Part II [pp 13-44]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy An html version of this work may be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE CITY OF NEW CASTLE [p. 13] Tradition says that before the ax of the white man was heard in these parts a Delaware Indian chief, called "King Beaver," made the present site of New Castle his headquarters. The dominant people of this region were the Six Nations, the most powerful band of Indians in America, who eventually conquered the Delawares. Rattlesnakes were numerous in this locality and the settlers were often put to great inconvenience in their labors. Wolves, of the large gray variety, made night hideous on the hills which surround New Castle, while deer and black bear were quite numerous. The last bear seen in these parts, was killed near where the residence of John T. PHILLIPS now stands. the country was quite wild and when the first settlers came here their labors were great. OLD SETTLERS OF NEW CASTLE John Carlysle STEWART, two brothers-in-law, John and Hugh WOOD, and John MCWHORTER - all from the neighborhood of New Castle, Delaware, came together early in the season of 1798, and located on the ground where New Castle now stands. This portion of the county was mostly surveyed into what were known as "donation lands," set apart for the use of the soldiers of Pennsylvania who served the American army during the war of the Revolution. The line between the original counties of Beaver and Mercer was the boundary between the first and [p. 14] second "donation" districts. South of this line was the first, and north of it was the second district. The original town-plat, comprising about fifty acres, was laid out by John Carlysle STEWART, in April, 1798, as appears by the records of Mercer county. At that date the territory was within the limits of Allegheny county, which extended northward to the lake. The plan of the new town was a very good one, lying with the cardinal points of the compass (or nearly so), and having wide, straight streets and an open market-space, 440 by 190 feet in the center, since curiously called "the Diamond." Mercer county was erected March 12th, 1800, and the south line of this county was also the southern boundary of the town. STEWART and MCWHORTER were both practical surveyors, but the latter, on account of having the best instruments, made the survey and laid out the new city. When the plat was completed, it was unanimously named New Castle, in honor of the chief town in the State from whence they came. The town was bounded on the north by a line running east and west through the enter of the blocks lying next north of North street, from the left bank of the Shenango river eastward to Apple alley; thence south to the Neshannock creek; thence along the line afterwards dividing Beaver and Mercer counties to the Shenango river; thence northerly along the river to the place of beginning. The site of the town was a sort of a glade or open bottom, destitute of large timber, but covered with a dense growth of grass and hazel bushes. Along the Neshannock was a thicket of wild plum and crab apple trees, and here and there scattered over the plat were clumps and clusters of black and jack oaks. According to the best authority we have been able to obtain, a large share of the lots in the new town were disposed of by lottery, most probably at different times, for when first laid out there were not people enough to have made it profitable. Lotteries were quite common and popular in those days, and even religious societies did not scruple to raise funds by means of them. It is very probable that John Carlysle STEWART erected the first log cabin in New Castle, though Joseph TOWNSEND, Jr., who came soon after the first named party, is sometimes credited with the honor. At all events, STEWART owned the land upon which the town was laid out, and would be very likely, seeing that he came to make a permanent stay, to have put up some kind of a shelter. His cabin, built of round logs, stood near what is now known as the Falls spring; and he lived there until as late as 1810, after which he seems to have changed his place of abode, but just where he removed to is very uncertain. Some accounts say he crossed the Neshannock and lived on land owned by him on the east side. Among the earlier settlers who followed STEWART and his three companions, were Joseph TOWNSEND, Jr., who came before his father and brothers, and very soon after STEWART, and built a log cabin near where the old DICKSON tannery was afterwards located, and William MUNNEL, a blacksmith, who put up his cabin on the ground now occupied by Shaw [p. 15] & Waddington's Iron foundry. MUNNEL's building was a curiosity. It was a long building, built of logs, and divided into three compartments - a dwelling at one end, a horse stable in the middle, and a blacksmith shop in the other end. John WATSON, from Penn's Valley, Pa., came some time during the same year (1798), and built a cabin across the street, east from MUNNEL's. Cornelius HENDRICKSON and his son Daniel had each a cabin on the west bank of the Shenango, in the present township of Union. They established a ferry, probably during the year 1798, over the Shenango at what is now the west end of North street. Thomas, another son of Cornelius HENDRICKSON, settled in what is now Taylor tp., and his son Cornelius Jr., settled east of New Castle on land purchased of STEWART. Jared and Robert IRWIN, James REYNOLDS, Nicholas VANEMAN and Benjamin and John ELLIOTT were settled in this county previous to 1800. Jesse DUSHANE here from Delaware in 1802. Joseph TOWNSEND and his sons John and Isaac came in 1803. Among other early settlers were John WILSON, two brothers named SAMPSON, Andrew NOBLE, Crawford WHITE, who erected a grist and saw mill in 1818 on the present site of Raney & McClain's flouring mill. John ELLIOTT erected the first grist mill in New Castle in the year 1800. It was situated near where the Episcopal church now stands. The first store in New Castle was opened by Joseph TOWNSEND, Jr., who built a double log cabin on the northwest corner of North and Shenango streets, about the year 1800. In this building he commenced the mercantile business, and also opened a public house or "tavern," as they were called in those days. Both the store and tavern were the first of this kind in the place. After a few years TOWNSEND sold out his store to Patrick WILSON, who enlarged and improved the business and conducted it on something like true mercantile principles. About the time that TOWNSEND sold his store he put a small tannery in operation, which he soon sold to Wm. DICKSON. In 1803, in company with James REYNOLDS, and some accounts say also with John Carlysle STEWART, as a partner, he built a grist and saw mill at the head of the narrows on the Neshannock, which was run for a time, and sold to STEWART, or STEWART and WILKINS, who, about 1811, changed it to a forge for the manufacture of iron. It appears from the best information, that Joseph TOWNSEND, Jr., died about 1811. His death was a great loss to the embryo town, for he appears to have been an energetic business man, who kept his talents and capital constantly employed for the benefit of himself and the place. Patrick Wilson continued the mercantile business for sometime at TOWNSEND's old stand, when thinking the "Diamond" a better locality for business, he removed thither, and TOWNSEND's double log cabin soon after caught fire and was consumed. The spot was long afterwards known as "the burnt cabins." At some period of his business operations, Joseph TOWNSEND erected on the southwest corner of North and Mercer streets, a log cabin which Arthur CHENOWITH facetiously named "Pokeberry Exchange," on account of its peculiar color. North street was for a number of years the main business thorough- [p. 16] fare of the town, until gradually business shifted to the vicinity of the Diamond, and from thence in course of time eastward to that portion of Washington street between the Diamond and the Neshannock bridge. In the hewed log building erected by Jesse DUSHANE in 1805, a little north from Washington street, in the north-west angle of the Diamond, was opened the second hotel, or rather "tavern" in the place. Joseph T. BOYD kept a store in one room of this building. The hostelrie was called the "New Tavern," and had the first regular tavern sign ever seen in New Castle. It was decorated with seven stars, and surmounted with three wooden figures, dextrously turned in imitation of a pint and a half-pint bottle, and a gill measure which stood beside the bottle. It is said that on the day in which this famous sign was raised the jockeys had a grand horse race, free to all comers, and the man that came out last treated the crowd. It was not long before BOYD required more room for his fast increasing business, and Mr. DUSHANE built for his use another log building, west of the corner on Washington street. Here BOYD continued his business until it became too large for the building in which it was located, when he associated himself with John WILSON, and the new firm erected a building of logs on the north-east corner of the lot now occupied by the Disciples' Church, where they opened the largest general stock of goods that, up to that time, had ever been seen in New Castle. The first death in New Castle was that of a little girl, the daughter of William MCCOMB, which took place in 1803. The first adult who died was John WILSON in 1804. The first postoffice in New Castle was established in 1812 under President Madison's administration. Joseph T. BOYD was the first postmaster, and continued in office for 26 years. The office was located on the South-west corner of the Diamond, where the Disciple church now stands. Cornelius HENDRICKSON was the first physician, in New Castle. He was the grandfather of the present Doctors WALLACE. The log house in which he lived was afterwards used by Joseph JUSTICE as a shop for the hat business. Dr. John DICKEY was the next physician, and he came here in 1810. John GORMLEY who came to New Castle in 1805 was the first shoemaker. John C. STEWART was the first Justice of the Peace, and Arthur HENRY, the second Justice. William DICKSON, the father of Isaac DICKSON, was the third Justice. The first church building was erected by the Presbyterians in 1804. Previous to that the people had worshipped in what was called a "tent," which consisted of a board shelter for the speaker, and hewed logs for his hearers to sit on. A church was built by the Seceders in 1814. The Methodists were the third congregation to erect a church here. It was completed in 1816, on the present site of the 1st M.E. Church on South Jefferson street. It is said that in 1806, eight years after the town had been laid, the best lot in town could have been bought for $10. There were four mercantile houses in New Castle in 1813, and three hotels, the latter being "The Pokeberry Exchange", one in the "old stone corner," and the third on the present site of CLENDENIN's Block. The first bridge over the Neshannock was erected in 1814, where the present structure now stands at the head of Washington street. The first over the Shenango [17] was built in 1815. Both bridges were wooden trestles. Previous to the war of 1812 the early settlers of New Castle were hunting shirts made of deer skins. The shirt had a large cape covering the shoulders and was