History: Part 10 - pp. 104 - 119: S.W. and P.A. DURANT: History of Lawrence County, PA, 1877 Transcribed by Tami McConahy and Ed McClelland USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/pafiles.htm _____________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: An html version of this work with graphics and tailored search engine is available at http://www.usgwarchives.net/pa/lawrence/1877/ _____________________________________________________________________________ 1770. --- 1877. HISTORY OF LAWRENCE COUNTY, PA --BY-- S.W. and P.A. DURANT. L. H. Everts & Co., Philadelphia ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOTT TOWNSHIP. [p. 104] The territory originally in North Slippery Rock township was divided April 13th, 1854, and the two townships of Washington and Scott formed from it, the former being erected from the north half, and the latter from the south half, thus abandoning the name "North Slippery Rock" entirely. This was done on account of there being a Slippery Rock township in the portion of Beaver county, which was incorporated into Lawrence, the said township adjoining North Slippery Rock on the south. On the 14th day of February, 1855, Plain Grove township was erected from the eastern portion of Washington and Scott, and, February 15th, 1859, Washington township was enlarged by the addition of narrow strips taken from Plain Grove and Scott, leaving the three townships in their present shape. Scott township has an area of about eleven thousand eight hundred acres, most of it valuable farming land, and there is very little, if any, waste land in the township. The surface is generally uneven and hilly, but not in such a degree as to render it unfit for agricultural purposes. The improvements are very generally excellent, the original settlers having descended from parent stock both industrious and economical; and their taste has been applied in such a manner that the result of their labor has been gratifying to the fullest extent. Eighty years of hard work, beginning with the Herculean labors performed by the "first settlers," and ending with the lighter, though no less important tasks of the present generation, have made the "wilderness blossom like the rose." The places where one stood somber forests now teem with the luxurious products of a cultivated soil; the many streams, erewhile rippling undisturbed along their rocky channels, have felt the power of man's mechanical genius, and their rapid currents have been breasted by strong dams, and made to be of more use than watering the trees and plants which grew on their borders; the treasures of earth's sub-strata have been made to yield bountifully of the accumulated deposits of ages, and establishments have been erected for their manufacture; shops, grist and woolen mills, saw-mills, foundries, paper-mills, and all the varied institutions necessary to supply the wants of a growing population, have sprung up and are flourishing, and the change is so great that one scarce can realize that less than a century has passed since this thickly-settled region, with it populous and prosperous cities and villages, was one immense wilderness, uncultivated and unexplored, in whose forest-recesses the wild-beast and savage roamed undisturbed for many years before the invading foot of the white settler made its first impress in the region, and his axe created sad havoc among the trees of the "grand old forests." The shadowy traditions of the Lenape tell us of the ancient occupants of the country, and give us the only idea we have of the many powerful tribes and nations who fought for supremacy many and many a year before the "New World," was known to Europeans. And to the credit of those savage tribes be it said, that their existence seems as mystical as that of the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, never varied in their import in a single degree, and, so carefully were they treasured, that [p. 105] their accuracy may well put to the blush writers of more modern times, in whose statements there are so many improbabilities and discrepancies. In the accounts of civilized and enlightened nations are found interpolations and fancies, so that in our sacred and profane history we have many incorrect ideas, while the Indian traditions are of the same tenor as far back as we know anything of them, thus showing conclusively that the pre-historic races of this country had a religious regard for truth. Scott township is watered by Slippery Rock creek and its tributaries, East brook or Hettenbaugh run, Big run, and numerous other small streams, the most of which furnish fine power. Along Slippery Rock creek, particularly, the power is extensive, and has been utilized to some extent, though the mills in the townships have been principally erected on the smaller streams, owing, probably, to the danger of their being washed away by freshets if built along this creek. It is a rapid stream, and flows in a narrow channel, along whose sides the gray old sandstone-rocks crop out in places, and hemlocks and laurel grow in abundance, altogether making scenes of picturesque loveliness, especially in the Summer, when the waters are freed from their icy bonds, and their rippling music is added to the voice of the wind as it passes among the foliage of the trees, their branches bowing in gentle submission before it. The scenery along Slippery Rock creek in Scott, however, is not so grand and impressive as is found a few miles farther down the stream, yet here it begins to wear a rugged aspect, and prepares the spectator for nobler and more enchanting views as he follows it towards its mouth. The creek was probably named by the Indians from some circumstance or adventure, the particulars of which are unknown. Hettenbaugh run rises in Washington township, having its principal source in a spring on the property of Michael Jordan, and being fed by numerous springs, it becomes a respectable stream within a mile or two of its fountain head, and, after a course of about five miles, in which distance its waters are made to do duty for several mills and factories, and to tumble over seven dams, it discharges into Big Neshannock creek near Eastbrook station. Big run rises in the township, and, after a southerly course of two or three miles, turns to the west, and flowing across a corner of Slippery Rock, and through Shenango township and the southern part of the city of New Castle, it mingles its waters with those of the Shenango river. The run also affords considerable power. The timber of Scott township was originally abundant and of a fine quality, but has been largely cut away, and what is left covers but a comparatively small portion of territory once so heavily wooded. Timber was badly slaughtered when the country was first settled, the people probably thinking such an immense supply could never give out, and the result is that it is scarce; and had the virtue of coal not been discovered as a fuel it is extremely probable that the country would have been entirely denuded of its forests, and the necessity for fuel have been pinching, and not easily supplied. It is evident that the coal deposits of the region will one day be worked out, and it would be well for the inhabitants to look to the preservation of what timber is left, and the planting of more to fall back upon in case of dire necessity. The health of the people living in the township has always been good, and many have lived to a great age, and gone down to their graves full of years and experience, while others are yet living who were young men and maidens when they came with their parents to the wilderness, and have literally "grown up with the country." These people delightedly embrace all opportunities to talk of the "long ago," when they were young and vigorous, and worked so heartily and earnestly to build up the land which has so long been their home. Stories of early days are recounted by them, which fill the minds of the younger members of the family with delight and wonder--tales of their many hardships, their border adventures, their hunting exploits, their long journeys to mill, "packing" their grain on horseback, their early meetings, churches and schools, and the droll tricks played on "the master;" their log-cabin raisings, the rude machinery of their mills, their primitive agricultural implements, first roads, buggies, wagons, stoves, &c., &c.--and so vivid are their descriptions that we seem to live with them in the past, and participate in the various changes and experiences, on which they dwell so fondly. Soon the few connecting links between the past and present will have passed away, and only "legendary lore' remain to remind those who are left that there was ever such a thing as "the first settler," or a beginning in any of the branches of industry which exist to-day. The number of voters in the township is about two hundred and twenty, and, by making the ratio one in six, we have in the neighborhood of thirteen thousand people for its population. The coal deposits are but little worked, but, where they are, the yield is good and the quality excellent. The principal banks are along Hettenbaugh run, where the Rhode's do mining on a large scale, and supply the local demand. A few other veins are worked, but not to a great extent. The first coal was taken out some twenty-five or thirty years since. It is mixed several places along Hettenbaugh run. A portion of the township is in the "Academy lands," which were granted by the State to the Pittsburgh Academy. It is surveyed diagonally to the other lands, and one corner of it extends into Plain Grove township. The act providing for the sale of the "vacant lands" was passed in 1792, but it was not till 1795-96 that they began to be settled and improved. Something over one-third of the territory in the township is in the second district "donation lands," and these were settled at about the same time as the vacant lands. The portion included in the donation district is the western part of the township. The village of Harlansburg was laid out at an early day, but owing to its being away from railway communications, has not grown very fast. The excitement created by the forming of a company to put down test-wells for oil enlivens business somewhat, however, and should the expectations be realized and oil found in paying quantities, there will be no doubt as to the future prosperity of the place. In the southeast corner of the township is in the old hamlet of Rockville, or "Pumpkintown" as it is familiarly called. No village lots were ever laid out here, but it is possible that when the settlement was begun there were quiet hopes of seeing a prosperous village grow up sometime among the hills with which it is surrounded . A small run flows through the place and discharges its waters into Slippery Rock creek a mile below, in Slippery Rock township. Limestone abounds in considerable quantities along the runs, and crops out in many of the hills. It is burned to some extent, and makes a very fine white lime. It is unfit for building purposes, however, owing to its irregular thickness and rough, uneven surface. It is also in many places more or less impregnated with iron, and has a large percentage of "core." Quite a thick vein is found in the hill west of Harlansburg, and is also abundant in places along Hettenbaugh run. Iron ore is found in numerous places along Slippery Rock creek and elsewhere, generally in small quantities, though in one or two localities it would pay to work it. No furnaces have ever been put up in the township. The ore is of a red quality, and contains a large percentage of iron. A company called the "Aladdin Oil Company, of New Castle," was formed in the Winter of 1876 for the purpose of putting down test-wells for oil somewhere in the neighborhood of Harlansburg. Ground has been leased, and the belief is general that the oil exists in paying quantities. The experiment of boring for it will determine, and it needs but to be found in constant and paying quantities to make the town of Harlansburg a notable place, and advance the price of property in and around it. Oil-wells have never been bored on the creek deeper than two or three hundred feet, and the showing was good, some of them yielding very largely for a time, and it is believed that by going deeper the main deposit will be reached. When the country was first settled, there was on Slippery Rock creek (now within the limits of Butler county), an open field, which was known among the settlers as the "old Indian field." It had, no doubt, been used by the Indians as a corn-field, and probably for a camping-ground. There were traces of cultivation upon it, and old apple-trees were growing, from one of which James Martin got a sprout when he came out in the early part of the present century, probably about 1802, and set it out on his place. It is still alive, and bears regularly. The apple is a Winter variety. The traces left by the race which occupied this part of the country immediately previous to the date of the settlement of the whites, are perpetuated in the many Indian names which are yet applied to the streams and different localities, and in the documents of the historians of the time. There are also many yet living who remember well the red denizens of the forest, their habits and eccentricities, and the knowledge of the present generation regarding them is rendered very accurate. They are a recent race, and their descendants are yet found intermingled with other tribes in the "far West," and not a few are yet living on reservations in the East. Their traits are comparatively well-known, and the encounters between them and the white settlers, each party striving for the ownership of the soil, are generally preserved in the pages of history. They have, as the years rolled on, and the country became more thickly settled, succumbed rapidly to the inroads of [p. 106] the more powerful race, and it is but a question of time till the small fragments of these once powerful nations shall disappear forever from the country, as have the numerous races before them. And what is known of those prehistoric tribes? Scattered over the broad land are evidences that a powerful people once existed--whose advancement in the science of warfare and many of the humbler vacations of peace was something wonderful. With equal ingenuity they constructed the stone or copper implements used by them, and built the fortifications for their defence--the "mounds" which are the strongest proofs that such a nation existed. The traditions of the later Indians also tell us in mysterious language of the mighty people who were their ancestors, and who fought among themselves for supremacy and the control of the land. Along the larger streams of the country their works are yet to be seen, and, were time alone the destroying power, they would last for ages yet and remind the future people who shall inhabit the land of the existence of a strange race; but the innate love of destruction possessed by so many of the present human race is fast leveling the mounds which must have been erected with so much labor, and not many years will elapse until no visible traces will be left, and the traditions will become more and more vague and indistinct, and, in the dim future they will merge into almost as shadowy tales of the present inhabitants of the land. "Sic transit Gloria mundi!" The age of revolution has continued since "the beginning," and will cease only when--let him conjecture who wishes. EARLY SETTLEMENTS Robert McCaslin came to the county in the neighborhood of the year 1800, and located first near the subsequent site of Neshannock United Presbyterian church. He bought a two-hundred acre tract in Scott township, and two of his sons, Joseph and Samuel, lived upon it. The land now belongs to the heirs of these two. When Mr. McCaslin came he had with him his wife and four sons. John Elder was the first settler on the farm now owned by Jacob McCracken, coming from Bradford county, Pa., and locating upon it in 1805. Mr. Elder made the first improvements on the place. He brought with him his wife and thirteen children, and was therefore able to make a fair start in the woods, and was not long in clearing up sufficient land from which to gain a living. William and John Wilken, with their mother and three sisters, came to the county early, and for a year or two after, lived on the bank of Neshannock creek, near the "old forge" just above New Castle, and now within the city limits. George Wilken, the father of William and John, died before the father left Chester county. John Wilken afterwards came to Harlansburg, about 1816, and his brother and the rest of the family, after moving around for several years from place to place, finally followed him, and located also at Harlansburg, where they have since resided. William and John Wilken were young men when they first came to the county, and on them the rest of the family depended. On the farm now belonging to the heirs of Zachariah Dean, a cabin was built and a small clearing made previous to 1815. That year Mr. Dean came from Huntingdon and settled on the place, having purchased a two-hundred-acre tract. The man who had made the improvements left before Mr. Dean came on, as he of course had no claim. Dean was originally from the State of Maryland. Jacob Dean came the next year, 1816, and located on a portion of the above tract about five years afterwards. The farm now owned by Mrs. Wallace (formerly Mrs. McFarland), was originally settled by John Shaw, probably previous to 1800. Shaw afterwards sold out to Colonel Bernard Hubley, from whose widow the farm was purchased by Robert McFarland in 1822, and in 1823 he located upon it. McFarland had lived for some time in Conoquenessing creek, in Beaver county. A part of this farm was purchased by Hugh Wilson, who located some time in Fayette county, Pa. He brought his wife and four children with him to Lawrence county. In 1815 he removed to Shenango township. Adam Pisor was one of the first settlers, coming to what is