Part V [pp 75-89]: History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 COMPILED BY WICK W. WOOD. Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ed McClelland and Tami McConahy An html version of this work may be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ History of Lawrence County Pennsylvania, 1887 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EASTBROOK [p. 75] The village of Eastbrook takes its name from a stream of water which passes through the town. The village is situated in Hickory township about five miles from New Castle and about 1 1/4 miles from the station on the B., N.Y. & P.R.R. which bears the same name. The first industry of any kind in this part of the country was the saw mill constructed near the site of where the Eastbrook grist mill stood. This was built by Thomas and John FISHER in about the year 1819. In 1837 Henry REYNOLDS built a grist mill about a mile east of the "Brook," which has been repaired and is now run by Robert MCCURDY. The same mill stones that were first used are still in operation there. This mill was the first one erected within this section. About 1816 Mr. REYNOLDS placed a man named BUCKMASTER on the present site of the town of Eastbrook to hold the claim, but Thomas FISHER, who was watching a chance, succeeded in catching the man asleep and he jumped the claim, putting a man on and held the land. A man named TERRY was a very early settler of that part of the country. John FISHER was a soldier of the war of 1812, and he came to Eastbrook in 1819 from Westmoreland county, settling on land, part of which is the present village of Eastbrook. Thos. FISHER came here in 1802 and located in Neshannock township, on the Shenango river and put up a carding machine, said to be the first one in the State west of the mountains. John MCCARTNEY built a woolen mill in 1850. The first store in Eastbrook was kept by John FISHER in 1835. It was a general merchandise store, and the building still stands near the bridge. T.H. HARRAH opened another store of the same class in 1838. The first shoe shop was run by Oliver BASCOM, in 1840, and the first blacksmith shop by Philip CROWL, in 1832. John MCNICKLE had the first wagon shop in 1840. The first school house was built in 1825. In 1843 a volunteer rifle company "The Eastbrook Rangers," was organized. They were armed with cannon rifles, in the use of which the members were experts. Eastbrook was a patriotic little town during the rebellion and many good soldiers were sent from here. Additional facts will be found in the biographies of the old people. A.T. DINSMORE Was born in Princeton, this county, on the 18th day of June, 1840. When he was but six years of age his parents came to New Castle, and two years later moved to Harbor Bridge. In 1852 they went to Morris, Ill., where they remained until 1866, when they came to Eastbrook. Mr. DINSMORE bought a farm here soon after, and 12 years ago he purchased an interest in the Hutchinson woolen factory. Three years later he opened up a general merchandise store in town and has continued in business the past nine years. Mr. D. has a good stock of general merchandise, and by strict attention to business has succeeded in building up a good trade. June 22, 1869 he was married to Sarah J. MCNICKLE, daughter of John M. MCNICKLE, of Eastbrook. By the marriage five [p. 76] children were born, three of whom are living, the oldest, being about 16 years of age. He has served in nearly every township capacity and was the village postmaster for five years, when he turned it over to John WADDINGTON. Mr. DINSMORE is industrious and is getting along very nicely in the world. JAMES CRAIG Was born in Craigtown, Armstrong county, March 13, 1813. His father was the owner of most of the land upon which the town stood. His father died at the age of 80 years and his mother at the age of 90. Mr. CRAIG came to Eastbrook in May, 1861, and purchased the upper woolen mills, which were erected by John MCCARTNEY years before. He engaged in the manufacture of blankets, yarns and flannels until he sold the factory to Bowman Bros. in 1884. On April 13, 1837, he was married to Sarah FOSTER, of Sugar Creek township, Armstrong county, and to them nine children have been born, all of whom are now living. They are as follows: Thomas F., married and resides near here; Mary HAMMOND, of Indiana county; Katherine MCCREARY, of Nebraska; Martha MCCREARY, of Olean; John S., who is married and lives at Pardoe, Mercer county; William J. married and lives near here, (the last named are twins) Eliza J. CROWL, lives near; Robert S., married, lives near, and Curtis Addison, of Washington county. The last named is a widower. All the sons and daughters are married, and with the exception of one none have lost their "better halves." The old gentleman and his wife are grandparents of 33 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Mr. CRAIG has served the township as school director and has been a store-keeper in Butler and Mercer counties for at least 15 years. He is a pleasant gentleman and a good citizen. Mr. and Mrs. CRAIG lately celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of their golden wedding. BOWMAN BROTHERS The woolen men, who run the upper woolen mill, commenced business in 1884. The brothers, R.D. and T.A. BOWMAN, came from Allentown, N.Y., where they had been engaged in the oil business. Both were born in Butler county, R.D. in 1849 and T.A. in 1862. In 1874 R.D. was