Part IV [pp 61-74]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy An html version of this work may be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PULASKI [p. 61] The town of Pulaski is situated in the township of Pulaski, ten miles north of New Castle, on the Erie & Pittsburgh Railroads and on the Shenango River. One of the first settlers on the land where Pulaski now stands, was Daniel AULT, who erected a grist mill on the western side of the Shenango, a short distance below the E. & P. depot, in about the year [p. 62] 1800. John PIPER built a saw mill near the present dam, a short time after the grist mill was built. The land was not laid out in town lots until about the year 1832, when Wm. BYERS and John PIPER made an agreement as follows: BYERS took the part south of the main street and PIPER took the part north. The Erie extension of the Pennsylvania Canal was completed about 1836, to Pulaski, and from that time the town grew rapidly. The first dwelling erected on the town plot was a log house built by John CRAWFORD. William STITT came to Pulaski from Huntington county, Pa., in July, 1833, and opened a tailor shop. John PORTER, however was the first tailor in the place. The town contained only eight houses when Mr. STITT came here. James DAWSON, John CRAWFORD, Andrew MCWILLIAMS, William WATSON, John HUNTER, Samuel and Andrew TANEHILL, T. Marquis BEST and E.C. MATTHEWS were also among the old settlers in these parts. James F. SCOTT came to Pulaski in 1839, and in company with Hugh BELL opened a general merchandise store here. He is still in the same business in town and is enjoying good health. A. E. CALDWELL opened a harness shop here in 1836. The first blacksmith shop was opened by a man named HARRIS, in 1833. The first physician in Pulaski was Dr. William WOOD, who came here in the spring of 1833. David and John CARNAHAN opened the first wagon shop. The present grist mill was built by McWilliams & Wright in 1942. The building now used as a hotel was erected by Amos WAUGH in 1820. He used one part as a dwelling and the other for store purposes. James BYERS kept the first hotel in town, but at one time Pulaski had no less than five or sic taverns and each had a bar. The covered wooden bridge across the Shenango was built by a man named BINGHAM in 1833. It is stated by some that the bridge at first was a toll bridge. John H. PORTER came to Pulaski in 1843, and the year following established a foundry. A postal route was established in 1827 between Youngstown and Mercer, and took in the town of Pulaski. The first postmaster in Pulaski was Andrew TANNEHILL, the office being established in 1832. About 1803 a log school house was erected on what is now known as the MCCREADY homestead. One of the first school-masters was John BYERS, who was a son of the man who laid out the lower part of town. William BYERS was the first Sheriff of Mercer (now Lawrence) county, and was appointed in 1803. The school house was built on the WILSON farm, nearly a mile east of town. The present school house was erected in 1876 and cost the township about $1500. A meeting was held at the house of T.M. BEST, in 1837, for the purpose of forming a Presbyterian church, and William WILSON was appointed a committee to the Presbytery to ask for the same. Rev. Wm. NESBITT was appointed by the Presbytery to organize the church, which he did in the fall of 1837. The membership then numbered about thirty-seven persons. The first meeting was held in the school house. The Elders were Patrick WILSON, Alexander COTTON and Jos. WRIGHT. Revs. William WOOD and Absalom MCCREADY filled the pulpit until 1845, when Rev. Henry WEBER was installed as the first regular pastor. A Sabbath School was organized in 1843. In 1841 William BYERS donated the land, and a handsome frame building was erected for a place of worship The Methodist Episcopal church was organized in 1854. The first pastor was [p. 63] Rev. Robert CARUTHERS. The congregation built a substantial frame church in 1856. The past winter the M.E. church enjoyed a revival meeting in which over forty persons experienced religion. Rev. BUZZA is the present pastor. The Christian church was organized in 1870, by Rev. Henry CAMP. The first regular pastor was Rev. Orange HIGGINS. The congregation numbered about twenty persons when organized. Pulaski is nicely situated, has excellent water-power and is near the E.