direction, except toward the West, where a belt of timber along the State line shuts it off. Mr. Long has greatly improved the place, and has a fine property. Ezekiel Creighton came from the valley of Turtle creek, in Allegheny county, Pa., about 1810, and located where Mr. Wurtzel now lives. He served three months as a volunteer during the whisky insurrection of 1794. Robert Andrews, Charles Rainey and William Miller were early settlers in the township. Miller settled on a branch of the Little Beaver, and built a mill. None of the family are now living in the neighborhood. Andrews had a farm north of the one settled by Samuel Sprott. Rainey's farm was next north of Andrews', and Miller's next north of Rainey's. These were all in the northwestern part of the township. Sprott's farm was an excellent one, and is still occupied by some of his children. James McCowin came originally from Maryland, and located in Washington county, Pa. In 1795 he was out with the Sprotts and others, making improvements on claims, and in 1796 he came again, this time bringing his family, consisting of his wife and two children. In the first place he stopped below Darlington, Beaver county, where he stayed a year or two, and then came to the farm in Little Beaver township, Lawrence county--the old homestead now being owned by his son, William McCowin. The old house, built on the place in 1795, stood just at the west end of William McCowin's present residence. It was a hewed-log structure, two stories high, originally roofed with clapboards, which afterwards gave place to shingles. This was the first house on the place. Mr. McCowin had four hundred acres in his farm, located a mile east of the present station of Enon Valley. He was the father of eleven children, seven of whom are now living. A man named Williams ("Onion" Williams he was called), built a grist mill on the Little Beaver creek, near the old village of Enon Valley, about 1801-2. It was a log mill, had two run of stone, and was the second mill in the township. Nothing remains to mark the spot where it once stood. Sometime afterward a man named Woodruff built a grist mill on the same stream, some distance east of Enon Valley, and Jacob Shoup built one about a mile east of town, also on the Little Beaver. Nothing is left of any of them. Samuel Andrews came originally from Ireland, and settled first in Center county, Pa., where he lived some thirty years. About 1820 he came to Beaver county, and located on a farm about two miles from Enon valley, Lawrence county, now owned by Arthur Bradford, and still within the limits of Beaver county. His son John was married to Elizabeth Harnit in 1822. Her father, Samuel Harnit, was the first settler on the ground where Enon Valley station now stands. Some of John Andrews' children are yet living in the neighborhood, part of them in Lawrence county. The house and barn of M. L. Andrews, three-fourths of a mile east of the station, are exactly on the county line between Lawrence and Beaver counties. To M. L. Andrews we are indebted for much information regarding Enon Valley station. MILITARY. WAR OF 1812.--The following is a list of those who served during this war, as complete as we have been able to procure it from those now in the township, who were living at the time: John, Philip and George Aughenbaugh were out at Erie. John and George were in Captain David Drennan's company, and served one month. Philip was in Captain David Clark's company, and served two months. David Clark, Jr., raised a company in the neighborhood, partly from what is now Beaver county, and went with it to Erie, as captain. His brother, John Clark, was out at Black Rock. Charles Savers, a son of John Savers, and Francis, a son of Robert Johnston, were out in Captain Clark's company at Erie. James Marshall, a son of John Marshall, was also drafted and went to Erie. Militia companies were organized after the war under a State law, and kept up for many years. They held annual reviews, drills and musters, and a "militia muster" in those days brought out the entire population of the country. WAR WITH MEXICO.--Captain John W. Hague, now living just north of old Enon Valley, enlisted from Pittsburgh, where he was then living, and served in the Mexican war as Junior Second Lieutenant of Company K, of the First Pennsylvania Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. Captain Hague enlisted at Pittsburgh, December lst, 1846. Was on furlough May 26th, 1848, and afterward on recruiting service. Colonel Edward O'Brien, now of New Castle, was a volunteer in the Second Regiment, and he and Captain Hague are the only men now living in Lawrence county who served in that war, so far as known. WAR OF THE REBELLION.