variously trimmed with fringe. Two companies were raised in this vicinity at the time of the war of 1812. Captain James HAMILTON commanded one and Captain John FISHER the other. Ezekiel SANKEY was out with one of the companies and came back home with the rank of major. OLD FORTIFICATIONS During the war of 1812 the people along the frontier became alarmed lest the British and Indians should march into the interior, and many fortifications in the shape of block-houses were erected. The inhabitants of New Castle erected a formidable one of hewn logs on the north side of Washington street, between Mercer street and Apple alley. It was a square structure, and most substantially built by pinning each successive tier of logs to the one below it, so that it would be almost impossible to tear it down. It was built in 1813, and served as a rendezvous until the close of the war. Its dimensions are said to have been about thirty by twenty feet. It was a story-and-a-half high, and had a tier of port holes in the second story. It was long known as the "old fort." From 1815 to 1835 New Castle progressed very slowly in population, at that date, (1835) the town numbered one hundred inhabitants. New Castle was made a borough, March 25, 1825. The petition to make it a borough contained the names of nearly all the voters as well as the names of all the boys. Joseph T. DUSHANE built the American House on the site of the present St. Cloud Hotel, in 1829. The Erie Extension Canal was completed from Beaver to New Castle in 1838, and the first canal boat launched at New Castle was the "Rob Roy," built by Dr. William SHAW. It was a sort of flat boat decked over. James D. SHAW launched another in a few hours, called the "Alpha." The original of the Etna Iron Works was erected in 1838. Shubal WILDER superintended the construction of the nail factory. The iron works were put in operation in 1839. In 1840 New Castle's population was 611. During this year the Erie canal was completed as far as Greenville, Mercer county. The Croton Glass Works were put in operation in September, 1848. The first telegraph office was opened in New Castle in 1849. In 1850 the census of New Castle a population of 1,563 inhabitants. The New Castle Gas Light Company began lighting the town in 1856. The New Castle Register, first made its appearance in December, 1826. The proprietor and publisher was David CRAWFORD. the second paper was the Intelligencer, which was issued for the first time, August 18, 1836. The first fire company was organized on the 29th of September 1836. Joseph T. BOYD was elected president; William DICKSON, captain; and R.W. CUNNINGHAM, first lieutenant. The first bank of New Castle, was established in 1855. The bank had a capital of $200,000. The Leslie house was erected during the season of 1853, and was considered the largest hotel in Western Pennsylvania. CITY HONORS The borough was raised to the dignity of a city February 25th, 1859, [p. 18] and divided into two wards, the first ward including all of the former Pollock township, and the second the whole of what had heretofore been the borough, and considerable territory from Neshannock township. The enlargement of the limits added greatly to the population, the census of 1870 giving the new city 6,164 inhabitants. What the actual increase for the decade was, could not be known without comparing the census of the townships at different periods, but it was probably considerable, as the decade between 1860 and 1870 included a period of great prosperity in all branches of business transacted in New Castle. The first city election was held on the third Friday of March, 1869. The first Mayor was T.B. MORGAN; President of Select Council, R.W. CUNNINGHAM; President of Common Council, David CRAIG; Secretary John MCMICHAEL. 1870 - Mayor, M.B. WELCH; City Clerk and Engineer, A. VANDIVORT. 1871 - Mayor, M.B. WELCH; City Clerk and Engineer, A. VANDIVORT. 1872 - Mayor, William S. BLACK; City Clerk and Engineer, A. VANDIVORT. 1873 - Mayor, Thomas MCBRIDE; City Clerk and Engineer, H.R. CLARK. 1874 - Mayor, Thomas MCBRIDE; City Clerk and Engineer, H.R. CLARK. 1875 - Mayor, Thomas MCBRIDE; City Clerk and Engineer, Ellis MORRISON. 1876 - Mayor, John RICHARDSON; Clerk and Engineer, Ellis MORRISON. 1879 - Mayor, James J. COOK; Clerk and Engineer, Ellis MORRISON. 1881 - Mayor, Robert COCHRAN; Clerk and Engineer, Ellis MORRISON. 1882 - Mayor, Robert C. MCCHESNEY; Clerk and Engineer, John A. MILLER. 1886 - Mayor, Robert C. MCCHESNEY; Clerk and Engineer, John A. MILLER. By an Act of Assembly approved May 23, 1874, New Castle was made a city of the third class, (which includes cities having from ten thousand to one hundred thousand inhabitants), and by order of the Court of Quarter Sessions made December 6, 1876, it was divided into four wards. The following are the present city officials, 1887. Mayor - Robert C. MCCHESNEY. Treasurer - John BLEVINS. Comptroller - J.C. STEVENSON Solicitor - W.T. BURNS. City Clerk and Engineer - John H. MILLER. Chief of Police - Joseph ROBINSON. Chief of Fire Department - W.W. CUBBISON. Poor Director - William B. LUTTON. Alderman, First Ward, J.P. LESLIE; Second Ward, Samuel BOWMAN; Third Ward, Jacob HAUS; Fourth Ward, John B. BROWN; Fifth Ward, Albert EVANS. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT The New Castle Fire Department is one of the most efficient volunteer organizations of the kind in the State, and numbers about one hundred able bodied men, with about 4,000 feet of serviceable hose. The water is obtained from fire plugs of which there are some 150 situated in different parts of the City. The companies and officers are as follows:- President, J.W. STRITMATER. [p. 19] Secretary, D.F. WATSON. Chief, W.W. CUBBISON. First Assistant Chief, W.C. HESS. Second Assistant Chief, William WINTERS. The headquarters are on East street, in the rear of the City Building. The department consists of four hose companies, one hook and ladder company, and the fire police, and officered as follows: No. 1. Holton Hose, A.W. SMITH, foreman; William SMITH, driver. No. 2. Fire Police, D.F. WATSON, chief. No. 3. Vigilant Hook and Ladder, Benj. RANDALL, foreman; Frank CONNERY, driver. No. 4. Citizens' Hose, David HOUK, foreman. No. 5. Niagara Hose, William HESS, foreman. No. 6. Johnson Hose, George RAY, foreman. THE BUSINESS OF NEW CASTLE There are about thirty public halls in the city which are used by societies of various kinds, and about sixty large three story business blocks and over thirty church edifices. Some twenty-seven attorneys look after the legal interests of the inhabitants. New Castle has three brass bands, viz., St. Mary's Silver Coronet Band, James ROGAN,, leader; Citizens' Cornet Band, Scott KIRK, leader; and the Mechanics' Band. There are fourteen barber shops, five book stores, fifteen boot and shoe houses, sixteen boot and shoe makers, one brass foundry, two breweries, five carriage manufactories, seven ready-made clothing establishments, nine confectionery and fruit dealers, twenty dress-makers, twelve drug stores, nine dry goods stores, four express companies, two National Banks, ten flour and feed dealers, three flouring mills, three furniture dealers, two gas companies, one electric light company, three gas and steam fitters, twelve gents' furnishing goods stores, three glass works, five horse shoers, ten hotels, four hardware firms, twelve insurance agencies - representing sixty-nine different companies, seven iron manufacturing companies, four [p. 20] machine shops, two boiler shops, one firm of blast furnace builders, two nail factories, two laundries - one steam, two wholesale leather dealers, ten livery and feed stables, five lumber dealers, four marble works, eight merchant tailors, eighteen meat markets, three musical instrument dealers, three news dealers, two daily and four weekly papers, four novelty stores, six dealers in paints and oils, three photographers, twenty-two physicians, five job printing establishments, eighteen restaurants, fifty-two groceries, six real estate agents, thirty tobacco and cigar dealers, ten trunk and saddle dealers six wagon makers, six wall paper dealers, and five dealers in watches, clocks and jewelry. THE NEWSPAPERS OF NEW CASTLE The Courant is the oldest of all the New Castle papers now in existence. It was first issued as the Courant by Hon. E.S. DURBAN, May 1st, 1857; although the paper had been issued under the name of the American Freeman, some four years before. It was at first a seven column folio, but is now a quarto. The Courant is Republican in politics, and always maintains the principles of that party in a vigorous manner. Mr. E.S. DURBAN is still the editor. On the 12th day of Mary, 1887, Mr. DURBAN commenced the publication of the Daily Courant. The first issue of the Lawrence Guardian made its appearance on the fifth of August, 1870, under the proprietorship of Captain R.G. DILL, George E. TREADWELL and William PLATT. The paper is a nine column folio; is Republican in politics, and gives all the county and general news. Hon. George W. MCCRACKEN is its editor. The New Castle Democrat was first started as a Democratic paper under the name of the Paragraph by Thompson BURTON, who sold it to Messrs. PENN and STONE. Mr. Stone subsequently sold his interest to Mjr. William GORDON, and they sold it to J.T. MCCREARY, the present editor and publisher. The Democrat is a fearless exponent of the doctrines of the Democratic party, and has a good circulation. The Weekly News was started in the spring of 1879. The Daily City News was started in the fall of 1880. W.J. BANNON, now dead, has the honor of starting these papers. He and Mr. J.T. GLEASON borrowed the money to buy the type from Geo. E. TREADWELL. Mr. GLEASON retired from the paper because there was not money enough in the enterprise to support both him ad Mr. BANNON. Mr. BANNON had associated with him in the Daily enterprise Mr. G.W. SHAW and Mr. Jeff. N. REYNOLDS. These latter withdrew in a brief space. Mr. REYNOLDS is dead, and Mr. SHAW is the local editor of the Guardian. Ill health compelled Mr. BANNON to give up work in July 1881 and he went West for a few months. He did not regain strength, and returned home to die. The office had made no money, other than a living for Mr. BANNON. Mr. TREADWELL was compelled to take charge of the papers. He increased the material until the outfit of the office was equal to that of any similar enterprise in Western Pennsylvania. It cost about $18,000 to do this. The paper is now operated by the NEWS Co. Limited, in which Mr. TREADWELL holds nearly all the stock. The [21] circulation of the WEEKLY NEWS has been increased in the County, until in the Country districts is equal to that of all the other papers published in New Castle. The expenses of the office are over $200 a week, the most of which is paid to employees, and spent in this City. R.M. ALLEN Allen Was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., February 21, 1828. His first entry into business life was as a newsboy, and in that capacity he succeeded. About the year 1846 he entered the establishment of George WEYMAN to learn the tobacconist trade. While yet serving his apprenticeship he saved fifty cents, and with that small amount started into business for himself. He was successful in his investment, was energetic and saving, and in a remarkably short time had quite a large establishment employing three