& P. railroad. The New Castle and Northern railroad will be built in a few months, when the town will have additional railroad facilities. The old covered bridge, which crosses the Shenango, is probably the oldest bridge now standing on that river. WILLIAM AYERS Was born September 1, 1824, in Washington county, Pa., on the farm of his father, William AYERS, who died in 1855, at the age of 68 years. His father moved to Wayne county, Ohio, in 1827, where William attended school and received a fair education. His father remained in Wayne county five years and in 1832 moved on and cleared a new farm in Portage county, Ohio. In 1837 the family moved to Mercer county in Wolf Creek township, where they remained one year, when they moved on the old REYNOLDS farm near the Dr. POLLOCK farm at New Castle. The old gentleman then moved to near Middlesex, Mercer county, where he died in 1855. William AYERS was married to Nancy J. MORRISON Nov., 11, 1844, and located in the town of Pulaski, where he opened a cooper shop, he having previously learned the trade with an Englishman, Richard Pringle, at Pulaski. Mr. AYERS has thus been engaged in the cooper business in Pulaski for 43 years. About ten years ago, his son E.L. AYERS entered into partnership with Mr. AYERS, and the firm now manufactures churns exclusively, and sell the goods wholesale to large firms. Mr. AYERS is the father of four children, two boys and two girls. They are as follows: D.W., married at Marysville, Ohio, and E.L., married at Pulaski, and Elizabeth and Hannah S. both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. AYERS are both enjoying good health. CHARLES PHILLIPS M'CURDY Was born October 10th, 1854, in the town of Edenburg, Lawrence county, and is a son of R.H. MCCURDY, of Pulaski. Charles attended school at Edenburg, where he received a good education. He subsequently attended Power's Commercial College, of New Castle, and graduated from that institution with credit to himself. When about ten years of age he entered his father's broom factory at Edenburg and learned the trade. In 1879 he was in the mercantile business in Edenburg and learned the trade. In 1879 he was in the mercantile business in Edenburg and continued in the business for three years. In 1873 he went to Michigan, where he was foreman of a large broom factory. He remained there one year. He worked in his father's factory for a number of years, and in 1882 he opened a broom factory in Pulaski. The factory has a capacity of ten, dozen brooms per day, and the product meets with a ready sale. Charles P. MCCURDY was married to Olive R. KYLE, of Pulaski, (daughter of Henry KYLE), May 1st, 1878, and to them two children were born. Mabel [p. 64] the youngest child is living and attending school at Pulaski. Mr. McCURDY's broom factory is the only one in the township. E.L. AYERS Was born August 28th, 1847, in the town of Pulaski. His father who is still living at the age of 68 years, was a cooper in the town and was one of the first settlers in these parts. E.L. AYERS attended school in Pulaski, where he received a fair education, and learned the coopers' trade in his father's shop. Mr. AYERS also learned the cabinet making trade with J. S. RANDALL, of Middlesex, Mercer county, and worked with that gentleman about a year, when he enlisted in the 78th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer, in February 1865. He remained with the regiment until the close of the war. At the close of the war he went to New Castle and worked in the cabinet shop of Samuel DUNN for some time. He then entered the shop with his father in Pulaski and has been engaged in the business ever since. E.L. AYERS was married to Mary PORTER, daughter of Lewis PORTER, of Hazelton, Ohio, September 15, 1869, and is the father of four children all living as follows: William D., Mattie L., Leon L., and Clara A., all at home and attending school. E.L. AYERS is the junior member of the firm William AYERS & Son. JOHN H. DAVIDSON Was born August 24, 1851, in Cumberland county, Pa., on the farm of his father, George DAVIDSON, who died in 1886 aged about 58 years. John was raised on his father's place, and received a common school education. At the age of about fourteen years he left home to work for himself and went on the road as a salesman for an Akron medicine firm. In 1873 he came to Pulaski and worked on farms in this vicinity until 1877 when he went into the butchering business. He is still engaged in the business, and is doing well. Mr. DAVIDSON has been in the business the past nine years and thoroughly understands just what the people of Pulaski want. John H. DAVIDSON was married to Alice R. HEASLEY, daughter of Joseph HEASLEY, of Pulaski township, Nov. 4, 1863 and to them two children were born, both living as follows: Lloyd and Mattie, both at home and attending school. JAMES ALEX HODGE Was born Dec. 23, 1839, in Wilmington township, Lawrence county, on the farm of his father, William HODGE, who died in 1870 aged 39 years. He was raised on the farm and attended school at the Fayetteville public school, where he received a good common school education. At the age of 22 years he left home to work for himself, and worked at different trades until he located and bought property in Fayetteville. In the fall of 1862 he enlisted in the 13th Regt. P.V. and remained with his regiment the full nine months. William SHAW, of New Castle, was the Captain of his company. During the battle of Frdericksburg, Dec. 13, '63, he was wounded in the shoulder, but the wound was slight. He came home after being mustered out at the