now Scott township about 1798, locating on the east side of Slippery Rock creek, on the farm now owned by William Pisor. Along the creek, near this, are extensive bottoms, and the land is of the best in the township. William Allison also came early, and settled a tract near to Mr. Pisor, and adjoining the one patented by Charles Martin. Farther down the creek, and on the same (east) side, a number of families of the Emerys located, and were the first settlers in that neighborhood. In the year 1798 William McNees came from Westmoreland county, bringing his wife and seven children--three boys and four girls--with him, and settled on Slippery Rock creek, in the northeast part of the township. Mr. McNees had been out the previous year--1797--and made improvements afterwards going back for his family. In 1800 Mrs. McNees died, being one of the first deaths in the neighborhood. Mr. McNees did not ling survive her loss, for in 1805 he too received a summons from the grim destroyer. One of Mr. McNees' daughters, Jane, was married in 1807 to James Martin, and together they cam and settled on the farm now owned by William Martin and Robert McBride. The couple were married by Rev. William Woods, then preaching in the old Plain Grove Presbyterian church. Mrs. Martin is now living (January, 1877), and should she survive until the 9th of May, 1877, will have reached the ripe age of ninety-three years, and, beyond a partial deafness, her faculties are but slightly impaired. In her we see a picture of vigorous old age. The land on which James Martin located was patented by his father, Charles Martin, March 16, 1814, in pursuance of a warrant, dated January 22, 1802, calling for land in ?Wolf Creek township, Mercer county, Pennsylvania," and now in Scott township, Lawrence county. Charles Martin made the first improvements in the place, and in 1815 James and John Martin purchased it. It was a part of the "vacated lands" of the township, the act for the sale of said lands in general being passed in 1792. The farm now owned by George Hettenbaugh, in the northeast part of the township, was settled by his father, George Hettenbaugh, Sr., who was the first settler in the present township of Washington. This tract originally comprised five hundred acres, and the first improvements were made on it by Mr. Hettenbaugh, about 1821-22, although most of the land in the vicinity had been settled and improved long before. Two hundred acres of the original tract are now owned by Hettenbaugh. Hamilton Young came from Slippery Rock township, in 1841, and purchased a lot off the Hettenbaugh farm, on which he set out a small orchard and put up a dwelling and harness-shop. He is now occupying the second shop he has built on the place. His father was among the early settlers in Slippery Rock township, and came originally from Ireland in 1798. John Cooper came from Ireland previous to the year 1800, and brought his wife and three children to Scott township. He bought sixty acres of William Locke, who had previously settled a four-hundred-acre tract. Mr. Cooper's son, John, now occupies the homestead, and has added to it largely. The land in this portion of the township is excellent, and the improvements are of the same order. Prosperity seems to bless those who occupy the country around, to a great degree. The farm on which the "Lawrence Nursery" is now located was originally settled by George Richeal, about 1798. At about the same time the Richeals came, the Hettenbaughs, Michaels, and other German families, came also and located near them. Some of these families were related to each other. The "Lawrence Nursery" was started in 1870 by a stock company composed of a number of gentlemen residing in Pittsburgh. The nursery proper includes about fifteen acres. The first year about one hundred and fifty thousand apple and peach shrubs were set out, and about one hundred and fifty thousand have since been added. Besides the nursery, the company has a green-house for plants, situated at the north end of Jefferson street, in New Castle. They employ several agents to sell their trees, the territory in which they work lying principally in Pennsylvania and Ohio. This is one of the largest and best nurseries in Western Pennsylvania. William Locke came from Ireland some time during the Revolutionary war, and took part in the struggle of the colonies for independence. After the war he came to Washington county, and made his home in the Chartiers Valley--generally known as "Shurtees" valley. Some time in the year 1792, according to our information, he came to what is now Lawrence county for the purpose of selecting a piece of land. The site chosen was in the present township of Scott, and that year he made improvements on a four-hundred-acre tract, in the district belonging to Dr. Peter Mowry, who resided in Pittsburgh, and was an extensive jobber in the "warrant lands." After Mr. Locke made his improvements, he went back to Washington county, and, in the Spring of 1796, returned with his family, and made a permanent settlement. His family then consisted of eight children--four boys and four girls. They "packed" all their goods from Washington county. When they first came out, Mr. Locke set out a small orchard, and one of the trees, or part of it, is yet standing, and bears a few apples every year. Mrs. Locke brought with her some rose and lilac sprouts, which she set out, and every year since the air has been perfumed by the flowers which have blossomed on the bushes that continue to spring up on the spot where she who [p. 107] knows them no more first planted them. The natural beauty of the place was thus increased, and the presence of flowering shrubs constantly reminded them of the home they had left, and rendered their dwelling-place in the wilderness a garden, and a much pleasanter locality than those surrounding many of the homes of the settlers. The influence of those flowers over the hearts of the "dwellers of the forest" must have been a pleasing one. Mr. Locke had learned the weaver's trade before he left Ireland, and when he settled where his grandson, James Locke, now lives, he built a small "weave-shop," and worked at the business as long as he was able. The old house stood west of the present residence of James Locke, near the corner of the field, next to the road, and the old apple-tree mentioned stands close by the site. The location is a mile northwest of the present village of Harlansburg. James Brown settled a farm between Mr. Locke's place and the site of Harlansburg, about 1796-8, and was also from Ireland. Robert Wallace settled, in 1796, on the farm now owned by Samuel Clark, on the west side of Slippery Rock creek, opposite Rockville, or "Pumpkintown." Mr. Wallace came, when a young man, from Washington county, with his brother Jacob, and the two settled some eight hundred acres. Mr. Wallace lived in the township till about 1828, when he removed to the Mahoning valley, near Edenburg, in Mahoning township. Mrs. Wallace is still living with her son, William R. Wallace, in Union township. She came from England in 1804 with her father, Mr. Reeder. The farm now owned by George W. McCracken, of New Castle, was settled previous to 1800 by Daniel Sutton, and is the oldest settled farm in the southwest part of the township. Sutton made the first improvements on the place--made a clearing, built a cabin, and set out an orchard, and in 1806 the trees in the orchard were of good size, and bearing fruit. For a number of years this farm and the one settled by John Gormley, in Hickory township, were the only ones along the road between New Castle and Harlansburg on which clearings were made. George and Jacob McCracken came to the township in 1819, from County Derry, Ireland, and bought a piece of land where Jacob Harlan now lives. They worked about the Harlan grist-mill for some time, and in 1835 bought three hundred acres, including the present George W. McCracken farm. CHURCHES. A Covenanter or Reformed Presbyterian Church was built about 1835, on an acre of ground donated for church purposes by James R. Martin, who owned five hundred acres in the neighborhood. The church was a frame building, made of hewed saplings "from turret to foundation-stone." And was never completed. Preaching was occasionally held in it in the Summer, and in case it rained the congregation received a soaking, for the roof was but little better than a sieve, and the water came through "without let or hindrance." Rev. James Blackwood at the time had charge of all the Reformed Presbyterian congregations in the southeastern and eastern parts of the county, and made this one of his charges as long as it lasted. Mr. Martin, who was the prime mover in organizing and building the church, was killed by the fall of a tree he was cutting, the Winter after the frame was put up, and that was the main reason the church was never finished. Other ministers besides Mr. Blackwood may have held meetings in the church, but we find on record of them. The other churches in the township have a history connected with that of the village of Harlansburg, and under that head they will be found. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL-TEACHERS. A school-house was built about 1800, a short distance northeast of Harlansburg, on the line between the farms of Jonathan Harlan and James Brown. It was one of the primitive style of log buildings, with a huge chimney, and a fireplace that would take in logs eight or ten feet long; a roof made of "shakes;" a piece of log cut out, and the hole covered with paper pasted on sticks to hold it in place, and oiled so that the light would penetrate it easier, for a window; the "puncheon" floor (if it had a floor), three-legged benches, and a stern "master." The "master" in this school-house was one Cornelius Stafford, a nervous little Englishman, who depended on teaching for his living. He was very easily ruffled and was, in consequence, the butt of many a practical joke. Among his pupils while teaching in this building was James Locke, a son of William Locke, before mentioned as an early settler near by. Stafford had an idea that Locke, though at the time quite young, was knowing to all the mischief that was going on. The huge chimney to the school-house let in more light than the window, in the afternoon, and Stafford was accustomed to draw his bench close up by the fire and read by its light and that which came down the chimney. One afternoon he was thus occupied, when suddenly one of the three-legged benches used in the school-house came clattering and tumbling down the chimney, knocking the fire out on the floor and severely bumping poor Stafford's shins. He arose in a terrible rage, and going to young James Locke, asked him, "Who did that ?" Locke replied that he certainly ought not to know, so long as he was inside the house and the bench was dropped by somebody who must have climbed on the roof for that purpose. "Hech, well," said Stafford, "I expected you could tell me, for you are knowing to all the devilment that is going on!" He did not question Locke any further, but it finally leaked out, in some way, that one of the pupils named Hamilton, who was up to such tricks whenever opportunity offered, had done the deed. When Stafford found out the perpetrator of the mischief, he went to him and said sharply, "Mr. Hamilton, one of us must die!" Hamilton told him he didn't feel like dying for some time yet, and had no idea, either, of killing the teacher. "But, sir," said Stafford, "you have insulted me, and bruised my shins, and now, sir, one of us must die! Hech, sir, I'll fight ye with sword an' pistol, or I'll fight ye with the shillelah, but one of us must die!" The affair d' honneur never came off, however, and Stafford afterwards taught in numerous other schools in the county, and Hamilton became a prominent man. Stafford was a perfect master of fence, and would, of course have used his antagonist roughly, had he not been too shrewd to enter a combat with him. Stafford used to give his pupils lessons in the art of fencing, and whenever he became tired of the sport would never fail to hit them a smart rap on the knuckles, and send their weapons (sticks made for the purpose) flying as a signal to stop. He was one of the many geniuses which were met with among the school-teachers of the early days. Another log school-house was built about 1817, northeast of where Jacob Harlan now lives, and a Baptist preacher named Henry Frazier was among its early teachers, and also preached in the Baptist Church at Harlansburg. Other school-houses were built in different parts of the township, all of the same unique pattern, and the schools were all carried on in about the same manner. After the law establishing free-schools was passed, in 1834, a change took place in the school discipline, and improvements of different kinds were adopted, until the present system is as nearly perfect as the conveniences of the times will allow. There are at present in the township, including the village of Harlansburg, seven schools, with an average attendance, in 1875, of one hundred and sixty-two , and an enrollment of three hundred and seventeen, of whom one hundred and seventy-one were males, and one hundred and forty-six females. The buildings are all substantial and comfortable. MANUFACTURES. Robert and John Turner built a frame grist-mill sometime between 1840 and 1850, on "Harlansburg run," south of the village. It is still standing, and at present owned by Michael Jordan, of Washington township. It has two run of stone, and appliances for running with either water or stream power; does an extensive custom business, and is a very popular mill. Jonathan Harlan put up a grist-mill on Slippery Rock creek, just above the present bridge, below Harlansburg, about the year 1808. He had one before this at Harlansburg. George McCracken afterwards purchased the property, and, in 1839, built a second mill on the same site. The McCracken mill is yet standing, though unused and dismantled. A man named Totten built a distillery below the mill, near the east end of the bridge, about the same time McCracken built his mill, or possibly a little before. He operated it for several years, but finally abandoned it, and it has since been torn away. Numerous saw-mills have been put up in the township, but, with the exception of a few, have been portable mills, and kept in one place but a short time. The days of saw-mills have nearly gone by, for the timber of the township is none too plentiful, and they would not be paying investments. MILITARY RECORD. REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIERS.--Colonel Bernard Hubley, who purchased the farm settled by John Shaw, was a soldier of the Revolution, and, as his title indicates, served with distinction. William Locke, who settled northwest of Harlansburg, came from Ireland when young, and entered at once into the defence of his adopted country, and served her faithfully for several years. WAR OF 1812.--Among those who answered the call for men to go to Erie and prevent the British from destroying the town, were Robert McCaslin, Robert and John McFarland--these two out twice; John, David, William and James Locke, Robert Wallace and Jesse Harlan. James Locke was [p. 108] at the time but eighteen years old and served four months. His brother David escaped the draft, but went out as a substitute. Robert Wallace was commissioned colonel of militia after the war, and held the position until about 1828, when he resigned his commission and removed to the Mahoning valley, near Edenburg. Jesse Harlan was under Commodore Perry, and in the memorable and gallant naval fight on lake Erie, September 10th, 1813, was killed. When the draft was made for men to go to Erie, it was rumored that the British were marching in strong force across the frozen waters of Lake Erie, determined to capture the town, and the men were sent to guard it. Of course this story was all a scare. WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-65.