married to Hattie CORBETT, of Clarion county. The factory was built at last thirty-five years ago by John MCCARTNEY, and was purchased by the brothers from James CRAIG at the time stated above. It is the only woolen factory in the county where flannels and blankets are manufactured, as well as yarn. The woolen goods made by this firm are of a superior quality and can be purchased at a much lower rate than you can buy the same quality of goods in a store. The largest part of the goods are sold in Youngstown, while they should be sold in New Castle. The parties are gentlemen and good citizens. JOHN M. MCNICKLE Was born in Darlington, Beaver county, February 25th, 1824. In 1837 he went to near New Bedford, where he worked on a farm for three years. His father was a wagon maker by trade, and John would help him in his shop to paint wagons, etc. He worked with his father in Eastbrook in 1840 and built the shop he is now in 1848, so that he has continued in [p. 77] the business of wagon making in the same shop for over thirty-eight years. He was married October 30, 1844, to Ellen FISHER, in St. Louis. One son and six daughters are the results of the union, all of whom are living, as follows: C.M., who was in the army and was disabled thereby; Sarah J. DINSMORE, of Eastbrook; Rachel E. WYLIE, of Mercer county; Nancy C. FRANKENBERGER, of Leesburg, and Minnie and Arabella, both of whom are at home. Mr. MCNICKLE has been a school director over seventeen years, is serving his third term as Justice of the Peace, was postmaster six years during the war, has been the organist in the M.E. church over twenty years, has taught singing schools in this neighborhood over twenty-one years, being one of the pioneer singing masters; has sung with Ira D. SANKEY, and is well known to almost every one within ten miles of Eastbrook. His father died at the age of 64 years, and his mother joined her husband two years ago at the age of 84 years. He has two brothers in Nebraska, where his mother died. Mrs. Arabella HAMILTON, of New Castle, is his aunt, and she is now 82 years of age and enjoying good health. Mr. MCNICKLE is a good and useful citizen. JOHN PARKER Is a man well known to almost everyone in the county. He was born in Ireland, March 26th, 1828, and came to Philadelphia in 1846, where he lived and learned to weave ingrain, venetian and rag carpet. He came to Eastbrook in 1863 and worked in Craig?s woolen factory here, as well as in Armstrong county. He also worked in a drug store in Pittsburgh. In 1865 he opened a carpet weaving establishment, and since then he has started many a young couple in married life by furnishing their first carpet. Mr. PARKER is an excellent workman, and gets work from all parts of the county. He does nothing but the very best work. He was married in Philadelphia in 1847 to Agnes POTTS, and to them six sons and two daughters have been born, viz.: John W., James L., Robert E., who live in Shelton, Nebraska; Vincent, who is a tanner, and at home; Maggie E. LOCKART, who lives near, and Sadie E. ALLEN, who also resides near. He has served the township as tax collector and constable for twelve years, and the people of Lawrence county as tipstave in the Court House. He was always a good officer and is a good citizen and a kind neighbor. S. HUTCHINSON Was born in Armstrong county Jan. 18, 1841, on a farm of his father, John HUTCHINSON. He left the farm when young and attended school in Allegheny City, where he also worked in a printing office. He worked in a woolen factory in Allegheny and learned the trade there. He worked for Mr. James CRAIG both here and in Armstrong county. He worked for Mr. CRAIG about five years, when he bough the lower woolen factory in 1870 and has been running the establishment ever since. He enlisted in the 55th Reg?t P.V. in New Castle, and went to the war. He was married in 1858 to Mary E. MCNICKLE, and by the marriage five children were born. Mr. HUTCHINSON is a good business man. He manufactures yarns and has an extensive tannery in operation as well, where he manufactures leather, pads, etc. His work is first-class and he is successful to a high degree. [p. 78] The house in which he resides is perhaps the oldest in town and was erected about 65 years ago. DR. J.M. NELSON The only physician and surgeon in this locality, was born in Plaingrove township, Lawrence county, May 24, 1858. He is a son of James NELSON, who is now living at the age of 62. His mother died at the age of 40 years. He has four brothers and one sister living. He lived on the farm until he reached the age of 19 years, attending the country school. He then attended school at Grove City College in the summer and taught district schools in the winter, until he acquired a good education. About five years ago he began the study of medicine, and finally graduated at the Western Reserve Medical College at Cleveland with honor to himself and the college. He first located at Jackson Centre, Mercer county, and has a fair practice, and came here in May, 1883, since, which time he has built up a first-class practice. On the 24th of August, 1882, he was married to Maggie V. ALLISON, of Mercer, and by the marriage two children have been born, one of which a bright little girl, has since died. The doctor is well thought of by his neighbors and among those with whom he has cast his lot. JOHN WADDINGTON The veteran postmaster of Eastbrook, who died a short time since, was born in England, February 2d, 