expiration of the nine months service, and re-enlisted in the 100 P.V., and remained with that regiment until the close of the war. Mr. HODGE was again wounded at the battle in front of [p. 65] Petersburg in June, 1865, in the shoulder, from which he is still disabled. At the close of the war he came home to Fayeteville, sold his property, moved to Mercer county, bought property, erected buildings, and farmed and threshed. He sold his property in Mercer county and went to Mahoning township, Lawrence county, where he run a saw mill. From there he came to Pulaski in 1876 and remained at the sawmill until June 1879, when he received a severe sun stroke which necessitated his having work in the house. He opened a barber shop in Pulaski a short time afterward, and has successfully run the same ever since. Mr. HODGE is a good workman and is a first-class citizen. H was married to Mary Jane COOK, of Mercer county, April 2, 1860, and to them nine children have been born, all living as follows: Lucy, Ellen White, of New Castle, Ira K., married at Mahoningtown, Hannah R. Reed, at New Castle, Sarah T., Williams S., Aca A., James H., Gilbert W., and Alice D. at home. RICHARD JOHNS Was born April 29, 1830, in South Wales, where he attended school and received a fair education. His father was a blacksmith and that trade has been in the family for several generations. Richard came from South Wales where he learned his trade in 1852, when he came to New Castle, and in January, 1853, came to Pulaski where he worked in a shop for a man named LAYMAN. He then worked for a man named SPENCER, whose shop was located on the west side of the river where the E.& P. Railroad Company have laid its tracks. He also worked for Madison PORTER for a year during the war. In 1864 he built his present shop, and has conducted the blacksmith business ever since. Mr. JOHNS is a thorough practical workman, as all are who learn their trades in the old country, and gives satisfaction in all cases. He was married to Hester Jane BROWN, daughter of Robert BROWN, of Pulaski township, Sept. 5, 1855, and to them eleven children were born, eight of whom are living as follows: Elizabeth, at home; Kittie, teaching school in Pulaski township; Mary, at home; Laura, attending school in Pulaski; Frederick, at home attending school; Grace, at home attending school; Henry, at home attending school, and Nellie at home. JOHN T. MCCLELLAND Was born Sept. 2, 1862, in Union township, Lawrence county, on the farm of his father, David MCCLELLAND, now living in Kansas. John was raised in Union township and attended the Scotland school until he was about 14 years old, when he went to Oil City, where he entered the shop of Steel & Haskins to learn the tinsmith trade. He served them three years then went to Pittsburg, where he worked as a tinner for the Allegheny Railroad Company. He remained a year and came to his home in Union township, sick with rheumatism. In 1881 he went to work as a journeyman for Geo. WILSON, and remained with him several months, when he went to Westmoreland county and remained there a few months. He then come to New Castle and worked for Wilson and Chas. REYNOLDS as a journeyman. After remaining in New Castle for some time, he went to Wampum and worked for W.H. BRABY. He then went to Kansas and [p. 66] remained there a year, working at his trade. In 1884 he went to Pittsburg and remained there for some time. In November, 1885, he came here and opened up a tin shop, and has been doing a nice business ever since. Mr. MCCLELLAND is a good workman, thoroughly understands his business and guarantees all work. He was married to Mary E. PEEBLES, daughter of Wm. PEEBLES, of Union township, Oct. 16, 1884, and is the father of one child, a son. He has made many friends since he came to Pulaski. SAMUEL ENGLISH Was born august 6th, 1815, in Slipperyrock township, on the farm of his father, Thos. English, who was accidentally shot when Samuel was five years of age. Mr. ENGLISH made his home with John WALKER, deceased, formerly of Slipperyrock township. Mr. ENGLISH attended school in that township and received a common school education. At the age of nineteen he left home to learn the carpenter trade, and worked at that for a number of years, when he went on a farm in Beaver county. In 1845 Mr. ENGLISH came to these parts and went on a farm and worked for about six months, when he came home. In 1868 he went to Missouri, where they remained nearly two years, when they came back to Pulaksi township. Mr. ENGLISH moved into the town of Pulaski about five years ago. he operated a coal bank for two years. He was married to Sarah KELLY, of near Portersville, Butler county, March 17, 1842. Mrs. ENGLISH is a daughter of Aaron KELLY, who died about twenty years ago, aged 70 years. She was born August 23, 1820, in Butler county, Connoquenessing township, and is now enjoying the best of health. To the couple ten children were born, six of whom are living, as follows: Frank, at Salem, O., married; Sidney, at