--The men of Scott responded nobly to the call for troops to defend the country from the traitorous ravages of her own children, and the old martial spirit of the Revolution and the "war of 1812" was no degree lessened when the call came; rather was it strengthened, for well they knew that a "a country divided against itself cannot stand." And the only way to preserve their country was to prevent the dissolution of the Union of States, and wipe out the insult to the grand old starry banner in the best blood of her foes. A military company was organized at Harlansburg at an early date, called the "Slippery Rock Volunteers," and the name was afterwards changed to the "Washington Guards." The uniform of the "Slippery Rock Volunteers" was a yellow linen hunting shirt, trimmed with red fringe; red leggings, a citizen's hat with a white plume. Each man furnished his own uniform and his own rifle, with which weapon the men were armed. William Stoughton was probably the first captain of this company, and Samuel Riddle also held the position for a time. After their name was changed to the "Washington Guards," they also changed their uniform to blue pants and coat, red sash, and cloth cap with a white plume. They had four gatherings annually: drill, May 4th, review, May 12th, and drill July 4th and September 10th. This company contained about one hundred men, and entered the service in 1861 with nearly that strength, and under the following officers, viz.: Captain, Samuel Bentley; First Lieutenant, Andrew Nelson; Second Lieutenant, Norman Maxwell. They joined the One Hundredth or "Roundhead" regiment, and were mustered into the service as Company E of that body, and before the close of the war saw much severe service. Of the numerous other regiments which received recruits from Lawrence county, it is probable that Scott township helped to swell the number, and of those who went, not all came home unscathed, and some are awaiting the summons which shall awaken them from their long sleep, for they fell bravely defending their country, and, until their clans are marshaled on fields of lasting glory, and are "gathered unto their fathers," will they rest quietly in their lonely graves, and, while "____ Leaving behind them no blot on their name, Look proudly to Heaven from the death-bed of fame." THE VILLAGE OF HARLANSBURG. Is located on the old Pittsburg and Erie stage road, which was one of the first roads laid out in the county. This road was the main stage route, and travel over it, after the country had become partially settled, was very heavy. The first settler at the place was Jonathan Harlan, who left Chester county in 1792, and came to Allegheny county, locating in the beautiful Chartiers valley. He was in that county during the excitement caused by the "whisky insurrection" of 1794, and was in the neighborhood when Gen. John Neville's house was burnt by the insurrectionists. He came to what is now called Scott township, about 1797-8, and settled four hundred acres under Dr. Peter Mowry, of Pittsburgh, including the site of the village. He afterwards removed to the farm now owned by the heirs of George McCracken. While living on his first tract he laid out the town of Harlansburg in 1800, built the first house in the place, and put up a grist-mill just east of the village, on the small run which empties into Slippery Rock creek, some distance below, the mill being built probably previous to the laying out of the town. The house he built was constructed of round logs, and stood on the hill just above where the "Bernard House" now stands. The house was standing until about 1840. When Mr. Harlan came to the place he brought with him his wife and three children, and seven children were afterwards added to the number, the first one born after their settlement being a daughter, Sarah. After Mr. Harlan removed to the farm, below town, he built a second grist-mill, already mentioned. About the time Harlan came, Abraham and Levi Hunt made a settlement on a farm adjoining him, and Abraham Hunt, in 1802, built the first tavern in the village, the building still standing, and known as the "Bernard House." It is a heavy frame structure, and was originally boarded up with "shakes." It was the first frame building for many miles around, and has been used as a tavern ever since it was erected. The Hunts afterwards removed to a farm in the neighborhood of where the Deans now live a couple of miles west of the village. William Elder came to Harlansburg about 1807-8, two or three years after his father, John Elder, settled in the township. He soon after opened a small general store, in a space of about five by ten feet, where the bar now is in the "Bernard House." A post-office was established in the village, probably about 1811-12, and Mr. Elder also had the honor of being the first postmaster, so far as can be learned from those who remember. John Bentley came from Chester county in 1814, and, with his wife and six children--five boys and a girl--located in the village. Robert Bentley, Esq., the oldest son, has lived within three miles of the place ever since, and is now living in the village. A log school-house was erected about 1820, and the first teacher was an Irishman named David Gourely. Before this, schools had been kept in private houses. Joseph Campbell taught a small school in his own house about 1815-16, and James McCune also kept one in his house. In the Winter of 1818, William Jack taught a school east of town, in a house which was built by John Martin for a dwelling. During the winter of 1818-19, snow fell to the depth of twenty-six inches, and unless the snow of the present Winter equals it, the like has not been known since. So say the "old residents." A two-story brick school-house was built on the hill, in the western part of the village in the neighborhood of 1857, and is still standing. The school has been run as a high-school most of the time since, and, at present, has an average attendance of about one hundred. CHURCHES A hewed-log church* was built by some German families--the Richeals, Michaels and others as early as 1799 or 1800, and stood on the lot where the present Methodist church stands. This building was afterwards--about 1800 or 1801--purchased by the Baptists. *UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH, AT HARLANSBURG.--Since writing the above the following facts have been brought to light: The first Baptist preacher who visited the place was Reverend Henry, about 1801. The church was constituted September 17, 1808, at the house of Thomas Clark, by Revs. Henry Spear, Henry Frazure and Thomas Rigdon. Mr. Frazure was the first pastor, and Mr. Rigdon the second. The latter preached first in 1809. From 1849 to 1852 Rev. George Collins was their pastor; Rev. David Phillips from 1853 to 1854; Rev. Levi Ross from 1854 to 1855; Rev. John McConahy from 1855 to 1858; Rev. John Trevit came in 1858. The meetings were first held in the house of Thomas Clark, before the Baptists bought the old log German church. Andrew Clark was licensed to preach August 14, 1813. The fire was made in the center of the (earthen) floor, and charcoal used for fuel. There was no convenient hole in the roof through which the smoke could escape, and the air must have been rather stifling, and the ardor of the worshipers so smothered that they probably held short services. The Baptists afterwards sold their property, and it is now owned by the Methodists, while the Baptist society has a fine location in the southern part of the village, where they have a neat brick church, built about 1852-53. The present congregation numbers about one hundred. The pastor is Rev G. Huston. The church is called "Unity." The names of the first members and pastors are not known to us, but among the early ministers was Rev. Henry Frazure, who employed a part of his time teaching school. Among the churches of the place, next in age is the Methodist Episcopal, which was organized about 1833-34. Their first church was a frame building, put up for a dwelling by John Boyd. The society purchased it and used it for a church for ten years, and then built the frame church now occupied by them, standing on the lot formerly owned by the Baptists, from whom the Methodists purchased it. One of the first ministers who preached to the congregation was Rev. Thomas Thompson. Their present pastor is Rev. J. M. Crouch. The third church in age was a Cumberland Presbyterian organization, which sprung up soon after the Methodist Episcopal church was built. A frame church was erected, and meetings held until about 1865, when their congregation had become so reduced by deaths and removals that an insufficient number were left to support a minister and pay necessary expenses; so they sold their property to the Presbyterians, and have had no organization since. The first pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was Rev. Richard Law. Next comes the United Presbyterian Church, which, though a short distance north of the village strictly belongs to it. The congregation organized about 1851-52, and for a while held their meetings in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in the village, where they were occasionally supplied. [p. 109] In 1855 the substantial brick church now owned by them was built, the carpenter work on the building being done by Robert Bentley, of Harlansburg. The first pastor who had charge of the congregation was Rev. D. H. A. McLean, who had supplied them occasionally after they organized and before the church was built. Fifth and last is the Presbyterian Church. The Cumberland Presbyterians sold their property to the Presbyterians, and a new frame church was built in 1874 on the lot where the old Cumberland Presbyterian Church stood. The Presbyterians organized some time in 1875-76, and theirs is the youngest church organization in the village. The first blacksmith shop in the neighborhood of Harlansburg was opened by John Smith, about 1816-17, south of the village. The first one in the village was opened by Jesse Bentley in 1831. The first wagon shop operated in the village was by Charles Book, about 1862-3. Ira Emerson had the first shoe shop in the place, and Job Harvey learned the trade of him. Harvey afterwards opened a shop of his own, and William Greer another one about the same time. James Sterling opened the first tailor shop about 1833. The Harlansburg Agricultural and Horticultural Association was organized in 1871, and twenty-five acres of land leased by John Elder for the use of the society. The officers were and are: President, Major Andrew Nelson; Vice-President, Alexander McBride, Jr.; Secretary, Jesse B. Locke; Treasurer, W. E. Kirker; Directors, R. M. McBride, L. D. Shaffer, W. B. Wilken, W. E. Kirker, James Burnside. This is the only association of the kind in the county at present, and every succeeding Fair is better than the last. The Fair of the association is held the third week of September each year, and is always well attended. The grounds are located on the hill west of town. The population at Harlansburg is at present about two hundred, and the following are its principal establishments and industries: three general stores, kept by Jos. A. Campbell, Kennedy Brothers, and E. J. Dean; two hotels, by James Burnside and G. W. Smith; two blacksmith shops, by John Eppinger and Frederick Leathers; two shoe shops, by Samuel Kneram and Samuel Douglas; two tailor shops, by Amanda Sterling and John Hogan; one wagon shop, by Charles book; three chair and cabinet shops, by Washington Cunningham, W. B. Wilken and Robert Bentley; three physicians, Henry Hall, H. B. White and J. K. Pollock; one drug store, by Henry Hall; one grist-mill, by Michael Jordan; one millinery establishment, by Mrs. M. J. Dean; two dressmaking establishments, and one photograph gallery. The town is situated at the base of a high hill, which shuts in the valley on the west, and the traveler approaching from that direction sees nothing of the village until he is standing almost over it, seemingly able to step at one stride among the chimney tops below him. ROCKVILLE More familiarly known as "Pumpkintown," is a small hamlet on the east side of Slippery Rock creek, in the southeast corner of the township. David Emery opened a store here some thirty years since, and, after he went out of business, James Smith and J. A. Campbell kept it for awhile. The latter is now in Harlansburg, keeping store and post-office, and Rockville is without a store. Harlan Vogan also followed the mercantile business. S. Frazier has a shoe shop, and a number of dwellings are clustered together in the valley, forming the hamlet. The place has never had a post-office, being located near Harlansburg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHENANGO TOWNSHIP. [p. 109] This was one of the original townships of the county, and formerly comprised a large part of the territory in Beaver county, before the formation of Lawrence. Its area is about sixteen thousand acres, being one of the larger divisions of the county. Its surface is much varied. In the northern and eastern portions the land is rolling, and well adapted to agricultural purposes, while in the south and west the hills are lofty and rugged, and the valleys narrow. Sharp ridges rise to the height of three or four hundred feet above the level of the Beaver river, and, on their sides, fruit of excellent quality is grown, as well as the various grains. There is also coal in abundance found half-way up the hillsides, and every farm has its supply. Thus the lands in these parts are rendered doubly valuable; during the Summer they produce largely of the different farm products, and in the Winter their owners engage in working the coal--so there is a continued source of income year round. The township is watered by Big run and other tributaries of the Neshannock and Beaver, on most of which the power is fine, and in numerous places improved. It is thickly settled, and the improvements generally are equal to any in the county, outside of New Castle. Below the city limits of New Castle small lots have been purchased for some distance, and the northern portion of the township is a continuation of the city. There are a few small hamlets in the township, but nothing large enough to call a "village"; and, aside from working the mineral deposits, the inhabitants are exclusively engaged in agricultural pursuits. The general health has been good from the time of the earliest settlement, and many aged people are yet living who have witnessed the progress of the county from its infancy to its present hardy maturity. The settlement of the territory in this township was begun as early as any in the northern and northeastern portions of the county--the year 1796 witnessing a number of arrivals. Until about 1820 to 1825 the settlement progressed slowly, but after that time it became more rapid, and when the year 1840 was ushered in, the increase had become remarkable. With the completion of the Pennsylvania canal and its branches, new life sprung up throughout the county, and Shenango developed perhaps more rapidly than the outside townships, on account of its close proximity to New Castle and the canal. Its coal, iron and limestone deposits have contributed a large share of wealth to the owners of the land, and the supply has but fairly been opened. In consequence of all these advantages, are found fine improvements, well-to-do citizens, good schools, and the various other elements which serve to place the township in the front rank. EARLY SETTLERS About the year 1790, William Cairns came from County Derry, Ireland, and, after landing on the soil of the United States, settled in Delaware. He was at that time a young man, and, during his stay in Delaware, became acquainted with Nancy Martin, to whom he was married in 1792. Not long after this he removed with his wife to Westmoreland county, Pa., where, in 1794, his first child was born. Some time in 1796 Mr. Cairns came with his family to what is now Shenango township, and settled on the farm now owned by J. R. Sherrard. Here he made a clearing, built a cabin for the accommodation of the family, and set to work earnestly and perseveringly to hew out a livelihood for himself and family. It may be imagined that his was no easy task, for he was many miles from a settlement, and alone in the wilderness. Mr. Cairns planted an orchard on the place not long subsequent to his arrival, which was the first in the neighborhood. Some of the trees are still standing, among them a venerable pear-tree. There is probably not a doubt that Mr. Cairns was the first settler in the present limits of the township, the only other white settler known to him being Nathaniel Squires, who lived down the Beaver river toward Beavertown, and probably within the bounds of Beaver county. Mr. Cairns brought with him his wife and two children; and a third child, a daughter named Rachel, was born July 19, 1798, hers being the first birth in the township among the whites. For two years after their settlement no white woman besides Mrs. Cairns was seen, and many lonely hours must have been passed. Rachel Cairns was married to a man named Hawthorne, and afterwards removed to the State of Iowa, where she is now living (January, 1877.) When Mr. Cairns came he probably settled a five-hundred-acre tract now cut up into several farms. Indians were plenty, and, as they were occasionally unruly, Mrs. Cairns was always fearful of being shot by them while at work spinning during the evenings, and especially if her husband was away. No damage was done, however, and both Mr. Cairns and his wife lived to a very old age. Nine children were born to them, eight living to become men and women--three girls and five boys. The first death among the children was that of a son, John Cairns, who, after living for some time at Youngstown, Ohio, where he learned the mercantile business, went to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and while there died of the yellow fever. Some time after Mr. Cairns settled he purchased an additional three hundred acres in the northern portion of the township, and removed to it. One of his daughters was married to Joseph Baldwin, and their daughter married George F. Grigsby, who is now living on a portion of the three-hundred-acre tract. Mr. Cairns had learned the weaver's trade before he left Ireland, and after the country around his new home became partially settled he built a shop in which to work at his trade, and wove cloths for the settlers for a number of years. He also opened a small store, which he carried on for a good many years. He became a popular and prominent man, and held a number of offices of public trust; was Constable, Justice of the Peace, [p. 110] Sheriff, &c. The office of Justice of Peace he held for more than forty years. In introducing improvements Mr. Cairns always displayed great energy, and if he heard of anything new that was in the least likely to be beneficial to the settlers he at once procured it. To him is accredited the honor of having the first wagon--the "Dearborn"--the first buggy and many other articles, the use of which was to become general. Mrs. Cairns died in 1846, and in 1848, when Mr. C. was about eighty-four years of age, he was married again, this time to Mrs. Eliza Asby, who came originally from Ireland, and was living at the time in Neshannock township. Mr. Cairns was her fourth husband, and outlived her several years. He died in 1854, aged about ninety years. He was a large, heavy man, yet always active, and, when quite old, would ride the wildest horses he could find. When seventy-two years of age he rode horseback over the mountains in order to transact some business for parties living in the eastern part of the State. In possession of his grand-daughter, Mrs. George F. Grigsby, are a number of relics which belonged to him, among them a small pocket Bible which he always carried to church, printed in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1773, by Alexander Kincaid, "His Majesty's printer." Mr. Cairns was a zealous Christian, and the severest weather never kept