1819, and came to this country with his father, Benjamin WADDINGTON, in 1832. He came here from Fallston, Beaver county, in the year 1837. He learned the cabinet-making trade in Fallston, and worked at it here until about 1854, when he opened a general merchandise store, and has been connected with the business almost ever since, his son having succeeded him. He has served on the school board a number of years and has been auditor of the township for fourteen years. He was married to Sarah J. FISHER, in June, 1844, who died in April, 1863. In 1865 he was married a second time, to Eliza J. PATTON, who is still living. By his first marriage nine children were born, six of whom are now living, as follows: Isophene, married to Hezekiah MCCREARY; John, Sarah J., married to Benj. C. RHODES, Jr., of New Castle; Anna M., and Emma, married to Elmer SHAFER. Mr. WADDINGTON carried the first petition for a postoffice here, and his father-in-law, ?Squire John FISHER, was the first postmaster here. Mr. WADDINGTON and ?Squire John FISHER laid out the town in lots, Mr. WADDINGTON carrying the chain. This was in the year 1838. Mr. WADDINGTON was the oldest of a family of nine children. His brothers are: Wilkes, William, Benjamin, Thomas and Seth; his sister: Mrs. Sarah CARPENTER, Mrs. Emeline CRISWELL and Mrs. Louisa Jane BRIGHT. His father was born in 1799 and his mother in the same year. His father was 76 years of age at the time of his death, and his mother 72 years. Mr. WADDINGTON was one of the best citizens in the county. JOHN WADDINGTON, JR. Was born March 12, 1857, in Eastbrook, and is a son of John WADDINGTON, deceased, the pioneer postmaster and storekeeper, and he [p. 79] has been in town most of the time with the exception when he was attending school at Beaver and New Castle. John has almost been brought up in the store business and has managed the business the greater part of the past ten years. In 1879 he became a partner in the store with his father. B.C. RHODES, Jr., of New Castle, was a partner and owner of the store for a short time, but some time ago Mr. WADDINGTON bought the entire business. In connection with the business Mr. WADDINGTON has been in the stock business, and is a careful stock man. He was married to Amanda JORDAN, daughter of George JORDAN, the 12th of March 1879, and by this marriage three children were born, tow of whom are now living. Mr. WADDINGTON carries a good stock of general merchandise which he sells at low prices. He knows the wants of the people here and endeavors to please them. ALFRED T. YOUNG The village blacksmith, and the only one in the town, was born on the 22nd of March, 1847, in Eastbrook. His father was a tailor, whose name is J.C. YOUNG, and who is now a substantial farmer of Scott township. Alfred attended school in Scott township until he was about 16 years of age, when he enlisted in Co. K, 100th P.V., Feb. 24, 1864, at New Castle and went with the regiment to the war. When the war was over he went to Fayetteville and learned the blacksmith trade with Rev. N. MORRIS, the well known M.E. minister. He then worked with Samuel PERRY at Neshannock Falls, and came here and bought the shop of John CROWELL, in 1869, and has run the establishment successfully ever since. Mr. YOUNG was married to Miss Jennie PEARSON, of Fayetteville, about Christmas, 1869. Mr. YOUNG is a first-class blacksmith and a good workman, and by his promptness and good work has built up a good business. VOLANT [p. 79] Volant is not an old town by any means, but yet as far back as 1806-7 a grist mill was in operation near the present town, which was erected by a man named JENNE. The town proper lies partly in Washington and partly in Wilmington townships. There are no manufacturing establishments of any size in the place, but still quite a nice business is done here. A grist mill was built here in 1812, and in 1815 it was run by Thos. BARBER. The mill was located on the present site of the SIMISON mill; in fact some of the timber composing the old mill still remains in the present structure. In 1868 J.P. LOCKE, now of Moravia, this county, came from Mercer county and bought the grist mill from Samuel BOWAN. He bought one hundred acres of land as well, and in 1872 laid out a town of about thirty lots, giving the town the name of Lockville. The lots were rapidly [p. 80] taken, and in 1873, when the New Castle and Franklin R.R. (B.N.Y. & P.) was completed the postoffice was moved there and the town became Volant. In 1875 an M.E. church was built, and the Rev. J.M. CROUCH was the first pastor. The school of Volant is conducted in a pleasant school building, and about 30 pupils attend. Volant has excellent water power, has minerals, iron ore, limestone and coal being found near there in abundance; but as yet little or no efforts have been made to develop the same. The citizens of the place are moral and industrious and a credit to the county. J. WILKEN & SON Mr. and Mrs. J. WILKEN came to this place about 22 years ago last April from Leesburg, where they had been engaged in the milling business. The couple were married in 1852, and came to the mill in 1852, and were burned out about ten years later. The WILKEN family is an old one among the old settlers around Leesburg and were among the first to come into that part of the country. Mrs. WILKEN?s maiden name was E.M. DRAKE. As has been stated above they came to Volant about 22 years ago and opened a general merchandise store in the