journeymen. From the sum of fifty cents grew Mr. ALLEN's fortune. With a fine business head and aptness in fitting himself to anything he had to, he prospered, and to-day he is one of the most substantial business men of New Castle. In July 1849, R.M. ALLEN came to this city and went into the tobacco business with a capital of $300. At that time he was the only exclusively tobacco firm in the city. Step by step he added to his business. He opened a new stand, (the second ever in the place), and run the same until 1874 when he turned over the business to his son, R.M. ALLEN, who has since sold out. In 1856 he was appointed the Adams Express Agent for New Castle, and has continued serving the people of this City ever since. He is also the principal owner of the New Castle market house and opera house. Mr. ALLEN is enterprising, was the first to have a regular water supply hydrant in his residence. His residence on the corner of North and Shenango streets is one of the finest in the City, [p. 22] is fitted up with all the modern improvements, while his gardens in the summer time are perfect pictures. Mr. ALLEN has been a member of the City Council and was that body when the street paving ordinance was passed. He was married to Miss Amanda KEEFER, daughter of John KEEFER, of New Castle, December 31, 1851, and is the father of three sons all living and doing business in the City of New Castle, the eldest boy at the present time is express messenger of the P. & I. E. R. R.. The other two are associated with him in his wholesale tobacco and cigar. Mr. ALLEN's business has increased wonderfully in the past ten years and to-day his is the largest wholesale cigar and tobacco house between Pittsburgh and Erie. He has also a fine fruit and garden farm within one and a half miles of New Castle, which is a model of neatness and beauty and he is the sole proprietor of Keystone Hall, one of the largest and best fitted dancing rooms in New Castle. He has seven grand-children. At present he is the agent of the American Express Company here and is a member of all the express associations. He is a Republican in politics, and a public spirited, patriotic, first-class citizen. W.G. HUNTER The dry goods man, is the youngest merchant in this city. He was born during the war, and is a native of New Castle. At the age of ten years he entered the wholesale tobacco store of R.M. ALLEN. He remained with Mr. ALLEN about five years, when he entered the dry goods store of Stritmater Bros. & Johnston. In this store he was promoted from errand boy to head of the cashier's desk, and assistant book-keeper. In the spring of 1879 he left the employ of the firm and went to Poughkeepsie, New York, where he took a regular course at Eastman's National Business College. Returning home, he again entered the store of Stritmater Bros. & Johnston. In 1882 Mr. HUNTER formed a partnership with George W. HALEY and Clinton E. MENGLE, and purchased the large dry goods store of Luther WOODS & Co., and the firm became Haley, Hunter & Mengle. The firm did an immense business from the first. They were almost astounded at the success with which their efforts to please the public were received. In the spring of 1886 Mr. MENGLE retired from the firm, Mr. HUNTER paying him a liberal price for his interest. The firm since then has been known as W.G. HUNTER's Mammoth Dry Goods Store. The success with which Mr. HUNTER has managed his business the past year is simply astonishing. Additions have been made to the stock until his store to-day stands equal to any in Western Pennsylvania or Eastern Ohio. In looking over his life Mr. HUNTER's success is to be wondered at. Starting not twelve years ago as an errand boy, he now owns one of the largest dry goods stores in the city. On account of increased business Mr. HUNTER has been compelled to lease the second story of the building next to his storeroom. He has fitted the second story up as a cloak and carpet emporium. The [23] store room proper has lately been placed in the best of order, and the front is now a magnificent display of plate glass. His facilities for displaying goods are second to none in the city. Arrangements have been made to that goods will be delivered to all parts of New Castle. The store is stocked from floor to floor with the largest and most complete line of dry goods ever seen in this section, while accommodating lad and gentlemen attaches wait on all who enter the room. The aim of Mr. HUNTER has been to give his customers honest, straight dealing, and how well he has succeeded, the testimony of his large business will speak. All are always welcome at W.G. HUNTER's Mammoth Dry Goods Store. No. 46 Washington Street. J.A. HAINER & SON The present firm was organized in May, 1885, and is composed of J.A. HAINER and his son Russell W. HAINER. Mr. HAINER, Sr., had been in business eighteen years previous to the organization of the present company, and the store is located at No. 121, on the south side of the Diamond. the company carries a full line of choice family groceries, flour, provisions, cigars, tobaccos and everything usually found in a first-class grocery establishment. By close attention to business and by giving the best of goods at the lowest possible cash prices, J.A. HAINER & Son have built up a business they may well be proud of. All goods warranted to be just as represented and satisfaction guaranteed. THE NEW CASTLE MUTUAL ASSESSMENT LIFE ASSOCIATION The New Castle Mutual Assessment Life Association is a home enterprise of a new character, and we hope it is but the forerunner of others. Our city has been noted for its iron products. It has capacity and brains enough within its limits for enterprises and industries of all kinds. This Insurance Association was chartered in 1885 under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Insurance laws. The principles upon which it is used have developed in the life insurance line. Within twenty-two months of its organization, the Association took in over 2200 members, and raised its business to over five millions - paid all its losses and had on hand nearly thirty thousand dollars of assets. What Insurance Company can boast of as fine a record? The officers and directors of this Association residing here are as follows: - M.S. MARQUIS, President, Jno. D. ADBILL, Secretary, Mont. LINVILLE, Medical Director, Geo. E. TREADWELL, Treasurer, Geo. W. JOHNSTON and O.H.P. GREEN. These parties represent a very large amount of capital and influence. M.S. MARQUIS is interested in the firm of Marquis & Johnston, in the large limestone trade of that firm, and in its fire and red brick business; also in the flour mill of J.C. WILSON & Co.; also in the Penn Coal Company. Geo. W. JOHNSTON is also interested in the same firms as M.S. MARQUIS, and in addition thereto operates the sheet mill, lately of Bradley, Reis & Co., employing several hundred hands. The total number of hands employed by these two men being over one thousand. O.H.P. GREEN was until quite recently actively interested with Messrs. [p. 24] MARQUIS and JOHNSTON, but has retired from active business to enjoy a competent fortune. Mont. LINVILLE though a young man, has built up the best medical practice in New Castle, and is regarded as one of the most careful and trustworthy of physicians, and his care over the applications for membership into this Association is demonstrated by the few deaths which have occurred. H.M. MYERS, a director, lives at Beaver Falls, and is the head of the Myers Shovel manufacturing establishment, known all over the country. Geo. E. TREADWELL, is a lawyer of the firm of TREADWELL & JAMESON, and has built up the best paying practice in New Castle. He put on its feet the DAILY CITY NEWS, which is now in its seventh year, and owns that paper and the WEEKLY NEWS. He is also one of the directors of The First National Bank of New Castle, and has been for many years. John D. ADBILL, the Secretary, is a gentleman of some experience in the Insurance business, and keeps a sharp eye on the business of the Association, visiting in person its agencies and seeing that everything is in order. Urbane and attentive, he makes many friends. The work of this Association will in the future, or it has already, spread the name of New Castle far and wide. J.T.B. CAMBELL & CO. This old established Drug House is located at No. 89 Washington Street, on the corner of Mercer street. The firm is composed of John MCKINLEY, M.D., and J.T.B. CAMPBELL. The present firm was organized in 1884. Dr. MCKINLEY had been in the drug business many years previous. This drug store is the oldest in the city. The prescription department is presided over by Mr. CAMPBELL, who is a careful and competent pharmacist of large experience. The interior of the store is arranged in a tasty manner, the cases being painted white, while the drawers are a light brown color. The prescription department is the main feature of the establishment, although the company carries a large assortment of toilet articles, fine soaps, perfumes, and everything usually found in a first-class drug house. H.E. MCGOUN & CO. This well known Boot and Shoe Company, do business at No. 72, Washington St. The store is well stocked with a large and well selected assortment of boots, shoes, slippers, rubber goods and everything usually kept in a first-class boot and shoe store. The establishment is managed by H.E. MCGOUN, who was born in this City in 1846, and has resided here ever since except three years he was engaged in the shoe business in Beaver Falls. The firm permit no misrepresentation but give a good reliable boot or shoe at as low a price as is consistent with safe business principles, by strict attention to business and always aiming to give the best for the least money, they are second to none in their business. Their $2.00 and $3.00 shoes are special bargains, in fact you will always find goods at this house of the best, as they handle no shoddy goods. They buy direct from manufacturers and handle all the best makes in men's and [p. 25] ladies' and children's wear. You will always be safe in buying goods from H.E. MCGOUN & Co., 72 Washington Street. JOHN C. WALLACE The subject of this sketch was born July 7th, 1859, in New Castle, Pa., and is the third son of Dr. Jas. J. WALLACE. After serving an apprenticeship with J.M. & W.W. CUBBISON, he started in business for himself in 1878, and opened a store on the corner of Jefferson street and the Diamond. In 1883 he purchased the drug store of E.M. RICHARDSON, at No. 74 Washington Street, and has been located at that stand ever since. Mr. WALLACE is a careful and competent pharmacist, and has none but first-class drug clerks in his employ. His store is lighted by electric light and presents a handsome appearance. He handles drugs for the prescription trade, patent medicines, toilet soaps, perfumes, and everything usually found in a first-class establishment. One thing is certain, there is no danger of any mistakes being made at his establishment, as he personally oversees the filling of prescriptions, and having the fullest confidence of the physicians, carrying the largest prescription trade west of the Alleghenies. J.C. NORRIS & CO. The grocery men are located at No. 182 Washington Street, next door to C.P. Norris' undertaking establishment. The firm first commenced business in 1883. Their stock of goods is always fresh and the best that can be bought