him from attending church. Mrs. Grigsby has also other books which belonged to him, one of which is an ancient hymn-book, with music, printed in Ireland more than a hundred years ago. The old songs, "Lenox," "The Rose of Sharon," "Maryland," and others appear in it, but far differently arranged from what they are in the books in use to-day. One of his Bibles was printed by Curry & Son, at 186 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, in 1818. The early wagons were of the rudest manufacture, and did not come into general use for a number of years after they were introduced, all the provisions, produce, &c., being "packed" on horseback. Salt was in this manner transported from Erie, and cost as high as ten dollars a barrel. Game was exceedingly plenty--deer, bears, wolves, "painters," wild cats, &c., abounding in great numbers. These animals were no dainty connoisseurs, for they took whatever chanced to be in their reach, and, like Oliver Twist, were constantly craving for "more." With the filling up of the country, however, the larger game has disappeared, and it is now twenty years or more since the last deer was seen and killed in the limits of the township and probably the county. There are yet many places along the streams, whose wild recesses, rocky dells and gloomy forest might tempt wild animals to remain, but the only game left is of a small size and comparatively scarce. Wild turkeys, once so plentiful as to create great havoc in the fields of grain, especially buckwheat, are now not to be found, and the sportsman has only the partridge, pheasant, quail and squirrel left. In "y olden time" every man and every boy of sufficient age and strength was practiced in the use of the rifle, and to be able to shoot accurately was a great accomplishment and a necessary one, while to-day the shot-gun has taken the place of the rifle generally, and the old rifles are but little used and hung up as mementoes of the adventures of the inhabitants of the country in the days ante-dating railroads, canals, and the many changes attending the filling up of this now thickly settled and prosperous region. A considerable portion of the land in the southern part of the township was bought up by Benjamin Chew, of Philadelphia, who secured it at a cost of a few cents per acre, probably with the intention of speculating in it. He had several thousand acres altogether, including portions of Shenango, Wayne, Slippery Rock and Perry, which was surveyed generally into four-hundred-acre tracts. An act was passed by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, requiring Mr. Chew, as well as other persons holding large amounts of lands in the same manner, to secure to each settler half the tract upon which he located. By this means all were able to secure homes for themselves, and the residue became a source of profit to Mr. Chew and his son, who succeeded him in the management of the lands. The younger Chew took measures to accelerate the settlement of the country, and laid out the village of Chewton, in Wayne township, giving his time, personal labor and supervision to the project. His efforts were in every way successful, and the lands over which he and his father had control are now owned and occupied by a generally wealthy and prosperous class of people. These lands are among the richest in the county in their deposits of coal, iron and limestone, besides being well adapted generally to the raising of grains and fruits, and not behind in the facilities afforded for stock-raising, especially sheep. Some time in the year 1796, William Tindall, a Revolutionary soldier, came to the township, and made improvements on a four-hundred-acre tract of Chew land, of which he received half for settling. The first cabin he built was not on the right tract, and he was obliged to build another. Mr. Tindall was accompanied by a lad named John Connor, who afterwards settled on an adjoining tract. Mr. Tindall was originally from New Jersey, and at first located in the "Forks of the Yough," in Somerset county possibly, or perhaps near McKeesport, Allegheny county. There he left his family when he came to what is now Shenango township, and, after making improvements on his claim, went back after his wife and children, and brought them out and made a permanent settlement in 1798. He had at that time four children--two boys and two girls. A daughter, Margaret, was born in 1798, and she is now living in Van Wert county, Ohio. The only child living besides Margaret, is his son, Zachariah, who occupies the old homestead. He was born in 1802. When Mr. Tindall came the second time (1798), he brought a quart of apple-seeds with him, and planted them just below his house, raising from them the first nursery in the county for a number of miles around. Some of the trees are yet standing in the orchard near the present residence of Zachariah Tindall, and one of them which was transplanted to the farm of John Connor, now measures about ten feet in circumference. In 1858 it measured eight feet and five inches. This is the largest tree left which came from the old nursery. Those that are yet standing are usually bearing well. William Tindall died about 1837-38, at the age of ninety-three years, and is buried in the family graveyard, with others of the family. This graveyard is a short distance east of Zachariah Tindall's residence. Mr. Tindall has in his possession an old-fashioned green glass bottle which his great-grandfather brought from Scotland more than a hundred years ago. His son, Thomas Tindall, used it for seven years as bar-bottle, while keeping tavern in New Jersey, and it has finally came [sic] into the possession of its present owner. It holds about a pint and a half; is an ancient looking article and perfectly sound yet. It has had a "great deal in it," and in shape resembles somewhat a leg of mutton. Zachariah Tindall had for a long time an old flint-lock rifle, which was brought into the country by Hugh Gaston, an early settler on the Moravia Bottoms. Mr. Tindall's brother, Thomas, bought it of Gaston and it afterwards became the property of Zachariah. These three men killed a large number of deer and other animals with it, but the large game finally became so scarce that Mr. Tindall traded it to William Miller for a shot-gun, and it has been lost sight of by him. It had done its duty at Bunker Hill, and was even used by one of General Wolfe's men at Quebec, in 1759. It carried a ball weighing nearly a half-ounce. John Connor, who came out with William Tindall in 1796, was but fifteen years of age at the time, and "shantied" with Mr. Tindall. He afterwards settled a four-hundred-acre tract adjoining the Tindall tract on the east. The land was also in the Chew district. His son, George Connor, is now living on the old place. The surface of this portion of the township is exceedingly hilly and broken, the ridges rising to the height of several hundred feet, and the valleys being very narrow; yet the land is valuable. Numerous springs and small streams abound, and the scenery is in many places wild and picturesque. On the farm, a part of which is now owned by Mrs. P. T. Hamilton, Robert Stewart was the first settler, locating on a two-hundred-acre tract about 1802. about 1815, Stewart sold out to Robert McWilliams, who built the stone spring-house still standing. He also had a grist-mill on the bank of Big run, near by. Jared Irwin came from Ireland when twenty-one years old, and staid for a while in the city of Baltimore, Md., afterwards going to Kentucky, thence to Washington county, Pa., and finally locating in Hickory township, Lawrence county, in 1797-8, on the farm now owned by Isaac Reynolds. On that farm he built the first cabin, and to get help was obliged to go as far as Edenburg, in Mahoning township. In those days he also went to old Beavertown to mill. As was the case with the other settlers, he "packed" all the salt he used from Erie, paying a round price for it. He made a clearing and set out an orchard, procuring the small trees somewhere in the neighborhood, possibly at the Tindall nursery; and the orchard must have been set out in the neighborhood of 1800. A few of the trees are yet standing. Mr. Irwin "stood the draft" in 1813, but was not called upon to go out. In 1815 or '16 he removed to the farm in Shenango township where his son, Edward Irwin, now lives, purchasing the land of Robert McWilliams, it being a part of the tract originally settled by Robert Stewart. Mr. Irwin was married while living in Washington county, and his first child born after coming to Lawrence, was a son, John, now deceased, whose birth occurred in 1802 or '3. [p. 111] The farm now owned by Joseph P. McMillin is a part of lot number five, first Donation district--said lot being granted to Major Isaac Craig, February 28th, 1794, in consideration for his services in the United States army during the Revolution. Major Craig's patent is signed by Governor Mifflin. The major had previously owned a tract in the tenth Donation district, lying in the State of New York, but he released that to the State in order to get the tract in the first District, it being much nearer where he was then living (Pittsburgh). This tract was afterwards conveyed to Samuel McClure, who settled upon it some time between 1797 and 1800, probably. He made the first improvements on the place; the log-cabin built by him is now torn away. In October, 1803, McClure sold part of the tract, and in April, 1822, Archibald Cubbison purchased a portion of it also. Mr. Cubbison built the second log-house, which is still standing a few rods south of Mr. McMillin's brick dwelling. Cubbison's house was built of hewed logs, and has one of the old-fashioned huge stone chimneys. Joseph P. McMillin bought the land of Cubbison in 1836, and has lived on the place since. Major Isaac Craig was a prominent character who figured in the early history of the region about the "Forks of the Ohio" (Pittsburgh), and his grandson, Isaac Craig, is yet living in Allegheny City. In the month of November, 1811, John Gibson came from McConnellsburg, now in Fulton county, Pa., and, together with a man named Sloan, purchased a two-hundred-acre tract of land, now partially owned by Mrs. Mary Myers. Mr. Gibson brought his wife and six children with him. Sloan never came to the county, and afterwards sold his share of the tract to Gibson and James McKee. Gibson was the first settler on the place, and became a prominent man, as have also members of his family, among them his son, R. M. Gibson. Joseph Baldwin was one of the early settlers, and also became quite prominent. He was a school-teacher, and taught in the early schools in the township, and was also closely identified with matters afterwards pertaining to the organization and management of the Disciples Church, near Normal Glen or "Pumpkintown." He served five years in the regular army; married a daughter of William Cairns, and lived to a good old age. Mrs. George F. Grigsby is his daughter. The farm now owned by R. M. Gibson was settled by Hugh Wilson, about 1815-16, and Mr. Gibson bought it of him afterwards, and married his daughter Eliza. Mr. Wilson first settled in what is now Scott township, in 1806. (See history of Scott township). John Miller came in the neighborhood of 1800, and bought a large amount of land south of the present city limits of New Castle, along Big run. He had to cut a road through the timber to get his family to the place where they were to stop. He was of German descent, had a large family, and two of his children--a son and daughter--are yet living, having reached an advanced age. Mr. Miller was killed by a falling tree, January 28th, 1813, the particulars being as follows: He, together with Seth Rigby, John White, William Parshall, Benjamin White, Abraham Perkins and others were at work cutting out a road which Miller had been granted on his petition to the court. Mr. Miller had at one time been a hard drinker, but for several years previous to this date had been strictly temperate. On the above mentioned day, however, he had become intoxicated again, after his long abstinence, and was somewhat reckless. The choppers had got along as far as David White's place, and that gentleman, who owned a distillery, came out and offered the men a quart of whisky to cut up some trees, which were already felled, into firewood. At the time the accident happened, Seth Rigby, William Parshall and Benjamin White were chopping about eight rods away from Miller and the others, on some trees which were down, each taking a tree. Abraham Perkins, John White and Miller were cutting their tree, which the other three had left. As the tree was falling, Miller undertook to step out of danger, but stepped directly in the way. John White, seeing his danger, made an effort to seize him and pull him back, but missed him and caught his axe-helve, on which he gave a sudden jerk, and Miller, not having his sober legs on, fell, and the tree, striking him in the head, killed him instantly. In their horror at the accident, the men forgot entirely about the whisky, and never got it. The day was intensely cold. Mr. Miller was buried just in the rear of the present First Methodist Episcopal Church, at New Castle. Seth Rigby, Sr., father of the gentleman mentioned in connection with the Miller disaster, came from Virginia in 1804, and leased the farm now owned by Mrs. Shields, which he occupied one year, and in 1805 rented a place of Dennis Kennedy, whose tract cornered on the southwest with the one which Mr. Rigby settled in 1806. Mr. Rigby was born in Chester county, Pa., of Quaker parents--that is, his mother was a Quakeress--and afterwards went to Shenandoah county, Virginia, now in West Virginia. The Rigby boys were old enough to enter the army during the Revolution, but the Quaker extraction kept them out of it. Seth Rigby, Jr., now living on his father's old place, at the age of nearly eighty-four years, says "the Quakers wont fight," and that is the reason that neither his father nor uncles were out in the Revolutionary war. When the Rigbys came to Lawrence the family consisted of Mr. Rigby, his wife and six children, and three children were born afterwards. Mr. Rigby first put up a log cabin on his place on the west side of Big run, near the stream, and set out an orchard, where some of the trees are yet standing. This not being a convenient location for a dwelling, he removed it to the lower land on the east side of the creek, where it is still standing, and now occupied by the widow of his son, Eli Rigby. The Rigbys were the first settlers on the place. James Gaston came originally from New Jersey, and for a number of years lived in Washington county, Pa. There he raised a family, and in 1805 brought them to Lawrence county and settled on the farm now partly owned by his grandson, James Gaston. He made his improvements in the Fall of 1805. This tract was called a two-hundred-and-fifty-acre tract, but overran about sixty-one acres. Hugh Gaston, a brother of James had the tract on the east, and his deed called for vacant land on the west. John Butcher owned the tract on the west, and his deed called for vacant land on the east. These two vacancies made up the sixty-one acres, and had been purchased by Robert Sample, of Pittsburgh, James Gaston buying of him. Mr. Gaston brought two sons and four daughters with him. John Butcher settled the tract just west of Mr. Gaston in 1799-1800, and made some of the earliest improvements in the neighborhood. Hugh Gaston came to the county previous to 1800, and first took up his abode near the site of the town of Moravia, before the Indians who occupied the land in that vicinity had gone. About 1802-3 he came to Shenango township and located on the tract heretofore mentioned as lying next east of the one his brother James settled in 1805. Hugh, or "Hughie" Gaston was a bachelor and a great hunter. It is said of him that he had two horses, two dogs and two guns, and the greater part of his time was spent in the chase. All the early settlers set out orchards as soon as they could get land ready to receive them, and in almost every locality numbers of the old trees are still alive, and if not flourishing like green bay trees, "they are, at least, covering their old age with glory by continuing to bear." Some of them have been grafted and bear improved varieties, while others have the same kind of fruit each year upon their branches, that was gathered by the pioneers of the land. Could these old trees talk, they would unfold many pages of interesting and delightful history, of which it is now impossible to acquire a knowledge. The farm now owned by Robert McCandless as probably settled by William McCandless and the Jacksons. These families are of Scotch-Irish descent, the original representatives of them in this country coming from Ireland. They were also related, and settled near each other. Their farms were along the fertile "Savannah Valley," in the western portion of the township. Charles Lutton came originally from Ireland about 1799, and settled in the southern part of the township, on the farm now owned by Cornelius Lutton. Mr. Lutton's son, William, came to the farm where his son, J. P. Lutton, now lives, about 1809-10, and lived till 1874, when he died at the ate of eighty-eight years. He settled a two-hundred-acre tract. James Wilson came from Allegheny county, and is said to have located in New Castle previous to 1813, and gone out from there to Erie that year. About 1813 he removed to Shenango township, and improved a two-hundred-acre tract now partially owned by his sons, Albert and Ezra Wilson. When Mr. Wilson first came from Allegheny he had his wife and two (possibly three) children with him. His brother Henry came about the same time, and had a part of James Wilson's farm. Jacob Book came from the eastern part of the State about 1799, and settled two hundred acres adjoining the Charles Lutton place. Lutton was an Irishman and Book a German, and what seldom occurs between members of the Teutonic and Celtic races happened