--Little Beaver responded nobly to the call for volunteers at the opening of the rebellion, and furnished her full quota of troops. Lieutenant John W. Hague, of Mexican war experience raised a company partly in Little Beaver township and partly in Beaver county, and went out as captain of it. It was attached to the 134th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, as Company I, and served nine months, taking part in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and numerous skirmishes. It was also marched to the battle-field at Antietam, but took no part in the fight. The following items we gather from the daily account kept by the Orderly of the company, the book now in possession of Captain Hague: "Sixty-seven were mustered in at Harrisburgh on the 19th of August, 1862. The next day they were taken to Washington, D. C., where they were joined by twenty-two additional men, who were mustered in August 22d. Captain Hague and Lieutenant J. H. Mountain were mustered into the service at Washington, August 26th, 1872, by Colonel Rucker of the regular army. On the 27th, the company was marched with the regiment to Camp Chase, on Arlington Heights, where they encamped, and on the 30th they were again moved to Fairfax Seminary, where they encamped near Fort Ward. September 2d, 1862, there were three commissioned officers, twelve non-commissioned officers and sixty-nine men on picket duty. On the 17th of September they were on the field at Antietam, but were not engaged. October 3d, President Lincoln visited the troops and reviewed the Fifth Corps. "The first death in the company was that of William P. Smith, who died October 22d, 1862. Early in December a severe engagement began to be looked upon as a settled fact before many days, and it was known that it would be around fredericksburg. December llth, the boys were ordered to march toward Fredericksburg. On the 12th they moved a little closer to the fight, and camped opposite the town. On the 13th they stripped for the strife, crossed the Rappahannock, and engaged in their first battle at 3 p.m. of that day. They were kept supporting the batteries until nearly dark, when the line charged, and the company lost Lieutenant Barnes and four men (Miller, Jenkins, Davidson and Feasel) killed, and Captain Hague and nineteen enlisted men wounded, the captain seriously." Here the Orderly writes, "went in with fifty-nine men and three officers, were engaged ten minutes, and repulsed in good order!" On the night of the 16th of December a general evacuation was ordered, and the army withdrew under cover of the darkness, and moved back to their old camping ground, which they had left on the morning of the llth. Captain Hague was sent to Washington, and from there home, where he staid two months. Colonel Quay, of the 134th, had resigned, and his resignation had been accepted several days before the fight, but he knew there was going to be an engagement, and staid by. He went into the fight in citizen's clothes, and acted as an aid to General Tyler. Colonel O'Brien was in command of the regiment, and had his clothing pierced with bullets, but was not injured in the least. His escape was almost equal to that of Washington, in Braddock's memorable encounter with the French and Indians, on the fatal 9th of July, 1755. The 134th was sharply engaged on Sunday, the 3d of May, 1863, at Chancellorsville. It was on the ground during the whole engagement, but every day, except Sunday, the division of which it composed a part was used as a "flying division," and was marched back and forth over the field, doing duty wherever necessary, and only hotly engaged during one day. Captain Hague had returned to his command the 25th of February. The regiment's time was up in May, and they were mustered out in that month, after the engagements around Chancellorsville. Little Beaver township furnished men for numerous other regiments, and the crown of laurels for her living heroes is not unearned, while the garlands that each year grace the "graves of the fallen," could not be better bestowed. The great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has always had a noble and just regard for her military heroes, and has been behind no other State in the Union since the Revolution, in providing for the families of the fallen, and soothing the declining days of the crippled and maimed, by appropriations for their support. All honor to the State and her defenders, as parts of a glorious Union! SCHOOLS. A school house was built of round logs, in the neighborhood of the year 1800, on a piece of land then vacant and now owned by John Scott. John Boyles was probably the first teacher. Other log-cabin school houses were erected in the neighborhood, and [p. 63] used until 1834, when the free-school law was passed and new buildings erected. A school-house of round logs was built in the southwest part of the township as early as 1807-8, Joshua Hartshorn being probably the first teacher. The alphabet was taught by means of sticks--one cut in the shape of a small "d" being made, by turning around, to represent the four letters, d, b, q, and p. Hartshorn was a bachelor, and much liked by his pupils. Sampson Dilworth and Joshua Newell were also teachers in this school- house. Master and pupils all played ball, the old-fashioned game, in which, in order to put a person out who was running bases, he must be "patched" or struck, with the ball while between bases. In those days buckskin pants were worn, and they retained the marks made by the ball for some time. Some of them were fairly mottled by the numerous "patches" they had received, and a person whose buckskins showed the least number of spots was considered the best player. It took an active person to dodge the balls for they were all practical in the art of throwing, and seldom missed their mark. They were not particular either about "sending the ball in" slowly. The number of schools in little Beaver township, in 1875, was nine, with an enrolment of three hundred and twenty-one pupils, and an average attendance of two hundred and eighteen. Of the entire number enrolled, one hundred and seventy-nine were males, and one hundred and forty-two females. The total expenditures for the year, for school purposes, were $2,472.94, of which $1,975.38 were paid to nine teachers, for an average