Zainesville, O., married; Alfred, at home; Aaron, at home; Tirzah, at home, and William, at home. JAMES F. JACKSON Was born June 1st, 1834, on the farm of his father, Hugh JACKSON, in Shenango township, Mercer county, who died in 1841, aged 30 years. James F. JACKSON attended school in Shenango township, where he received more than a common school education. At the age of sixteen years he commenced teaching school, and has taught eight terms in Mercer and Lawrence counties. From Shenango township he moved to Wilmington township, Mercer county, where he served in a number of township offices. He was married to Miss Belle N. COYLE, of Mercer county, April 20, 1858, and in 1868 moved to Pulaski, where he became connected as miller with the Pulaski mills. He has also been engaged in the mercantile business for a number of years, and has served the township in various offices, having served three terms as Justice of the Peace, commencing April 11, 1865, and has been a justice about ever since. he is the father of seven children, the names being: Ata, deceased, 1882; Nellie, at home, attending school at Edenboro, and has taught school several terms; Will H., known as "Will the candy man," married at Sharon; James B., with Brown, Bonnell & Co., of Youngstown, O., as stenographer, telegraph operator and type writer. Robert runs agent on the [p. 67] Kansas City & St. Louis R.R.; Jennie M., at home attending school; and Susie, the youngest, a pianist, attending the high school at Sharon. The 'Squire has been and is a useful citizen in the township of Pulaski, and has been an Elder in the Presbyterian church the past fifteen years. JAMES A. LOSTETTER Was born March 20, 1827, in Martinsburg, Va. His father, John LOSTETTER, was a millwright, who died at the age of 64, in the city of New Castle, about the year 1833. Mr. LOSTETTER attended school at Beaver, Allegheny and New Castle, as well as Pulaski, and received more than a common school education. At the age of 16 years, in 1843, Mr. LOSTETTER came to Pulaski to learn the tailoring trade. He entered the shop of Wm. STITT, now living in Pulaski, and worked with him about four years. Mr. LOSTETTER then took a tour of the country, going to Wisconsin, and seeing much of the western Territories. He worked in New Castle at his trade for Stewart & Tidball, of which Robert STEWART and David TIDBALL were partners. In about the year 1858 Mr. Lostetter located permanently in Pulaski and opened a tailoring establishment. He is still engaged in the same business, and has made the clothes for three generations in this vicinity. Mr. LOSTETTER is a practical man and has work all the year round. He is a much younger man in appearance than he is in years, and has always enjoyed the best of health. Mr. LOSTETTER is a veteran of the late war. He enlisted in 1861, in the 100th Regiment and served with that regiment three years. He was wounded in the leg above the knee by a musket ball, in front of Spottsylvania, 12th of May, 1864, from the effects of which he is still disabled. James A. LOSTETTER was married to Melissa KING, of Pulaski, January 1st, 1850, and to them seven children were born, all living, as follows: Elmer C., Pulaski, married; William H., Pulaski, married; Maud and Anna, at home; John A., at home, but now attending college at Grove City; Lizzie, at home, teaching school, and Blanche, at home. Mr. and Mrs. LOSTETTER are the grandparents of four grandchildren. Mr. LOSTETTER's mother died a few years since at the age of 100 years. T.H. JEWELL Was born in Venango county, Pa., September 22, 1850; removed from Venango to Mercer county with his father, William JEWELL, in 1864; worked on his father's farm, two miles north of Pulaski, until about 1870, when he learned the trade of house painter, which trade he followed until 1881, at which time he entered the drug store of M.A. CLOW, in Pulaski, as clerk; was married February 22, 1881, to Miss Anna D. BROWN. They had one child, Clarence Milton, born April 2d, 1882. Anna D. JEWELL, his wife, died August 29th, 1885, of consumption of the lungs. T.H. JEWELL is the proprietor of the only drug store in Pulaski, having purchased it January 1st, 1885, and by fair dealing and strict attention to business, commands the respect and patronage of his customers. MRS. M. HULL Who now owns the Pulaski flouring mills, is the widow of Milton HULL, deceased about one year ago. Mr. HULL came to Pulaski about 1875, [p. 68] and soon after bought the flouring mill which he managed, and with the assistance of his sons run it until his death. The mill is now managed by the Hull Brothers, Messrs. Charles E., and George Frederick HULL. The mill has lately been repaired and placed in the best possible shape. It is located on the east bank of the Shenango, a short distance below the covered bridge. The Hull Brothers do an excellent business and have a large custom trade. They make the very best of roller flour which is largely sold in this part of the state. The