front room of their dwelling, after which they built a small store room. They left this place in 1868 and went back to Leesburg, as they could not get a store room in Volant. They went to Springfield, Mercer county, where they erected a house and store room at the old furnace. They also became interested in a planing mill at the furnace. They remained there until 1872, when they came to Volant and opened a store, buying the store room they are now located in. Many additions have been made, however, to the store room, and they have also erected numerous buildings upon the land they bought. In 1885 J. WILKEN & Son erected the only creamery in Lawrence county, and the son, V.O. WILKEN, manages this business. In fact the mother and son have managed the entire business from the first. Mr. and Mrs. WILKEN have a pleasant home, and J. WILKEN & Son have a fine stock of general merchandise which they sell at very low prices. Mr. and Mrs. WILKEN are the parents of seven children, one being dead. They are as follows: Sarah WATERS, living in Eastbrook; Josephine A. WATKINS, Volant; Mary S. LOCKE, New Wilmington; V.O., a partner in the store; Ida CLINEFELTER, Springfield township, Mercer county, and Hettie A., book keeper in the store. Mr. and Mrs. WILKEN are the grandparents of twelve children. LEVI STOYER The village blacksmith, was born in New Hamburg, Mercer county, March 13th, 1855. His father was a carpenter, and when Levi was about two years old moved on a farm near the town, although he worked at his trade. They lived there nine years and Levi went to school and got a common school education. His father then took a larger farm close by and Levi, two years after, went to work for himself on a farm in the neighborhood. He learned the blacksmith trade, commencing at the age of seventeen years and working three years, and then went to Indiana, after which he opened a shop of his own at Ketch?s Corners, in 1877. Two years after he sold out and bought a shop at Transfer, Mercer county, and [p. 81] was there seven years, when he went to Sharon and went into the livery business with another gentleman. A short time after he sold out and went into the blacksmith and hotel business. September 4th, 1886, he was burned out, and not wishing to rebuild sold out his business and came here and bought out I.D. KIRK. Mr. STOYER is a good workman and deserves the patronage of the community. D.D. SIMISON D.D. SIMISON, the lessee, controller and manager of Simison Mills in Volant, was born March 10th, 1860, on the farm of his father, Parker SIMISON, about a mile north-west of New Wilmington. When Mr. SIMISON was a year old his father moved to a farm in East Lackawanna township, Mercer county, where they lived until D.D. was nine years of age. His father then took charge of the MCCONNELL mill near New Wilmington and ran the establishment for some time, when he went on a farm a short distance from the mill and remained there about a year. In 1879 he bought the Volant mill from J.P. LOCKE, and ran the same until his son took charge April 1st, 1886. D.D. SIMISON has almost been brought up to the milling business, and is one of the most successful millers in Lawrence county. SIMISON flour is in great demand in this part of the country, while the buckwheat flour made there is always first-class. Mr. SIMISON was married February 25th, 1886, to Miss Tillie JORDAN, of Washington township, this county. Full roller process has been placed in the mill, and the very best grades of flour will be made at this mill. R.W. MOON The village wagon-maker, was born at Fruit?s Mill, Mercer county, April 28, 1858. When about a year old his parents moved to Adams county, Ohio, where R.W. went to school and got a common school education until he was fourteen years of age. In 1873 his parents came back to Mercer county, and the young man worked on a farm until 1880, when he went to Jackson Centre to learn the wagon making trade. He was there a year when he went to Forest county and worked in the woods at the lumber business in the winter and at his trade in the summer. He came back to Mercer county in 1884 and worked there until 1885 when he came here and opened a shop. Since then he has erected a handsome shop and a neat little residence. he is a first-class workman and during the past year he has had all he could do. His good work is appreciated here. He was married May 1st, 1882, to Miss Anna J. GRUBBS, of Forest county. A.A. CUNNINGHAM, M.D. Was born in Wayne township, this county, September 29th, 1855, and is a son of R.S. CUNNINGHAM and wife, (both living, the father 65 years of age and the mother about 60), of near Chewton. He was raised on the farm of his parents, and attended school in Wayne township, and the "One Study College," of New Castle. He studied medicine in Youngstown, Ohio, for three years with a prominent physician and then attended the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati, and graduated with honors in 1880. He immediately located at Volant, and since then has been practicing medicine. The doctor?s practice is rapidly increasing, and he is doing well and is much thought of in the Volant vicinity. He is a pleasant [p. 82] gentleman and good conversationalist. He was married in January, 1876, to Miss Ada MANNING of Slipperyrock township, and is the father of one son, a lad of nine years. Mrs. CUNNINGHAM has since deceased. GRAHAM & DRAKE The general merchandise firm of Volant is composed of William