term of six months taught. NEWBURG. About 1798-99, Bruce McGeehan came to the township, and settled on the site of this place, on the farm now owned by John Sampson. In 1799, Mr. McGeehan planted a few apple trees, which Major Edward Wright gave him. Major Wright settled in North Beaver township. Mr. McGeehan was a prominent man among the early settlers. He took an active part in organizing the Bethel United Presbyterian Church, of North Beaver township, and was one of its first elders. An Irish woman, living with her husband near Mr. McGeehan's, came to him one day, and exclaimed: "Misther McGeehan! sur Willie hae twa somethings up a tree, and he dinna ken what they are, at all! They keep squattin' round an' lookin' at him! Would ye be afther comin' to see?" Mr. McGeehan said: "Why, woman, they are panthers! They'll kill him sure as the world!" He took his gun and went to the spot, and there stood the Irishman, perfectly unconcerned, watching two huge panthers which were crouched ready to spring upon him, he little knowing of the terrible danger he was in. Luckily for him, Mr. McGeehan arrived at an opportune moment, and quickly raising his rifle, shot one of them dead, seeing which, the other, with a blood-curdling scream, bounded of into the forest, and was seen no more. The surprise of the Irishman can possibly he imagined when he was told what extreme danger he had been in. Mr. McGeehan's son, James, laid out a few lots and called the place McGeehansburg, but it was afterwards changed to Newburg, which name it still retains. This town was at one time a lively place, and had considerable business. It was on the old stage route, and, while that was in operation, saw its palmy days. At present it consists of a small store, a shoe shop, and a few dwellings, all old. Although the place is not surrounded with ruins on a scale equal to those of ancient Palmyra or Babylon, yet, from the evidences seen, the inference is readily formed that it was once a place of considerable consequence. But alas for its prosperity! The long band of iron which connects the East with the West, and passes through the southern portion of the township, proved a deadly enemy to stage-coach travel, and with the decline of the stage line, Newburg saw her sun set, and her bright future flicker and go out in darkness, and transfer itself to the rising station of Enon Valley. Where erst the crack of the driver's lash resounded, and the merry notes of the horn were heard, are seen no more the well-filled coaches, spanking teams, and the bustle attendant upon the "arrivals" and "departures" and "changes" which were so common forty years ago. The town had at one time a number of blacksmith shops, stores, shoe shops, &c. Samual Stewart was one of the first blacksmiths in the place. James Mountain, who now has the only shoe shop, came with his uncle, David Ritchie, to the neighborhood about 1820. His father went out from Allegheny county during the war of 1812, and died while in the service. William Murphy, John Powell and others have carried on blacksmith shops at different periods. In the Fall of 1855, a post-office, called "Marvin," was established here, the first postmaster being Joseph S. Williams. After him came James Sampson, William Reed, Enoch Shaffer and John Dungan. At present there is no post-office in the place. The village is located in the northern portion of the township, in the midst of a fine farming country, and all around it are excellent improvements. The land is high and rolling, and the country around affords a beautiful panoramic spectacle, with its hills and valleys, neat residences and comfortable outbuildings, fine groves, silver streams and well-kept fields, and in the Summer season must be truly a pleasing picture to look upon. Western Pennsylvania is remarkable for beautiful scenery, and Little Beaver township, though possessing little of the rugged outline found in other parts of the county, still has its beautiful peculiarities in every section. ENON VALLEY (OLD TOWN). This village was laid out and lots sold in 1838 by Enoch Marvin, who was the agent of the Pennsylvania Population Company. Mr. Marvin had considerable property in the neighborhood, including the site of the village and the farm now owned by Thomas G. Dalzell. The brick house on Mr. D.'s place was built by Marvin, who died there in 1840. Just north of the village the two branches of Little Beaver creek unite, and from this circumstance the town is said to derive its name. Josiah M. C. Caskey named the place, the name interpreted meaning the "Valley of Many Waters." There are other versions as to the origin of the name, but this is the most plausible. The first lot was purchased by John Martin, who built a frame house upon it, which is still standing. Mr. Marvin laid out these lots and sold them in order to induce mechanics to settle at the place. He furnished the necessary logs to be used in building, and Robert Sprott sawed them into lumber at his mill, and thus the village was gradually built up. The first store was opened by the Taylor brothers, before there was any village, and John S. McCoy built the next one, which is still standing. William P. Alcorn had a store in the same building after McCoy had left it. John Crowl was the first blacksmith. His house is yet standing, but his shop has been removed. Samuel King, David Smith and others had wagon shops, but at present there are none in the place. Robert Moore owned the first shoe shop. Before he came to the village he had worked at the