young men are first-class millers and we are pleased to say are making a success of the business. WILLIAM MARQUIS Was born March 1st, 1866, on the farm of his father, William MARQUIS, near Pulaski, now living in Pulaski. William attended school at Pulaski and received a fair education. At the age of 17 years he entered the blacksmith shop of James MICHAELS, at Pulaski to learn the trade and remained with him a year, when he went to Youngstown, Ohio, and completed his trade. In 1884 James MICHAELS and William MARQUIS entered into partnership in Pulaski in the blacksmith business, and continued under the firm name of Michaels & Marquis for one year, when Mr. MARQUIS purchased Michaels' interest and has run the business ever since. Mr. MARQUIS does nothing but horse shoeing and he is an adept in the business. His is the only exclusively horse shoeing establishment in town and has a good trade. JOHN M. M'KEE Was born September 9th, 1843, in the town of Pulaski. He lived and was raised in Pulaski, attended the Pulaski school and received a fair education. In the vacations John worked in his father's shop. David A. MCKEE, the father of John, is about 63 years of age and assists his son in the shop. He learned the harness making trade from his father, who has been engaged in the same business nearly fifty years in this place and is well known in this part of the country. In 1880 John bought his father's interest in the shop and has been running the business ever since. In August, 1862, John M. MCKEE enlisted in the 134th Regiment, P.V. and served with the Regiment nine months. At the end of that time he came back home, and re-enlisted in September, 1864, in the Sixth Artillery, and remained with the battery until the close of the war. He passed through the war without receiving any wounds, and came home in June, 1865. He was married to Anna STITT, daughter of Wm. STITT, of Pulaski, September 7, 1865, and to them two children were born, both living, Effie and Mary, both at home. Mr. MCKEE was elected Auditor of Lawrence county in the fall of 1879 and served the county six years in that capacity, having been re-elected the second time. He has also held township offices. Mr. MCKEE is a first-class workman and a number one citizen. ANDREW MARQUIS Was born November 23d, 1859, in Pulaski township, on the farm of his father, William MARQUIS, who resided in the town of Pulaski. Andrew was raised in this immediate vicinity, and attended the Pulaski public [p. 69] school, where he received a good common school education. When Mr. MARQUIS was about 19 years of age he became a fruit tree dealer and sold trees to people in all parts of the country. When quite a young man Mr. MARQUIS entered life's battle for himself and made a success of his efforts. He carried on the fruit tree business for six or eight years, and has worked at other business as well. He was appointed postmaster of Pulaski in November, 1885, and took charge of the office in January, 1886. He is the first Democrat postmaster Pulaski had for a least twenty-five years, and has made a good and efficient officer. The office is conducted in a satisfactory manner both to the Government and to the people of this locality. A.G. MCNABB Was born May 16th 1862, in Pulaski. His father was R.L. MCNABB, who was in the army at the time A.G. came into the world. His father died July 1, 1880, at the age of 52 years. He was a member of the 100th Regiment, P.V. and was wounded in the shoulder during the war. He was married August 28th, 1849, to Catherine GILKISON, of Coitsville, Ohio, who died September 4th, 1884, aged about 56 years. A.G. MCNABB is a brother of the McNabb Brothers who formerly run the blacksmith shop here. They opened the shop about twelve years ago and succeeded their father in the business. The brothers R.L. and J.W. MCNABB run the business for about fifteen years, when they left for the west three years ago and sold out to A.G. MCNABB, who learned the trade with D.P. COOPER, of Coitsville, Ohio. Mr. MCNABB has run the shop in a successful manner the past three years, and has given satisfaction to the people of this vicinity. He attended school at Pulaski public school and received a good common education. Mr. MCNABB run a shop at Lowellville, Ohio, for three years, and also one at Poland for two years, and is a practical workman.. R.L. and J.W. have returned and are in New Wilmington in business. RICHARD H. VAN FLEET Was born May 18, 1840, in Pulaski township on the old Van Fleet farm. His father, Wm. VAN FLEET was raised on the farm and followed the occupation of farming until he was about twenty-two years of age. He attended school at the Stony Hill school house in Shenango township, at the Deer Creek school house in Pulaski township, and at the Maple Grove school house in Pulaski township, and received a common school education. At the age of twenty-two he left for oil country, where he worked as a contractor, driller of oil wells, etc., until 1875, when he run the saw mill