with these two families, viz.: intermarriage. It is also related that the happy couple "lived together peacefully." Members of the Book and Lutton families are yet living in the township, and some of the former in Slippery Rock. James Warnock came at an early day from Ireland, and stopped in Washington county, afterwards removing to the neighborhood of Mount Jackson, North Beaver township, Lawrence county, some time previous to [p. 112] the year 1812. He finally removed to Shenango township, and purchased the farm now owned by Joseph Baldwin, near the present location of the "Centre" United Presbyterian Church. One of Mr. Warnock's daughters is the wife of Mr. Baldwin, and another the wife of J. P. Lutton. Mr. Warnock kept the first post-office in the township, known as the Chenango post-office, and still in existence, with J. R. Sherrard as postmaster. He owned a five-hundred-acre tract in Shenango township. James McKee came from Ireland when twenty-two years of age, about 1793, and some years afterwards bought a two-hundred-acre tract of land in Shenango township, of the executors of John Beard. The deed was made March 7, 1812, but it is likely that McKee was on the place a number of years before that. The place was originally patented to Hugh McClelland in 1787, and deeded to Beard in 1798. Mr. McKee came to the neighborhood some time about 1800, and he probably made the first improvements on this place. He was married to Rachel Whann about 1805-6, and his first child, born a year or two after, died when he was but twelve years of age. His name was Samuel. The issue of this marriage was eleven children, five of whom are yet living (January, 1877). John Manning came from Ireland, and, after living in Virginia, and in Washington county, Pa., finally came to Shenango township in 1805, and, together with Reuben Bell, located on a two-hundred-acre tract, now partially owned by John Cook, at the time Messrs. Manning and Bell bought it. But one of the Bell family is left in the neighborhood, and he is a son, Jesse, now an old man. His father came about the same time with Mr. Manning, from the eastern part of the State, and the old homestead is occupied by the son. The clearing which Manning made on the tract was about half an acre in extent only, and a small cabin was erected in the midst of it. Samuel Baldwin came to the township in 1805, and settled the farm now owned by Nathaniel Hill, which then consisted of one hundred acres. Mr. Baldwin came with his wife, from Virginia, and made the first improvements on the place. Like his brother, Joseph Baldwin, who came afterwards, he taught school. He lived to a good old age. John A. Morrison came originally from York county, and located above Greenville, Mercer county. In 1835 he removed to what is now Lawrence county, and purchased some land near Miller's mill of his brother, Abraham Morrison, living in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. J. A. Morrison's wife, formerly Margaret McCartney, came to Meadville, Crawford county, Pa., in 1798, with her grandmother and two uncles, her parents being dead. She was of "Scotch-Irish-American" descent, one of her parents being Scotch-Irish and the other American. The Harbisons, living northwest of "Greenwood" Methodist Episcopal Church, are descendants of the celebrated Massy Harbison, who was captured by the Muncie and Seneca Indians, May 22, 1792, and escaped the third day after her captivity with her son, then but an infant. Her elder son was killed by the Indians under his mother's eyes. This infant son afterwards came to Shenango township and served in the war of 1812. His father, John Harbison, settled in Allegheny county in 1796 or 1796. He came there from Armstrong county, where he lived in a small log-cabin near Freeport. He was wounded by the Indians in St. Clair's defeat, in what is now Mercer county, Ohio, on the 4th of November, 1791, and was ordered to serve as a spy in March, 1792. Mrs. Harbison's adventures during and immediately after her captivity are well known to every reader of border history, and it will be superfluous to give the story here. She was one of the model type of border women, and withstood trials which but few mothers could endure at the present day. Philip Houk and his brother came to the township early, and located on the farm where Benjamin Houk now lives. The Houk family has become numerous in the neighborhood, and most of them are reaping the fruits of their many years of labor in the income derived from the sale of the iron ore which is taken out of their farms. James Chambers came from Ireland some time previous to the year 1800, and brought with him his son, Alexander, at the time but nine years of age. Alexander Chambers afterwards removed to Mercer county, and in the year 1800 settled a two-hundred-acre tract of land just north of the present borough of New Wilmington. For some time he lived in Mercer county, and finally came to Lawrence and purchased a place in Shenango township. SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION.--John Butcher, who settled in the north-west corner of the township or in Taylor, possibly, was a veteran of the Revolution. William Tindall, mentioned as settling in the southwest part, enlisted for five years at the beginning of the Revolution, and was living at the time in the State of New Jersey. After his five years had expired he volunteered for eighteen months longer, and after that employed his time with others in scouting against the tories. He served nearly the whole time the war lasted; was in the battle of Monmouth, N. J., June 28, 1778, where Washington defeated the British forces under Sir Henry Clinton, and the famous "Captain Molly" won her renown as an artillerist after the death of her husband, a gunner. SOLDIERS OF 1812-15.--The list of men who served in the second war with great Britain is longer than that of Revolutionary heroes, and the following are enumerated: Two sons of William Tindall, William and Thomas, started for the seat of war, but Thomas nearly severed his foot with an axe while sharpening a stake to use in setting his tent, and was obliged to return. William went ahead and was at Black Rock. Seth Rigby, Jr., then a young man, went out in Captain Wilson Kildoo's company. This company was raised in what was then Beaver county, and had members from any parts of the county--from near Mount Jackson, from Slippery Rock and other places now in Lawrence county, and some were from New Brighton, Beaver county. It was composed of drafted men, and went to Erie. William Lutton served in Captain James Stewart's company, and was at Black Rock. James Warnock, at the time living near Mount Jackson, was out with Captain Wilson Kildoo's company in Erie. James McKee was also out at Erie a short time. James Manning, whose father, John Manning, had settled in 1805, served at Erie. John Bell, whose father, Reuben Bell, settled in 1805, alongside of Mr. Manning, was also out at Erie. Samuel Baldwin, who settled in 1805, was out a short time, and probably went to Erie with the rest of the men from the neighborhood. Philip Houk and his brother were out. Alexander Chambers served in the war of 1812, and was in a few engagements. He probably went to Fort Meigs, and served under General Harrison. He was at the time he enlisted living in what is now Mercer county, just above New Wilmington, but afterwards removed to Shenango township, Lawrence County. For a list of the men who went out and fought for the Union in the WAR OF THE REBELLION, the reader is referred to the Roster which is given in another part of this volume. The men who took up arms against their treacherous brethren served in various regiments, but principally in the 100th (Roundhead), commanded by Colonel Leasure, of New Castle. Six companies of this organization were from Lawrence county. Among the other regiments represented were the 134th, 76th, 78th, &c., and two companies of three-months men were recruited at New Castle also. MANUFACTURES. Robert McWilliams built a log grist-mill on Big run, southeast of New Castle, about 1816, having one run of "country stone." He some time afterwards built a frame mill at the same place, and added another run of stone. He also had a saw-mill, and did considerable business while his mills were in operation. They have long since been torn away, and nothing remains of them. About 1841-42 John Armstrong, Esq., erected a grist-mill in the north-east corner of the township, on Big run, where he had as fine a power as can be found on the stream. The mill was a frame building, and occupied the site of the present frame mill owned by David Fox and Joseph Frew. This mill has a large custom business. John Miller, afterwards killed by the fall of a tree, built a grist-mill on Big run, a mile below New Castle, about 1811. It is said that his wife and daughters dug the race, which is still in use. This mill was built of logs, and stood till about 1828-30, when Mr. Miller's son-in-law, William McMurray, tore it down, and in its place put up a frame structure, which was burned down in 1845. The present mill was built by James Bryson and John Stewart in 1849. Before the second mill was burned, Mr. McMurray had sold the property to John Struthers, who owned it at the time it was burned. After this disaster Struthers became unable to make the remaining payments, and the property reverted to McMurray again, and he sold finally to Stewart and Bryson, who built the present mill. They in turn sold to Abraham Hartman, who operated it for a while and sold it to Henry Wolf. Mr. Wolf ran it till the Spring of 1873, when he sold out to John Sechler, who, in company with his son, is now running it. While Mr. McMurray had the property, he built a saw-mill and a distillery, some time previous to 1835. The saw-mill rotted away, and, when Stuthers owned it, [p. 113] fell to pieces. The distillery was taken down, and the stone used to build a house for the miller, which is still standing. About 1837-38, McMurray put up a building intended for an oil-mill, but becoming somewhat embarrassed, sold it to Joseph Clifton, who built another dam, and converted the oil-mill into a woolen-factory, which he operated from 1844-5 till the Fall of 1870, when he took out the machinery and removed it to Weston, West Virginia. In the Summer of 1871 he sold the property to Berger and Hartman of New Castle. Of the factory there is nothing left but a few timbers, it having been torn away. The property is now owned by Mr. Wineshanks. The dam which Clifton built is yet standing, immediately under the bridge, just below Sechler's mill. While Mr. Clifton had the woolen-mill, he attached a drill to his machinery, and bored for oil. He went down about four hundred feet, getting a fair showing of oil, and thought if he had gone down deeper he might have found it paying quantities. The hole has been plugged by Mr. Wineshanks. Sechler & Son's grist-mill has appliances for running either with steam or water-power, and does a large business. For a good draft and safety from fire, a large brick chimney is built from the ground, on the outside of the engine-house. Miller put up a saw-mill several years before he built his grist-mill, and, when he concluded to have a grist-mill attachment, he took as a partner a man named Ault. One run of "country stone" was in some way attached to his saw-mill, and the grist and saw-mill were in the same building, with the water-wheel between the two apartments. A good bolting-cloth was used, and a great deal of grain ground, their work always giving satisfaction. Seth Rigby Jr., worked in the mill for about a year, and says "it was a terrible mill, but it done a good deal of business!" Mr. Rigby was born July 7th, 1793, and is consequently nearly eighty-four years of age. Robert Patterson built a saw-mill at Big run falls long enough ago to have become nearly decayed at present. These falls are just below the stone-arch bridge, where the Pittsburgh road crosses the run, and were originally twenty feet high. In order to cut a race for the saw-mill, the rock was blasted out for several feet, and the falls are not now as high. The scenery below them is wild and romantic. The tract of land on which they are situated has always been known as the "Falls Tract." A distillery was built at Normal Glen by James Cubbison, and run until sometime subsequent to 1835. At that date it looked like quite an old building. Mr. Cubbison bought the land now owned by Joseph P. McMillin in 1822, and probably erected the distillery not long afterwards. NORMAL GLEN. Formerly called "Pumpkintown," takes its name from the fact that a select school was kept here by Joseph Baldwin about 1857-8, and about that time it received its present name. Alex. Allen has a broom-factory, and there are a few houses, and roads pointing in seven different directions, to constitute the "village." COAL, IRON AND LIMESTONE. The greater portion of the coal taken out of the township is mined in the southwest part, in "Hog Hollow" and vicinity. It is the upper vein, of a fair quality, and averages about two feet in thickness. Coal was taken out in the neighborhood as early as 1846, and Zachariah Tindall opened a bank in 1850. It abounds on probably every farm in the neighborhood, and is easily worked. A vein of limestone from thirteen to eighteen feet in thickness crops out towards the summits of the hills. It is of a blueish tint, lies in thin layers, and is fit only for burning--making a beautiful white lime. Iron-ore abounds in small quantities in the same neighborhood, but has never been worked. The principal ore-bank in the county is owned by Grannis, Houk & Co., and the ore was discovered in the Fall of 1870 by Samuel Foltz of New Castle, the first ore being taken out in September of that year. Mr. Foltz was at that time interested in the "Lawrence Furnace," in Slippery Rock township, and operated the ore-bank till August, 1874, using the ore at his furnace. He also sold three thousand tons to Edward Kay, or Wampum furnace, during the last year. That furnace procured much of its ore at this bank until August, 1876. The ore in Western Pennsylvania is usually found next above the limestone, but in this case they dug and blasted through the shale, sandstone and limestone for some twenty feet, and finally the limestone gradually merged into the ore, the last few inches of it being considerably impregnated with the iron. This was the "Big Bank." Ore abounds in greater or less quantities in the entire neighborhood, and generally of a fine quality. A three-feet vein was opened in the Summer of 1876, on the same farm with the "Big Bank," and it has also been found on the farm of J. R. Sherrard and other places, to some extent. A narrow-gauge railway is in the process of construction from Wampum to the ore-banks, Joseph and John K. Shinn, of New Castle, being proprietors. Some of the ore is shipped to Pittsburgh and some to New Castle, but it is sent principally to Youngstown, Ohio. It averages about thirty-five per cent of iron. The "Big Bank" was at first supposed to be simply a "pocket" deposit, but at this date (January 10, 1877), 28,000 tons have been taken out, and it now has the appearance of a regular vein, from sixteen to twenty-one feet in thickness, averaging about eighteen feet. Next to Lake Superior ore this is said to be the finest in the country. In the "Big Bank" there are four grades of ore; first, at the top, three feet of "red keel;" then about three feet of "yellow keel;" then solid "striped ore" for about six feet; and, lastly, a "shell ore" for another six feet. The latter is easily taken out, and is very rich; the other grades, especially the "striped ore," requires more or less blasting. Up to this time it has been taken out by "stripping," but during the coming Summer--1877--it will be "drifted." The "Big Bank" is probably richer than all others in the neighborhood, yet they are extensively worked. There are four in operation altogether, owned by Wesley Houk, John Houk, Houk brothers, and Louis Zeigler. At present a great number of teams are engaged in hauling the ore. SCHOOLS. A school-house was built quite early in the north part of the township, near the Hickory township line, and a man named Supple was the first teacher. This was not one of the first schools, however. About 1810-12, a school-house was built of round logs on the place where Mrs. P. T. Hamilton now lives, and stood but a few rods north of her present residence. It was the first in this part of the township. An Englishman named Cornelius Stafford, who taught in nearly every township in the southeast part of the county, was the first teacher. He was a nervous, quick-tempered man, and had the regular cockney use (or misuse) of the letter H. It is related of him that upon one occasion he was teaching a little girl her letters, and she managed very well until it came to "L." After trying in vain to get her to remember and pronounce it, he finally lost his patience and broke out with the exclamation, "Hell, hell, you--you! Take your seat!" This is merely given as a proof that the early teachers were not all they should be, and but few things were necessary in order to become amply qualified for a "master." In fact the main qualification of a school-teacher in those days was the ability to teach the Shorter Catechism; with this he was considered eligible, even if his knowledge of the other branches usually taught in our present common-schools happened to be extremely limited. He must also be able and willing to use the rod unsparingly, for, like Peter Jones in Eggleston's "Hoosier Schoolmaster," the main idea was with the people "no whippin', no larnin', sez I." The hickory rod used was generally about seven feet long, and the knots none too smooth. It was placed in a convenient position, ready to be caught up at a moment's notice, and woe to the luckless wight who received a "flogging" with it, for he was apt to remember it the rest of his life. Luckily, those semi-barbarous customs have been laid aside. A school-house was built about the Winter of 1813, on the farm then owned by Robert Irwin, and at present by Jacob Lintze. The first teacher was John Gibson, who had settled near by. Mr. Gibson was one of the superior class of teachers, and under his tutorship a school always flourished finely. This was the only regular school-house built for a long time this vicinity, and was a trifle different in its construction from most of the school-houses of that day. It was built of round logs, and had a huge wooden chimney, plastered with clay, built in the center of the room, thus affording equal warmth all around, and being a fine place to warm by--convenient to all. The teacher was a privileged character, and instead of having a rough bench for a seat, like his pupils, had a piece of plank fixed up, while the rest sat on their slab-benches and meditated on the uncertainty of human affairs. A log cabin, originally built for a dwelling, stood on the John Martin farm, and in it James Leslie "kept school." This was about 1810-11. For the children in the northwest and central western portions of the township, the nearest school-house, in 1805, stood on the flat near Moravia, now in Taylor township. This house was also built for a dwelling by a man named Copper. James McCallaher taught school in the Winter of 1805. A school-house was built of logs as early as 1806-7, on the farm where Henry Tindall now lives, and the first teacher was William Arnold. The number of schools in the township, at present, is eleven, with an average attendance, in 1875, of three hundred and twenty-six. The total number [p. 114] of school children in the township for that year was five hundred and sixty-one, of whom three hundred and thirty were males and two hundred and thirty-one females. The buildings are all substantial and comfortable. CHURCHES. A Methodist Church ("Morris Chapel") was built about 1870, in the northeast part of the township, on land originally owned by Andrew Guire, who settled it, and belonging to his wife and children when the church was built. They sold the lot for the church, and also the mill-site, where Fox & Frew's mill now stands. For some time the congregation had no regular pastor, some of the members themselves occasionally occupying the pulpit. Revs. Patrick O'Connor, Dyrie, and J. C. Rhodes have been regular pastors, Mr. Rhodes having charge at present. The congregation is small, and the church, a frame building, is also of small dimensions. The congregation is one of the stations on Mr. Rhodes' circuit. "THE CONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES AT NORMAL GLEN.