trade in the house of Mrs. Mary Martin, who lived southwest of town. John Roof kept the first tailor shop, and Frank McLean and others have worked at the business also. John Martin had a cabinet shop at an early day. Harness and saddle shops have also been carried on, but at present there are none in the village. A post-office was established here in 1830, before the town was laid out, and J. M. C. Caskey was the first postmaster. After him came John S. McCoy, Robert Moore, John Elliott and John Spear. Samuel Harnit served as deputy under Caskey (or McCaskey), and Edward Howard was deputy under Moore. This post-office was established on the old stage line between Beaver, Pa., and Cleveland, Ohio, running through Petersburgh and Youngstown. Old Enon was a changing station on the line, and was well known to travelers over it. Previous to the war of 1812 this was made a postal route, and the mail was carried over it on horseback until the stage line went into operation. At that time the nearest post-office was at Darlington, Beaver county, five miles away. In order to accommodate the settlers about Enon, John Beer made a box and set it upon a post near his house, and made arrangements with the postmaster at Darlington to have the carrier drop the mail into it for the families living in the neighborhood, and that was done, thus saving a five-mile trip to the post-office. THE LITTLE BEAVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Was organized about 1834-35, and a brick church built, which has since been torn away. Previous to the organization the members had held meetings in connection with the congregation, at Darlington, which was organized at a very early day. The present frame church at Little Beaver was built in the Summer of 1873. The ground on which the old church stood was donated by Enoch Marvin, and that occupied by the cemetery was given by John Beer, Esq., whose wife was the first person buried in it, her death occurring in the Fall of 1797. The grave-yard has been used for burial purposes ever since, and has become nearly filled up. The first regular pastor who had charge of this congregation was Rev. Robert Dilworth, who continued to minister until nearly the time of his [p. 64] death, which occurred,about 1869-70. The next pastor was Rev. Mr. Miller, who staid three or four years. The third, the present pastor, is Robert S. Morton. The original congregation was quite large. The present numbers something over one hundred members. A portion of the congregation went to Enon Valley station in July, 1873, and organized a church there. Since the Little Beaver church was organized, a Sabbath-school has been kept up most of the time during the Summers. ENON VALLEY. (NEW TOWN). The first settler on the site of this town was Samuel Harnit, who came from near McKeesport, in Allegheny county, Pa., first to what is now Beaver county, and in 1800 to the site of Enon, where he settled one hundred acres of Population land. Mr. Harnit brought his wife and three children, two sons and one daughter, with him. He built a log-house, which stood where the present town hall stands. Two children were born in the family after they came to the township, a daughter, Elizabeth, January 21st, 1802 and a son, Samuel, February 9th, 1804. These two are the only ones of the children now living. A grandson of Mrs. Harnit, also named Samuel, went to Illinois, and was for a number of years warden of the State penitentiary at Joliet. His brother Joseph went also to that State, and is at present living somewhere within its bounds engaged in the practice of medicine. Elizabeth Harnit was married to John Andrews, and is now living at Enon. Mr. Harnit was killed by the caving-in of a coal bank in 1804. He was a blacksmith, and built a shop near his house, which stood until the town plat was surveyed. The coal which he used he procured at a bank some two miles away, and carried it home on horseback, in a sack. This was the same bank which was finally the means of his death. The first blacksmith in the new town was Patrick Morgan, who worked in a shop which stood on Henry Wolf's property. David Smith built a house, and in one end of it had the first wagon-shop in the place. Before the town was laid out, the only houses standing on the land were Samuel Harnit's old log-house, then occupied by his widow, Mrs. Barbara Harnit, a frame house close by, occupied by her son, Nathaniel Harnit, and a frame house occupied by Samuel Harnit, the latter building on the south side of the railroad track. The first house after the town was laid out was built by John Spear, in one part of which he opened afterward the second store in the place. The Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railway was finished to Enon about the Fall of 1850, and during that Fall and the ensuing Spring, the station building, the St. Lawrence Hotel, and Ramage & McQuistan's store were built. The hotel was built by Thomas Wolf. Ramage & McQuistan's store was the first one in the town. Samuel Harnit and William McGeorge owned the land on which the town plat was laid out, and Mr. Harnit sold a quantity of it to H. P. Mueller, who laid out the first lots, probably the next Summer after the road was built. Mueller's plat included lots on both sides of the track, east and west of the station, McGeorge's land was on the east, and came nearly to the station, and he also sold a considerable number of lots. A small portion of Mueller's plat is in Beaver county. The first shoe-shop was built by R. C. Moore. It