anywhere. The firm handle, groceries of all kinds, flour, Feed and provisions which they sell at as low prices as possible. One thing you can depend on, and that is, when you buy anything at this store you can be sure you are getting just what you call for. Mr. J.C. NORRIS, who has charge of the store is a young man of good business ability who knows how to buy from the wholesale houses so as to get his goods cheap, and he then gives his customers the benefit of low prices. SCOTT PAISLEY & CO. The druggists are located on the corner of Washington and Mill streets. The firm is composed of Scott PAISLEY and John D. ADBILL. The firm was organized March 6th, 1886. Scott PAISLEY has charge of the store. Mr. PAISLEY is a careful and competent pharmacist. He entered the drug business as a clerk with Willis Raney, in 1880, and has been engaged in the business ever since. He personally oversees the filling of prescriptions, although he has none but the best of drug clerks in his employ. The store furniture is of a dark walnut color, and presents a very handsome appearance. The store has a large and complete stock of staple drugs, patent medicines etc. The toilet articles in this store, and toilet soaps, perfumes, etc., have few equals and no superiors in price of quality. A beautiful soda fountain, supplies the customers in the summer time with soda water, all flavors, and all the leading mineral waters. You can always feel safe in buying your drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles, perfumes, etc., at Scott PAISLEY & Co's. drug store. The only complete stock of artist's materials in the city can be found at this store. [p. 26] COBAU & CO Have been identified with boot and shoe trade in the city of New Castle for a period of time extending back over twenty years. They have established a reputation of handling nothing but the very best goods in their particular line. This has always assured them a large patronage by the general public who are always sure to recognize the policy of trading with a firm whose motto has always been good boots and shoes at moderate prices. BROWN & HAMILTON This firm composed of O.H.P. BROWN and Samuel S. HAMILTON was organized in 1878, when the partners bought the store of Joseph GILLILAND, at No. 35, Washington street. The Company has remained in the same store room ever since. The store originally carried a stock of trimmings, embroideries, notions, etc. But Brown & Hamilton a short time after they took possession added a very large stock of dry goods to the other line of goods. The success of the new firm was phenomenal from the moment they took possession and to-day they have as good a trade as any store in the city. About the beginning of the present year the firm purchased the building, and soon after built a large addition which extends the store many feet back and affords a much better light than formerly. There is not a store in New Castle that has better light than the store room of Brown & Hamilton. The room is fitted with the rapid cash transit system, while at night and on dark days electric light lamps of hundreds of candle power hang in every part of the room casting rays of light in all the corners. The store is tastily arranged, and polite lady and gentlemen clerks take pleasure in showing the array of goods to all who call. Dry goods of every description can be found there, while the firm carry the largest stock of trimmings, millinery goods, lace curtains, upholstery goods and tapestry in the city. Ladies' and gents' underwear of different varieties constitute a specialty with the firm. Hosiery in endless variety, white goods, dress goods, millinery trimmings have each their respective places. By the way, this firm make a special effort in the millinery line, and have a corps of competent milliners in their employ. You will always be fairly and honestly dealt with when you call on Brown & Hamilton. By strict attention to business and selling the best of goods for the lowest possible prices, Brown & Hamilton have now a name and trade they may well be proud of. NEW CASTLE STEAM LAUNDRY Mr. S.A. LEIBY, of Warren, Ohio purchased from S.L. RHODES the Steam Laundry in December, 1885. Mr. LEIBY immediately began filling the establishment with all the modern improvements, until now it stands without an equal in Western Pennsylvania. Steam irons run by natural gas, new patent washing machines and the latest patterns in machinery make this establishment one of the best in the entire country. Mr. LEIBY is a young man of good business ability and when anything new in the [p. 27] way of machinery comes out he is quick to purchase it. The work done by this establishment cannot be excelled, and is seldom equaled. Work brought in here can be turned out in twenty-four hours notice, and that too, in the best of style, so that a person bringing in work on Friday morning can get the same the next day. The laundry employs in the neighborhood of twelve hands and is now running almost night and day. The prices charged are reasonable while the work done is excellent. It is estimated that sixty shirts an hour can be turned out on one machine, this in a day of ten hours would amount to 600 shirts. the laundry is now located in the Dufford building at the east end of the Neshannock Iron bridge on Main street. All work brought in here is warranted to give satisfaction and the best of care is taken that no garment may be damaged in the least. Lace curtains are laundered here, and no ingredients are used that will possible injure any piece of goods. The purest tallow soap is used and Mr. LEIBY especially invites the ladies to call at the laundry and he will personally conduct them through, explaining every feature connected with the business. The laundry was established in 1881 and has been running continuously ever since. CHARLES P. NORRIS Was born November 5th, 1838, in Allegheny county, near Allegheny City, and is a son of Charles NORRIS, deceased. Charles P. NORRIS came to this city, in 1857, and learned the machinist trade at Quest & Shaw's foundry, and worked at that eleven years. He worked for the government at a cannon manufactory at Pittsburgh a short time at the close of the war, and from there he went to Youngstown, where he took charge of a machine shop as foreman. In 1867 he came back to New Castle and purchased the livery stable of Joseph ROBERTS. The stable was located in Apple alley where Genkinger's liquor store is now located. He continued in that location until 1870 when he moved to his present stand. Six years later he started in the undertaking business in connection with his livery business. In 1879 his barn was destroyed by fire, and the same year he erected his present handsome building, which he uses as undertaking rooms and livery stable. Mr. NORRIS has complete paraphernalia for attending to the dead and in addition has some of the finest cabs ever seen in the city. He can furnish all that is required for an elegant burial and his charges are moderate. he has two fine hearses, one for adults and the other for children, and has a magnificent funeral car on point of completion that will be finer than anything ever introduced in the city. he was married to Miss Lizzie ROBERTS, only daughter of Joseph ROBERTS, now residing on Jefferson street, and a sister of Davy ROBERTS the hotel man, September 10th, 1860, and is the father of three children, viz. J.C. NORRIS, the groceryman, Mrs. Al. T. PATTERSON residing here and Elmer P. at home. Mr. NORRIS has been a member of the city council for the First ward, and has been a member of the First M.E. church of this city since was 18 years of age. S.M. GILLESPIE The photographer, was born January 30, 1832, in Lawrence county. Mr. GILLESPIE entered the photograph establishment of a man named [p. 28] JOHNSTON in 1857 in Pittsburgh, and served an apprenticeship. He opened a gallery of his own in New Castle in 1862, and has been in the business up to this time. Mr. GILLESPIE was an artist long before photographs were thought of. He advanced with the times, and when photographs first made their appearance he took to the new feature. Mr. GILLESPIE is now located immediately above Brown & Co's., on Washington street, on the second and third floors. As an artist Mr. GILLESPIE has no superiors, and few equals. He takes pictures of all kinds; from the common tin type to the largest sized photographs, and at a very reasonable price. He was the first man who ever used the instantaneous process in New Castle. He was married to Miss Henrietta HARPER in 1859, and is the father of two children, C.M. in the photograph business with his father, and Mrs. Ida BEATTY, wife of Thomas BEATTY of the Park Opera House. PEARSON BROTHERS The old reliable firm of Pearson Brothers is composed of Joseph and David PEARSON. The firm originally started business in the spring of 1869 in the room now occupied by Bell's five and ten cent store, where they continued in business until about 1875, when they moved to the present large and commodious room, No. 60 Washington street. The firm's principal business is merchant tailoring. They also keep a full stock of ready made clothing. Pearson Brothers have been engaged in the merchant tailoring business in New Castle nearly twenty years, and have established a reputation of giving satisfaction to their customers. They handle ready made clothing, hats, caps, gents furnishing goods, etc. Their stock for suits is always complete in every particular, while the prices are always reasonable. The aim of the firm is to deal honestly with their patrons; no misunderstandings are made in the sale of goods, and they warrant everything to be just as represented. Pearson Bros. are also interested in the Croton Limestone Company. FRANK G. BLACKFORD The agent of the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad at New Castle was born in 1846, in Pittsburgh, and after receiving an education, learned the telegraphing business and has worked at that for several years in different cities in the United States. He has been with the P. & L. E. Company ever since the road commenced business. He first located in Wampum when the station was first opened there. He came her as agent for the company in 1880 and by attending closely to the business of his company has increased the business. He is agent for all Western points as low as they can possibly be sold, and will always do his best to five instructions to parties who are seeking a home in the West. J.L. THOMPSON The druggist, No. 40 Pittsburgh street has lately moved into this room. The store presents a handsome appearance, and prescriptions are carefully compounded. Mr. J.B. LOVE has charge of the prescription department, and he has had large experience in the drug line. He carries a full line of drugs, patent medicines, and the wants of the people can be attended to with dispatch there. The room has been especially fitted [p. 29] up for the drug business, and the store is one of the handsomest in the city. GAILEY BROS. The firm of Gailey Bros. is composed of two brothers, R.C. and J.A. GAILEY. Their business is wall paper, stationery, notions, cigars, tobacco, etc. The firm commenced business in 1874 and have been located in their present quarters ever since, No. 46 Pittsburgh street. The great specialties of the firm are wall paper and fine oil paintings and steel engravings, and their stock is the largest and most complete in