GRAHAM and John DRAKE (brothers-in-law.) William GRAHAM was born in Harlansburg, this county, in 8849 [sic] and is a son of Archy GRAHAM who died Oct. 28, 1861. His mother aged 67 years is till living and enjoying fair health. He has five brothers and two sisters all living in this vicinity. He taught school nine years, and has been postmaster here since 1876, school director, is a trustee of the M.E. church here and is a teacher in the Sunday School. Wm. GRAHAM was married April 14, 1877, to Elizabeth MCCONNEL, daughter of Judge MCCONNEL, and is the father of five children. John DRAKE was born in Wilmington township in July 1846, and has spent the most of his life on a farm until he came into the store. He was married to Sarah GRAHAM in 1876. The store originally started under the name of Graham Bros., with William and John in the business, in 1875, and was run in that style until John DRAKE bought in, about five years ago. The firm handles a full line of general merchandise and sells the same at low prices. It is always safe to buy from them. WURTEMBURG [p. 83] Wurtemburg, Lawrence county, is situated in the lower part of the county, in Wayne township. The town takes its name from the fact that a number of Germans who settled there were from Wurtemburg, Germany. The town is called for a nick-name "Dutch town," a name by the way, that is becoming out of date. The beautiful scenery around Wurtemburg makes the town the most beautifully located in the county. The town is situated on the Slipperyrock creek within half a mile of where that creek empties into the Connoquenessing, and the two make a beautiful stream. The water power is excellent here and it is a wonder that the power is not utilized for manufacturing purposes. The scenery is so grand in the vicinity of Wurtemburg that Pittsburgh artists each summer visit the place and make sketches of the main points. The town proper is an old place. Ananias ALLEN was probably the first settler on the land where Wurtemburg now stands. He came there about the year 1795, and after erecting a log house, built a grist mill of logs, which had one set of country stones. The mill was built on the site of the present Wurtemburg mills. This mill was known all over the country, and people brought their grists there from as far as New Castle, this mill being built before any at that place. About 1829 Jacob LEIBENDORFER, with his two sons, Jacob and Daniel, came to Wurtemburg. They came from Germany [p. 83] originally, but had spent a few years in Westmoreland and Butler counties before settling here. In 1831 the grist mill now standing was built by the LIEBENDORFERs who sold it and it passed through many different hands until its present owner, Mr. J.J. KELLY, bought it in 1881. A saw mill and lime kiln was built by the LIEBENDORFERs and F. RAPP and P. NOSS about the same time the grist mill was erected. The mills ran about twenty years when an accident occurred and the mills were shut down never to run again. A salt well was put down about five hundred feet by MATHENY & HEMPHILL, in 1820 and run or worked for nine years. About two barrels of salt were taken from the well each day. The well was finally abandoned as it was not a paying investment. Many firms bored for oil in this neighborhood about 1800 up to 1876, but although oil was discovered, it was not in paying quantities. The postoffice was established in about 1845. J.F. MORRISON is now the efficient postmaster. John, Joseph and Thomas HYDE opened the first store here. Frederick RAPP erected the hotel which is now standing and owned and managed by William B. WILSON. It is a two-story brick building, and is the only hotel in the place. A substantial brick school building, two stories high, was erected in 1872, and the school numbers about fifty pupils at the present time. Away back as far as 1808 religious services were held in the old ALLEN mill by the Presbyterians. The first blacksmith shop was started and built by Jacob WEIS, away back in 1820. The United Presbyterians organized a church at Wurtemburg in 1859, and Rev. Thos. GUTHRIE, D.D. was the first pastor for a short time, but the first regular pastor was Rev. J.H. Peacoe, who came in 1865, and preached about five years. The church lot was donated by James MEHARD, and the frame church was erected in 1860. The German Lutherans met at the house of Jacob LIEBENDORFER for religious services as far back as 1831, and an organization was formed. Rev. J.S. ROSS organized the M.E. church here in 1876, and a church was erected which was known as the Centennial M.E. church, in the same year. Rev. Mr. WINTER was the second pastor f the church. The Wurtemburg station on the P.