at that place for two years. He sold out his interest in the saw mill and clerked in different stores. In 1879 through a spinal disease Mr. VAN FLEET became a cripple in both legs and ever since that time has had but little use of those members. He is just able to get around the house by the use of a cane and chairs. In the spring of 1880 he was elected a justice of the peace by the citizens of precinct two, Pulaski township, and served in that capacity with credit to himself for five years. In 1881 he opened the Fountain House of New Bedford, and run the hotel there a [p. 70] year when he came here in 1882 and took charge of the Pulaski House, and has successfully run the house ever since. R.H. VAN FLEET was married to Sarah A. HAWK, of Sharpsville, Mercer county, Dec. 25, 1871, and to them three children were born all of whom are living as follows: Charles H., Anna M., and Elie W., all at home. The 'Squire makes a good landlord and receives a nice patronage. JAMES L. WELCH Was born July 18, 1824, in Coitsville, Ohio, on the farm of his father, John WELCH, who died about twenty years ago aged 68 years. His mother is living with her son at the age of 82 years. When quite young Mr. WELCH went with his family to Hubbard, where he attended school and received a common school education. In the fall of 1846 he came to Pulaski and worked with D.A. MCKEE in the harness business for two years. He went into the harness business for himself in the fall of 1848, and run the same until about 1856, when his health failed and he opened a grocery and notion store. In 1862 he added a stock of dry goods and run the store in a successful manner. Mr. WELCH has been in the dry goods business ever since that time. He was married to Eliza JOHNSTON, of Pulaski township, May 25, 1848. Mrs. WELCH was born March 6, 1830, and is a daughter of Alexander and Jane JOHNSTON, deceased. Her parents were old settlers in this part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. WELCH are the parents of three children, two sons and one daughter: Ellis La Count, born April 11, 1849. He is married and resides in Sharon. Adda F., born April 29, 1861, died September 27, 1864. John Edwin, born August 17, 1865, at Allegheny, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. WELCH both enjoy the best of health and have hosts of friends in this county. Mr. and Mrs. WELCH are the grandparents of three grand-daughters, all attending school. THE PULASKI MINERAL WATER CO. Some time about the year 1858, a company began to drill for oil on the west side of the Shenango on the north side of the bridge at Pulaski. After the drill had penetrated the rock it entered a vast body of soap stone probably 550 feet thick, when it struck a vein of water and gas which threw the tubing many feet out of the well. The flow of water continued and the company placed a pump on the hole and endeavored for a month to exhaust the supply of water. They failed, and after many attempts abandoned the well, and took away their machinery. When the Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad company began operations there some years later, they endeavored to grade over the hole, but the water forced itself to the surface. After the road was built the company thought they could utilize the water and erected a tank for the purpose of holding the water. The gas from the well forced the water into the tank and the railroad company, after trying the water in the boilers of the locomotives took down the tank. It was found that the water rusted the boilers and therefore could not be utilized. After the company abandoned the water, dirt was thrown in the hole to endeavor to stop the flow, but without avail. A few years since the people of Pulaski began drinking the water (which is clear and beautiful to look upon) and many persons were benefited by the use of [p. 71] the same. The spring began to be talked about, when a party of well known gentlemen conceived the idea of making a resort of the place. Samples of the water was sent to Hugo BLANCK, P.H.D., Professor of Chemistry of Pittsburg College of Pharmacy. In referring to the analysis he said the water contained chloride of potassium, chlorides of calcium, magnesium, ammonium, and numerous other matters. He said "the water may be classed with that in Ballslin Springs, Saratoga Springs Caledonia Springs, Canada; Nanheim, Hesse Cassel, Germany, and Krenguach, Rhenish, Prussia. The water merits highly to be recommended to the medical profession. The influence of the water upon disordered digestive organs appears at once." After the report was received a company composed of Dr. J.K. POLLOCK, Messrs. J.C. HUTTON, F.G. BLACKFORD and A. VANDIVORT was formed, the water taken across the Shenango to the east side of the hotel property purchased. The company will complete bath houses, and the hotel will be improved to a great extent. An L will be built to the property, which will run along the banks of the Shenango. Boats and boat houses will