the city. Gailey Bros. by close attention to business and handling a first-class stock of goods have built up a first-class trade, and consequently do a large business. J.L. HAMILTON Was born September 23d, 1826, in Lycoming county, Penna. on the farm of his father, William HAMILTON. J.L. HAMILTON came to New Castle in 1854, in 1858 he became a clerk in J.M. CRAIG's lumber yard, and remained at that position for eleven years. In 1868 he formed a partnership with A.A. HOLLENBECK, of Crawford county, in the lumber business. In 1871 he left the firm of Hamilton & Hollenbeck and accepted a position with Crawford & Son, in the lumber business. He remained with that firm about ten years when he went into partnership with J.H. PRESTON, under the firm name of Hamilton & Preston. In 1885 he started in business in his present quarters, built a planing mill and opened up a lumber yard. Mr. HAMILTON has for sale plain and dressed lumber of all kinds, doors, sash, blinds, stairing, and does the business carried on by any first-class lumber and planing mill establishment. He was married in 1847 to Phoebe REEN and is the father of seven children, five of whom are living as follows: M. RANSOM, married at New Castle, Robert, at Los Angeles, California, Frank, married at New Castle, Edward, at Los Angeles, California, and Ermin E., at home. CHARLES A. MCCREADY Is a son of Judge Alexander T. MCCREADY, deceased, and was born March 10th, 1860, in New Castle. Mr. MCCREADY went into the insurance business in June, 18833, and his office is located in the MCCREADY block, No. 50, Pittsburgh street. He represents the Girard, of Philadelphia, Sun Fire, of London, the American Central, of St. Louis and the Citizens Insurance Company, of Pittsburgh. He represents life and fire Insurance companies, and does business with none but the very best. Mr. MCCREADY is a young man of business ability, and no insurance agency in this city does a better or more careful business than does this agency. He wishes the public to call on him and he will give the best rates possible. EVANS & CAMPBELL The horse shoers are located on Main street, across from the city Roller Mills. The firm is composed of William EVANS and George CAMPBELL, and was organized in 1880. The firm is literally a horse shoers' establishment, and the work in that line is done in the very best style. The shop does the horse shoeing for the best blooded horses in the city and country, and they endeavor to please in every particular. They invite you to call on them and they guarantee to please. [p. 30] HENRY DRESCHER The wagon maker, was born in Saxony, Germany, April 23d, 1836, and his parents came to the United States in the year he was born, and located in Butler county. Henry DRESCHER learned the wagon making trade and worked in Butler county I connection with his brother for fourteen years. He came to New Castle in April, 1881, and opened a wagon shop near his present stand opposite the City Roller Mills. Mr. DRESCHER is a good workman and turns out a number of wagons in a year besides attending to repairing. He warrants his work to give satisfaction. He was married in 1858, in March to Mary ERISER, and is the father of one son, who is working in the shop with his father. VOGAN BROTHERS This firm is composed of two brothers whose names are J.H. and G.L. VOGAN, and they do business on Main street, first door north of the City Roller Mills, as carriage, wagon and general blacksmiths. No firm in the city is their superior, the brothers are practical workmen. The firm was organized in September 1886, when G.L. VOGAN was taken in as a partner, his brother, J.H. VOGAN, purchased a half interest in the shop from Findley F. BRANDON about six years ago. In October, 1885, he bought out Mr. BRANDON and run the business in his name until he took his brother in partnership as stated above. They turn out work promptly and guarantee satisfaction in every particular. L.S. SHOAF The carriage painter is a native of Lawrence county, and was born in Union township, in 1851, his father Peter SHOAF is still living on the same farm where L.S. SHOAF was born. Mr. SHOAF attended the public schools in Union township until he was 18 years of age, when he started to learn the trade of carriage painter. In three years he opened a shop on his own responsibility, at present he is located on Main street just across from the city roller mills. Mr. SHOAF is a good workman and has plenty of work on hand. He guarantees all his work to give satisfaction. He was married to Maggie HOUSTON, of Pulaski, in April, 1875, and is the father of four children. GEORGE W. SHAFFER & SON The blacksmiths are located on Main street just across the street from the City Roller Mills. The firm was organized under the present name in 1882, and is composed of George W. SHAFFER and his son, A.R. SHAFFER. Mr. SHAFFER, Sr., has been working at the blacksmith trade in this place for the past 39 years, having learned his trade with Rush & Simpson, before 1848. As blacksmiths, the firm compare favorably with any in the city. They attend to all orders with promptness and do good work. The firm guarantee all work to be done in a first-class manner. George W. SHAFFER was married in November 13th, 1855, to Minerva VANHORN, of this city, and is the father of six children all living and all married but the youngest son. Mr. SHAFFER put the iron on the first funeral coach that was in the city. WALTER S. GIBSON Was born May 11, 1855, in Slipperyrock township, on the farm of his [p. 31] father, James V. GIBSON. He resided in Slipperyrock township until 1880, when he came to New Castle, and resided in the Fourth ward. In April 1885, he was appointed by acting Mayor John B. BROWN, a policeman, and for seventeen months he served the city of New Castle with credit. He resigned in September 1886, and purchased the livery stable of Hamilton's planing mill. He has been running the livery stable ever since; has good stock, and does a good business. JAMES M. BOYD Was born May 8, 1851, in Butler county, in the town of Sunbury, on the farm of his father, Thomas J. BOYD. James M. BOYD came to this county in 1861 with his parents, who located in Plaingrove township. He resided in Plaingrove township about six years, and then he came to New Castle to reside. He went into the livery business, and subsequently opened a grocery store. He is now the proprietor of a handsome grocery store at Nos. 85 and 87 Pittsburgh street, and has a first-class stock of staple groceries, flour, feed, etc., and has secured a good trade. JAMES C. HUTTON Is a son of Andrew HUTTON of the Third ward, and was born May 12, 1856, in New Castle. Mr. HUTTON first engaged in the drug business about fifteen years ago as a clerk for J.M. & W.W. CUBBISON. In 1870 William DEVLIN and Horace G. SANKEY, now deceased, opened a drug store in the McCready block, which they run for three years in the firm name of Devlin & Sankey. Mr. HUTTON bought the interest of Mr. SANKEY in 1879 and the firm then became Devlin & Hutton. The next year the store was moved to the present stand on the corner of Pittsburgh and Main streets. In 1882 Mr. DEVLIN retired from the firm and Mr. HUTTON became the sole proprietor of the establishment. He is a careful pharmacist, has none but first-class druggists in his employ and by close attention to business has made a success. His drug store presents a handsome appearance and is one of the neatest in the city. James C. HUTTON was married to Miss Hattie MCGUFFIN, daughter of Hon. L.L. MCGUFFIN, in January, 1881, and is the father of two children. LOUIS ETTER Was born in Wurtenburg, Germany, September 13th, 1833. In 1853 he came to the United States and located in Petersburg, Ohio, where he learned the wagon making trade. He came to Mt. Jackson, Lawrence county, in 1864, and started a wagon shop which he run successfully until April, 1885, when he located at the corner of Main and Mill street, New Castle. Mr. ETTER is a good workman and warrants all his work, both near and repairing to be as good as there is in the market. He was married to Mary N. BAUGHMAN, now deceased, in 1861, and is the father of two boys, both at home. KLEE BROTHERS This firm is composed of two brothers, Louis and Henry KLEE. They own and manage one of the neatest barber shops in the city, which is located on Pittsburgh street opposite the Union Depot. Klee Brothers are [p. 32] excellent workmen, have their shop fitted up with all modern improvements and by close attention to business have built up a trade that they may well be proud of. You can always be accommodated there and get the best of work done in the shortest time possible. HAINER & CO'S. STAR GROCERY This grocery firm is located on the east side of Neshannock bridge, Pittsburgh street. The firm first commenced business in New Castle in October, 1880, in their present quarters. The store is well supplied with a first-class stock of staple and fancy family groceries, as well as flour, provisions and everything that can be found in a first-class grocery establishment. The firm handles both American and imported glass and queensware, pocket and table cutlery, which is sold at the very lowest possible cash prices. You can always depend on being well treated when you call at Hainer & Co's. star grocery, No. 7 and 9, Pittsburgh street. J.J. LIEBENDORFER The new groceryman, located at No. 46, Pittsburgh street, is doing a good business. He opened the store about the first of February, 1887, and his stock of goods is consequently fresh and new. The stock comprises everything in the fancy and staple grocery line as well as all the best brands of flour and provisions. He carries a very large stock of glass and queensware, pocket and table cutlery, tinware of every description, teas, coffees, sugars, wooden and basket ware, and a full line of choice groceries. The stock has been purchased for cash, and consequently large discounts were made, thus giving the consumer the benefit. The goods are warranted to be fresh and for sale at the very lowest cash prices. Cigars, tobaccos, fruits nuts, confectioneries, etc., receive their share of attention in the establishment. Mr. LIEBENDORFER is the well known contractor and has resided in New Castle the past 38 years. He invites the general public to call and see him in his new business. W.S. STOUGHTON The liveryman, has been in business in New Castle the past ten years. He is well known in the county, an was born in Scott township, in 1853. He is at present located in the rear of the Commercial Hotel, and has a first-class feed, sale and livery stable. Mr. STOUGHTON has a fine stock both as to animals and vehicles. His prices are reasonable and you can always be accommodate in the best of style at his barn. He was married to Maggie JOHNSTON in 1876, and is the father of two children. BES LUSK Was born May 4th, 1862, in Hickory township, and is a son of Henry LUSK, deceased. Bes started at the drug business as a clerk for Devlin & Sankey, about twelve years ago, and in 1880 in partnership with Edwin O. RANEY. Mr. LUSK opened a store in the McCready block which was sold to Blakely Bros., in 1882. In 1885 he bought out the store of Willis RANEY, across from the post-office, on Washington street, and he has been running the same successfully ever since. Mr. LUSK has had twelve years experience in the drug business, is a careful and competent pharmacist, and personally superintends