&W.R.R., is located about half a mile from the town at the junction of the Slipperyrock and Connoquenessing creeks, and a large amount of travel and business go through the office. Wurtemburg has no public works of any kind, and has about one hundred and fifty a population. There are three stores there, five blacksmith shops, a hotel, saw and grist mill. A lodge of Knights of Pythias has been organized, and the organization is in a very flourishing condition, eleven new members being taken in within the past few weeks. The lodge numbers about forty members. The citizens of Wurtemburg are a quiet, respectable community, and are a credit to the county. The tales and legends of the Indian in his connection with Wurtemburg would fill a book of large dimensions, but as most of the tales cannot be substantiated, we refrain from giving any of them. GEORGE H. MEHARD, M.D. Was born Sept. 22, 1857, in the town of Wurtemburg in the old MEHARD homestead. His father, Robert MEHARD, is now one of the county commissioners of this county. George attended school at the Wurtemburg [p. 84] school house until he was about fourteen years of age, when he left home and attended the North Sewickly Academy in Beaver county for two years. He returned home and again attended school at Wurtemburg until 1875, when he went to the Washington-Jefferson College in Washington county, and graduated from that institution in 1879 with honor to himself and parents. During the vacations Mr. MEHARD read medicine with his brother, Dr. T.M. MEHARD, of Wampum, until the fall of 1879, when he attended the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia Pa., and in 1882 he received a diploma as a graduate of medicine and surgery. In the fall of 1886 he located in Wurtemburg and has secured a good practice since that time. Dr. George is a young man of promise and is doing well in his chosen profession. WILLIAM BENJAMIN WILSON Was born in Wayne township, Lawrence county, Pa., October 29, 1820, on the farm of his father, William Wilson, deceased. Mr. Wilson was raised on the farm and attended school in Wayne township, where he received a common school education. Mr. WILSON followed the life of a farmer until 20 years ago when he came to Wurtemburg and bought the old hotel property and has run the house ever since as a hotel. Mr. WILSON still owns and works (with the assistance of his son) the farm where he was born, and the farm has been in the possession of the Wilson family nearly one hundred years, his father being among the first settlers here. Mr. WILSON has run the hotel here successfully twenty years and is well and favorably known all over Lawrence county. He was married to Mary Ann MCCONAHY, of Shenango township, October 8, 1843, and to them seven children were born, six of whom are living, as follows: Christina STEFFLER, of Wayne township; Mary CUNNINGHAM, of Neshannock township; Elizabeth STONER, of Wurtemburg, and Tursy JOHNSTON, of Wayne township. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON are the grandparents of thirteen grandchildren. The old gentleman and his wife are enjoying the best of health, and in their old age are living a quiet easy life. JACOB C. STONER Was born November 20, 1850, in Edenburg, Lawrence county. His father was James J. STONER. When a child his parents removed to New Bedford, where Jacob received his education. He worked on farms at West Middlesex and Camp Run until he was 26 years of age when he started at the blacksmith business, and opened a shop at Pleasant Hill, this county, which he ran for five years. From there he came to Wurtemburg in 1882 and opened a shop in the northern part of town in the old distillery. Mr. STONER is a good workman and has plenty to do. He has been successful and has erected a handsome and comfortable residence near his shop. He was married to Malissa RUTTER, of Camp Run, in 1874, who lived but a few years. In 1884 he was married to Miss Lizzie WILSON, of Wurtemburg. Mr. STONER is the father of three children; two by the first marriage and one by the second marriage. Mr. STONER is a member of the school board of Wayne township independent district and is a good officer. [p. 85] JAMES J. STONER Was born in Greenville, Mercer county, Pa., January 19, 1828. His father, A.G. STONER, was a stone mason by trade, and died when James was a small boy. When Mr. STONER was a small boy his mother moved to Mahoning township, near Edenburg, this county, where James attended school and received a fair education. At the age of 15 years in 1843 he started the blacksmith trade and was apprenticed to John ALEXANDER of Pulaski. After he learned his trade he opened a shop at Edenburg, this county, and run the same four years. From Edenburg he went to New Bedford and run a shop there about 12 years, and from New Bedford he went on a farm for five years at Middlesex, and afterwards moved to Perry township, this county. He sold his farm there about four years ago and came to Wurtemburg and opened a blacksmith shop in the eastern part of town which he has carried ever since. James J. STONER was married to Mary COVER, daughter of Jacob COVER, of Mahoning township, Feb. 14, 1847, and by the marriage eight children were born, five of whom are living as follows: Jacob, married, Wurtemburg; Elizabeth, at home; Mrs. Lydia H. GALLAGHER, of McKean county; Clarissa, at home, and William, married, Bethel, Mercer county. Mr. STONER is one of the oldest blacksmith?s in the county, and is a good workman and a citizen any county might be proud of. JOHN S. SCHWEINSBERG Was born September 13th, 1855, in Marion township, Beaver county, on the farm of his father. His family moved into Perry township, Lawrence county, and young John attended school until he was about fourteen years of age and received a common school education. At that age he went to work for himself and worked among the farmers for about two years. At the age of seventeen years he started to learn the carpenter trade with F. NOSS, at Harmony, Butler county, and then went to work at his trade. he worked one year as a journeyman for Andy ZIEGLER, of Middle Lancaster, Butler county, and then went to work at his trade for himself. He was married to Louisa WORKLEY, of Perry township, Lawrence county, September 