be erected at once, and the place made one of beauty. The gentlemen are energetic, and better still have an eye to what will please the people who visit this pleasant little village, and will beautify their grounds and buildings so that the most fastidious can find accommodations there, and we have no doubt but that the guests will be numerous. It is actually wonderful the amount of good this water has done to afflicted persons. Many actual cures can be cited right in the village of Pulaski, while many people in the city of New Castle are loud in the praise of its curative powers. People already from the surrounding country are having the water brought to their houses. The water has a pleasant taste after a person has become accustomed to it and any one can easily become fond of the drink. The benefits are many to a sick person, and the boating and fishing, together with the water, will give a well man an appetite such as he never expected to have. The water is an excellent cure for dyspepsia, and numerous New Castle parties are now using it for that purpose. The bath houses will be under the management of John GREANY, of Boston, Mass., lately of Mt. Clemens, Michigan, a gentleman who has had over twenty years experience in the leading bath houses of Boston. All kinds of baths will be given and able physicians will be in attendance at all times to attend patrons of the bath houses. MAHONINGTOWN [p. 72] Mahoningtown is situated about two and one-half miles south of New Castle, in Taylor township. The first settler arriving in Mahoningtown was William SIMPSON, who came from Butler county in the spring of 1836, and is credited with opening the first store in the place. The town was laid out by William HAYES and Benjamin DARLINGTON, of Pittsburgh, in the spring of 1836. These parties owned the five-hundred acre tract of donation lands patented to the heirs of Col. Wm. CRAWFORD for his military services. It included the site of Mahonigtown. Samuel VANDIVORT settled in the place in 1837. He was a hatter by trade and was from Butler county. Franklin ALEXANDER, a blacksmith from Pittsburgh, settled in the town almost the same time. John SIMPSON, brother of William, came in 1838, and he laid out a small addition to the town, south of the Cross-cut canal, in 1840. The Cross-cut canal was finished in 1838. Archibald NEWELL came to Mahoningtown from Crawford county in 1844 and opened a general store, which has been run by Mr. NEWELL and his son J.D.F. NEWELL, ever since. John WALLACE came from Allegheny county in 1842. The first postmaster of Mahoningtown was John GILLESPIE, who opened a store in 1841. He built the Lawrence House the following year. The first school in the place was opened in 1841. A school building had been erected in 1838. During the period between 1833 and 1870 the canal business made the town grow rapidly, and quite an extensive business was done. James RANEY built the first grist mill in Mahoningtown in 1852, on the Cross-cut canal. Jas. RANEY built a dam over the Shenango in 1873, and so after erected the best mill in the county at that time. The Presbyterian church at Mahoningtown was organized in May, 1866. The first Elders were John SWORD, A.A. SIMPSON and John MOFFAT. John SIMPSON, Thomas SAMPLE, and Samuel VANDIVORT were the first Board of Trustees. The church building was erected in 1866. Rev. D.L. DICKEY was the first pastor. The Methodist church at Mahoningtown was organized about 1850 and had some eight members: J.D. PITZER and wife, John BOLMER and wife, Jos. COX and wife, Mrs. Jane WALLACE and Mrs. Eve FORNEY. The church building was erected some years later at a cost of $4,500. The first pastor was Rev. CROWELL. Four railroads pass through the place, viz: the E.&P., the P.&L.E., the P.C.&T. and the A.&P. railroads. The town is destined to grow, as the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has quite a large tract of land which will be sold to employees at low prices, in lots. Mahoningtown is a pleasant, healthy place to live, and the people are industrious and frugal in their habits. RANEY & CO. In 1873 James RANEY began building a dam at Mahoningtown across the Shenango, and by extraordinary exertions finished the work the same [p. 73] year. The mill was mostly completed in 1875. It is a four story building, and is filled with rollers and the most approved modern machinery. The mill is run by water power. The capacity of the mill is about 100 barrels per day, and the production turned out will equal any in the State. The firm is composed of James R. RANEY, of Mahoningtown, and Leander RANEY, of New Castle. Mr. James RANEY has the management of the works, and we are pleased to state, has made a success of the business. The flour manufactured at Raney & Co.'s Mahoningtown mills is sold all over this part of the country, and meets with a ready sale. You may rest assured of getting good flour when you buy any of Raney & Co.'s brands. A.W. SMITH & BROTHER Dealers in staple groceries and