* - As early as, A. D., 1833, Elder Sanders and Elder William Hayden, of Ohio, delivered a number of discourses in the country, about three miles to the southeast of New Castle. Several persons made a public profession of their faith in 'Jesus the Christ, the Son of God,' and were baptized (immersed), but there was no church until about the year 1844, when Elder John Applegate, of Ohio, organized one in that vicinity, more recently called Normal Glen. This organization was maintained until after the Christian chapel was built in New Castle, when Elder Joseph Baldwin and most of the members of the Normal Glen congregation united with the church in New Castle. * Communicated. "There was a chapel erected in about the year 1847, which is still used as a house of worship, various ministers of different denominations delivering discourses in it for the benefit of the people in that vicinity. There is also a Sunday-school taught in it. "The ministers serving the congregation of Disciples at Normal Glen resided on the Western Reserve, in Ohio, among whom were Elders John Applegate, Calvin Smith, Harvey Brocket, B. F. Perky and others." THE "SAVANNAH" METHODIST EPISCOPAL society was organized probably in the neighborhood of the year of 1820. Their first meetings were held at the house of Laban Joseph, who lived near where the present church stands. They also held meetings in the Austin school-house, which stood on the hill back of the present McCandless farm, on land now in Taylor township. After this they held them in the "Savannah" school-house, and finally, some time between 1853 and 1856, their present brick church was built, on land purchased from Robert McCandless. A cemetery is located just north of the church, but is used as a general burying place, and does not belong to the society. The name, "Savannah," was given to the valley which extends for several miles north and south in the western part of the township, and near which the church is located. The school-house was named from it, also, by Thomas Berry, at one time County Superintendent of Schools. The present membership of Savannah church is from twenty-five to thirty. Its pastor, Rev. J. C. Rhodes, also has charge of the congregations at Croton, "Morris Chapel," in the northeast part of the township, and "Greenwood," in the southeast part. "Greenwood" Methodist Episcopal Church was organized about 1858. Meetings were held for a year or two in the Warnock school-house, and in 1860 their present frame church was built by A. P. Schaffer, on land donated to the society, for church and burial purposes, by William Harbison. In 1858 a Methodist class was organized, consisting of E. J. Moore, and Eliza, his wife, and Mrs. W. C. Harbison. These people were from New Castle. Soon after the organization of the class a revival meeting was conducted by E. Bennett and Rev. S. K. Paden. Bennett at the time was an exhorter, but afterwards became a licensed preacher. While the meetings were held at the school-house, Revs. S. K. Paden and Samuel Bentley preached, and during their time the church was built. Mr. Paden continued to preach for them a while, and a circuit was not long afterwards formed, including "Greenwood," Croton, "Savannah," Moravia and "Mt. Pleasant" church, on Snake run. The latter congregation has never had a church-building. The first presiding elder at Greenwood was Mr. Hawkins, and Mr. Clark came next. The first regular pastor in the new church was Rev. John McCombs. After him came Revs, Z. W. Sadduck, ______ Thompson, B. F. Marsteller, E. B. Bennett, J. H. Merchant, J. E. Johnson, Nathaniel Morris, J. M. Foster, Louis Wick, Patrick O'Connor, C. W. Darrow, and the present pastor J. C. Rhodes. These men staid from one to three years each, three years being the longest term allowed. A Sabbath-school was organized in connection with the society at the school-house, before the church was built. Its first superintendent was E. J. Moore, who held the office till the church was built, when W. C. Harbison became superintendent. The office is at present held by Abraham Shaffer. Mr. Moore was also the first class-leader. The present membership of the Sabbath-school is from forty-five to fifty, and of the church about one hundred and twenty-five. CENTER UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH was organized from 1820 to 1825, as a "Union" or Associate Reformed congregation. A petition was circulated for a "call" for a minister to come and "talk to them," and a subscription raised to defray his expenses. Tent-meetings were first held in the grove where the present commodious brick church now stands, although this was before the society was organized. The church was organized as "Slippery Rock," and afterwards changed to "Center." Possibly different ministers preached to them occasionally for a while, but Rev. David Norwood was ordained and installed their first pastor April 5, 1826. His charge consisted of Slippery Rock (Center), Mount Jackson and Shenango, and he continued to preach to them until about the 1st of October, 1833, when he resigned. Their second pastor was Rev. Mr. Ferguson, who came from Mercer. Rev. John Neel preached for them for twenty years; Rev. Samuel Patterson a year or two; Rev. Joseph Barclay five years. Rev. J. H. Peacock came about 1867 and staid until some time in 1874. Rev. John D. Glenn, the present pastor, took charge November 1, 1874, in connection with Wurtemburg. The present membership of the church is something under two hundred, having been reduced in 1875 by a portion of the members organizing "Oak Grove" church, in Slippery Rock township. Some of the original members of the Center (Slippery Rock) church were John Alford and wife, James Frew and wife, William Aiken and wife, Hugh Smiley and wife, John Houk and wife, and others. Two or three years after the society held its first tent-meetings, it organized and put up a frame church, which stood a few feet east of the present structure. Two acres of land for church and graveyard purposes had been given by James Warnock. The original membership was quite small. The present brick church was purchased by Wm. Houk, one of the members of the congregation, and removed to his farm. The church is located in the edge of the grove, and stands very near the east line of Shenango township. Under the charge of the Rev. J. D. Glenn, it is in a prosperous condition. THE NEW CASTLE POOR HOUSE Is located in this township, on land presented to the city for that purpose by Charles Phillips; the amount of the land in the farm is about forty-four acres. A special Act of the Legislation, in the Winter of 1865-6, was passed for the establishment of a poor-house, and James B. McKee and William Lutton appointed commissioners to attend to the location and erection of buildings, &c. A vote was taken by the citizens of the county, and the institution voted against by all the townships except Pollock, now the eastern part of the city of New Castle. Thereupon Mr. Phillips made out his deed of the property to the city. The buildings were erected in the Summer of 1867, at a cost of between four and five thousand dollars. They are substantial frame structures. The entire cost of improvements made on the farm is in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars. After the buildings were completed, the commissioners, on the 27th day of November, 1867, appointed Messrs. Archibald Cubbison, Robert Reynolds and George Pearson, poor directors, and they constituted the first board. Mr. Reynolds had especially stood by the institution in hours of need, and sustained it largely through his own efforts. The average number of inmates since the poor-farm was established has been about twelve. Many staid but a short time and went away. The present number of inmates (February 12, 1877) is ten. The buildings are located near the old Pittsburgh road, in Shenango township, about three miles southeast of the city of New Castle. The location is healthy and pleasant. The institution is sustained by a tax raised by the people of the city. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLIPPERY ROCK TOWNSHIP. [p. 115] This is one of the original townships of the county before the erection of Lawrence, within the bounds of Beaver county. It is one of the larger divisions of Lawrence county, and has an area of about eighteen thousand seven hundred acres. Its surface is much diversified, but for the most part is very hilly. Along Slippery Rock and Muddy creeks and smaller tributaries of the former, there are many localities of nearly primitive wildness, almost bearing out the first impression, on seeing them, that the foot of man has ever held aloof from exploring their rocky gorges and gloomy dells. Almost the entire distance along Slippery Rock creek, from its entrance at the northeast part of the township to the spot where it crosses the southern line and enters Wayne, is one grand display of nature's beauties, in which the artist has fairly surpassed herself, and left nothing unfinished in this sublime creation of her genius. The touches of a Master hand are seen on every jagged rock, on every precipice, and in every streamlet that trickles musically over their frowning ledges down into the dark vale beneath; they are seen in general arrangement of all the features of the landscape, viewed from any point whatever; and the delighted observer feasts his sight on scenes which are strange to many lands for scenery which is equaled and even surpassed in the very neighborhood where they have spent the greater part of their lives. Perhaps the reason is that nothing is esteemed worth seeing which does not necessitate the expenditure of much time and means to investigate. In many parts of the United States, if a few romantic spots such as are found along Slippery Rock creek affords excellent power, and the fact was not overlooked by settlers, for mills were erected on its banks at an early period, and many are yet in operation, though numbers have been abandoned, as with too many in one kind of business the profit to each was small. The soil of the township is generally well adapted to the growth of the various agricultural products. Coal, limestone and iron-ore abound, the former in immense quantities, and with both the mineral and agricultural resources it possesses, the township may be ranked among the foremost in the county. The coal vein averages about thirty or thirty-two inches in thickness in the southern part of the township, and is generally of a fine quality. During the Fall of 1876, Nesbit & Dimick, an oil firm, bored a test-well in the farm of Jacob Shaffer, and having drilled twelve hundred feet, the drill became fast in the hole. It is necessary for them to go about two hundred feet deeper, according to the indications thus far, in order to reach the main oil supply. The well is in what is known as "Cove Hollow." These gentlemen put down a well in Wayne township in the Summer of 1875, several hundred feet, but found no oil. They concluded, judging from the Butler county oil districts, that they were too far south, and consequently came to Slippery Rock township and began the well upon which they are now operating. It is possible they may meet with no better success here than in Wayne, although the showing is much better. They are also putting down a well in Perry township, near the wells which are now being pumped in fair production, and consider their chances are good. They have gone down about six hundred feet at present (February, 1877). Manufacturing of different kinds has been carried on in the township to greater or less extent, several iron furnaces having been operated on native ores. In the southern part of the township are two "darksome dells," called respectively "Hell's (or Big) Hollow," and "Cove Hollow." In each of these hollows a small stream threads its way along, and in each the stream disappears through a hole in the rocky surface of the ground, and, after running under ground for some distance, re-appears below. "Hell's Hollow" was named by the early settlers, and is an extremely suggestive appellation, for a gloomier place can hardly be found. It is related that the origin of the name comes from the fact that a traveler in an early day became benighted and passed the night in the hollow. When asked the next day where he had slept, answered that he "didn't know, unless it was in hell!" "Cove Hollow" derives its name from a "cove" or recess formed by an overhanging rock somewhere within it. The greater portion of the land in Slippery Rock township is in the first Donation district. A portion in the southern part is in the "Chew district." Benjamin Chew was a resident of Philadelphia, and had several thousand acres of land in the southern part of what is now Lawrence county, and settlers were entitled to half a tract (tracts included four hundred acres) for settling. After Mr. Chew died, his son, Benjamin Chew, Jr., attended to the business. He laid out the town of Chewton, in Wayne township. The township contains the village of Princeton and Rose Point, or "Stonetown," both situated in old settled districts, and averaging well with the other villages of their size in the county. On the east side of Slippery Rock creek, and a short distance south of Rockville or "Pumpkintown," (in Scott township), is a small store, started by M. Hoover about 1872-3, and still kept by him. EARLY SETTLEMENTS Mathew Young came from Ireland and settled in the township about the Spring of 1813, on the farm now owned by Robert Young*. He had first stopped near Noblestown, Allegheny county, and was married there. He afterwards removed to a place in Beaver county, near the present village of Enon Valley. He came from Ireland about 1797-8. *Another authority says on the farm now owned by David Heckathorn. Robert and John Burnside came from Ireland in 1817. Robert settled the place where Samuel Burnside now lives, and made the first improvements upon it. John Burnside was the first settler on the place now owned by John Fox. Mr. Fox has owned it since about 1836. Peter Fox came from Westmoreland county, Pa., in 1809, and settled on the east side of Slippery Rock creek, on the farm now owned by Thomas I. Kelty, Jr. There were then four children in the family--three boys and one girl. Mr. Fox was crippled badly with the rheumatism when the war of 1812 broke out, and consequently was unable to go. But he let John Boston have his rifle to take along. Mr. Fox afterwards purchased a farm in the north part of the township. Seven children were born in the family after the settlement, making eleven in all. Seven of them are now living. Peter Fox built a grist-mill early, some distance below the present McConnell mill, on the Slippery Rock. This was the first mill in the neighborhood. A grist-mill was built by Jacob and John Fox, on the Slippery Rock creek, about 1828. It was a frame building, containing one run of stone. This mill was purchased by Enoch Dean, who tore it down, and, about 1830, built the one now standing. The present mill contains four run of stone, and does a large custom business. Jacob and John Fox built a log-dam, sheeted with plank and split timber. It was removed, and a stone-dam put in by Hosea Kennedy. That was washed away, and the stone-dam now standing put in by the same man. Andrew Fox owned the mill a short time, just previous to the rebellion. He sold it to Hosea Kennedy, the present proprietor. Andrew Standley came from New Jersey in 1815, and