20th, 1877. John then moved to Frisco, Beaver county, and worked at the carpenter business there about one year, when he moved to Wurtemburg, and has worked at his trade here ever since. Mr. SCHWEINSBERG is a good workman and has built many buildings in this part of the country. He is a good citizen, and has work contracted for to be done in the summer. Mr. and Mrs. SCHWEINSBERG are the parents of two girls and one boy. WILLIAM T. WHAN Was born May 20th, 1860, near Wampum, Lawrence county, on the farm of his father, Thomas WHAN. He lived on the farm until the year 1878, when he left home to attend college at New Wilimington, where he remained for three years. He then returned to Wampum and went to the West, where he remained for six months seeing the country. He returned to home and was married June 22d, 1882, to Miss Alice CROSS, of Mt. Jackson. Since 1882 he has been a successful school teacher of Lawrence county, and is now in charge of the Wurtemburg school. He ha [sic][p. 86] charge of the Isabella Quarry school, the Newport and the Wurtemburg schools. The school at Wurtemburg has an attendance of about fifty pupils the past winter. The school term closed in March. Mr. WHAN?s home is in Wampum, but he moved his family here when he took charge of the school. SAMUEL R. BROWN Was born September 2d, 1829, in Beaver county, on the Harmony road, within five miles of Wurtemburg, on the farm of his grandfather, John BROWN, one of the oldest settlers in these parts. His father and mother, William BROWN and wife, made their home on the old homestead. His father leased a farm near the old homestead and took possession of the place, but in a few years he died, when Samuel was about five years old. The family, however, remained on the farm for a number of years. The family then went on a farm of William WEST, a short distance away, where they remained two years. Samuel R. BROWN, in 1850, went to Portersville and entered the shop of his brother William (yet living), to learn the wagon making trade. After staying three years he learned the carpenter trade with A.C. MCKINSEY, of Camp Run, Lawrence county, and remained with him three years. In 1856 he came to Wilmington and opened a wagonmaking shop, and has since conducted the business successfully. He was married to Mary Jane MORTON, of Wilmington, August 31st, 1859, and to them five children have been born, two of whom are living as follows: Luella F., at home, and Clara M., also at home. Mr. BROWN has served the township as assessor and inspector of election. He is a good citizen and excellent neighbor. JOHN P. FRIDAY Was born June 9th, 1836, in Baltimore, Md. His father, Louis FRIDAY, was a tailor, and died in 1883, at the age of 77. John P. FRIDAY, with his parents, moved to Pittsburgh when he was about two years old, and in three years the family moved from there to Harmony, and from there came to Wurtemburg in 1851. Mr. FRIDAY left home to go to Pittsburgh, where he learned the boot and shoe making trade. He then returned to Wurtemburg and opened a shop, which he conducted for about ten years, and then opened a general merchandise store in North Sewickley. He sold his store at North Sewickly, operating it for two years, and then came to Wurtemburg and bought out the general store of J.W. HYDE & Bro. Mr. J.F. MORRISON was connected in the business with Mr. FRIDAY, and finally sold out to G. FISHER, who in turn sold out to Mr. MORRISON. Mr. FRIDAY then bought out the store of Henry and George STEFLER, which was located on the east side of town. James LIEBENDORFER went into partnership with Mr. Friday, and the latter in tow years sold out to LIEBENDORFER. From there he went to Chewton, and in connection with James JACKSON bought out Kirkland and Rhodes. He sold out to Jackson and came back to Wurtemburg, and in connection with William MELLON bought the grist mill here and ran the mill three years, and not getting a clear title dropped the business, after losing $2,000. He went to North Sewickley and ran a store there eight years. At the end of [p. 87] that time he came to Wurtemburg, erected a store building, opened a good general store, and has been running the same ever since. Mr. FRIDAY has a good stock which he sells cheap. He was married in May, 1858, to Miss Rachel R. KELLY, of North Sewickley. Mr. FRIDAY is a good business man and a good citizen. JOSEPH H. FRY Was born October 26, 1846, on the farm of his father, on Camp Run, just on the edge of Beaver county. He was raised on the farm and attended school at Camp Run and also at Wayne township, Lawrence county. When about the age of seven years his parents moved to Wayne township. He enlisted in Battery A, Mississippi Mounted Brigade Volunteers, at Wurtemburg, December 8, 1863, and remained with the Brigade until February 2, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. He took part in seven engagements and was wounded once in the arm. When he came home from the war he went to his father?s farm in Wayne township, and remained there until 1870 when he left home to work at his trade, (shoemaking), in Shenango township. He remained there one year and came to Wurtemburg in 1872, opened a shop and has been here ever since. All who know Mr. FRY, know him to be a good workman and a good citizen. He was married to Miss Nancy BOOHER, daughter of John BOOHER, Sr., of Shenango township, May 28, 1870, and by the marriage three children were born, all of whom are dead. Mr. FRY has a