was a small affair, and was afterward removed from the spot, and is now used by Mrs. Parks as a dwelling house. William McKean was probably the first tailor. H. P. Mueller built a saw-mill about 1853, and operated it until 1855, when it was burned down. It stood on the south side of the track. A broom factory was started soon after the town was laid out, by two men from Poland, Ohio, one of whom was named Covert. It was run only a short time. A distillery was built about 1858-59, and run by Joseph Worley. The building is yet standing, but the machinery has all been sold and removed. The manufactories at present are a planing-mill, originally started by David Preston & Bro., about 1870; a saw-mill, built by the same parties, about 1869; a steam grist-mill, built by Miller & Whitmire; and the round house and repair-shops for the eastern division and branches of the P. F. W. & C. Railway, which employ about twenty hands. There is also the usual complement of wagon and blacksmith-shops, &c. A brick-yard was worked at one time near the Preston saw-mill, by Wilson, Herr & Co. The population of the place is about five hundred, including a large proportion of Germans. For some years after the place was laid out, a brick school-house, which stood between the two towns, was attended by pupils from both. In 1857-58 the building (frame) now used by William Reed & Co., for a storeroom was built for a school-house, and used for a number of years. The present brick, two-story school-house, was built about 1870, and, owing to the increasing number of pupils, is now inadequate for the purpose for which it was designed, and will probably soon be replaced by a larger one. The number of school children in the town at present is something over one hundred. About a year after the town was laid out, the post-office was removed to it from the old town, and John Spear appointed the first postmaster. Those who have held the office since, are Benjamin Ramage, Isaac Murdock, Frank McEleavy, Rainey Miller and Henry Herr, which latter is the present incumbent. The first physician in the place was Dr. A. P. Dutcher, who lived between the two towns. Dr. McPherson afterward had an office in the new town, and lived where Dr. Dutcher had resided. Drs. Hewitt and Gailey also practiced here. Enon Lodge No. 916, I. O. O. F., was organized November 9, 1875, with a membership of twenty-seven. The first officers were: John O. Caskey, N. G.; John Sloan, V. G.; R. P. McCurley, secretary; E. Herwig, treasurer. The present officers are: Samuel McClain, N. G.; G. W. Corey V. G.; R. P. McCurley, secretary; E. Herwig, treasurer. The membership at present (February 8, 1877), is forty-six. The lodge-room is in the large building in the north part of the town, owned by Leonard Walters, of Pittsburgh. In the same building are also located the town hall and two store rooms. The town has two hotels, the "St. Lawrence" and "American." The former is the first one built in the place, and the latter was built a few vears ago by Charles Fischer, the present proprietor. Both are substantial frame buildings. The Christian Church of Enon was completed March 11, 1873, and dedicated the 22d of the same month. An organization of this society was completed as early as 1831, with William McCready, Ephraim Phillips, Euphemia Nicely, Nathaniel Harnit, John McCready, John Taylor and Josiah M. C. Caskey as members. Rev. Mr. Van Horn preached to them about that time, also Rev. Mr. Applegate and others. A few years later they disbanded, and had no organization subsequently until 1859, when a reorganization was effected by Rev. Mr. Winfield. He was followed by Rev. Wm. Hillock, and next came the Rev. John Phillips, who staid two or three years. Since then, Revs. Ephraim Phillips, S. B. Teegarden, and others, have had charge. Rev. J. M. Davis was the first pastor after the church was built. The congregation at present is without a pastor, and numbers about forty-five members. Enon Presbyterian Church was organized about the lst of July, 1873, with eighty-one members. It was formed from a portion of the Little Beaver congregation at old Enon Valley. Rev. D. H. Laverty was installed as its first pastor, in August, 1874, and is still in charge. A Sabbath-school was organized in March, 1874; its first superintendent was Captain E. L. Gillespie. The present membership of the church is about one hundred and ten. Their church, a neat, commodious frame building, was erected in 1873. In December of that year a seven-hundred-and-fifty-pound Meneeley bell was placed in the belfry. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Enon was organized in 1857-58, with about forty members. Before this, meetings had been held in the school-house, which stood between the two towns. The church was built before an organization was completed, and Rev. Samuel Krause (or Crouse) preached occasionally to them. The first pastor after the church was built was Rev. Wm. H. Tibbals. Since then the pastors have been Rev. J. C. Lemmon and H. L. Chapman, James Borbridge and Edward Williams, Robert Cunningham and N. P. Kerr, J. C. Castle and N. P. Kerr, George Crooks and U. L. Sneed., Andrew Huston and George Sheets, J. Z. Moore and M. J. Ingram, Robert Hamilton, J. J. Jackson, J. G. Gogley, J. G. Kessler and S.G. Miller, the present pastor. The membership is about forty-five. A Sabbath-school has been kept up since the organization of the church. Its first superintendent was probably George Adams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------