located first in New Castle. He built a house in that place, and lived there a number of years. He finally purchased a farm in Slippery Rock township, and moved to it. The same farm is now owned by James Roberts. Mr. Standley was a carpenter, and had a shop while living in New Castle. He was twenty-one years old when he located in New Castle, and removed to the farm about 1826-27. Jacob Heckathorn, originally from Germany, settled first in Beaver county, and, in 1807, came to Slippery Rock township, Lawrence county, and settled on the farm now owned by John Searing. Mr. Heckathorn made a clearing, built a cabin, &c., being the first improvements in the place. James Taylor settled early on the farm now owned by Orville Jackson. William Hogue lived on the place after Taylor left it. Miller Kennedy, came originally from Emmettsburg, Frederick county, Maryland, and, about 1808, settled near the site of the present village of Princeton. A part of the farm is now owned by his son, William Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy settled one hundred acres, purchasing it from James Mower, who lived near the mouth of the Beaver river. He came out in the Spring of the year, and, after making the improvements on the place, he, in the Fall, put in a small piece of wheat. Mr. Kennedy brought six children with him, all born in Westmoreland county, where he had located after he had left Maryland. Four children were born after they came to Lawrence county, the first one being a daughter, Nancy. Four of the children are now living--Henry, William, Jane and Nancy. After Mr. Kennedy settled near Princeton, he purchased two additional farms, one of them that on which his son Henry now lives, north of Rose Point. Henry Kennedy was the first settler in this place, as late as 1824. Samuel Stickle came from Westmoreland county, Pa., about 1803, and located on the farm now owned by James P. Aiken and Samuel Stickle, Jr. The family stopped one night before they reached their new home on the [p. 116] bank of the run which empties into Slippery Rock creek, just below the village of Rose Point. George, James and Margaret Kildoo settled in the township about 1802. James and Margaret were children, and George was twenty or twenty-five years old. Their father had died before they came out, and they came alone into the wilderness. George went back after provisions, or some other necessaries, and left the younger ones alone for six weeks. Every night the wolves came snarling around the cabin, and it was no pleasant situation to be in. George Fisher came about 1801-2, and settled where Jacob Fisher now lives. After George Fisher died, his son Henry purchased the interest of the rest of the heirs. Henry Fisher died in the Fall of 1875, and his son Jacob now occupies the place. John Motherlin came about 1800, and located first where E. M. McMillin now lives, northeast of Princeton. Motherlin was from Chester county, Pa. He afterwards went to Canada, where he died. His family, after his death settled the farm now owned by Alexander Frew, near Princeton. About 1770-71 John Frew was brought from Ireland by his parents. He was but eighteen months old at the time. His parents first settled in the State of Maryland, and afterwards removed to Westmoreland county, Pa. About 1794-5, John Frew started for what is now Lawrence county, and on the way met a man who had been out and made improvements on a four-hundred-acre tract of land in the Chew district. He was open to a bargain, and Mr. Frew purchased his claim for a trifle, and came on and found the place corresponding with the description given him by the man from whom he bought it. A small cabin had been built on the tract, and a clearing made. A portion of the old farm is now owned by Murray Frew, and is located in the southern part of the township. The next year after he purchased the farm, Mr. Frew brought the whole family to it from Westmoreland county, and made a permanent settlement. In the Winter of 1800 or 1801, Mr. Frew made a trip to the Ligonier Valley, Westmoreland county, and when he returned he brought a wife with him. Her maiden name was Margaret Hammill. In the latter part of 1801 (November 18), their son, Alexander Frew, was born, and is now living near the village of Princeton. Mr. Frew raised grain the same year the family came out, and a year or two afterwards set out an orchard, of which some of the trees are still standing. John Frew was the first one of the family married after they came to Lawrence county, and Alexander Frew was one of the first white children born in the township. Game was in those times exceedingly plenty, and Mr. Frew spent much of his time in hunting deer, wild turkies,[sic] &c., and occasionally a bear dropped before his unerring rifle. In those days there were still considerable numbers of Indians in the county, and a favorite camping spot with them was on the east side of Slippery Rock creek, at the mouth of Muddy creek, which is a large stream entering from Butler county, a mile east of its junction with Slippery Rock. The Indians, after "Mad Anthony's" terrible scourging in 1794, were generally peaceable in Pennsylvania, and although the knowledge of their past deeds created many an involuntary shudder among the settlers, yet they were possessed of little fear of them. Nathan Hazen came from the valley of the Conoquenessing, in Beaver county, Pa., about 1810-11, and bought a two-hundred-acre tract of land where his son, Levi Hazen, now lives. He was born in New Jersey, and came from there when young. He was drafted to go to Erie during the war of 1812, but as his wife and small children depended solely on him for support, he procured a substitute. The farm now owned by J. W. Boak was patented to the widow of Abraham Morris, in trust for her children. Her husband was a private in the Revolutionary army. On the 27th of September, 1815, the land was conveyed to William Wigton, who was the first settler on the place. He owned it until 1831, when he sold it to George Magee. Wigton's house stood west of where Mr. Boak now lives, in the orchard now standing, which was probably set out by Magee. The original tract was lot number eighty-nine in the first district of Donation lands. Charles Boak settled about 1815, on the farm now owned by his son, Aaron Boak. He came from Ireland in the year 1800, and at first stopped in Lancaster county, Pa. He was the first settler on the tract he located upon in this township, and purchased one hundred and fifteen acres. He moved from Lancaster county to Dauphin, thence to Beaver, and finally to Lawrence. He was married in Rochester, Beaver county. John Shaw came from Washington county, Pa., in the Fall of 1800, and settled on the farm now owned by Jacob McCracken, just across the line in Scott township. A man named Hugh Woods had taken up the land, and made a clearing and put in some wheat. He then went back to Washington county and brought his family out with him, in the Spring of 1801. Mr. Shaw had three children at the time, the youngest, George, now living near "Hermon Church," in Slippery Rock township, being then but an infant, having been born in the early part of the year 1800. The tract on which Mr. Shaw settled was "vacant land," lying just north of the first Donation district. James Mullen settled the tract now owned by his son, James Mullen, Jr., in the year 1800. He was from Washington county, Pa., where he lived in the same neighborhood with John Shaw. Mr. Mullen and Mr. Shaw settled a two-hundred-acre tract between them. Mr. Mullen leased his part for a while to a man named Joseph Buck or Buckmaster, who, with his brother Joshua, had been in the neighborhood since an early period. Edward McMillin located on the farm now owned by Archibald McMillin, in 1822. He was a native of York county, Pa. His parents moved from there to Mifflin county, thence to Westmoreland, coming to the latter county in 1818. There they lived until 1822, when they removed to what is now Lawrence county. The farm on which J. A. McMillin now lives is owned by Archibald McMillin, and is the one mentioned. The first improvements were made upon it by Archibald Lamont, in the year 1818. From him Mr. McMillin purchased the place. The farm now owned and occupied by Archibald McMillin was originally settled in the year 1826, by John Allen, whose father (John Allen, Sr.,) served in the Revolutionary war, and died before the title was perfected. His son John inherited the property. The farm now owned by Abraham Shaffer was originally settled by Jacob Shaffer, about 1809-10. The tract originally contained two hundred acres, and is lot number ninety-eight of the first Donation district. It is about one-and-a-half miles south of the village of Princeton. Mr. Shaffer settled the east one hundred acres of the tract, and Miller Kennedy the west hundred. Kennedy came about 1808. Jacob Shaffer was a native of Adams county, Pa, his old home being just across the line from Emmettsburg, Frederick county, Maryland. When he came to Lawrence (then Beaver) county, he had a family of six children. Four were born after he settled, and of the ten, seven are now living--one son, Abraham, on the old homestead, and another, Matthias, in Lackawannock township, Mercer county. A grandson, Abraham Shaffer, Jr., lives near "Greenwood" Methodist Episcopal Church, in Shenango township, where he has a wagon shop. The tract upon which Messrs. Shaffer and Kennedy settled is finely located, and, though considerably rolling, is not so broken and hilly as the lands in close proximity, near the "big hollow." The farm now owned by Charles Dombaugh was originally settled by a German named George Herbst. Mr. Herbst was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., his parents having come from Germany. He settled the Dombaugh farm about 1804-5. Bears were extremely plenty in his neighborhood. When he was away to mill his wife was left alone in her home, and used to be severely frightened by the bears coming to the house and gathering around the outside of the chimney, which was low and old-fashioned. They probably came close in order to partake of the warmth which the chimney afforded, but, as Mrs. Herbst wisely remained in the house instead of going out to investigate matters, the truth must ever remain unknown. The timid ladies of the present generation could scarcely be relied on in such emergencies, which required the full use of all the wits the women in those days possessed. It was no novel sight to step out of doors and see a shaggy black bear prowling around after a pig or a sheep, and more dangerous animals than even the bear were abundant. The fierce gray wolf was a frequent visitor, and the savage wild cat and terrible panther occasionally gave the frightened settlers a peep at their strong limbs and tawny bodies. The American panther is as much to be dreaded as the royal Bengal tiger--"the man-eater of the jungle,"--and woe to any unlucky person who was overtaken unarmed in the forest by the screeching "painter."[sic] Dr. Allen Nesbit, of Mount Jackson, North Beaver township, tells of being chased by a panther when a boy, and says he was "scared almost to death." The animal, once seen, can never be mistaken for any other. Adventures might be related sufficient to fill a large volume, for not a man who came at an early date to this country lived here long without having a greater or less number of them. The hunter's dog was [p. 117] then an indispensable companion, and those settlers possessed were usually of a strong, fierce, courageous breed, calculated to aid their masters in their way through the literal "battle in the wilderness." The number of wild beasts diminished rapidly after the country had been settled a few years; the bears changed their abode to some less thickly-populated region among the mountains; the panthers and wolves and wildcats suddenly disappeared; the deer became thinned down to a very small proportion of their original number, and it is now twenty or thirty years since the last noble buck or timid doe was seen. There are left the smaller varieties of game--the rabbit, squirrel, partridge,, &c., but even they are becoming extremely scarce, and to such an extent has the timber been cut away that the wonder is there is any game left at all. Yet Slippery Rock township possesses a much larger acreage of timber than many of the townships in the county. Solomon Fisher, whose father, George Fisher, settled below Rose Point, came to the farm adjoining the one now owned by Thomas J. Kelty, Jr., about 1816. His brother, John Fisher, was the only one of the family old enough to be drafted during the war of 1812, and was the only one who went out. Johnson Knight came to Philadelphia about 1815-16, from the State of Maine. In 1818 he came to the farm now owned by a Mr. McDaniel, just in the edge of Butler county. A portion of the original tract was in Lawrence county. Mr. Knight was the first settler on the place, and made the first improvements. He purchased a mill-site on Slippery Rock creek from Thomas Wilson, who lived on the west side of the stream, and in 1824-5 or soon after built a grist-mill, a saw-mill, a woolen factory, or, rather, a carding-mill and an oil-mill. He also built the first dam across the creek at the place, and afterwards built another one, farther down the stream. In 1874 the second dam was washed away. The present dam, at the McConnell mill, is twelve and a-half feet high. In the carding-mill Mr. Knight had three sets of machinery, the "picker," "breaker" and "finisher." He never did any spinning. The wool was brought in by the neighbors, who would take it after it was carded, and make it up themselves. These mills were all frame structures. In the grist-mill he at first placed two runs of stone, and afterwards added a third. He built a second grist-mill, farther down the stream. None of the old Knight mills are now standing. Thomas J. Kelty came originally from Ireland, and, about 1824, located on the farm now owned by his grandson, Thomas J. Kelty, Jr. The tract had been settled by Peter Fox, in 1809. Fox settled on the west side of it, but on the present Kelty farm he had made a clearing and planted an orchard. Arthur and Samuel Kelty built a grist-mill on Slippery Rock creek, above the present McConnell mill, in 1835. It was a frame-mill, and was afterwards burned down A second mill was built on the spot, and is still standing. The Keltys may have had a saw-mill also. The present saw-mill was built by James Allen, about 1854. Daniel Kennedy built a grist-mill about 1852 on the same foundation on which the present mill stands owned by McConnell, Wilson & Co. It was burned down in November, 1868 (possibly 1867), and the present mill put up two years afterwards. The old mill had four run of stone, was four-and-a-half stories high, including the basement--one story higher than the present mill. It had a large business. The second mill was built by Mr. Kennedy, and the property was purchased after his death, by Messrs. Mehard, Oliver & Graham. In May, 1875, the present firm of McConnell, Wilson & Co. came into possession. This mill, as was the old one, is a frame structure, with a stone foundation and basement. Thomas Kildoo settled previous to 1800, on the farm now owned by Mrs. T. J. Ramsey. He was from Washington county, Pa. Phillip Young settled in 1807 on the farm still owned by the family. He came from Maryland with his wife and three children, and settled on a two-hundred-acre tract of Donation land, afterwards selling all but one hundred acres. The tract overran some thirteen acres. Mr. Young was the first settler on the place, and made the first improvements. In the same neighborhood with the Youngs, five other families had settled between 1803 and 1806. These were George Fisher,* Samuel Stickle, George Herbst, Michael Sadler and Michael Saddler, Jr. *According to other authority, Fisher came about 1801-2. The number of voters in Slippery Rock township is something over four hundred, making a population of about twenty-five hundred. The improvements are generally excellent throughout the township. The Lawrence furnace was built about 1865-66 by Emery, Culbertson & Brackenridge. These parties carried it on for some time, and finally disposed of it to Kennedy, Campbell & Co. Both those firms broke up, and the furnace was secured by Messrs. Foltz & Jordan, to whom it still belongs. The furnace has not been in blast since some time during 1875. The ore used was taken out in the neighborhood, and was of the quality known as "red ore." Most of it came from the ore-banks of the Houk Brothers, in Shenango township. The limestone used in the furnace was taken out close by. It is thin and brittle, and makes good lime. In color it is blueish gray. The coal used was also taken from the hill near by. The furnace is at the head of "Hell's Hollow." Ten to twelve men were employed about it while in operation, besides those engaged in hauling ore, &c. The fuel used was principally charcoal. While Messrs. Foltz & Jordan operated the furnace, they ran one blast with coke, which they procured at the coal-bank owned by Robert Francis, on the east side of Slippery Rock creek. The furnace is located about two miles south of Princeton village. MILITARY. Some of the settlers of the township were descendants of Revolutionary soldiers, but we have found no record of a hero of that war settling in the township. In the war of 1812, Slippery Rock was well represented. Wilson Kildoo, commanded a company which was raised in the vicinity, and took it to Erie. Captain Kildoo was a son of Thomas Kildoo, who came to the township previous to the year 1800. Jacob Shaffer served in Captain William Morton's company, which went to Erie, Black Rock, &c. James Mullen and John Fisher went also out. James Kildoo was out four or five weeks at Erie. John Frew served as orderly sergeant. John Boston went, and carried a rifle belonging to Peter Fox, Mr. Fox being so crippled with the rheumatism that he could not go himself. Among the organizations afterwards in the township