good house and has erected a neat boot and shoe shop and is doing well. Mr. FRY?s father is living at the age of 84 years, and his mother died at the age of 72, some years ago. EDWIN T. POWELL Was born February 24, 1862, on the farm of his father, A.S. POWELL, in Butler county. Ed. attended school at the old Dout school house, at Pleasant Hill, Lawrence county, at Ferndell, and at Wurtemburg, and received a fair education. Ed. came here with his father from Beaver county, and started to learn his trade in 1879 with John WEIGLE, of Zelionople. He came here and opened a shop in 1882, and has been successfully running the same ever since. Ed. was married to Miss Maggie PANDER, on the 20th of November, 1883, who died March 12, 1885. Ed. is a young man of promise and a good workman. The shop is located on just the south edge of town. ALFRED S. POWELL Was born in Franklin township, Beaver county, August 31, 1835. He was raised in the place of his birth until the age of about 13 years. His father about this time was killed by falling on an engine, and a short time afterward his mother fell from the top of a shed and her neck was broken. He attended school in Franklin township until he was about 20 years of age, when he went to Iowa and remained there about two years. He then came back to Beaver county and started to learn the carpenter trade, and worked there about two years. From there he came to Perry township, this county, and in two years moved again to Beaver county, where he [p. 88] remained two years and then moved to Fallston, where he worked in the wire mill. In about seventeen months he came back to Perry township, this county, and worked at carpenter work. He then bought a piece of ground in Beaver county and erected a house. After remaining there twelve years he came to Wurtemburg in 1880 and moved on to the MORRISON property and worked on the railroad at stone work. After a year he bought the property he now lives on, erected a paint and blacksmith shop, and has been carrying on the carpenter and stone work business ever since. His son, Edwin T. POWELL, runs the blacksmith shop. Mr. POWELL was married to Sophia HARTZEL, of Beaver county, October 7, 1858, and by the marriage eight children, all boys, were born, three of whom are living as follows: Edwin T. POWELL, at home; George D., at home; and John D., at home, the latter two being twins. Mr. POWELL is a good citizen and has served two years as constable of Perry township. JAMES F. MORRISON Was born April 3, 1827, on the farm of his father, William MORRISON, on Camp Run, in Perry township. He was raised on the farm of his father and attended school at Camp Run in the old-fashioned log school house known and the ELLIOTT school house, and received a common school education. At the age of 26 years Mr. Morrison moved to near Wurtemburg and bought the farm known as the NEWTON farm, which he still owns. He resided on this farm until 1867, when he went into business for himself and opened the general merchandise store which he now controls. He started in business with James A. FLEMING and John P. FRIDAY. He subsequently purchased their interests and has since run the store himself. Mr. MORRISON has a good stock of general merchandise. He has been postmaster and assistant postmaster of Wurtemburg the past ten years, and has held several township offices. He was elected Justice of the Peace two years ago, but refused to lift his commission. James F. MORRISON was married to Anna Margaret MEHARD, daughter of Robert MEHARD, county commissioner, September 9th, 1855, and by the marriage six children were born, three of whom are living, as follows: Dr. Wm. A., of Struthers, Ohio; Mary V. Morrison, at home; and Robert M., at home. Mr. MORRISON is a good citizen and a first-class neighbor. JOHN J. KELLY Was born August 29th, 1824, in New York State. His father was a contractor on the canals of Pennsylvania and Ohio and came across the Allegheny mountains in 1833. In the fall of 1833 he moved on a farm on the Mercer and Sharon road, Mercer county. He lived there until 1844 when he went west to Wisconsin, where he now resides, being about 82 years of age. John J. KELLY attended school in Mercer county until he was about 18 years of age, when he started to learn the mill wright trade. When he had completed his trade he worked for himself and assisted in the erection of mills of all kinds, factories, etc. In 1869 and for ten years after Mr. Kelly was in the oil business, and in 1879 he went to Iowa and with his son erected a mill which they run nearly two years when he came back here and bought the Wurtemburg mill in 1881, which he has successfully run ever since. Robert DEAN, of Greenville, is now connect- [p. 89] ed with the mill as miller, and is the right man in the right place. Mr. KELLY was married to Elvira L. LEECH, daughter of Hon. Morris LEECH, of Clarksville, April 1st, 1847, and to them ten children were born, eight of whom are now living, as follows: Morris LEECH, married at Centerville, a druggist; Wm. M., married, at Creston, Iowa, in the dry goods business; Nancy M. DENNISON, at Butler; Eva C. WALKER, at Erie, Leah SNYDER, at Omaha, Kansas; Delos M., Colorado, a clerk; Hattie B. KELLY, at home. Mr. KELLY has made a large number of improvements in the mill since he bought the property and is making a good brand of flour. He does a good business. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by: Tami McConahy Updated 22 Feb 2000