the filling of prescriptions. This store contains [p. 33] all the stock usually carried by a first-class drug house. He was married to Jennie B. RICE, of New Castle in 1884, and is the father of one child. DR. IRA AUSTIN THAYER BY PROF. B.U. JOHNSON Thayer On his father's side, Dr. THAYER is a descendant of an old English family, whose first appearance is marked by the record of their coat of arms in the Massachusetts colony in 1630. Its subsequent history embraces such names as Gen. Sylvanus THAYER, organizer and first superintendent of West Point, Hon. Eli THAYER, of Massachusetts; Prof. Proctor THAYER, the head of the Cleveland medical college; Hon. S.P. CHASE, late Chief Justice of the U.S. On his mother's side, he comes of a Wurtemburg German family, one member of which - Marquis Barbe Marbois - negotiated the sale of Louisiana to the United States in 1803. Dr. THAYER was born in North Bristol, Trumball county, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1840. He was reared on a farm, where he had the advantage of nothing but the district school until he was eighteen years of age. Always displaying an intense thirst for knowledge, he entered his academic course at Western Reserve Seminary at West Farmington, Ohio, in 1858, and completed it at Hiram, being a part of the time under the [p. 34] instruction of Garfield. He graduated in medicine at Philadelphia in 1863 and again at Cincinnati in 1866, and practiced in that profession about five years. Having been a member of the Disciple church for some years, he at length gave up the practice of medicine for the ministry, and after several years of successful preaching, was finally settled in Warren, Ohio, where he continued for over six years, adding 400 to the church, and making for himself hosts of friends. Whilst here he served most of the time on the city board of education, and as one of the examiners. In 1881, Dr. THAYER removed to New Castle, Pa., where he has since been in charge of the Disciple church, preaching, there as elsewhere, on practical, living questions, entirely careless of "Isms" and fearless of chains. He is the author of several small works, "The Transfiguration," "Communnism," and "Christian Union," which have had an extensive sale. Added to his original powers of thought, the Doctor has a fine gift of oratory. These early drew him into the local lecture fields, from which he was soon drawn to the general platform, and for some time past has traveled extensively under the direction of the Central Lecture Agency at Harrisburg, Pa. and the Slayton Lyceum Bureau of Chicago. Some of the subjects are, "Our Homes," "The Woes of Wooing," "Alcohol vs. Life," "The Small-Boy," "Lord Byron," and "Sham." His oratory is not of the florid style. With a pleasing countenance, a commanding form, and a full, clear voice, he at once challenges the admiration of his auditors, and then engrosses their attention by earnest thought couched in chaste, flowing language, sometimes rising into periods of lofty eloquence, at other times entering the domain of humor in sallies of brilliant wit. His is a busy life, in addition to the duties devolving upon him as pastor of a large city church, he finds time, as a member of our Board of Education, to give much attention to the interests of the city schools; while during the past year, he has delivered one hundred popular lectures, ever a territory extending from New York to St. Louis. J.E. DUFF Was born November 23, 1860, in North Beaver township, on the farm of his father, Alex. DUFF. Mr. DUFF first entered the drug business as a clerk in the store he now owns. He purchase the store from D.C. WALLACE, the proprietor, in April, 1884. Mr. DUFF is a careful and competent druggist, has a store well filled with drugs, patent medicines, toilet articles, soaps, perfumery, and everything normally kept in a first-class drug house. He is located at the west end of the Neshannock iron bridge on Washington street, and is prepared to fill prescriptions at the lowest possible prices. W.G. BUFFINGER 38 Washington street, New Castle, Pa., dealer in furniture of all kinds. The attention that has been directed to the production of fine furniture during recent years has developed the fact that American skill has been [p. 35] quite as successful in this line, as they have proven in many others. No more convincing proof is to be found than by a visit to an establishment such as that conducted by Mr. W.G. BUFFINGER. This house was established fourteen years ago by its present enterprising proprietor. The premises occupied are spacious and admirably arranged and contain an extensive stock of modern furniture, chamber and dining rooms sets, bedding and upholstery of every description, as well as sewing machines, such as the Standard and Household. There goods are sold on the popular plan of paying by installments, and a very large and increasing business is done. Mr. BUFFINGER is practical and an energetic man of business, his business methods are sound and liberal, while his character as a gentleman and citizen is cordially testified to by the entire community wherein he has so firmly established himself. He now occupies four floors. Parlor and chamber suits are kept on the second floor. We feel confident that he will please you both as to quality of goods and as to prices, if you call and see him. W.S. EMERY Was born December 6th, 1836, in the city of New Castle. Mr. EMERY is a son of David Emery, deceased. W.S. EMERY attended the public schools of New Castle and received a fair education. In 1861 to 1870, Mr. EMERY was assistant postmaster of New Castle under his father and David TIDBALL. In 1870 the firm of Emery Brothers began business in the old stone corner. The brothers were J. Reed and William S. EMERY. Mr. EMERY subsequently opened a store in the Blakely corner, and seven years ago he moved to his present stand, on the corner of Washington street and the Diamond. Mr. Emery has thus been in the grocery business about seventeen years, and thoroughly understands what the people of this county want. His store is well stocked with choice family groceries, flour, provisions, cigars, tobacco and everything usually found in an first-class grocery establishment. He has been before the people of this county in the capacity of groceryman for so long a period that he is well known to all who do business with him. Suffice it to say Mr. EMERY is a careful, successful, business man whose word can always be depended upon. He was married to Mrs. Margaret C. CURRY, February 8th, 1863, and is the father of one son, Plummer, who is attending college at Geneva, Beaver county, Pa. S.M. YOUNG & SON GROCERS, WOOL DEALERS, AND FRUIT SHIPPERS, NO. 21 WASHINGTON STREET This house was established in 1859, more than one-fourth of a century ago, by the senior partner, who by hard work, close attention to business, and honorable dealing achieved a success, carrying it over periods of financial distress, which carried down many less favored establishments. The premises occupied by the firm are very spacious and commodious, and thoroughly equipped with every appliance necessary for conducting their large business. Their shipping extends now into nine different states, and the fruit they shipped this season aggregated near 40,000 bushels, 36,000 being apples. The wool they handle each year averages near a quarter of a million pounds, most of which goes to Boston, and [p. 36] Philadelphia markets. The individual members of the firm are S.M. YOUNG, who is a native of Mercer county, and B.U. YOUNG who was born in Lawrence county. The latter was admitted into the firm in 1875. JONES & JONES The firm of Jones & Jones is composed of E.H., and A.C. JONES. The firm was originally started by E.H. and David JONES in the fall of 1887. In 1879 David JONES retired from the firm, and A.C. JONES purchased his interest. The store was opened in the present room, No. 53 Washington street, in April, 1885. In addition to their store, Jones & Jones are interested in the New Castle Boot and Shoe Manufactory. The firm also own and run a store in Sharon, Pa. The company handles the very best makes of boots and shoes, and buying as they do for two stores in large quantities, they get goods at rock bottom prices. The goods they sell are warranted to be just as they represent them. They will always give you bargains in boots and shoes when you call on them. S.P. KEMP Was born March 20th, 1841, in Huntington county, Pa., on the farm of his father. When he was seven years of age he came to Neshannock township, Lawrence county, and located on the present farm of his father, John R.P. KEMP. S.P. KEMP attended school in Neshannock township, where he received a good education. He learned the machinist trade in Youngstown. April 16, 1861, he enlisted in the 7th Ohio Regiment O.V. and served with the regiment until August 9th, 1862, when he was shot in the leg at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. His leg was amputated at Alexandria, Va., on the 14th of the same month. Mr. KEMP came home and after being sick for some time learned the harness making trade. He worked at East Brook at the harness trade for some time. He came to this city and worked at his trade in 1864. In 1872 he purchased a property on the Big Run and has been residing there ever since. In February, 1886, he bought C. AILEN's candy manufactory which he has been successfully running up to this time. The store is located at No. 25, Washington street. Mr. KEMP manufacturers pure candies of all kinds and handles foreign and domestic fruits, nuts, etc. He has a fine collection of goods which he invites the public to call and examine. S.P. KEMP was married to Margaret H. WEATHERBY of Shenango township, February 15th, 1865, and is the father of eight children. Mr. KEMP is a good citizen and first-class business man. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NEW CASTLE The First National Bank of New Castle has a capital of $150,000 and a surplus of $75,000. This bank was organized in 1864, under the National Banking act with a full paid up capital of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. It has the distinction of being the first national bank in this county. Its career his been marked with success, which the good judgment and conservatism of its officers and board of directors has done much to contribute. It has been under the present management since 1878 and [p. 37] since that time its business has grown rapidly, having doubled several times. During the past years of financial depression this bank has lost almost nothing through any of the failures, which fact is not surprising when we consider the care the parties exert in the administration of its affairs. It is well worth stating that the total profits less all expenses and losses aggregate about the net sum of three hundred thousand dollars or twice the amount of the capital stock, and its stockholders have received in dividends in round numbers two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars on their original investment and fifty per cent more. The board of directors consists of W.S. FOLTZ, Luther WOODS, Roy S. FOLTZ, Geo. E. TREADWELL, and Wm. STEWART who is the oldest businessman in this county, having been engaged in this section in business sixty years ago. The president is W.S. FOLTZ, vice president Luther WOODS, cashier, Roy S. FOLTZ, assistant cashier, Sam'l. FOLTZ, and book keeper, John Taylor. SHENANGO GLASS WORKS This large window glass establishment was built by its present owners, KNOX, FOLTZ & Co., limited, in 1882, and has been running steadily ever since. This firm employs about one hundred men in running the works, which consist of one ten pot furnace and flattening oven, pot factory and box factory. The glass manufactured has from the first maintained a reputation as to quality such as to lead many dealers to prefer it to that of other establishments. When the firm added their new ten pot furnace their output will be as large as the leading concerns in the country, and will employ about two hundred men. SHENANGO NATURAL GAS COMPANY Shenango Natural Gas Company has a capital of $500,000. President, J.V. CRAIG, treasurer, A.W. MELLON, secretary, P.L. CRAIG, manager, H.E. PICKETT, bookkeeper, Jno. MCALEVY. Prospect good for furnishing gas here to manufactories and others at Pittsburgh rates. BECKER & HORTON Dealers in hardware, Becker's block, No. 33, Washington street. In reviewing the commercial and manufacturing establishments of New Castle, it has been our aim to mention those houses that are best representatives of each industry and which contribute most to its reputation as a source of supply. Among those who are worthy of particular mention in this work is the well-known and long-established hardware house of Becker & Horton, which was founded a number of years ago by Messrs. R.P. MARSHALL & Co. The house is one of the largest in this section of the State, and the premises occupied are very spacious and commodious, 175 X 32 feet wide, comprising four floors, with store and warehouse combined, besides the workshop in which is employed a full and competent force of skilled and proficient workmen. The product is a full and general line of hardware, stoves, and agricultural implements, and has a very excellent reputation for the quality of goods, while the trade of the house extends throughout Pennsylvania. The present company is composed of [p. 38] Mr. James A. HORTON and William BECKER, who became the successors of Mr. William BECKER, the latter gentleman having been the successor of the original firm of Messrs. R.P. MARSHALL & Co. and Dunlap & Becker. Mr. James A. HORTON is a former resident of Oil City, Venango county, Pa. and is a gentleman of long and varied experience in the business and fully understands the requirements of the trade. He is wide awake, energetic, and persevering. Wm. BECKER was born in Lawrence county, and is highly respected for his many estimable qualities as a business man and social, manly traits of character. RAYEN & WESTLAKE Boots and shoes, No. 19, Washington street, New Castle, Pa. Conspicuous among the many enterprising commercial establishments of New Castle stands the handsome boot and shoe house of the above named firm. The premises occupied by this reliable firm are large and spacious, elegantly fitted up and admirably arranged for the display of their large stock and complete assortment of ladies' and gentlemen's fine boots and shoes of every description and style, together with a full line of youths' misses' and children's wear. Although but recently established they, by their enterprise and honest dealing justly command the leading trade in this city and surrounding country in their line. These courteous gentlemen understand the boot and shoe business in its every detail, and everything about their establishment is arranged in the most systematic order, and patrons can enjoy ease and comfort in having their wants attend to. Their career having been marked by integrity and honor. The equitable manner in which their business is conducted, the admirable quality of their goods, their large and varied stock are guarantees sufficiently obvious why we should recommend our patrons and the public to place their orders with this reliable house, which commands and deserves the unquestioned confidence of the entire community. J.C. HANNA & SON A review of the leading merchants, manufacturers, etc., of New Castle, would not be complete that failed to give prominence to the fine store of J.C. HANNA & Son., No. 86 Washington street. To say the store was compete in every respect would not be sufficient, for it ranks one of the many highest of its class in Western Penn'a. and compares favorably with many stores found in metropolitan cities. The store is elegantly appointed, and is supplied with two large display windows in which is exhibited an endless variety of gold and silver goods, diamonds, precious stones, etc. There can be found gold and silver jewelry of all kinds and makes, watches, finger rings, etc., also a very heavy stock of diamonds, gems, precious stones, etc. In addition to the large and varied stock of jewelry, clocks, etc., J.C. HANNA & Son carry a mammoth stock of musical instruments of all kinds and grades, from the splendid upright piano to the mouth organ. The business was established at least forty years ago, and has increased until the annual business is of immense proportions. The Messrs. HANNA are gentlemen of long experience in their line, and are highly honored and esteemed for their upright honest methods of doing business. They are the sole agents for the celebrated Rockford watches, the best in the world. [p. 39] P. BOYLE Who owns the meat market in the room formerly occupied by C. ALLEN, on Washington street, has been in the meat business for a number of years. Mr. BOYLE thoroughly understands the business and handles nothing but the best of stock. He carries a full line of fresh and salt meats of all kinds, which he sells at the very lowest possible prices. You can always be accommodated at P. BOYLE's, and get just what you ask for. He invites the public to call and see him. J.J. DEAN Son of Zechariah DEAN, deceased, was born November 9th, 1853, on the farm of his father, near Harlansburg, Lawrence county. He worked for his father during the summer months on the farm and at the carpenter trade until he was nearly twenty years of age and in the winter attended the public school where he received what education could be had from a country school. At the age of eighteen he engaged to teach school at Hillsville, and taught for five consecutive winters at different places. At the age of twenty he began life for himself. His first venture was in making charcoal which he delivered to Hope Furnace. In 1874, he and his father, brother, and cousin, formed a partnership in the same business and succeeded in making some money out of the enterprise. The furnace quit business during the winter of 1874-5, and he had to look for something else. Mr. R.G. WHITE conceived the idea of starting a grocery store on Pittsburgh street, New Castle, and induced Dean to take a half interest in the business, under the firm name of White & Dean. Not caring to engage actively in mercantile business he gave his brother control of his interest for one year, and engaged himself in the manufacture of brick, near Harlansburg. At the end of the year he came to New Castle and took charge of his interest in the store, and connected a huckster wagon with the business, his brother after leaving the store engaged in the huckster business, but afterward sold out to White & Dean. The firm did a prosperous trade in produce and groceries on Pittsburgh street until 1879, when their room was not large enough for their business. In providing for room for their growing business, they changed their location, and leased of D.H. WALLACE two rooms, each 20 X 90, at 40 and 42 Washington street. They then took Deans' brother J.P. DEAN into partnership and continued to do a flourishing trade until April 1st, 1883, when the partnership dissolved. R.C.G. WHITE continuing the retail business with C.G. HOOVER, J.P. DEAN engaging in produce trade and J.J. DEAN branching out into the wholesale grocery and produce business, locating in the rear of the post-office building belonging to W.J. PHIPPS. He remained in the same place until the room would not accommodate his increasing business and on May 1st, 1886, he leased a room of G.V. BOYLES on Pittsburgh street, which has all the facilities for the business, having a railroad track at the door. His business has been steadily growing and promises to be a credit to the city, as he expects to make this the business of his life and he has been successful in all his enterprises. Anyone doing a retail grocery or general merchandise business will do well to call and find out what is being done in New Castle. This applies only to the minority of such merchants as most in the vicinity patronize the establishment very liberally. [p. 40] Stritmaters STRITMATER BROS. W.A. STRITMATER J.R. STRITMATER W.A. STRITMATER has been in the dry goods business on Washington street for twenty-six years. J.R. STRITMATER has been in the same business twenty-five years. J.W. STRITMATER superintendent of the store and manager of the tailoring department has been in business on Washington street about twenty-three years. The firm is composed of W.A. and J. R. STRITMATER, dealers in dry good, millinery, carpets, merchant tailoring, boots and shoes, No. 55, 57 and 59 Washington street, New Castle, Pa. [p. 41] J.M. CLARK & CO. Dealers in groceries, No. 44, Washington street, New Castle, are one of the most prominent grocery firms. J.M. CLARK is a native of the county and has large business experience. We can with entire confidence recommend this house to the people of New Castle and Lawrence county. Don't leave the city without seeing them. ROBERT AUDLEY BROWNE Browne Has been a citizen of New Castle most of the last 40 years. To this place he came directly upon his marriage, September 3, 1846, to Mary, eldest daughter of Wm. EICHBAUM, Esq., one of the oldest and most honored citizens of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. BROWNE's domestic and social life has thus been identified with the city many years; here their children were born, while here in Greenwood Cemetery their dead are buried. The ties, therefore, are tender and strong that bind them to this community. When the young men of this and neighboring counties were organized at the 100th P.V., August 29th, 1861, Mr. BROWNE, with a leave of absence from the patriotic congregation of which he was pastor, went with the regiment to the front, as their chaplain, sharing the varied services, hardships and dangers of their campaigns, from South Carolina round to Mississippi; when, after the siege of Knoxville, which closed two years and four months of remarkable experience, having received an honorable discharge, he returned to his home duties, January, 1864. A few days later he resigned his pastorate under strong urgency to become President of West Minster College; but returned to his congregation upon [p. 42] a new call, October 1873. He here remained until now, pastor of the First United Presbyterian Church, of New Castle. Mr. BROWNE had organized the congregation in 1849 out of the country charge of which he was at that time pastor, New Castle, his home being from the first inside his pastoral boundary. No pastor has so many longtime pastoral relationships; nor is there one who has been longer or more widely known in city or platform of all great moral interests, always asserting his convictions on questions where morals and politics touch on one another. He is an advocate of all the Christian features of our laws, and insist