was a rifle company called the "Donation Guards," organized at Princeton about 1842 - 43. James Leslie, a blacksmith, now deceased, was the first captain of this company, and James Moore the second. James Gaston was one of the first lieutenants. Captain Moore entered the United States service on the breaking out of the Southern rebellion, and for acts of distinguished bravery at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, in the month of February, 1862, he was promoted to Provost Marshal. The uniform of the "Donation Guards: was black coat, white pants, green leggings with red stripe, red sash, shoulder-straps bound with red braid, black hat with white cord and red plume. They were armed with common rifles. A rifle company called the "Princeton Guards" was organized about 1845, with John Randolph as captain and George Eckles first lieutenant. This company served several years. Its uniform was a blue coat, with white pants, red sash, hat with red cord and tassel. Were armed with common rifles. Captain Randolph had been a volunteer officer in a company at Portersville, Butler county, for eleven years. It was originally a company which went to Black Rock during the war of 1812, and the organization was kept up afterwards, being a part of the "Jackson Battalion," which mustered at Harmony, Butler county. Sometime before the rebellion, a company of infantry, called the "Ringgold Guards," was organized by men from New Castle, Princeton and Portertown, with William Hall as captain. Captain Kline and Dr. Randolph raised a small company just before the war, which when the war broke out, consolidated with another company at Eastbrook, in Hickory township, and went out as Company F of the One Hundredth (Roundhead) Regiment, commanded by Colonel Daniel Leasure, of New Castle. VILLAGE OF ROSE POINT OR STONETOWN. The first settler where this village now stands was Abraham Wigle, who came from Westmoreland county, Pa., with Samuel Stickle. He had been an apprentice to Mr. Stickle, who was a gunsmith, and, about 1803, came with the latter to the township and finished his apprenticeship, after which he went to Pittsburgh, and, while there, purchased the farm on a part of which the village stands, the balance now being owned by Richard Johnson. To this farm Mr. Wigle came in 1804-5. About 1825--6, or possibly sooner, he built a grist-mill and a saw-mill on the run just southwest of where the village now stands, near the place where the road crosses the stream. This was the first mill near the place, and was washed away by high water some time afterwards. About 1850, John Stoner purchased the land on which the village stands, and a small cluster of houses was soon built, and the place took the name of [p. 118] Stonertown, from Mr. Stoner. The post-office is called Rose Point, and was established about 1855-58, the first postmaster being Joseph Aiken. About 1848-50, a man named McMaster built a carding-machine and a grist-mill on the creek. Neither is in use now. A man named Edgar had probably the first store in the place, and Jessie and Samuel Jones built one afterwards. Joseph Aiken also carried on the business. There are now two stores in the village, one owned by Hiram Kildoo, and the other by T. A. Humphrey. The first blacksmith-shop was owned by John Chesney. At present there are two, owned by James Annable and Abraham Fox. There are also two shoe-shops, owned by James Adams and Frederick Weir. The first one in the place was probably kept by John Smith. James Johnson has a hotel, opened in the Fall of 1876. A wagon-shop was built by ______ Jackson about 1873-4 and carried on for a short time. Jackson afterwards moved away. The Catholics have a frame church southwest of town, erected in the Fall of 1874. Rev. Father W. F. Hayes, of New Castle, is pastor. The Reformed Presbyterian Church was organized in May, 1834, through the efforts of Matthew Stewart, Thomas Speer, Thomas Wilson and John Love. Mr. Stewart is still living. A frame church was built in 1833-34, and used till 1871, when it was abandoned, and the neat and substantial brick edifice erected, now standing. A Sabbath-school has, within a few years, been organized. The first pastor of this congregation was probably Rev. James Blackwood, who preached in all the Reformed Presbyterian churches throughout this section of the State, getting around to each at long intervals. His successors as regular pastors have been Revs. Thomas Hanney and J. C. Smith. Rev. Andrew Black preached as a missionary previous to 1833. Mr. Blackwood was pastor for seventeen years He preached in Lawrence, Mercer, Beaver and Butler counties. He died in 1851. From what was his original congregation five separate congregations have been formed. Rev. Thomas Hanney was installed pastor, November 17, 1852, and served nine years, until October, 1861. Rev. J. C. Smith entered the ministry here. He was ordained and installed in New Castle (which was then a part of the congregation), in January 1863. At first he had seven appointments, but now has only two--Rose Point (Slippery Rock) and Portersville (Butler county). When he took charge the entire membership was about one hundred and thirty. The congregation numbers at present, including both places, about one hundred members. During Dr. Black's* term of service the Wrights and others were among the leading men of the congregation. *Possibly this should be Blackwood The school-house in the village was built about 1860-62. The Willie Roy furnace was built by Stewart & Foltz, about 1854. The "red ore" was used and was procured close by, as was also the limestone and coal. These men sold it to Smith & Collins, who leased it afterwards to Martin Wilson. It now belongs to the Philadelphia Oil Company--Smith & Collins--and is lying idle, having been out of blast a number of years. Hope furnace was built by Emery & Culbertson, who had a furnace also in the southern part of Plain Grove township, at "Georgetown." The limestone used is found in abundance along the creek. Though unfit for building purposes it burns freely, making a beautiful white lime. Hope furnace finally became the property of the Brown brothers, of Pittsburgh, to whom it at present belongs. THE VILLAGE OF STONERTOWN is located on a high hill, several hundred feet above the waters of the Slippery Rock, the situation being most picturesque and beautiful. It contains from seventy-five to one hundred inhabitants, and is growing. VILLAGE OF PRINCETON. This town was laid out by John Randolph, who came to the place in March, 1841, and laid out the town some time during the Summer. He named it from Princeton, New Jersey, which was his father's native place. Mr. Randolph and David Fetter built each a house the same year, and Mr. Fetter opened a shoe shop. This was the house now occupied by Abraham McCurdy. John Eckles bought Fetter out, and put in a small store, the first one in the village. Mr. Randolph purchased the store, and carried on the business for six years, when he sold to James Sharp, who in turn sold to James Frew. While Sharp was running his store, Anthony Henderson also started one in another building. Mr. Henderson sold out his goods, and Samuel C. Stewart put a stock in the same building, and kept store for a few years. Charles Johnston opened a stock of goods in the Frew building, which was burned down after he had occupied it two years. In the meantime John Randolph had purchased the Henderson store, which he rented to Johnston after the fire. A year or two afterwards Mr. Randolph bought out Johnston, and soon sold to W. Gibson. Gibson sold to William Frew, who took in James Gardner as a partner and finally sold to him. Gardner sold to Joseph and Albert Frew; they sold to William Frew, and the store is now carried on by Willam and Joseph Frew. It is the only one in the place. A postal-route was established some time between 1842 and 1845, between New Castle and Butler, through Princeton, and afterwards through Rose Point. A post-office was established at Princeton a year after the route was established. The first postmaster was Alexander Aiken. Since his time the office has been filled by John Randolph (who held it five years), James Frew, Abraham McCurdy, Charles Johnston, Abraham McCurdy, and E. L. Hoon, the present incumbent. Elisha Moore had the first blacksmith shop; J. B. White the second. Robert Manning worked with Mr. White, and is still running the shop. Another shop was opened by a German in the Fall of 1876. John Randolph opened the first harness shop in 1843; David Connor worked in it. James B. Shaffer had the next one, Sylvester Johnston the next and Samuel Mersheimer the next--the latter still at work. David Fetter opened the first shoe shop in 1841. Next came Sebastian Mersheimer; then Abraham McCurdy, Jr., Milton Walton, John Whitling, and William Ballard--the latter still at the place, and working part of the time at Mount Jackson. A two-story brick school-house was built in the Fall and Winter of 1876. About 1848 or '49 Jesse B. Rutter opened a tavern, which was the only one ever opened in the place. He kept it about a year. John Wigle has a wagon shop, which is the first and only one in town. The first physician was Clement C. Pearson, followed by James W. Eckles, William J. Randolph (now of Kansas), Thomas Rhodes, A. M. Cowden, Montgomery Lienville (now of New Castle) and Dr. John C. McKee. MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.--In the Fall of 1868 the "Hermon" Reformed Presbyterian Church, north of Princeton, was divided, and a part of the old congregation organized a Presbyterian congregation, and held meetings for one Summer in the Shaw school-house. They also built a temporary structure, which they called the "Tabernacle," and used it for two years. In 1870, a frame church was built in Princeton. Rev. Robert McMillan, who had been pastor of the Reform Presbyterian Church for a number of years, was the first pastor of the "Memorial" congregation, and preached for them until June, 1875, when he was obliged to cease his labors on account of failing health. He went to the Rocky Mountain region to recruit, but was so worn out that the charge operated disastrously, and he was brought back as far as Cincinnati, Ohio, where he died among his relatives. Rev. Alvin M. Reed, the present pastor, was ordained and installed in June, 1876. The present congregation finally purchased the old "Hermon" church, and now hold meetings there, and at Princeton also, Mr. Reed dividing his time between the two places, one-half to each. The Reformed Presbyterians, for a time after the division, used the old church, but finally built the present one on land taken from the farm occupied by E. M. McMillan. SCHOOLS IN THE TOWNSHIP. A school-house was built on the Fox farm, in the northern part of the township, about 1828-30, and was one of the first in the neighborhood. The land on which it stood afterwards owned by James Forbes. A school-house was built in 1810-12 on the farm where Phillip Young lived, and stood near his house. It was of round logs, and was one of the primitive kind, called "log-cabin" school-houses. The first teacher was Cornelius William Stafford, an Englishman, who is mentioned as having taught in schools of several other townships of the county. The Young school-house was the first in that part of the township. Another school-house of the same pattern was built about three miles southwest of the present village of Princeton, and was the first in that vicinity. It was built probably about 1808-12. The first teacher was a Virginian named Jehu Lewis. A school-house was built in "Shady Dell" soon after the free-school law was passed (1834), and, in the Summer of 1875, a new one was erected farther down the road towards the creek. [p. 119] About 1810-12 a "log cabin" school-house was built on a portion of the tract which now belongs to George Shaw. William Wigton was one of the early teachers, but as he only came to the township in 1815, it is probable that others taught before him. CHURCHES. A United Presbyterian church was built in the Summer of 1875, on land taken from the farm of E. M. McMillin. It is a neat, commodious frame building. The congregation is a part of the old "Hermon" United Presbyterian congregation, and was originally organized as a Reformed Presbyterian. That congregation divided in the Fall of 1868, and a portion of them organized as a Presbyterian congregation, and built a church at Princeton. The pastor of the United Presbyterian (new) Church is Rev. William E. Shaw, who has had charge since the church was built. The society held meetings for some time after the division, in the old church, and Revs. Graham and Whitten preached to them. Hermon Reformed Presbyterian Church was organized about 1840 by Rev. Josiah Hutchman. After him came Revs. Riley McMillan and Robert McMillan. During the latter's pastorate it was divided, part organizing as a Presbyterian congregation and going to Princeton, and remainder forming a United Presbyterian congregation and remaining for a while in the old church under the pastoral charge of Revs. Robert Graham and James Whitten, the latter as stated supply. The United Presbyterian congregation finally built a new church, and the "Hermon" church-building was purchased by the Presbyterians of Princeton, and is now used by them. Rev. Robert McMillan, who was preaching when the old church divided, went with the Presbyterian portion of the congregation, and finally gave up his charge on account of failing health. He died in Cincinnati. Rev. Alvin M. Reed is the pastor. The church was built on land from the farm of George Shaw, and is still standing. It is a large frame building. The graveyard was taken from William Munnel's farm, on the opposite side of the road. The congregation includes the members of both Princeton and the old church, and numbers about two hundred. A Christian church was organized about 1864-65, and meetings were held until about 1868-69 in the school-house "number two." About the latter date their present frame church was built, on land taken from the farm of Joseph Pence. Their first pastor was Rev. O. Higgins, who organized the congregation. The pastors who have had charge since are Revs. S. B. Teegarden, Dr. Halleck, Cushman and Davies, the latter having charge at present. The congregation is limited in number. A Lutheran church was built about 1825, on the farm of George Herbert. It was a rude log structure, and is still standing. The farm is now owned by Charles Dombaugh. It was organized as a German Evangelical Lutheran congregation, and the first pastor was probably Rev. Mr. Hewitt, who preached some time before the church was built. He also preached to the society at Harlansburg as early as 1800, so the organization of the congregation in Slippery Rock must have been not long after. They held their meetings in private houses and barns for years. Rev. Mr. Hilger came next. Then came Revs. Kranz and A. H. Waters. For some time after Mr. Kranz left them there were no meetings held, probably for a number of years. In 1862 an English Evangelical Lutheran organization was effected under the charge of Mr. Waters. He preached until about 1866, and after him Rev. Louis Hippee took charge. Rev. S. H. Swingle preached one year, and since his time the church has been supplied. The membership in the new organization was about thirty, and at present it is nearly or quite forty. The brick church now standing was built soon after the new organization was completed, and is located a mile and a-half west of the old. The church is called the "Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran." The early history of the organization is very obscure. Harmony Baptist Church was constituted November 2, 1849. Nathan Hazen gave a little over an acre of land for church and graveyard, and the church-building occupies the south part of the lot. The church was organized in a school-house which stood on the west side of the road, and was afterwards burned down. The present frame-church was commenced in 1851 and finished in 1853. The first Baptists in the neighborhood were John Hazen and his wife Rebecca, and Nathan Hazen and his wife Lavina. These had been members of Providence church in Beaver county. Harmony church was constituted by Revs. Samuel Stoughton, Jacob Morris, Daniel Daniels, Levi Ross and A. G. Kirk, with a membership of eleven. The following were the original members: Samuel Hazen, Nathan Hazen, O. J. Hazen, Levi Hazen, Samuel Baldwin, Rachel Hazen, Elizabeth Sherrard, Nancy Houk and Rebecca Newton. The first ministers who preached were Thomas and Daniel Daniels. The first pastor after the church was constituted was Rev. Levi Ross, who preached from 1849 till 1854. The church was built during his pastorate. Next came Daniel Daniels, 1854 to 1857; Samuel Godshall, 1858 to 1859; Gabriel Lanahan, 1859 to 1863; Rev. A. G. Kirk took charge April 1, 1863, and served as pastor one year; Rev. John Parker took the pastorate April 1, 1864, and served until October, 1866; Rev. John Moses came in April, 1867, and served till September or October of the same year; Rev. D. L. Clouse took charge April 1, 1869, and staid one year. From that time the church was supplied until the middle of September, 1871, when Rev. John Owens became the pastor, and staid until November, 1876, when he resigned. Rev. A. G. Kirk again took charge, December 1, 1876, and is the present pastor. The present membership is eighty-six. The deacons of the church, previous to 1860 were John Hazen, Nathan Hazen, William Hazen and Oliver Hazen, none of whom are now living. The church stands in a pleasant spot close to the western line of the township, and about seven miles southeast of New Castle. The number of schools in Slippery Rock township is 1875 was ten, having an enrollment of four hundred and eighty-one school-children, of whom two hundred and seventy-seven were males, and two hundred and four females. The average attendance for the year was three hundred and ninety-one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------