provisions, notions, dry goods, boots, shoes, etc., Mahoningtown. The firm is composed of A.W. and Charles H. SMITH, sons of C. SMITH, deceased, formerly of New Castle. The firm originated in the spring of 1887, when the store of Thomas LACY was purchased and the brothers took possession April 1st. The store is under the management of A.W. SMITH, who has been in the employ of Brown, Thompson & Co., of New Castle, for a number of years as clerk. Mr. SMITH thoroughly understands the general merchandise business, knows just what a general store should contain and buys his goods at the lowest possible prices. The customers get the benefit of his low prices in goods and he sells at unusually close margins. The store is well stocked with goods. Mr. SMITH is a young man of good business principles and the people of Mahoningtown will find him fair and honest in all his dealings. J.D.F. NEWELL Successor to Newell Brothers, dealer in dry goods, notions, fine cassimeres, hats, caps, boots, shoes, groceries, &c., Mahoningtown, Pa. Mr. Newell was born July 20th, 1860, in Mahoningtown, and is a son of Archibald NEWELL, living at Mahoningtown, aged 70 years. Mr. NEWELL attended school at Northwood, Ohio, as well as at Duff's Commercial College at Pittsburgh, and has a first-class business education. At a very early age he entered his father's store as clerk, and remained in the store in that capacity until he entered into partnership with his brother Dorris under the firm name of Newell Brothers, and purchased the store from the fathers of the brothers. Subsequently, in 1885 he bought his brother's interest and has been running the business in his own name ever since. As stated above Mr. NEWELL carries a large general stock of goods which he sells as low as possible. Mr. NEWELL is a young man, and is making a success of his business enterprise. It is always safe to buy from a man who has a life long reputation of dealing fairly and honestly with his customers. FRED. KIMMEL Dealer in fresh and salt meats. Mr. KIMMEL is a son of Jacob KIMMEL, of Mahoningtown, and was born in Pittsburgh, August 24th, 1861. He was raised in Pittsburgh and came to New Castle in 1882, and from there he went to Mahoningtown, where he opened a meat market. He conducted the shop in Mahoningtown and opened a second shop in New Castle in 1885. He conducted his business on purely business principles [p. 74] and gave his customers none but the best of goods at the lowest margin possible. He runs the two shops, one located on Main street, Mahoningtown, and the other on the south side of the Diamond, in New Castle. He claims to have none but the best of stock, and always pleases his customers. Mr. KIMMEL was married to Thressia MCCRACKIN, in 1884, and is the father of one child, a bright little boy. MILTON R. COOKE Dealer in drugs, patent medicines, etc., Mahoningtown. Mr. COOKE is a native of Mahoning county, Ohio, and was born near Greenford, May 4th, 1854. He received a first-class common school education, and entered the drug store of Samuel L. HALE, at Washingtonville, Ohio, in 1869. He served as an apprentice at the business and has been in a drug store ever since he learned the business. He was prescription clerk for Charles E. INK, of Leetonia and Columbiana for six consecutive years. He managed a drug store of Dr. M.B. ROBINSON, of Mahoningtown, and took charge immediately. Mr. COOKE has fitted up the store in good style, and placed the business on a good footing. He is a careful, competent pharmacist, and personally fills all prescriptions. The store is well stocked with staple drugs, patent medicines, and everything usually found in a first-class drug store. You will be well treated when you call on M.B. COOKE, the druggist. W.J. SPURRIER Was born January 10th, 1860, in Morgan county, Ohio, and is a son of B. SPURRIER, now living in Cold Water, Michigan, at the age of 52 years. W.J. SPURRIER attended school at Zanesville, Ohio, and received a first-class business education. He learned the druggist business at Straitsville, Ohio, and worked at that business until April, 1885, when he came here and secured a situation on the P.C. & T. road as brakeman. In six months he was promoted to the position of freight conductor, which position he filled until the first of April, 1887, when he purchased the cigar and tobacco store and barber shop of Maurice Cox, at Mahoningtown. Mr. SPURRIER has secured a competent workman to run his barber shop and manages the cigar and tobacco store himself. In addition to cigars and tobacco Mr. SPURRIER handles a large stock of confectionery. He will also put in a fine line of gent's furnishing goods. Mr. SPURRIER is a careful business man, and endeavors to handle none but the best of goods at the lowest possible prices. His store is quite a resort for railroad men of the four roads centering at Mahoningtown, among whom he has large acquaintance. [p. 75] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by: Tami McConahy Updated 22 Feb 2000