on a constitutional amendment for their protection. He has always been outspoken in religious, moral and political antagonism to slavery and later the liquor traffic. He was one of the founders of the Republican party, speaking many times in its interest during its first national campaign. Yielding to the wishes of friends, he represented the Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong districts in the Senate of Pennsylvania in 1866-7-8, and gave his voice and vote for every advanced position taken by his party in the reconstruction measures of that period, including the ratification of the 14th Amendment to the constitution of the United States. His Alma Mater, the Western University of Pennsylvania, conferred on him the degree of D.D. about the year 1865. The relationships Mr. BROWNE has held in greatest esteem outside his own family have been those he has held as a minister of the Gospel to his congregation and the soldiers to whom he was spiritual counselor and friend. Mr. BROWNE was born in Stubenville, Ohio, December 3d, 1821. He was nearly four months old when his parents, who had before lived in Pittsburgh returned to that place, and here their son was educated and lived until at twenty-one years of age he was licensed to preach the gospel. Mr. BROWNE voted consecutively the Abolition Free Soil, Republican and Prohibition tickets. The repeal of the Local Option law by Republican and Democratic votes in the Senate and House in 1875, made him a Prohibitionist, and the Prohibitionists nominated him as their candidate for Governor in the fall of that years. There were three candidates, Mr. BROWNE received 13, 244 votes. HARTRANFT was elected by a plurality. Mr. BROWNE's speeches in the Senate are to be found in the Legislative Record. A few only of his addresses and sermons have been given to the press. He has spoken in the pulpit and on the platform constantly, but that very fact with a multiplicity of pastoral and other public labors has prevented his writing for the press to any large extent. HONORABLE ROBERT C. MCCHESNEY Was born in Beaver county, April 3d, 1838, near the town of Darlington. He was eight years old when his parents moved to a farm near Newport, Lawrence county. They lived there five years when the family moved to New Castle, April 9th, 1850. Robert C. MCCHESNEY went to work in the new mill then known as McCormick's Iron works, for twenty-five cents a day. In short time he was promoted to the job of piling nail plate for which he received fifty cents a day. He then, after working [p. 43] there one year, left the iron works and started to work at a stave saw at which he remained two years. He again entered the new mill and learned to cut nails with the late Samuel MCVEY, and worked with him until Brown, Bonnel & Co., moved to Youngstown. Mr. MCCHESNEY also went to Youngstown and helped to start the nail factory there. After a year he came back to New Castle and went to work at the nail factory for position in Schoenberger's new nail factory. He remained in Pittsburgh until the war broke out in 1861, when he came back to New Castle and enlisted in a company. The company drilled some three weeks when it disbanded as the Government did not want any more men at that time. He went back to Pittsburgh and went to work. In July, 1862, Mr. MCCHESNEY came back to New Castle and enlisted under the late Colonel Edward O'BRIEN. The regiment went to Harrisburg where it was numbered the 134th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He served with the regiment until December 13th, 1862, when he was wounded, having been shot through the left foot, as well as in the shoulder. He lay in the hospital until March 24th, 1863, when he was discharged from the service on account of wounds received. He came back to New Castle and in the summer started to work for Theodore DENORMANDIE in the same old factory, but then operated by Reis, Berger & Richards. He worked there cutting nails for several years where he learned the nailers' trade, was given four machines and worked with them until the firm of Rice, Brown & Berger suspended operations. He subsequently took the rheumatism and attributes the cause to the wounds he received during the war. He was married to Caroline JACOBS, daughter of Nicholas JACOBS, of Mercer county, in the fall of 1863, and is the father of four children, only one, Miss Jessie, who is teaching school, has lived. He was elected Mayor of New Castle in the spring o f 1882 and is now serving his third term in that capacity. Mr. MCCHESNEY has made an excellent officer and has many warm friends in the county as well as in the city. He has been a cripple for eight years. JOSEPH ROBINSON Was born August 16th, 1844, in the city of New Castle, and is a son of Andrew G. ROBINSON, who died at the age of seventy-five years in West New Castle. Joseph ROBINSON attended public schools of New Castle and secured a good common education. When he was nineteen years of age he started to learn the puddlers' trade with William OWENS. After learning the trade he worked in the old Etna mill most of the time until he was appointed a policeman. He worked at the puddlers' furnace for seventeen years. He enlisted in August 1862, in the 134th regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, of which Co. Edward O'BRIEN was the highest officer, and served with the regiment until the expiration of the time, (nine months). He came home and re-enlisted with the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers, and remained with the regiment until the close of the war. Mr. ROBINSON was appointed a police officer by Mayor MCCHESNEY in August, 1884, and shortly afterward was appointed chief of the New Castle police department. Mr. ROBINSON has made an excellent officer and has the respect of all who know him. He was married September [p. 44] 7th, 1867, to Elizabeth SANKEY, and is the father of two children, both living, viz.: Eva and Gertie, both at home attending school. JOHN BLEVINS Was born February 3d, 1828, County Tyrone, Ireland, and came to this country with his parents in 1831. The family located in what is now Washington township, this county, and followed farming for a livelihood. The father was assisted by his two sons, James and John, on the farm until 1845, when John BLEVINS, the subject of this sketch, came to New Castle to learn the tailoring trade with George C. MORGAN, father of Thomas MORGAN, Esq. After remaining with Mr. MORGAN one year he went to Mercer and remained there a year and came back to New Castle. In 1847 he worked for the firm of Stewart & Tidball, of which James and David TIDBALL were partners. He worked in the different tailoring shops of this place for many years. James Tidball was elected county treasurer and Mr. BLEVINS and Thomas MARSHALL started a tailoring establishment, which they conducted about a year. Subsequently he went into the grocery business with James TIDBALL and continued in that business until 1871. In 1875 Mr. BLEVINS was elected county treasurer for the term of three years and served the county with credit. In the spring of 1884 Mr. BLEVINS was appointed city treasurer to fill the unexpired term of Robert OSBORN who died shortly after his election. Mr. BLEVINS gave satisfaction to the people and he was elected to the same office by a large majority in the spring of 1886. He is a careful business man and a good officer, John BLEVINS was married January 3d, 1850 to Ruth J. THORNE, daughter of Smith THORNE, of near Harlansburgh, and to them six children were born, three of whom are living, as follows: Miss M.E. at home; J. Smith, residing in New Castle; and William J. at home. GEORGE GREER Wholesale and retail dealer in pianos and organs, No. 36, Washington street. The ware rooms are on the second floor and the entrance to the music establishment is through the store room occupied by Mr. VEACH and S. SHARP. Mr. GREER keeps strictly a first-class stock of pianos and organs which he busy directly from the manufacturers at the lowest possible cash prices. His customers therefore get the benefit of his low purchases. Mr. GREER is the owner of the entire block in which he is located, as well as owning the block on the corner of Washington and Mercer streets. Parties needing anything in the musical line will serve their own interests by calling and getting prices. D.F. WATSON D.F. WATSON, shoe dealer, successor to Watson Bros., John M. WATSON and Dick F. WATSON brothers, were born and have lived all their lives in New Castle. They are sons of Dickson Watson, who was engaged in the iron business in the concern at that time called the Cosulo Iron Works, at the present called the Etna Iron Works. D.F. WATSON was, before entering the shoe business, five years with the old firm of Reis, Brown & Berger, as shipping clerk and weighmaster and three years with Bradley, Reis & Co., as bookkeeper. Jno. M. WATSON was at the same time shipping clerk for Bradley Reis & Co. In the year 1879 they entered into partnership under the firm [p. 45] name of Watson Bros., purchasing the concern known at that time as Coban & Co. in the Wood's block, they afterwards removed to No. 47, Washington street, Greer's block, directly opposite. Continuing on in the shoe trade until January, 1887, when the firm of Watson Bros. dissolved, Jno. M. WATSON retiring, having been, previous to that time, appointed receiver for the New Castle Plow Co. The business is at present carried on by D.F. WATSON at 47, Washington street, who keeps in stock a large assortment of the best makes of goods in boots, shoes and rubbers. In gentlemens' fine wear, the fine grade consist of the well known make of Hathway, Soule & Harrington, in ladies' goods, for fine shoes D. Armstrong & Co's., which have no superior, and other makes of medium and low priced goods. When you wish to purchase, be sure and call at D.F. WATSON's, as you will find none but the best and no shoddy goods. Solid goods are his specialty, not cheap shoddy truck. Patronize this house and you will not regret it, 47, Washington street corner Mill, New Castle, Pa. JOHN B. BROWN Was born in New Castle, May 18th, 1855, and has resided in Lawrence county all his life. He received a common school education, worked as a puddler and roll hand until 1880, when he moved to Wampum and took charge of the Wampum Iron Company Store, which place he left to accept an appointment as mail agent between Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, which position he resigned in November, 1882, and was elected alderman of the 4th ward, New Castle, in 1883, taking his office April 1st. In 1886 he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for the Legislature and came within twenty-three votes of being nominated. Being quite a young man his first run surprised almost everybody, and it is generally conceded that he can have the nomination next year with but very little opposition if he wants it. Within the last year he has made quite a reputation as a detective, having rendered valuable assistance to S.B. MARSHALL in the arrest and conviction of MCPHILANEY, BUCAHNAN, John SHARP, Wm. SHARP, James BOLMER, Geo. HENDERSON, Silas STICKEL, SCHELL, MURRAY, SEIGLER AND others charged with high crimes. He was married February 18th, 1879, to Miss Eva A. MOORE, daughter of Mrs. R.C. MOORE, Mercer street, and is the father of one child. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by: Tami McConahy